Uchiha Madara not only has a huge storage capacity in terms of chakra.

And in terms of physical skills, he is not inferior at all, and is even said to be very strong.

Naruto has now used his clones to attack Urashiki thousands of times, but none of them have been able to touch Urashiki's body.。

“No wonder this Ura style looks so calm and calm, but it turns out it really has a lot of energy! "Uchiha Shisui couldn't help but praise him. Facing such a powerful enemy, he was still very humble.。

“What do you know? This may be because we didn't discover Ura Shiki's loophole. If we discover it later, we will definitely hit him! "

The ninja from Kirigakure Village standing next to Shisui said with a serious look on his face.。

“You are right. Teacher Ye once said that as long as we are human, there must be loopholes. Nothing in the world is so perfect! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was on the side, glanced at the expressionless Ye Ying, and slowly started to explain.

Although Naruto and Uchiha Madara attacked Urashiki many times, Urashiki did not react at all, and Ye Ying stood in front of him without any nervousness.

Hiruzen Sarutobi knew Ye Ying very well. If he was not completely sure of dealing with the enemies in front of him, Ye Ying would not let them stand next to him.

He was very protective . I care about the people of Konoha and will not let them suffer any harm unless it is absolutely necessary.。

“Ye Ying, I saw that every time Naruto was close to Urashiki's body, a burst of chakra would suddenly flow in next to Urashiki's body, and this chakra would spread and disappear suddenly. "The members of the Hyuga family who arrived at the scene today are analyzing the battle through their Byakugan. The Byakugan

is a unique power of the Hyuga family. It can observe the flow of chakra at close range and within a certain range, even if it is in front of you. No matter how powerful this Urashiki is, there is no way he can escape the tracking of Byakugan.

And this point just confirms the shadow's speculation.。

“If this is the case, then my analysis is correct. Every time Naruto's clone attacks Urashiki, Urashiki will use chakra to form an invisible space in himself, allowing Naruto's clone to continuously hit the air. , appearing in other locations。”

“Not only that, but after attacking for such a long time, I didn’t notice any signs of Urashiki’s chakra decreasing.。”

“Ye Ying? Is he absorbing chakra from somewhere? "

Sarutobi Hiruzen who was on the side did not dare to question Ye Ying's judgment. After all, Ye Ying has always been very strong in the senses.。

“Sarutobi, I think you are an old fool. You can obviously feel the changes in Urashiki's chakra, and yet you still come to ask me! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little ashamed. He always had no face in front of Ye Ying. Ye Ying had always been so strong. In fact, it was not that

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't feel the changes in chakra.。

“Ye Ying, then this is incredible. According to this analysis, Urashiki can use very little chakra to create a space channel to allow his attacker to change his position. "

This is exactly why Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't confirm his idea just now.。

“You don't have to doubt, your judgment is the same as mine, this Urashiki should have such a specific ability. ”_To

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