After lingering with Tsunade, Ye Ying did not forget the business and went directly to the Hokage office building.。

“Lord Ye Ying, Chief Fugaku is already waiting for you!”

As soon as Ye Ying arrived at the Hokage Building, Shizune, who was staying here to handle matters, hurried over and said to Ye Ying。


Ye Ying walked directly to the office, and sure enough, Uchiha Fugaku was already waiting there.。


Uchiha Fugaku bowed first when he saw Ye Ying. He was holding a dossier in his hand. It seemed that he had obtained all the secrets.。

“How about it?”

Ye Ying stopped talking and looked at Uchiha Fugaku and asked。

“Teacher, I asked all the interrogators in Konoha to work together and force that guy to reveal all his secrets. This is information that I think is useful.。”

Uchiha Fugaku handed the file to Ye Ying, and then stood aside respectfully.。

Ye Ying opened the file, which contained all the information obtained from the interrogation.。

Ye Ying is not interested in other secrets, they are just some of Yunyin's past。

However, Yunyin had been destroyed by him a long time ago, so this kind of news is useless.。

He directly turned to the secrets about the time and space ninjutsu on them. After reading it, Ye Ying frowned.。


This is Ye Ying's first thought. The space ability of these guys is not their ninjutsu, but comes from something called a space stone.。

These guys embedded space stones in their bodies, and then they mastered abilities similar to time and space ninjutsu.。

“Teacher, this is the space stone taken from that guy!”

Uchiha Fugaku pointed at a diamond-shaped crystal on Ye Ying's table, and Ye Ying picked it up.。

Ye Ying did not notice the existence of chakra in this space stone, but there was a feeling of the Uchiha family's Sharingan.。

“Fugaku, do you think there is any connection between this space stone and the Uchiha family!”

Ye Ying looked at Uchiha Fugaku, he could feel it, and it was the same for Fugaku.。

“I don’t know, but I feel like my Sharingan has a throbbing sensation of absorbing the Space Stone!”

Fugaku shook his head and said to Ye Ying。

“It seems that the two of you are indeed connected. Although this space stone is not a time and space ninjutsu, I now have other functions!”

Ye Ying smiled. At first, his first reaction was that this thing was useless, but after sensing that the space stone was connected to the Sharingan, he had other ways to develop it.。

“I don’t know what to do, teacher?”

Fugaku looked at Ye Ying, he didn't know how to use this thing yet.。

Although it can be known from the description of the traitorous ninja who was captured that if this thing is embedded in the body, it can have abilities similar to time and space ninjutsu, but it seems to have no other uses.。

“I haven't determined this yet, but you should go and ask Naruto and the others to come over first!…”

Ye Ying put the space stone into the drawer, looked at Fugaku and said。


Fugaku didn't say much and quickly found Naruto and the others.。

Shisui, Naruto, Itachi and the others stood together, waiting for Ye Ying's arrangements.。

Now their strength is no less than that of ordinary Kage-level ninjas. With Ye Ying's training, they can now fight even if they encounter Fu Shi.。

“Teacher, is there anything we need to do?”

Today they got news from Itachi and knew that there should be a related task assigned to them.。

“Are you interested in doing a mountain clearing mission?”

Ye Ying looked at his proud disciples.

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