The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

When Mizuki brought Naruto back to Phoenix Village, Kushina instantly appeared in front of Naruto.

Naruto was so happy that he finally felt his mother's love.

He was full of expectation, ready to throw himself into his mother's warm embrace.

But what greeted him was not a loving embrace.

But a ruthless iron fist!


Naruto was knocked to the ground by the hammer, and a big bump swelled up on his head at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ah! It hurts!"

Naruto covered his head with tears in his eyes.

"Mom, why did you hit me!"

Kushina said loudly: "If not you, who else should I hit!"

"Who made you worry about me?"

"Tell me, what did you do in Konoha?"

"If I hadn't just set up a barrier and used you for experiments, and found that you were in danger in Konoha, do you know how serious the consequences would be?"

Naruto scratched his head and smiled: "Hehe, I'm back safely, mom, don't be angry, forgive me this time, okay?"

From Kushina's tone and demeanor, Naruto felt a deep love.

He was full of warmth in his heart.

But the pain on his head told him that this motherly love seemed a little different from what he imagined.

"Hmph!" Kushina rolled her eyes and said nothing more.

"You haven't told me why you suddenly ran to Konoha?" Kushina asked again.

Naruto was silent, with sadness in his eyes.

"Sakura is dead! She was killed during the mission."

Kushina was full of confusion: "Who is Sakura?"

Naruto: "Well, Sakura was my best classmate in Konoha Ninja School, and later a companion of Team 7."

Kushina: "Companion?"

Mizuki stood behind Naruto and moved his lips.

Kushina understood immediately.

"Well, a companion is dead. For you who are young, it is indeed difficult to accept it for a while."

"But Naruto, you must know that ninja is a high-risk profession. You may die at any time during the mission."

"It is an honor and her own choice for a ninja to die during a mission."

"You shouldn't go to Konoha to ask for accountability because of Sakura's death. This is an insult and trampling on Sakura's ninja career."

Naruto shook his head.

"Mom, I understand what you said."

"But Sakura's death..."

He was silent for a moment, his voice a little hoarse, and said: "From Kakashi's eyes and tone, I can be sure that Sakura's death is definitely not an accident."

"This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy from the top of Konoha."

"Sasuke and I followed Master Mizuki to defect from Konoha, but Sakura is innocent. She did not defect, let alone plan to defect. Why did Konoha do this?"

Naruto's eyes were full of confusion and anger.

Mizuki and Kushina were silent.

Kushina said: "Naruto, some things are not as beautiful as you think. Sakura is a former companion of you and Sasuke, so it is normal for the Konoha high-level officials to be suspicious of her. They are worried that Sakura will become a spy."

Mizuki also said: "Sakura likes Sasuke and is even willing to defect for Sasuke. If Sasuke asks her for information about Konoha, she may tell him. This is what the Konoha high-level officials are worried about."

"So, they would rather kill the hidden dangers before they sprout."

"This is the rotten Konoha."

Naruto fell silent again.

After a while, he raised his head and recovered the sunlight.

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore. I'm going to find Grandma Tsunade to transplant the Samsara Eye."

"If I have the chance, I will revive Sakura."

"I want to improve my strength and continue to become stronger. I can't just let Sakura's death go. I want to seek revenge on Konoha."

Kushina frowned: "Samsara Eye? Transplant? Naruto, what's going on?"

Naruto: "Master Mizuki gave me the Samsara Eye that he took from Obito."

Kushina immediately said: "No, it's too precious, Naruto, you can't have it, give it back to you Mizuki."

Mizuk smiled and said: "It's just a Samsara Eye, it's nothing. I was going to give it to my disciples. Among the disciples, only Naruto's Uzumaki clan bloodline can bear the Samsara Eye."

"And you and Minato both died because of Obito, so this Sharingan is most suitable for Naruto."

Kushina wanted to say something, but Mizuki waved his hand to interrupt.

"Okay, let's settle this!"

He then said, "Now we have time, Kushina, help me and use the barrier to find Sasuke's location.

When Naruto heard about looking for Sasuke, he also got excited.

Shuimu: "Naruto, go to Sasuke's house and find a hair of Sasuke and bring it back."

Naruto did it immediately.

Soon, Naruto found a hair of Sasuke, and the three of them came to the barrier room together.

Kushina began to operate, while Shuimu was responsible for injecting chakra into the barrier to expand the coverage of the barrier.

Ten miles, one hundred miles, three hundred miles, five hundred miles, eight hundred miles...

The wind country, the earth country, and the fire country, the barrier has covered most of the areas of these three countries.

But Sasuke was still not found.

"The range is not enough, more chakra is needed." Kushina said.

Shuimu smiled bitterly and chose to stop.

"My chakra has run out! ”

The larger the range of the barrier, the more chakra is needed. At this time, the chakra in Shuimu's body is indeed almost exhausted.

The barrier was used to find Naruto before, which consumed a lot of chakra.

After a big battle, he used an ordinary Tenkai Zhenxing, a fairy Tenkai Zhenxing, and several wind escape. Rasenshuriken, and then used the Samsara Natural Technique to revive Naruto.

The 200 card of fairy chakra was consumed, and the 560 card of ordinary chakra was less than 50 card.

His current chakra recovery rate is 2.5 cards/minute.

It has been about 20 minutes since leaving Konoha, and the chakra has recovered a little, but it has only recovered to about 100 cards.

And now, the 100 card of chakra is almost exhausted, but Sasuke has not been found.

It seems that Sasuke is not close to the Land of Birds!

It is possible that he is in the Land of Thunder, or the farther Land of Water.

"Wait until I recover my chakra, and then look for Sasuke again! ”

Shuimu was not in a hurry.

Now with this super-large perception barrier, there is no need to worry about not being able to find Sasuke.

"Naruto, go back to Iwagakure first. I am not very reassured that the five of them are in Iwagakure."

"Also, if you meet someone from Konoha, don't conflict with them. If you want to avenge Sakura, you should also find Orochimaru and Danzo, and it has nothing to do with other people."

Shuimu was worried that the Chunin Exam would be affected, so he specifically told him that he was afraid that Naruto would mess up the plan.

After Naruto left, Shuimu left the barrier room and found a place to meditate and refine chakra to speed up the recovery of chakra.

Half an hour later, the chakra was fully restored.

Find Kushina again and use the barrier to search for Sasuke's location again.

"560 cards of chakra are enough to expand the range of the barrier to cover all five major countries. There should be many small countries."

"Finding Sasuke should be no problem. "

However, the result surprised him.

He injected 99% of his chakra into the barrier, which covered all five major countries, and even the Sea Kingdom, which was farther away than the Water Kingdom, was covered by the barrier.

But Sasuke's traces were still not reduced.

"What's going on? Why can't Sasuke be found?"

Shuimu felt extremely difficult.

Kushina said: "There are three possibilities. Either Sasuke is farther away, or Sasuke is dead."

At this point, she paused and continued: "Or, Sasuke is not in the Ninja Realm, but in the Summoning Secret Realm, or in the sealed space."

Sasuke is not dead, Shuimu can be 100% sure of this.

As for the Summoning Secret Realm, it is really possible. Sasuke has a connection with the Ryuchi Cave, and maybe he has entered the Ryuchi Cave.

But Sasuke does not have the qualifications to practice the Sage Mode, so even if he is in the Ryuchi Cave, he will not stay there for long.

As for the farther places...

"Kushina, do you know what is farther away? "

Mizuki's knowledge of the Ninja World is limited to the Five Great Countries and some familiar small countries.

He has no knowledge of places too far away.

But he knows clearly that the Ninja World under his feet is a planet.

The Five Great Countries are just a small area of ​​this planet.

There are more vast oceans and lands that people don't know about.

Kushina recalled: "The area where the Five Great Countries are located is where humans live. And outside this area is an endless wilderness."

"That is the territory of the summoned beasts, and there are no traces of human life. The nine tailed beasts also lived in that uninhabited wilderness before being captured by the Five Great Countries."

"It is said that the three major summoning holy places, Myoboku Mountain, Ryuchi Cave, and Wet Bone Forest, also exist in that wilderness, but the three holy places are surrounded by barriers and form their own space."

"To go to the three holy places, you can only go through specific channels or reverse summoning techniques! "

Shuimu nodded.

Sasuke left Phoenix Village for revenge, and it was impossible for him to go to such a remote place by himself.

So, the remaining possibility is the three holy places.

It is most likely that Dragon

The cave.

Although he speculated like this, Mizuki couldn't be sure. What if Sasuke got carried away and really ran to the wilderness?

But no matter what, at least Sasuke didn't die.

"My chakra is not enough to expand the barrier to cover the entire planet."

"It seems that I have to continue to increase the amount of chakra."

Nearly 600 cards of chakra may seem a lot, but compared with the real cheaters, it is still not enough.

Naruto himself has 100 cards of chakra. If he has the help of the Nine-Tails, the chakra is almost endless.

But even Naruto, who has become a perfect Jinchūriki, can't match Hashirama Senju's chakra.

During the Fourth War, when Hashirama saw Naruto, he sighed: His chakra is catching up with me!

This is why, when Hashirama takes action, he uses all kinds of earth-shattering ninjutsu.

There is no need to worry about not having enough chakra.

Mizuki also wants that much chakra, preferably more than Kaguya Otsutsuki's chakra.

He took out the Hero's Water and thought, "Let's put the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu aside for now and wait until next month. I need chakra now, so I have to give a sip of Hero's Water to Xiao Li."

"I hope the return multiplier triggered is not too low!"

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