“Well, the momentum is good, so today is still a practical training. As long as you can touch me, the Jiuxin Pill reward will never be less!”

Ye Ying nodded, this momentum was what he wanted。

“Ah, it’s actual combat training again!”

After hearing Ye Ying's training arrangements, everyone felt their scalps numb and covered in cold sweats.。

In the last actual combat training, they were beaten badly by Ye Ying. An entire ninja coalition was beaten to the ground by Ye Ying alone. Facing Ye Ying's inhuman combat power, they had no choice at all.。

But Jiuxinwan is indeed very tempting, and every time they are trained by Ye Ying, they can learn a lot。

“Why, you're scared!”

Ye Ying looked at the coalition team in front of him and said coldly。

All the coalition forces lowered their heads, they were indeed afraid。

“I give you a chance, I only use 30% of my strength, and you can fight at the same time!”

Ye Ying wanted to make this army stand up, so naturally he couldn't oppress them too much, so he gave them enough opportunities this time.。

“It's so arrogant to fight 900 top jonins with only 30% of your strength!”

After hearing Ye Ying's words, everyone in the coalition suddenly became energetic.。

If they only have 30% strength, then they still have a chance to defeat Ye Ying。

“How about it, but if you lose then the training volume will be increased three times!”

Ye Ying looked at everyone and said coldly。

“Yes, Lord Ye Ying, we are willing to practice training!”

Soon all the coalition forces nodded. Ye Ying nodded and took the lead to fly towards the Kingdom of Sand area.。

The ninjas quickly followed. The Kingdom of Sand is mostly uninhabited desert, which is very suitable for fighting.。

After arriving in the Kingdom of Sand, Ye Ying not only did not take action directly, but thought of it, he also left enough time for the coalition team to recover and discuss tactics.。

The coalition forces are divided into nine teams. At this moment, the nine captains are gathering together to discuss tactics.。

“Master Ye Ying's strength is extraordinary. Even if it is only 30%, we cannot fight against it. What can you do?”

The captain made a rational analysis, and they were not stupid enough to think that they could defeat Ye Ying because they had more people.。

“Using joint tactics, our nine teams are divided according to different combat capabilities, which can greatly enhance our combat effectiveness!”

A more rational captain stated his plan, and several others nodded.。

Then several people started to discuss, and after it was over, they immediately divided their fighting strength.。

Ye Ying waited until they were ready before standing up.。

“Are you ready?”

Ye Ying looked at everyone. He was standing on a sand dune, looking down at everyone.。

“Lord Ye Ying, let’s begin!”

A captain agreed, and then many ninjas dispersed and took advantage of the desert environment to hide.。

But now there were about four to five hundred people left in front of Ye Ying. They stared at Ye Ying cautiously.。


Ye Ying snorted coldly and flew down.。

“The fire escapes, the powerful fire is extinguished!”

Ye Ying spit out a fire escape technique. Although he only used 30% of his strength, the terrifying flames still quickly filled the entire desert.。

“What a terrifying fire escape, come on!”

The captain gave the order, and then a row of ninjas rushed out。

“Water escape, water dragon bullet technique!”

Their movements were uniform, and dozens of Water Escapes and Ye Ying's Fire Escapes offset each other.。

“Ninja swordsmen, charge!”

Then the overwhelming hidden weapons fell, and countless ninja swords slashed at Ye Ying.

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