The last door was opened.

"The ninth divine gate, open!"

With Naruto's shout, the last door was opened.

This door is completely different from the previous eight gates.

This is a divine gate that does not exist in the flesh, but in the soul!

When the divine gate opened, Naruto felt that his senses were infinitely magnified in an instant, and everything around him became clear.

He seemed to have become the master, looking down from a high place, watching the changes of all things in the world.

Whether it was tangible or intangible, it was clearly visible in his eyes.

He could see the collision between molecules, the generation and annihilation of matter, and the speed and slowness of time flow...

Naruto had used Liushen Flower Dew before, and experienced the feeling of mental amplification and divine consciousness.

The feeling at this time was a hundred times clearer than the effect of using Liushen Flower Water.

In addition, he also had a wonderful sense of control, and everything around him seemed to be under control.

The range was not large, only 10 meters!

But within this range, he was a god!

As Naruto thought, the tip of Gamamaru's tongue began to break into the most basic microscopic particles.

The mucus covering his body also vaporized directly, and could no longer cause any harm to Naruto.

Gamamaru's face changed drastically, followed by a scream.


It quickly retracted its tongue.

In just less than half a second, its tongue had shrunk a lot and became bloody.

The surface seemed to have been corroded.

The tongue was retracted into his mouth, and Gamamaru looked at Naruto with horror.

" could you take this step?"

"This kind of power, even I don't have it, why can you have it?"

Gamamaru was completely scared!

At this time, Naruto's appearance changed again.

The blue chakra coat has turned into a silver coat, and the silver-white cloak makes him look sacred and inviolable.

He is glowing, and the light seems soft, but no one can see his face through the light.

He wears a silver crown on his head. The crown is inlaid with nine gems.

Seven kinds of seven gems represent the seven chakra attributes of fire, earth, wind, thunder, water, yin and yang.

The eighth gem represents space.

As for the ninth gem, it represents time.

These nine gems emit different lights, which echo each other and reflect a complete small world full of life.

It indicates that those who master these eight powers can create the world.

Everyone was stunned!

"This... is this my son?" Kushina couldn't believe it.

Is the son born by himself so outstanding?

He is only 13 years old!

Minato was already very good, but when Minato was 13 years old, he hadn't even learned Flying Thunder God yet.

"Naruto-kun is so amazing!" Hinata's eyes were full of stars, and she admired him to death!

In the past, the last one in the ninja school who couldn't even use the clone technique well, has now become so powerful.

Hinata felt that she had not made a mistake in choosing him.

"This kind of power is really unimaginable!"

"Even my grandfather is not good enough in front of this kind of power."

As one of the three ninjas of Konoha, Tsunade has also seen the world.

But now looking at Naruto like this, her worldview has been refreshed.

The rest of the people, Gaara, Nobita, Neji, etc., were all excited.

They knew that the reason why Naruto became so powerful was because of Mizuki's teaching and instruction.

In other words, as long as they follow Mizuki, one day they will also become so powerful.

When they thought that one day they would also have such power, they were excited.


Naruto looked at Gamamaru quietly and saw through his true colors at a glance.

"It turns out that you haven't reached the realm above the Six Paths. You've only walked halfway!"

"No wonder you can't even stop your own life from slipping away."

Gamamaru's realm has indeed surpassed the Six Paths, but he hasn't completely entered a new realm.

It's like breaking through halfway and getting stuck!

Gamamaru looked at Naruto and asked loudly, "How did you do it?"

Naruto shook his head without explaining.

The opening of the Ninth Divine Gate was too much of a burden for him. He already felt that his body was about to be unable to bear it.

The most urgent task was not to talk nonsense, but to resolve the crisis.

The next moment, he appeared above Gamamaru's head.

A hand stretched out from the light and reached towards

Press down on the top of Gamamaru's head.

"Go to hell!"

Gamamaru looked at the hand pressing down on him, and his whole body was trembling.

Because in his eyes, this hand encompassed the entire sky and the earth.

It was as if the whole sky had collapsed, leaving it with nowhere to hide.

He wanted to resist, but he couldn't muster any desire to resist.

He seemed to see that he would die under this palm.


Gamamaru's first reaction was to cancel the summoning technique and escape back to Myoboku Mountain.

But he tried it, and there was no reaction. The space was locked, and he couldn't escape at all.

"I don't accept it, how can I die here, I don't accept it!"

At the critical moment, Gamamaru broke through the psychological barrier and finally raised the consciousness of resistance.

He slapped his belly with his claws, and the fairy energy stored in it gushed out like money, turning into countless sharp weapons, stabbing towards Naruto's hand, trying to intercept Naruto's attack.

"It's useless!"

Naruto's voice was full of indifference, sounding like he was chatting with a friend.

The swords, spears, and halberds transformed from the immortal energy disintegrated before they touched Naruto's hand, turning into the most primitive natural energy and dissipating in the air.

Gamaru's resistance was useless!

"I don't believe it!"

Seeing that Naruto's hand was about to press on him, Gamaru roared.

This time it mobilized a large amount of immortal energy to its skin, and its skin immediately began to petrify.

Since it couldn't stop Naruto, it could only retreat to the next best thing and strengthen its defense to resist Naruto's attack.

The next moment, Naruto's hand pressed on Gamaru's forehead.

But Gamaru didn't feel any pain.

While it was wondering, it heard: "This move is not a physical attack, but an attack on the soul!"

"With this move, your soul will be completely annihilated!"

The next moment, Gamaru let out a heart-wrenching scream.


It felt like its soul was being torn apart, and the pain was ten thousand times more painful than the physical pain.

"No, let me go, please, I don't want to die!"

The death of the body is not the real death.

The death of the soul is the final destination.

Gamamaru was unwilling. If it was just the death of the body, it would not be afraid. With his current state, the soul does not need to enter the Pure Land at all. With a simple reincarnation, it can be a frog again. Although the cultivation is gone, it can be rebuilt.

But if the soul is gone, it will be really finished!

"Master!" Fukasaku and Shima were anxious.

They wanted to save, but they were obviously no match for Naruto.

"Jiraiya, attack them!" Fukasaku pointed at Kushina and others.

If they can't deal with Naruto, they can only deal with the people of Phoenix Village. As long as Kushina is in danger, Naruto will definitely give up the Great Toad Sage and go back to rescue.

By then, the Great Toad Sage can be out of danger and escape from here.

"This..." Jiraiya hesitated.

Fukasaku scolded: "If you don't act now, the master will die!"

"The master is responsible for maintaining the peace of the ninja world. If the master gets into trouble, the ninja world will fall into chaos."

Jiraiya glanced at Tsunade and finally sighed.

"Well, okay!"

Fukasaku urged: "Just use the fairy method. Goemon!"

One man and two frogs, cooperate tacitly!

Jiraiya sprayed oil, Fukasaku used wind escape, Shima used fire escape, and the three combined, and the raging fire burned towards the Phoenix Village group.

The fire was so strong that it could melt gold and iron in an instant.

Fairy method. Goemon!

"This level of fire escape, Jiraiya..." Tsunade looked at Jiraiya with a complicated expression.

Seeing the fire coming, Tsunade said: "Zabuza, you are the only one here who is good at water escape, can you defend it?"

Zabuza shook his head.

"This kind of fire escape is really terrifying. With my water escape ninjutsu, I can't defend it at all."

"But it's okay with Bai's help."

Bai said on the side: "Hey, Mr. Zabuza, please go ahead."

Zabuza quickly formed a seal and finally completed it before the fire escape arrived.

"Water escape. Water array wall!"

On the lake, a large amount of water surged, forming a water wall blocking the front.

But compared to Goemon's raging fire, this water wall seemed a bit sloppy.

Before the fire burned, a layer of the water wall had evaporated.

At this time, Bai stepped forward and pressed his hands on the ground.

The icy air spread rapidly, and the water wall instantly formed an ice wall, and it was an extremely hard blue ice.

Worried that ordinary ice escape could not be defended, Bai used the fairy chakra, and released the fairy method. Ice escape.

The next moment, the flame hit the ice wall.

The collision of extreme heat and extreme cold caused a large amount of white mist to rise from the lake.

The ice wall is still thin and in danger.

Seeing that they couldn't hold out for long, Zabuza and Haku teamed up to create several more ice walls.

In the end, when Goemon's oil burned out, Tsunade and others behind the ice wall were not hurt at all.

Fukasaku and Shima were very anxious and urged Jiraiya to continue.

But Jiraiya knew that he would never be able to threaten Tsunade and others in a short period of time.

He might not even be able to beat them!

With fire and ice, thick white fog had risen from the lake.

"Mom, how are you?" Naruto asked through the thick fog.

He was now concentrating on dealing with Gamamaru and had no energy to sense the surrounding situation.

Kushina shouted, "We're fine, don't worry, you just focus on dealing with that old toad and kill it directly!"

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief and increased the damage to Gamamaru's soul.

Fukasaku and Shima were very anxious, but it was useless to be anxious.

Fukasaku looked back, looking at Gamamaru who couldn't even struggle, his eyes full of despair.

"Is my Myoboku Mountain Toad Clan really going to be finished?"

At this time, Naruto had also reached his limit, but fortunately, Gamamaru's soul was about to be completely annihilated.

"Naruto, you can't kill me!"

"Stop immediately, otherwise the power of immortal arts accumulated in my body for thousands of years will completely explode, and then the area within a thousand miles will be reduced to dust."

"You may not die, but your mother, your companions, and everyone in this village will perish with me!"

Naruto's face changed.

He felt that the immortal arts power in Gamamaru's body had begun to go berserk.

This old toad really planned to fight to the death.

"Damn it, the power of the Ninth Divine Gate is about to end. If it explodes, not only will I not be able to save others, but I will also die."

Naruto's eyes were full of unwillingness, but he couldn't let go.

Naruto was reluctant to stop, and the next moment, Gamamaru disappeared from the spot and fled back to Myoboku Mountain.

It took Fukasaku Shima and Jiraiya with it.

Naruto's momentum continued to decline, and finally fell into the water with a "plop".

"Naruto, how are you?" A group of people instantly came to Naruto's side and helped him up.

Naruto looked haggard, but still smiled: "I'm fine!"

Tsunade asked: "Where is the old toad, did it escape?"

Naruto said: "It planned to self-destruct and kill everyone, so I had to let it go."

"But don't worry, I destroyed most of his soul. Even if he doesn't die after returning to Myoboku Mountain, he will become demented, or even fall into a coma and never wake up."

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