“He actually died! ?”

“Lord Ye Ying is not sure yet, so we can’t relax yet!”

“Yes, it will take some time to determine the results!”


After seeing Ura Shiki's body, everyone showed excitement。

But because of Ye Ying's reminder, they were not completely relieved.。

“You should go back and rest first. Don't leak today's events to the coalition forces. Orochimaru, these corpses will be handed over to your scientific research room!”

Ye Ying didn't stay with everyone for negotiation, he had to wait until he was sure about Ushiki's life or death before deciding anything.。

“Haha, thank you Teacher Ye Ying. I have never studied the corpse of a god. I believe this will be of great help to my research!”

Orochimaru licked his lips and looked at the Urashiki corpse in Ye Ying's hand with greed.。

By studying the bodies of the Otsutsuki clan, the rulers of this world, Orochimaru believed that he would be able to get what he wanted.。

“Orochimaru, I admire your character of wanting to study everything!”

Ye Ying smiled slightly. He was not afraid of what Orochimaru would do to the corpse. I believe that in the entire Konoha and even the entire ninja world, no one would want to analyze the secret of Urashiki's corpse more than Orochimaru.。

After receiving Ye Ying's instructions, other Konoha strongmen left one after another. There was nothing they could do if they stayed.。

After everyone dispersed, Ye Ying was also preparing to leave with Tsunade and the others.。

But as soon as he went out, Ye Ying met Orochimaru waiting at the door.。

“Tsunade, please leave first!”

Seeing Orochimaru, Ye Ying also guessed what he wanted to say, and he asked Tsunade and the others to leave first.。

“Orochimaru, just say what you want to say!”

Ye Ying looked at Orochimaru. This guy could follow him from beginning to end just because he wanted to explore the secrets of another world.。

“Teacher Ye Ying, if Ōtsutsuki Ura Shiki is confirmed to be dead, will you still want to attack the moon and collide with the entire Ōtsutsuki family? Then will you still enter another world?”

Orochimaru looked at Ye Ying with burning eyes. The biggest crisis in the world now is Otsutsuki Ura Shiki. Now that Ura Shiki is dead, no one will want to take the initiative to challenge the crisis.。

He was worried that Ye Ying would give up the moon plan and no longer want to enter another world.。

If this is the case, then Orochimaru will no longer follow Ye Ying。

He believes that one day he can find a passage to another world and realize his dream。

“Hahaha, Orochimaru, you are looking down on me too much. Although I am not interested in power, I am interested in solving the Otsutsuki clan. Do you think I will stop here!”

Ye Ying laughed loudly, looked at Orochimaru and said。

“I see, then Teacher Ye Ying, Orochimaru will be your loyal follower after all!”

Orochimaru bowed slightly and said with a smile.。

“Let’s unravel the secret of the Otsutsukiura-style corpse!”

Ye Ying patted Orochimaru on the shoulder.。

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki is just a pawn of the Otsutsuki clan. There are many stronger ones than him.。

To truly defeat the Otsutsuki clan and protect everything around him, Ye Ying needs more information about Otsutsuki.。

“Okay, Teacher Ye Ying, I won’t let you down!”

Orochimaru bowed, then turned and left。

After receiving Ye Ying's affirmative answer, he regained his fighting spirit.。

Eternal life, he must realize this dream!

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