The three rebel ninjas of Kirigakure walked in front, Sarutobi Hiruzen carefully paying attention to his surroundings.。

Although he is the third Hokage and a strong man, the world of ninjas is full of dangers, and he may die if he is not careful.。

Tsunade, on the other hand, looked disapproving.。

Today's Konoha is the largest village in the ninja world. Of course she will not take a few rebellious ninjas seriously.。

“If you three dare to deceive us, you will die without a burial place!”

After walking for half an hour, the terrain underfoot became more and more dangerous. Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at the three people in front of him and said with cold eyes.。

“Sir, please forgive me, no matter how audacious we are, we dare not deceive the Sandaime Hokage and the Fifth Hokage!”

After hearing what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, the three people quickly knelt down and said with panic on their faces.。

“Then take us to find it quickly!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen was worried about an accident and shouted to the three of them.。


The three of them quickened their pace, and Sarutobi Hiruzen and Tsunade quickly followed.。

After walking for a short time, the group finally arrived at a basin located on the top of the mountain.。

The mist here is not the ninjutsu of the Kirigakure ninja, but the kind of spiritual mist that makes people feel relaxed and happy when they smell it.。

“We should have found the right one. Ye Ying told me that rare medicinal materials are most likely to be born in places shrouded in spiritual mist!”

Tsunade said happily at this time. After hearing her words, Sarutobi Hiruzen also breathed a sigh of relief.。

“Then let's quickly collect the medicinal materials and go back as soon as possible。”

Sarutobi Hiruzen said and walked towards the depths of the basin.。

Before they could reach the depths, a strong medicinal fragrance wafted over.。

“This is it!”

Tsunade let out a surprise and was about to step forward。


At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the sky, and an overwhelming number of hidden weapons came towards Tsunade and the others.。


Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted, then formed a seal with one hand。

“Earth escape. Earth flow wall!”

Dozens of earthen walls rose up around Sarutobi Hiruzen, blocking the hidden weapons from outside.。

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen was only protecting himself and Tsunade. The three Kirigakure rebels who were looking for a chance to escape were not so lucky. They were beaten into pieces by hidden weapons on the spot.。

“Get out of here!”

Tsunade has a hot temper, how could she remain silent even after being attacked by someone?。

Before the opponent could release the second wave of hidden weapons, Tsunade punched the ground.。


A huge explosion spread, and the entire ground shook. Tsunade's taijutsu - strange power was enough to shatter a hill.。

Under the huge force, the entire mountain peak shook.。


Someone screamed in the dark, and some people showed their bodies in embarrassment.。

“Fire escape. Fire dragon bullet!”

Hiruzen Sarutobi burned the exposed ambushers to ashes with a fire escape. Tsunade struck out with several instant attacks, killing dozens of ninjas who were ambushing in the dark.。

Dare to provoke two Hokages, I can only say that these people think their lives are too long.。

“Oh, it looks like the thief we want to catch is very strong!”

At this time, a voice came over. This voice seemed to come from all directions and was everywhere.。

“Be careful, the opponent may be invisible using space ninjutsu!”

Sarutobi Hiruzen carefully paid attention to his surroundings. If the opponent knew space ninjutsu, it would be difficult to deal with him.。

A Leaf Shadow Juyu was in front, letting Sarutobi Hiruzen clearly know how difficult it is to deal with people who know space ninjutsu.。

“Stop being so sneaky and hide, get out of here! "

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