Ye Ying and Tsunade both looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with disbelief. In the past, he was the one who was least willing to have conflicts. Now, how could he have such a mentality?。

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head and refused to say。

But Ye Ying can also guess a thing or two. This is also because during this period of time, Sarutobi Hiruzen saw his absolute strength, and now the existence of the Otsutsuki family also made him understand the truth. He wants this world For true peace, there must be a righteous man with crushing strength. Only in this way can all humans in the world be afraid.。

Now Ye Ying has achieved this step, but only in the current world, in other worlds, there are still some people who don't know the heights of the world and want to provoke.。

“Okay, I want to arrange a task for you! "Ye Ying looked at Sarutobi seriously.。

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep drag on his cigarette and said slowly: "Whatever is the matter, just tell us directly, there is no need for us to keep it secret!”

Ye Ying couldn't help but laugh: "Let's go with Tsunade to collect medicine tomorrow!”

“What? Collecting herbs? What are you doing that for? "Sarutobi Hiruzen looked confused.。

“Teacher, the pills you saw recently were all refined by me. In the future battles, we will definitely need a lot of them. Our materials are no longer enough, so I hope, teacher, you can accompany me to search for medicinal materials tomorrow!”

Tsunade's words were softer than Ye Ying's.。

Sarutobi Hiruzen was surprised at first. He originally thought that only Ye Ying knew that kind of medicine, but he didn't expect that now Tsunade also learned it.。

Seeing that Sarutobi Hiruzen was helpless, Tsunade continued: "Teacher, and I don't have enough to refine the medicinal materials by myself, so please come and help me!”

Hearing this, Sarutobi was very interested. Even he, a former Hokage, knew the effects of that medicine, but it was much more powerful than any simple repair technique.。

“Okay, then I'll go with you tomorrow!”

Sarutobi readily agreed.。

“That's okay, I'm leaving now!”

After finishing speaking, Sarutobi Hiruzen left very wisely.。

“You're too busy to do it yourself, so let Sarutobi do it for you!”

“Ye Ying, don't be afraid. After Sarutobi finds out about this refining method,……”

“Don't worry, you and I both know what Sarutobi is like. His character is actually very strong. Don't worry that he will spread this refining method!”

“No, I think, Sarutobi-sensei……”

“Okay, don’t talk about this anymore, evening is our time, don’t you want to waste your time here!”

“I don’t want it, I don’t want it, I don’t want it!”


The next morning, Ye Ying appeared at the gate of the coalition camp as usual. In the past few days, those people had become accustomed to Ye Ying's rhythm, and were now ready to go and prepare for Ye Ying's instructions.。

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen also appeared at the entrance of the village, "Where is Tsunade?”

“Teacher, I'm here!”

Tsunade stretched while walking towards Sarutobi Hiruzen。

“you two……”Ye Ying glanced at the two of them, looking like he was hesitant to speak.。

Tsunade and Hiruzen Sarutobi set off first。

“Teacher, what are the two of them doing? Do they need our help? "Fugaku at the entrance of the village saw this scene and was very surprised. He stepped forward and asked.

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