“That’s it, she’s fine!”

Ye Ying breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Tsunade was okay.。

If Tsunade is really attacked by Pu Shi, then Ye Ying will probably blame himself for the rest of his life. After all, he was the one who asked Tsunade to collect medicine.。

“Itachi, tell me what happened!”

Although nothing happened to Tsunade, the murderous intent in Ye Ying's eyes was not much less。


Itachi hurriedly talked about what Uchiha Fugaku had forwarded to him. After hearing this, Ye Ying's eyes suddenly filled with murderous intent.。

“These rebellious ninjas who are wandering outside, I haven't killed them all to maintain stability, but they still dare to jump out. However, I trust your father to leave the matter of space ninjutsu to your father. He can definitely ask anything. You go back first. , I will go back after today’s training is over!”

Ye Ying is not too worried about Uchiha Fugaku's interrogation ability. Today's training is already halfway through, and he cannot give up halfway.。

“is teacher!”

Itachi bowed, turned and left。

���Looking at the elite ninjas below who were still fighting with his sand soldiers, Ye Ying was thinking about those traitorous ninjas.。

Although space ninjutsu is rare, it is basically in the hands of great ninja villages and big families, and many of them are blood-inherited abilities.。

For example, the Kamui gained from the Sharingan of the Uchiha family is a very good space ability, and the Flying Thunder God Jutsu is also a powerful space-time ninjutsu.。

However, these time and space ninjutsu are very difficult and cannot be mastered by ordinary people.。

But those rebel ninjas that Tsunade and the others encountered possessed time and space ninjutsu, which I have to say was a bit surprising.。

If the entire coalition can really be equipped with space-time ninjutsu, then they will be more confident against the Otsutsuki clan this time.。

“Tsunade, you are really my good wife!”

Ye Ying smiled slightly。

But he didn't forget about the elite ninjas he was training with. He directly increased his efforts and raised the combat effectiveness of the sand soldiers to the level of elite jounin.。

A group of elite ninjas suddenly screamed in agony. They had already been fighting hard, but now it was even more difficult.。

Ye Ying did not withdraw his strength. This was to vent Tsunade's anger at being attacked by someone. Secondly, if he did not increase his strength, these people would never feel the pressure.。

Ye Ying's purpose is to smooth them over so that when they go to the battlefield, they will all hold on to the prejudices between ninja villages.。

As the sun set, the elite ninjas who looked miserable supported each other and slowly walked back to Konoha.。

And Ye Ying has already returned home.。

At this time, Tsunade was diligently refining the Jiuxin Pill, so that Ye Ying hugged her from behind, and she realized that Ye Ying had returned.。


Tsunade looked at Ye Ying. Ye Ying rarely came back so suddenly. Usually he had to deal with other things before coming.。

“Today I asked you to go out to collect herbs, but you were attacked by someone. It was my fault!”

Ye Ying hugged Tsunade and said apologetically。

“A few rebellious ninjas are nothing!”

Tsunade didn't care, she wasn't hurt anyway。

“If it's Pu Shi, if something happens to you, how can I blame myself? You will stay by my side from now on, otherwise I will be afraid!”

Ye Ying whispered, and waves of sweetness surged in Tsunade's heart. She could get such love from a man, what else could she ask for?。


Tsunade nodded, Ye Ying laughed at this and kissed her。

“From now on, no one can touch you! "

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