Although they don't dare to attack Ye Ying, there is nothing wrong with taking the initiative to resist Ye Ying's technique.。

It is precisely because these more than 100 people are the elites among the elites. Whether it is the use of magic or reaction speed, they are beyond ordinary people. Otherwise, just the power of Ye Ying's magnificent fire ball would have sent them there. Another world。

“The teacher is serious!”

“Have you ever seen a teacher make a joke?”

“No matter, I haven’t played against the teacher yet, but I’m very curious about the teacher’s true strength!”

“Just feel free to beat him. If the teacher can be beaten by you, then he won’t be called Ye Ying!”

“Sharingan, Fire Release, Fire Flame!”

The Uchiha family members were not polite and opened the Sharingan directly, throwing out several representative techniques and hitting Ye Ying's position.。

However, Ye Ying instantly dodged them all.。

“Don’t you claim to be the strongest in the village? Let me see your true strength! "Ye Ying Linkong said with a smile.。

When the elites from other villages heard this, they turned to each other and said, "I want to see how strong this guy is. Brothers, don't embarrass our village!”

“Well, we have to beat him until he admits defeat!”

Now that this was the case, they no longer had any scruples. In just two seconds, seventy or eighty spells were thrown at Ye Ying.。

“Immortal mode!”

“Wood escape!”

“Water escape!”


This is the first time that such a big scene has happened in this world. Metkai, who was beating the trees, heard the continuous explosions coming from behind. He turned around involuntarily and saw Ye Ying being beaten by many people. Covered by the technique, a chakra shield appeared around the body, and the yellow chakra shield also contained a layer of black armed domineering!

Metkai was completely crazy because Ye Ying was able to combine chakra and armed color haki to form a double defense effect。

The spells that hit Ye Ying were not weak, but Ye Ying didn't even move at all in the air and just endured them there.。

After the first wave of magic was thrown, hundreds of explosions sounded in the sky, and thick smoke billowed in the sky.。

“Teacher, will everything be okay? There are so many techniques! "Rizu said with some worry.。

Fugaku laughed at the side: "You really don't understand the teacher very well, you fake apprentice!”

Everyone was staring at the explosion area in the sky, as if they wanted to see Ye Ying being injured by their own technique, but the smoke dissipated, and the position of the person in the sky did not change at all. This person was Ye Ying.。

“God, how is this possible? How did you do it?”

“Is that human being?”

“Nothing happened?”

The technique that was so concentrated just now was thrown at one person. It had been used on Uchiha Madara before. Uchiha Madara's body was blown to pieces, but Ye Ying was in the air and nothing happened. And looked at them with a smile。

“How can this be done? You are purely fighting on your own and have no cooperation at all. In this way, let alone defeat Otsutsuki, even if you defeat me, you can't do it!”

“This guy!”



Uchiha Shisui and Itachi looked at Fugaku. If they cooperated, wouldn't they be combining two techniques with other ninjas?

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