After Orochimaru left, Ye Ying took Tsunade and the others home. When they got home, Ye Xin and Ye Yin, both dressed in military uniforms, looked solemn.。

“What are you doing?”

Seeing the two of them like this, Ye Ying was speechless.。

“Dad, we have grown up too. If there is a war, we will also join the war!”

Ye Yin said righteously to Ye Ying, and Ye Xin also looked solemn.。

“Of course you can join the war, but your current strength is not enough. Wait until you become stronger. What you have to do now is to go to sleep!”

Ye Ying put his hands on the two little heads and said to them。

“Hum, dad, just wait, we will definitely become stronger!”

There was fire in the eyes of the two little ones. They also wanted to be able to participate in the war just like Brother Naruto and the others.。

But before their fighting spirit could burn out, Ye Ying kicked them one by one back to their room to sleep.。

After the two little ones fell asleep, Ye Ying looked at Tsunade and Uchiha Jiri with evil intentions.。

“Next, let’s do something we should do!”

Ye Ying smiled slightly, picked them up by the waist, and walked towards the bedroom.。

“Bastard, what are you doing!”

“Bad guy, I'll let you go tonight!”

The two of them half pushed, and then the bedroom door closed.。


A night of silence。

The next day, Ye Ying got up from the bed comfortably, and the two people next to him had a great time.。

“Get up so early!”

Ye Ying's movement woke up the two of them. They looked at Ye Ying. Now that Ushiki is dead, they no longer need to be as nervous as they were some time ago.。

“Although Urashiki's crisis may be temporarily resolved, Kaguya Otsutsuki, who is stronger than him, is still waiting for resurrection on the moon, and the Otsutsuki clan that spans the universe is still peeping. I can't relax!”

Ye Ying stood up and prepared to continue training the ninja coalition.。

His plan will not stop just because Otsutsuki Ura Shiki dies. Now as long as he wants, the entire ninja world is his, and there is almost no obstacle to his execution of the plan.。

“That’s right, the crisis is never eliminated!”

The two of them also realized what Ye Ying said and were preparing to get up.。

“Just sleep a little longer. Trust me, with me here, you won't encounter any danger!”

Ye Ying waved his hand, then turned and left。

He can't relax yet, but Tsunade and the others can breathe a sigh of relief.。

The two women didn't insist. They just felt warm in their hearts. There was someone protecting them. This feeling is called home.。

Ye Ying headed outside the village, where the elite ninja coalition had already assembled.。

After being trained hard by Ye Ying for two days, they respected and feared Ye Ying. Their pride as a top ninja in the past had long been tempered.。

“For our decisive battle with a more powerful enemy, you are the group of people who cannot relax the most, because the enemy we have to face is not a person or a country, but a race. If you want to protect everything you cherish now, then You can't stop!”

Ye Ying nodded slightly after seeing the momentum of these coalition forces.。

It seems that no one leaked the news yesterday, otherwise these people's fighting spirit will definitely drop greatly today.。

In order to prevent anyone from slacking off, Ye Ying encouraged them before the training started to improve their fighting spirit.。

“The enemy is immortal and the pace never stops!”

“The enemy is immortal and the pace never stops!”


Everyone in the Ninja Alliance responded.

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