“Sir, in the past few years, we have researched something that can restore chakra!”

The person who took the lead directly revealed his secret。

He knew that the two people in front of him were not ordinary people, they were both Hokages.。

If they don't get something valuable in exchange, they definitely won't be able to survive.。

However, what is valuable? To them, it is probably the only herb that can restore chakra.。

Tsunade still stepped on him, preventing him from getting up and letting him continue talking.。

“Sir, over the years, we have discovered a kind of grass in the mountains. After eating it, we can quickly restore chakra. Moreover, this kind of grass is very remote. If you can let us go, I can take you there!”

“Are you negotiating terms with me?”

Tsunade looked fierce。

“No, no, no, I dare not, sir, I will take you there now!”

Tsunade let go of the man, and from what he said, the herb they were talking about was probably the one Ye Ying asked them to find.。

Although Tsunade knew the refining method, the last batch of materials were brought back by Ye Ying. She only knew that the materials appeared in the mountains, but she didn't know the specific location.。

It would save a lot of time if these people could take her there。

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen still looked wary. He didn't know what these people were thinking.。

“If you dare to play tricks, I will kill you! "Tsunade's eyes sparkled.。

“Don't dare, don't dare!”

The three of them led the way, followed by Sarutobi Hiruzen and Tsunade. As they walked, they would pay attention to their surroundings from time to time to prevent anyone from sneaking up on them.。

“Why are you guys here in this place? Be a rebel!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked from behind.。

However, these people did not have too many worries. Obviously, when Tsunade and Sarutobi Hiruzen came here today, they were definitely not here to catch rebellious ninjas. Otherwise, they would have killed a few of them just now, and they would not be standing now. Here's a chance to chat。

“Dear adults, we used to be ninjas in Kirigakure Village, but we broke some rules and were kicked out. We have no place to go, so we came here!”

The person who took the lead said seriously。

“Is there anyone else here?”

“Who set up that mechanism!”

Several people heard Sarutobi and Tsunade's questions, their eyes flickered, and they paused before saying: "Sir, there are more than just the three of us here, there are many people, but they usually appear and disappear, and we don't know their identity. The exact location. The most important thing is that basically everyone in this place doesn't deal with it. They fight every day when they meet. As for that mechanism, we don't know who set it up!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared into their eyes and looked at their looks. These words were true, but they seemed to be hiding something.。

However, according to the abilities of these people, it is indeed impossible to set up that kind of organization.。

So according to this, there are people here who are much more powerful than the three of them.。

For people with that kind of ability, if they are still willing to stay in this environment, it is definitely not as simple as escaping pursuit, but something here that attracts them, or the kind of grass that can restore chakra.。

A few people continued to walk forward, and there was no danger for the time being.

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