“Teacher, you called us here, what are your orders?”

Hizashi, Fugaku and the others asked in unison。

“Shadow clone! "Ye Ying immediately summoned a clone.。

Everyone was very surprised and didn't know what Ye Ying was going to do!

“Five people come out of each of your villages. I want the best of the best. If you feel like it, come with me!”

“Fugaku, Hizu, Naruto, Sasuke, Shiwei, you all come with me!”

Although they didn't know what Ye Ying was going to do, since they had already given the order, they had no choice but to obey. Immediately, a few ruthless characters emerged from each village member and stood in front of Ye Ying.。

“Remember, for these people who are standing up now, I rank you as the first echelon. From now on, you will be officially trained!”

Uchiha Fugaku glanced at the faces of these people. They were not ordinary people. This was the first time that these big people were gathered together.。

“Tsunade, Sarutobi Hiruzen, you stay in the village, the rest of you follow me!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Ying used Flying Thunder God and took all these people away!

When they landed, they appeared at the place where Metkai was training. In this place, Uchiha Shisui and Itachi were leaning against a small tree, watching Metkai keep hitting the tree in front of them.。

Ye Ying suddenly appeared with a group of people. These two people and Metkai were shocked. A flying thunder god directly transferred more than a hundred people. Only Ye Ying could create such a scene.。

“Teacher, teacher! "The three of them ran over。

“Metkai, you continue training, Uchiha Itachi, Shisui, you two come with me!”

Metkai's thick eyebrows wrinkled, as if he felt that he was being favored. He didn't know what Ye Ying was going to do.。

Although he turned around and left, ready to continue training, he kept looking back.。

“Lord Ye Ying, what do we need to do next! "The elites from several other villages asked respectfully.。

They thought that Ye Ying was going to teach them some powerful ninjutsu.。

Ye Ying glanced at the people in front of him. There were almost a hundred of them. They were all elites among the elites. The chakra in the audience was very powerful. In the past, these elites could destroy a village in just a few seconds when they gathered together. However, in front of Ye Ying, they were nothing to mention, so they did not dare to make any mistakes.。

“There are more than a hundred of you, right here, treating me as an enemy and using all your strength to attack me! "Ye Ying said seriously.。

“What? Teacher Ye? you……”Uchiha Shisui didn't understand what Ye Ying meant and wondered if he heard it wrong.。

“Teacher, what are you doing?”

“You have all seen Urashiki's strength. In order to achieve a better understanding of the battle between you, just train me as Urashiki!”

Ye Ying didn't want to explain too many reasons to them. It would be a waste of time to explain anyway. The strength of the Otsutsuki family is not that of Ura Shiki. He must create many combat echelons to win this war 100%.。

Although Ye Ying has given the order, no one dares to take action first. What will happen if Ye Ying is offended?。

“how? Not taking action? Then I'll go first!”

“Magnificent fireball! "In an instant, Ye Ying performed a technique commonly used by the Uchiha family, protruding a huge flame toward the front and attacking the more than a hundred people.

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