Although Tsunade had been holding her breath all afternoon,。

But now, when Ye Ying comes back, she has no temper at all.。

I can only go and cook for Ye Ying.。

Moreover, during this period, the busiest person is Ye Ying. No one can replace what Ye Ying is doing now.。

If you want these coalition forces to play a greater role on the battlefield, they must train according to Ye Ying's training method, and they are basically close to actual combat every day.。

There really is no one who can take this position. If it were replaced by someone other than Ye Ying, let alone let them discover their own shortcomings in the battle, the opponent might not be able to survive a round and be destroyed.。

“How many such pills should we prepare? "Tsunade suddenly asked when she was eating.。

Ye Ying thought for a while and said slowly: "Prepare two thousand!”

“What? You have to prepare so much? Do you know that I only made a hundred or two thousand pills in one afternoon? It took me more than ten days to make them!”

Tsunade put on a complaining face。

“I know, but we must be fully prepared, and some unpredictable things will happen during these few days of training, so we must be more prepared!”


“But now, the materials are not enough. There are only a few materials left! "Tsuna pointed to a pile of medicinal materials in the corner of the room.。

Ye Ying took a look and said slowly: "I'll do it tomorrow!”

“Farewell, you should carry out your plan tomorrow. You have been so busy these days, leave this kind of thing to me!”

“That’s fine too!”

Ye Ying answered without hesitation.。

“You guy, are you just waiting for me to say this? "Tsunade rolled her eyes at Ye Ying.。

“It's really tiring to do it by yourself. I don't think Hiruzen Sarutobi has anything to do these two days, so let him help you!”

“So, is this appropriate?”

“What's inappropriate? This old guy worries about this and that at the entrance of the village every day. If he doesn't like the life of drinking tea and growing flowers, then find something for him to do!”

Tsunade's brows furrowed. Before she could refute, Ye Ying continued: "That's it. I'll go find him later."。”

Tsunade didn't say anything else. It was a good thing to have Sarutobi Hiruzen help. After all, he was his teacher and he was familiar with it. When picking medicinal materials, there were several places that were still very dangerous. With Sarutobi Hiruzen can also have more protection.。

After eating, Ye Ying ordered someone to call Sarutobi Hiruzen over.。

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't figure out why he was calling himself so late, but he soon appeared outside Ye Ying's house.。

Holding a pipe in his mouth, he pushed the door open and entered.。

“Ye Ying, it’s so late, why did you call me here?”

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is also a smart person, this time, he really couldn't guess Ye Ying's thoughts.。

So many things have happened in the past few days, and any decision Ye Ying makes is subject to rapid changes.。

“Sarutobi, aren't you bored staying in the village during this time?”

Ye Ying turned his head and looked at Sarutobi with a smile on his face.。

“Of course, I still like a passionate life!”

“This is not your style, Sarutobi. Don't you just like peace and quiet?”

“Peace is earned through fighting, and I feel that I have to contribute to our peace. "

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