The battle was won, and the battle was won.

A wooden clone of Hashirama said, "This large barrier covering the entire village was designed and built by a master of sealing techniques from the Uzumaki clan when Konoha was first established."

"Under normal conditions, this barrier only has a sensing function."

"But the sensing function is only the most basic function of this barrier."

"Once an external enemy invades, you can add other barriers or formations on the basis of the sensing barrier like me."

"You can add up to 3 additional formations, and they will take effect at the same time."

Hashirama's explanation opened the eyes of the ninjas in the barrier class.

Someone asked: "Such a powerful barrier, why don't we know its correct use?"

"Yes, the barrier class has been studying and trying to strengthen this barrier. We have also tried to add other formations, but we can't do it."

The wooden clone said: "Adding other formations requires specific methods, which involves the knowledge of the Uzumaki clan's sealing technique. It's normal that you don't know."

"The function of the barrier is too powerful, so I stipulated that only the successive Hokage are qualified to know it."

"When Tobirama was dying, he passed the position of Hokage to Monkey. Maybe time was tight at the time and he didn't have time to tell him the function of the barrier."

What he didn't say was that in addition to him and Tobirama, his wife Uzumaki Mito also knew how to use this barrier.

As for why Uzumaki Mito didn't tell the Third Hokage about this until his death, Hashirama had some guesses in his heart.

The disappearance of the Senju clan and the demise of the Whirlpool Kingdom

"Great! With this barrier, Konoha will no longer be afraid of foreign invasions."

"That traitor Mizuki is really powerful and has caused serious damage to Konoha several times, but with this barrier, we don't have to be afraid of him anymore."

"The Four Red Yang Formation is enough to keep him out of the village."

Everyone was very excited.

But Hashirama's Wood Clone shook his head.

"No, the Four Red Yang Formation alone can't stop him."

Relying on the shapeshifting and the Flying Thunder God Technique, Mizuki can easily enter Konoha.

Even without using space ninjutsu, Mizuki can use the power of the God to directly pass through the Four Red Yang Formation and enter the village.

Therefore, the Four Red Yang Formation alone is useless.

"Can't stop it? How is this possible?"

"This is the legendary Four Red Yang Formation!"

The less knowledgeable Chunin spoke up to express his confusion.

The wooden clone shook his head and said, "If you want to completely isolate Shuimu from the outside, you need another technique."

After the words fell, there were suddenly several loud noises of huge objects falling to the ground outside.

The next moment, all the ninjas in the barrier class felt that they could not move their bodies, and they could not mobilize the chakra in their bodies.

Some of them with poor physical fitness fell directly to the ground and could not even get up.

It was difficult to move a finger!

The only ones who could move freely were the four wooden clones of Hashirama.

"What's going on!"

"What happened?"

"Has Shuimu already attacked the village?"

They didn't know it in the house, but if they were outside, they could see that four huge Myojin Gates stood side by side on the ground, completely covering the barrier control building below.

The reason why the ninjas in the barrier class could not move or mobilize chakra was because they were suppressed by the suppressive force of the Myojin Gates.

This scene was seen by countless people in the village, but no one understood the purpose of the first generation of Hokage doing this.

Some ninjas even speculated that Mizuki had sneaked into the barrier class, and the first generation was suppressing him with a technique.

In the barrier class, the four wood clones were all making hand seals.

Soon the hand seals were completed, and the suppressive power of the Myojin Gate began to be absorbed by the perception barrier.

In the barrier control center, four Myojin Gates that seemed real and illusory appeared above the hemispherical red barrier model.

It was as if the four Myojin Gates suppressed the entire Konoha below.

As the suppressive power was absorbed and reduced, the ninjas of the barrier class began to feel relaxed and slowly recovered their ability to move.

In the outside world, all the ninjas in the village felt an extra force above their heads.

This force made their chakra very heavy and difficult to control, so that they could not cast ninjutsu.

Hashirama integrated the suppressive power of the Myojin Gate into the barrier.

As a result, the entire village was shrouded in the suppression range of the Myojin Gate.

But Konoha is so big, and the suppression power of the four Myojin Gates is limited. If they are dispersed, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Although the effect is poor, it is still effective.

At least, the ninja under the barrier has a hard time controlling the chakra.

Only Hashirama was not affected.

Because the Myojinmon was his technique!

"As long as Mizuki dares to enter the village, he will no longer be able to perform conventional ninjutsu. The only ones he can use are the Sharingan pupil technique and the Samsara eye pupil technique."

"But without the coordination of chakra, the power of the pupil technique will be greatly reduced by relying solely on the pupil power."

"The only thing he can rely on is physical skills, but relying solely on physical skills, I can easily defeat him with a thousand hands."

On the high wall, Hashirama was full of confidence.

He faced the outside of the village, watching Mizuki approaching quickly from the air, and waited quietly.

Mizuki saw all the changes in Konoha.

First, he saw that the Four Red Yang Formation enveloped Konoha, but he didn't care.

He was just curious about how Hashirama did it and integrated the Four Red Yang Formation into the perception barrier.

But just now, he vaguely saw that there were four huge shadows of the Myojinmon in the sky above Konoha, which made him afraid.

"What did Hashirama do?"

"Are these four Myojinmon real or fake? Is it just Hashirama bluffing?"

It must be said that the Myojinmon technique is really powerful.

Even the Ten-Tails can be suppressed, so Mizuki certainly doesn't dare to face its suppressing power.

So he is very cautious!

It's a matter of life and death, so don't be careless!

Soon, he flew closer, hanging outside the barrier, facing Hashirama in the air.

"Give up, Mizuki, I will never allow you to destroy Konoha." Hashirama said loudly.

Mizuki didn't answer, but split a shadow clone!

Then, he changed his shape!

The shadow clone and Hashirama on the wall instantly switched positions.

Hashirama appeared in mid-air, and before he could react, several black sticks were inserted into his body, blocking his chakra and movement.

But Shuimu didn't feel happy last night.

The feeling is wrong!

As expected, this Hashirama turned into wood.

"That's right, knowing that I can change my shape and shadow, it's normal to use a wooden clone to defend. If the real body shows up, I'd be surprised."

At the same time, the shadow clone that entered the barrier immediately felt that the chakra was out of control.

He directly dissolved himself and fed back the memory to Shuimu's body.

"Damn, are you kidding me? Chakra really can't be used!"

He created dozens of shadow clones, all of which entered the barrier through shape and shadow, and appeared in various locations in Konoha.

It turned out that no matter where you are, as long as you are within the range of the barrier, chakra cannot be used.

So, Shuimu turned and left.

With this barrier, he basically has no chance to cause some damage.

First of all, the Four Red Yang Formation is difficult to break.

This is not a small formation, it can be broken by the seal of the Samsara Eye.

If the Ten-tailed Beast Ball cannot be broken, Mizuki should not try.

Secondly, the chakra in the barrier cannot be used. If he rushes to go, he will be beaten by Hashirama and have no power to resist. He will die miserably.

"Forget it, the main purpose of my coming here today is to save Naruto, and I also killed the Second Hokage. This trip is worth it. I don't ask for more."

He didn't intend to destroy Konoha.

Once Konoha suffers great damage, the Konoha ninjas outside will be recalled at the first time.

In that case, Rock Lee, who is in the Rock Village of the Land of Earth, will also be recalled and will not be able to participate in the finals of the Chunin Exam.

This is what Mizuki doesn't want to see.

He still hopes that Rock Lee will pass the Chunin Exam.

After Mizuki solved Tobirama, he wanted to solve Hashirama as well. After all, Hashirama is still too strong, and keeping him is always a hidden danger.

But now there is no way, he can only retreat.

"Naruto's vitality is almost gone. I have to go there in advance, otherwise it will be bad if I miss the time and his soul enters the Pure Land."

The Kamui was activated, a space vortex appeared, and Mizuki was sucked into the Kamui space.

On the wall of Konoha, looking at Mizuki leaving, Hashirama breathed a sigh of relief.

"To prevent Mizuki from making a comeback, this barrier cannot be removed."

"At least not in a short time."

He left the wall and soon arrived at the Hokage Building.

"Orochimaru, gather all the ninjas in the village. I want to inject some Wood Release Chakra into everyone's body."

"With Wood Release Chakra, you will not be affected by the suppression effect of the Myojin Gate."

He took out another scroll and threw it to Orochimaru.

"This is the scroll left by Tobirama, which records the principle of the contract seal barrier. Find the right person to learn it. The more people learn it, the better."

"Mizuki is a dangerous person and has great malice towards Konoha. He will come sooner or later. We must master the power to resist him."


In the Kamui space, Naruto is not dead yet.

In the consciousness space, he talked a lot with Minato Namikaze.

This time,

Minato had plenty of time to tell Naruto everything he needed to tell him.

After the important things were said, Minato even told Naruto a story.

Mizuki entered the Kamui space.

Soon, Naruto's vitality was completely lost and his life was about to end.

Once the Jinchūriki died, the tailed beast sealed in the body would also die.

Look, the biting cold can be felt in the sealed space, which is a sign of death.

But it doesn't care.

It knows that Mizuki will not let Naruto die.

In fact, the Nine-Tails really hopes that Naruto will die, so that it can also completely get rid of the seal through death.

After all, the tailed beast can be resurrected. In a few years, it will be resurrected again, and then it will be free again.

"Outer Path. Reincarnation Technique!"

Mizuki performed the Reincarnation Technique on Naruto's body!

The strong green light enveloped Naruto, and the life that had originally returned to silence was rejuvenated.

When the green light faded, Naruto was intact!


"I saw my dad and talked to him a lot!"

Then he added: "My dad is so handsome and gentle!"

Shuimu smiled, then his face became serious, and he slapped Naruto on the head, knocking him to the ground.

"Ah, it hurts!"

Naruto covered his head and asked: "Master, why did you hit me suddenly!"

"Humph!" Shuimu snorted coldly: "I hit you to teach you a lesson!"

"You have just mastered some methods, and you are blindly arrogant and think you are invincible in the ninja world, right?"

"You actually went to attack Konoha, you are really amazing."

"If it weren't for a coincidence this time, you would really die!"

Naruto lowered his head and didn't dare to speak.

"Okay, go back and tell your mother you're safe. She's the one I'm most worried about!"

"You must remember what happened today. Don't be so stupid in the future."

"I've tried my best to teach you to become stronger, not to let you die!"

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