The fireball was in the air, and the fireball was in the air.

At this time, on the other side of the pit, the six hundred ninjas of Konoha arrived.

Asuma stood on the edge of the pit, looking at the Sand Ninjas in the pit. At this time, hundreds of Sand Ninjas had already climbed out along the pit wall.

But there were still more than two hundred people in the pit.

"Fire escape ninjutsu, get ready!"

As soon as Asuma gave an order, a Fire escape ninja immediately stood up.

"Fire escape. Great Fireball Jutsu!"

"Fire escape. Dragon Fire Jutsu!"

"Fire escape. Fine Flame Jutsu!"

On the Konoha side, various Fire escape ninjutsu were performed, burning towards the Sand Ninjas in the pit.

The Sand Ninjas immediately organized defense.

Since there was no water nearby, it was obviously inappropriate to perform water escape defense.

Wind escape is restrained by fire escape, and wind escape will strengthen the power of fire escape. If the fire cannot be blown away in the first place, the strengthened fire escape will cause more terrible damage.

Yura shouted loudly: "Earth escape ninja, use earth flow wall!"

An earth flow wall rose from the bottom of the pit, and it was an earth flow wall cast by many people. The height directly exceeded the ground and blocked Konoha's fire escape.

"Detonating Talisman Kunai Prepare!"

"Wind escape Prepare!"


The kunai was thrown towards the Konoha camp with the detonating talisman, and then combined with wind escape to increase the flying speed of the kunai.

Konoha also organized ninjutsu defense.

The battle broke out!

Asuma said loudly: "Don't fight hard, just hold them back. When the large army arrives, they can't run away."


At the same time, Naruto has returned to Phoenix Village.

"Naruto, is Danzo dead?" Kushina asked.

Naruto smiled and said, "He's dead. I suddenly appeared behind him and pierced his heart with a kunai. He didn't have time to react."

Kushina smiled and said, "Are you a little happier now?"

"Yeah!" Naruto nodded.

"I am really happy to have killed Danzo. I have avenged half of Sakura."

"But there is still Orochimaru. I will kill him when I have the chance!"

Hinata, who was standing aside, felt a little depressed when she saw Naruto, who was beaming with joy.

However, she hoped that Naruto would treat her as well as he treated Sakura!

Kushina said, "Okay, use your telescope technique to see what's going on outside!"

"The meteorite on Konoha's side has exploded, but there is no breath of the tailed beast. It seems that we really don't need to worry. The tailed beast has been moved away by Mizuki a long time ago."

"Now that Konoha has freed up its hands, it will definitely not do nothing."

Naruto took out the crystal ball and performed the telescope technique.

Then he saw that Danzo was fine and not dead at all!

"He's not dead?" Naruto was puzzled, and suddenly realized something.

"Could it be that he still has the Sharingan?"

In theory, if the heart was pierced, he would definitely die, but since Danzo didn't die, it can be basically confirmed that it was Izanaki.

"I remember Master Mizuki said that Danzo's Sharingan was destroyed, but I didn't expect it to be still there!"

Naruto frowned.

"Forget it, if I can't kill him once, then I'll kill him a second time. If I can't kill him the second time, then I'll kill him a third time..."

"Until he is completely killed!"

He put away the crystal ball and said to Kushina: "Mom, I'm going out again. I must kill Danzo today."

"Go, be careful!" Kushina didn't worry about Naruto's safety.

Naruto transplanted the Samsara Eye, and his strength increased greatly. Killing Danzo is not a piece of cake, and there is no danger at all.

This time, Naruto did not use the transformation technique to become Obito.

First, he used Flying Thunder God to flash outside the village, and then flew directly to the direction of the Konoha ninja.

This time he didn't plan to sneak attack, but to kill Danzo head-on.

After Naruto left, Gaara also left the village.

He was seen with his arms folded across his chest, floating in the air on a ball of sand, flying towards the battle between Konoha and Sand Ninja.

On the battlefield between Konoha and Sand Ninja, the battle was still going on, and both sides suffered injuries. There were more than 200 corpses on the ground, accounting for half of each.

Logically speaking, the Sand Ninja with 1,000 ninjas against Konoha's 600 ninjas should have the upper hand.

But the fact is that the Sand Ninja didn't get much advantage.

Under the leadership of Asuma, the Konoha ninjas were a little timid. They would attack if they could, defend if they couldn't, and retreat if they couldn't defend.

Anyway, they just didn't fight the Sand Ninja head-on.

However, if the Sand Ninja wanted to retreat, the Konoha ninjas would come up again and slow down the Sand Ninja.

Asuma's goal was simple, to hold back this part of the Sand Ninjas.

"What should I do? They can't do it at all.

They don't plan to fight us head-on, they just want to tie us up. In less than three minutes, the Konoha army will arrive!" Temari asked anxiously.

The thousands of Sand Ninjas led by Maki will arrive in five minutes.

Chiyo is farther away, at least ten minutes.

Once the Konoha army arrives, more than three thousand people will surround these eight or nine hundred people, it will be a massacre.

When Maki arrives, there may not be many people left on Yura's side.

Yura frowned and finally made a decision.

"Someone must stay behind to cover the retreat, otherwise no one can leave!"

Temari said: "I'll stay, my technique has a large attack range and can stop more people."

Yura: "You can't do it alone, I will stay too, and there will be a few more senior ninjas. "

Finally, the Sand Ninjas selected ten people to cover the rear.

Under Yura's order, the others retreated immediately, and only these ten people did not move.

Ten people, facing five hundred Konoha ninjas, were doomed to die, but in order to prevent the village from suffering huge losses, they knew they would die but did not retreat a single step.

"Leave ten people to cover the rear? Humph, naive!"

Asuma sneered, turned his head and said to Yuhi Kurenai: "Kuren, take action, the two of us will cooperate and solve them all at once!"

Kuren nodded and said: "Hurry up, ten people, my technique can't control them for too long!"

"At most 3 seconds!"

Asuma said: "3 seconds, enough!"

Kuren raised her hand to form a seal.

Her body swayed like water, and then slowly dissipated like smoke.

On the opposite side, Yura saw this scene and was shocked and said: "No, it's an illusion, close your eyes quickly! "

But it was too late!

The next moment, the ten people found that a tree had grown behind them, and the branches entangled and bound them, making them unable to move.

Magic. Tree Binding Kill!

Yuhi Kurenai is an illusion-type ninja, and her illusion attainments are second to none in the entire Konoha.

Although the tree binding technique was rebounded by Uchiha Itachi with a glance, there are few people like Uchiha Itachi in the ninja world.

None of the ten sand ninjas are proficient in illusion, and they were easily hit by Kurenai's tree binding.

Of course, to subdue ten people with one move, and ten jonin, Kurenai's chakra consumption is huge, and she can only hold on for 3 seconds at most.

Asuma moved!

He spit out the cigarette in his mouth, and then opened his mouth to spray a thick stream of ash at the ten people opposite.

The ash condensed and did not disperse, and in a blink of an eye, it enveloped all ten people.

Asuma shouted softly: "Fire escape. Ash accumulation burn! "


An explosion occurred in the ash, bright red flames filled the ash, and shrill screams resounded.

Asuma said: "These ten people are already seriously injured. After dealing with them, continue to chase them immediately. Don't let those Sand Ninjas run away!"

At this time, the ash dispersed. As expected, although Yura and others were not dead, they were already burned all over and had completely lost the power to resist.

But Asuma raised his hand to stop everyone from going forward to finish them off.

A ball made of sand appeared in the field at some point. There were only 9 injured Sand Ninjas, one less.

"The female ninja named Temari was protected by the sand ball."

Asuma frowned.

Controlling sand is a unique skill of the Sand Ninja Village.

Those who can control sand in the past generations are very powerful and are the only choice to inherit the position of Wind Shadow.

"Gaara died in the Rock Ninja Village, and now there is another person who can control sand here. "

"Could it be the candidate for Kazekage who has never appeared in the ninja world?"

Asuma turned his head and looked around, but he didn't see who it was!

He was even more confused!

In the sand ball, Temari had a complicated expression.

"Gaara, is that you? "

She loves and fears Gaara. Gaara is her biological brother and a blood relative. But Gaara is still a monster who kills without blinking an eye, which makes her afraid since she was a child.

After the Konoha Chunin Exam, Gaara was taken away by Mizuki. Temari was happy at that time because she didn't have to live in the same village with this monster anymore.

And when she heard that Gaara died in the Rock Village, she felt a little sad. After all, he was her biological brother.

But now she knows that Gaara is not dead at all.

Because no one in the village can control sand now.

Now, Gaara actually protects her, which makes Temari feel incredible.

That monster has always only known how to kill people, but now he actually saves himself, which has greatly changed her view of Gaara.

She felt a little touched in her heart. Is her brother finally normal?

But as soon as she was touched, she immediately came back to her senses.

"Brother, go away quickly, don't worry about me! "

"There are too many ninjas in Konoha. You can't stop them and will die here."

She shouted loudly,

No matter whether Gaara can hear it or not.

Gaara, who was hiding in the dark, smiled unconsciously when he heard Temari's concern for his safety.

It feels really good to be cared for!

Temari was very anxious, and at this moment, Gaara's voice rang in her ears.

"I'll take you away first, don't worry, I can stop the ninjas of Konoha by myself."

After the words fell, the sand shield around Temari dissipated, but she felt that the sand under her feet floated up, and she also flew up with the sand.

The other 9 seriously injured ninjas were also carried by the sand.

Gaara's action this time was not because he wanted to return to the Sand Ninja, but to repay the Sand Ninja's kindness in raising him.

Although he had a bad life in the Sand Ninja Village since he was a child and was hated by everyone, he grew up in that village after all.

Now he doesn't want to kill anyone he sees like before, and his personality has become gentler.

"I saved you this time. From now on, I will never owe the Sand Village anything."

On the Konoha side, Asuma shouted, "Chase!"

But at this moment, the ground suddenly rioted, and a large amount of sand appeared from the ground, forming a quicksand storm, rushing towards them.

"Who is it? You are hiding your head and showing your tail. Come out if you have the guts!" Asuma shouted.

But Gaara did not show his head.

"Humph, do you think the sand can stop us?"

"Water escape ninja, wet the sand!"

Immediately, a water escape ninja stepped forward to form a seal.

"Water escape. Water Dragon Bullet!"

"Water escape. Waterfall Technique!"

After several water escapes, a large amount of water was drawn from a river not far away and poured on the sand.

The sand became heavier when it was wetted by water.

Gaara frowned, and he found that the difficulty of controlling the sand increased several times.

In the air, the flying speed of the sand was not fast. If this continued, the Konoha ninja would soon catch up with Temari and the others.

"Try the Senjutsu Chakra!"

The next moment, he mobilized the Senjutsu Chakra, and then found that the sand that was wet by water was easy to control again.

And it seemed that there was a new change!

Asuma and others saw the sand moving again, and immediately stopped and became alert.

Then they saw a giant made of sand rising from the ground.

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