The old man was so tired.

Danzo had died more than fifty times.

He was so tired!

Even at the end of his life, he just gave up, didn't struggle, and didn't ask for help.

And Naruto couldn't bear to perform the reincarnation technique more than fifty times in a row.

Every time he performed the technique, the chakra consumption was very high, and the vitality stored in his body was almost exhausted.

"Sasuke, this is the last time, I can't bear it anymore!"

Naruto looked a little weak, his face was a little pale, and his eye sockets were a little sunken.

The consumption was too great!

He even borrowed a lot of chakra from the Nine-Tails, but it still couldn't withstand the consumption.

Sasuke looked dissatisfied.

The feeling was so good that he wanted to do it a few more times, but Naruto couldn't do it anymore.

Seeing Sasuke's unsatisfied look, Naruto felt guilty.

"How about I hold on a little longer?"

PS: Those who think wrongly will face the wall!

Sasuke shook his head.

At this time, Danzo was resurrected again, and Sasuke swung out two swords in an instant, cutting off Danzo's hands, but did not kill him.

The reason for cutting off his hands was to prevent Danzo from performing ninjutsu to escape.

After the chopping, Sasuke said slowly:

"I have a better way, that is to capture him and kill him ten times a day."

"I will kill him until his spirit completely collapses, until he repents for everything he has done, and until he regrets coming to this world."

Naruto said: "This is easy, I will just lock him up in the Kamui space."

"But before that, I have to kill him once too."

"Kakashi-sensei and you have both killed him and avenged Sakura, so I can't fall behind."

As soon as the voice fell, Naruto's body liquefied and drilled into Danzo's body, instantly draining Danzo's vitality.

Danzo's body began to dry up, and the wrinkles on his face could kill a fly.

This time, he died of old age.

"Huh, killing Danzo is really cool!"

Naruto recovered his body, and without hesitation, he immediately performed the reincarnation technique to revive Danzo again.

Looking at Danzo again, he had already given up, not resisting at all, and had no intention of escaping.

He had tried several times before, but each time he escaped, he failed.

Naruto's Samsara Eye and Sasuke's Sage Mode were too strong.

He didn't run a few steps before Naruto pulled him back with a Tensei Tensei.

He wanted to cast a seal to perform a ninjutsu, but it took time to cast a seal, and before the ninjutsu could be cast, Sasuke's killer move arrived.

If he relied on physical skills alone, he was already old and weak, and Sasuke's physical skills increased dozens of times in the Sage Mode, and Danzo had no power to resist.

He couldn't fight, couldn't escape, and had no teammates to support him, so he could only give up on the spot.

He hadn't collapsed yet, and he was waiting for an opportunity.

Just give him 2 seconds, he can complete the seal and escape.

And these 2 seconds need someone to fight for him. He knew that the people of Konoha would definitely help him.

"As long as I don't die, I have a chance!"

"When I get out of this predicament, you will die!"

Danzo was full of hatred, but he kept it to himself so as not to alert Naruto and Sasuke.

If Naruto doesn't revive him, then everything will be over.

The dog that bites doesn't bark, and Danzo is such a dog.

This time when they were resurrected, Naruto and Sasuke didn't kill Danzo again. As soon as Danzo was resurrected, Sasuke slashed his carotid artery with a knife and knocked him unconscious.

Seeing the situation change, Shikaku immediately turned to look at Jiraiya on the Konoha side.

"Master Jiraiya, are you still not well?" Shikaku asked again.

He has asked this question countless times, and watching Danzo being killed again and again, Nara Shikaku is anxious.

Although he doesn't like Danzo very much, he is an elder of Konoha after all.

More than 3,000 Konoha ninjas watched their elders being abused. If this matter spreads, Konoha will become the biggest joke in the ninja world.

The cohesion of the Konoha villagers will also be severely hit by this.

"Or, let's get everyone to attack together." Shikaku couldn't wait any longer.

He heard the conversation between Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto could no longer perform the Samsara Rebirth Technique. If Danzo died again, he might really die.

"And Naruto has performed the Samsara Rebirth Technique so many times, and his condition is very bad. This is also a good opportunity for us."

In addition to Naruto, Kakashi's condition did not seem to be very good either.

In other words, among the three enemies at this time, only Sasuke was in good condition.

If he dealt with Sasuke alone, there would be little pressure and no loss.

Jiraiya shook his head.

"Don't worry, it will be done soon!"

"Our enemies are not only them, the other four ninja villages are also eyeing us covetously, and there may be other enemies in secret."

Jiraiya has been investigating the Akatsuki organization for many years. He has a hunch that the Akatsuki organization will definitely be dispatched this time.

So he stopped others from taking action to avoid unnecessary losses.

There may be a tough battle to fight later.

The next moment, Jiraiya separated his hands, and changes appeared on his body.

Red eye shadow appeared in the corners of his eyes, horizontal and vertical red stripes appeared on his face, and his pupils became straight.

Finally entered the Sage Mode.

Then, with two "bangs" and "bangs", a toad appeared on each of his shoulders.

The Sage Fukasaku and the Sage Shima of Myoboku Mountain were also summoned to fight with him.

"Little Jiraiya, what happened?" asked the Sage Shima.

Jiraiya: "No time to explain, two immortals, cooperate and use frog croaking. I want to rescue Danzo."

Fukasaku glanced at the opposite side and said, "Oh, it's Uzumaki Naruto. The eyes of the other boy should be the orphan of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Sasuke."

"In that case, then old woman, let's start!"

Shima complained, "It's so annoying. I hurt my throat teaching the children to sing yesterday, and I'm going to hurt it again today."

Despite complaining, Shima was still very cooperative.

The two frogs were very tacit, and jumped from Jiraiya's shoulders at the same time and leaped into the air.

At this time, Fukasaku reminded: "Jiraiya, while rescuing Danzo, bring Naruto back. The big toad immortal wants to see him."

The next moment, the two frogs opened their mouths at the same time.

Immortal method. Frog croaking!

"Quack, quack, quack, quack..."

It seemed that there were two more big speakers in the air, and circles of sound waves spread in the direction of Naruto.

Naruto and Sasuke had already noticed the situation here.

"Sasuke, hold on for a while. I will recover some chakra and then absorb Danzo into the Kamui space."

Naruto's chakra was really running out, so it was a bit difficult to activate Kamui.

Fortunately, the physique of the Uzumaki clan gave him an extraordinary chakra recovery speed. It would take only a few seconds to recover enough chakra.

Sasuke nodded.

"Don't worry, they are just two toads. I don't care about them at all."

The next moment, the noisy frog croaking sound came into his ears, and Sasuke felt his body become stiff instantly.

"Huh, illusion?"

"You are far from playing illusion in front of Uchiha!"

The three magatama in Sasuke's eyes spun rapidly, trying to break the illusion, but no matter how he spun, his body was still stiff.

"What kind of illusion is this? Why can't I break it?" Sasuke was slapped in the face again.

Not only him, but Naruto was also caught in the illusion and couldn't move.

Although Naruto's illusion ability is poor, the Samsara Eye is a higher form of the Sharingan, which has super strong resistance to illusions, and ordinary illusions can't make him fall for it.

But the frog croaking illusion is a fairy method, which has long surpassed the level of ordinary illusions.

The two frogs kept croaking in the air, and Naruto and Sasuke were always under the control of the illusion and couldn't move.


Jiraiya shouted: "Do it!"

"Save Danzo first!"

Nara Shikaku was ready, and the shadow seam technique was activated. The black shadow tentacles spread at the fastest speed, wrapped around Danzo's waist, and pulled him back directly.

"Damn it!" Sasuke watched Danzo being rescued, and he was furious.

Naruto wanted to use the Tensei Tenjin to pull Danzo back, but he couldn't do it at all.

Danzo, who was dragged halfway, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Finally saved!"

"Then next, you can die!"

He bit his finger and was about to summon the first generation of Hokage.

But everyone ignored Kakashi in the sky. Kakashi didn't want to see Danzo continue to roam freely in the ninja world.

So, he risked his life.

"Although there is not much chakra left, it should be enough to perform Kamui once."

The Samsara Eye Technique consumes too much chakra. Shinra Tensei and Wanxiang Tianyin consume a lot of chakra every time they are used.

Although Kakashi's chakra increased tenfold because he drank the inferior version of the Water of the Hero.

But his physique is still too poorly compatible with the Samsara Eye. He needs to consume chakra all the time to stabilize the Samsara Eye.

Therefore, his chakra is always in a state of dissatisfaction.

But Naruto is different. His vortex physique is very compatible with the Samsara Eye and does not need additional chakra to stabilize it.

Besides, Naruto has the Nine-Tails. If he doesn't have enough chakra, he can go to collect rent.

Very convenient!

Seeing that Danzo is about to be rescued, Kakashi doesn't plan to save any more.

The left eye closed, then suddenly opened, staring at Danzo.


Blood and tears flowed from his horns.

Danzo had already smeared blood on his palms and was making seals, and the summoning technique was about to be completed.

Suddenly he felt the murderous intent from the air, which was so strong that it made his neck feel cold.

His vision began to distort, and the things around him seemed to be shaking.

"Damn it, this is Kakashi's space ninjutsu!"

Danzo shouted loudly: "Shikaku, increase your strength and pull me back immediately."

Shikaku also noticed it, and immediately injected more chakra into the shadow seam technique, speeding up the pulling speed, trying to get Danzo out of danger.

But no matter how fast the shadow seam technique is, how can it compare to the speed of light? How can it escape the gaze of the Samsara Eye?

It's too late!

The space twisted, and Danzo's head was separated from his body and rolled on the ground for several circles.

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