The death gate at the heart position is open!

The potential bursts, and the chakra is like a wild horse, no longer bound by the body.

But the violence in the body is not shown outside.

Everyone only feels that Naruto's momentum suddenly converges, and the wind pressure spreading around also disappears in an instant.

It's like, it was a storm the last moment, but it was suddenly calm at this moment.

But from the distorted space around him, it can be seen that he is extraordinary.

Gamamaru stared at Naruto, his eyes full of shock and confusion.

"The death gate is really opened..."

"But why, his death gate is different from the ones I have seen..."

It's not Sister Li!

After the Death Gate is opened, shouldn't the blood evaporate into blood-colored steam and the whole person turn into a red beast?

Blue chakra coat, magatama on the chest and back, this is clearly the Six Paths Mode.

Although it is not a complete Six Paths Mode without the Seeking Truth Jade.

But it can be regarded as the Six Paths level in physical skills.

"Isn't the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu a forbidden technique?"

"Why is there no damage to his body and no blood consumption?"

"There is no side effect at all, what kind of forbidden technique is this?"

Gamamaru has begun to doubt Lai Sheng.

"Naruto-kun looks so powerful!" Hinata looked at Naruto's back, with little stars in her eyes.

This chakra coat is so handsome!

Others were also surprised by Naruto's changes.

Tsunade asked, "Naruto, is this the Eight Gates?"

Naruto replied, "This is not a rubbish technique like the Eight Gates. This is the Nine Gates, which is stronger than the Eight Gates and has no side effects."

Tsunade knew as soon as she heard it that it must be the work of Mizuki again.

Everyone in Phoenix Village knows that Mizuki is best at adapting ninjutsu, and the more he adapts, the more perverted it becomes.

"Everyone retreat, I'm on!"

"I will never let them destroy Phoenix Village and hurt everyone!"

After saying this, Naruto left a shadow on the spot, but his real body had already reached the lake, standing dozens of meters in front of Gamamaru.

Facing the huge old toad that was as big as a hill, Naruto had no fear.

"Hey, old man, don't you want Tianyuan Yu?"

"Defeat me and I'll give it to you!"

At this time, Naruto felt his own strength, and his self-confidence immediately rose.

This is not arrogance, but real self-confidence!

He could sense the deep and sea-like power in Gamamaru's body. If it was before, he would not have had any idea of ​​resisting this power.

But now, in the state of Eight Gates and Six Paths, he could clearly feel that the gap between him and Gamamaru was very close.

In addition, Gamamaru was old, weak, and in poor condition.

He was strong enough to fight!

Without waiting for Gamamaru to answer, Naruto raised his hand and punched Gamamaru through the air!

There was no name for the move, just a simple punch.

A punch dozens of meters away looked like a joke, but as the punch was thrown, a blue fist shadow that seemed to be real pushed towards Gamamaru.

This fist shadow seemed very slow, but it was extremely fast; it seemed to be just the size of an ordinary fist, but in Gamamaru's eyes, it was completely different.

This was not a fist, it was clearly compressed to the extreme.

The terrifying energy contained in it was many times more terrifying than the Tailed Beast Ball.

The space was distorted!


"Unfortunately, in my opinion, it's still just a trifle!"

Gamaru took a breath of immortal energy and then opened his mouth to chirp.


Accompanied by a low frog croak, the sound wave spread out and collided with the fist shadow.

The two annihilated each other silently!

Gamaru concentrated.

Such a strong attack, the sound wave attack he sent out with immortal energy could only barely offset it.

The key is that this is just a casual attack by Naruto!

"It seems that I have to use some real skills!"

Naruto saw that his punch was easily blocked by Gamaru, but he didn't care.

"Since one punch is not enough, then ten punches, one hundred punches, three hundred punches..."

Naruto jumped into the air, facing Gamaru, and turned on the violent mode.

"Face the gale, huh!"

His fists attacked at high speed, throwing hundreds of punches in a second, densely packed forward, as fast as a sudden rain on banana leaves.

Gamamaru slapped his belly with both hands, sprayed out a mouthful of water, and condensed into a mirror in front of him.

"Immortal magic. Silver mirror reflection!"

The fist hit the mirror

On, they were sucked into the mirror.

The mirror wavered, and the next moment, the same blue fist came out of the mirror and hit Naruto!

The power was not reduced at all!

The attack was rebounded, and the target became himself.

Naruto did not dare to be careless.

He knew the strength of his own attack, and it was not so easy to receive.

Seeing the fist approaching, Naruto tried to enter the virtual state.

But he found that under the cover of the fist, the space was extremely unstable and he could not enter the virtual state at all.

He could not fly away with the Thunder God.

"It seems that I can only resist it head-on!"

"Shinra Tensei!"

The repulsive force exploded, and he was immediately surrounded by the repulsive force field, which could bounce away visible and invisible objects.

But the next moment he found that Shinra Tensei's defense could not stop these fists at all.

The power level is not at the same level at all!

The attack power of the fist has exceeded the limit that Shinra Tensei can bear.

Even Naruto who has transformed into a tailed beast cannot stop the Shinra Tensei, let alone the attack of the Six Paths level.

Naruto then realized that the attack he launched was so tricky.

At the same time, he was also shocked by the strength of Gamamaru, who easily resolved his attack.

It is not possible to resist it head-on. Tengu Yu may not be able to withstand such an attack of this intensity.


"Super Shinra Tensei..."

The large-scale attack ninjutsu Super Shinra Tensei was used by Naruto.

The range was greatly reduced, only concentrated in the direction in front of him, and changed from attack to defense.

"Puff puff puff!"

Under the powerful repulsive force, the fists scattered one after another, and the offensive was finally disintegrated.

After a short fight, with back and forth, Naruto realized his own shortcomings.

With the eight gates opened, he no longer lacked means of attack, but lacked strong and effective means of defense.

"This old toad is really powerful!"

Naruto looked at Gamamaru, and he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that Gamamaru's face seemed to be a little older.

Combined with some things that Mizuki told him, the celebrity was thoughtful!

The attack just now was just a tentative one, but it was enough to give him a clearer understanding of the strength of both sides.

"We will know the truth if we continue to test it."

Naruto clapped his hands and shouted: "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

In an instant, hundreds of shadow clones appeared.

"Everyone, come together and fight it in close combat!"

Hundreds of Naruto joined together and rushed towards Gamamaru.

"Shadow clone?" Gamamaru looked at it with disdain.

It waved its claws, and immediately more than a dozen Naruto's shadow clones were scattered. It waved again and knocked off another piece.

Even if it was touched by the palm wind, the shadow clone would be severely damaged and dissipated in an instant.

The Myoboku Mountain Toad Clan already has a physical technique called Frog Kumite, which can use natural energy to expand the attack range.

Even if there is no direct attack, the natural energy attack it brings should not be underestimated.

A scene of hitting flies is being played on the field.

Gamamaru's claws are like fly swatters, and Naruto's shadow clones are flies.

No matter which direction the shadow clones approach from, they cannot escape Gamamaru's ruthless attack.

The shadow clones have been killed, but the number has not decreased.

Because Naruto has been making shadow clones.

As the fight went on, Gamamaru got annoyed!

Its body became older and older.

Every time it attacked, its life would be reduced a little, which was a huge burden for it.

It only ignored the consumption because Tianyuan Yu was about to be obtained.

And Naruto seemed to know this, so he used the shadow clone to compete with Gamamaru in consumption.

Naruto consumed chakra, while Gamamaru consumed lifespan. It was obvious that Naruto had the upper hand if they continued.

Gamamaru did not intend to continue wasting time and was ready to completely defeat Naruto.

"I'm paying you a few moves to make you realize the gap between us. Since you don't know what's good for you, let's just end it!"

The next moment, a wave of perception erupted from Gamamaru, and then Gamamaru looked directly at Naruto in the crowd.

"Do you really think I can't tell your true form?"

What it was looking at was Naruto's true form.

The next moment, it slapped its belly with its claws, and a large mouthful of fairy air swelled into its mouth.

Just this moment, its face became much older.

Then he saw his mouth slightly open, and then something rushed out of his mouth, and at lightning speed, it instantly arrived in front of Naruto.

Before Naruto could react, he felt something sticking to him.


Yes, it was a tongue.

Frogs hunt with their tongues, so their tongues are very long.

When hunting, they stick their tongues out, catch the prey, and pull it back into their mouths to eat.

The tip of Gamamaru's tongue caught Naruto

legs, a bit disgusting.

At the same time, a large amount of mucus overflowed from Gamamaru's tongue. When the mucus touched the skin of his legs, his legs immediately felt numb.

And this numbness became stronger and stronger.

The mucus is poisonous!

And it is extremely poisonous!

In addition, Naruto felt that his chakra seemed to become difficult to control.

Even ninjutsu could not be used!

Naruto punched at the tongue, but the fist shadow hit the mucus on the surface of the tongue and was immediately absorbed.

He took out a kunai and slashed at the tongue, but the tongue looked soft, but it was extremely tough.

The sharp kunai could not cause any damage to it.

Seeing that the mucus secreted on the tongue was getting more and more, and there was a tendency to spread to the whole body.

If the whole body is paralyzed, it will be over!

"I didn't expect this old toad to be so powerful. I can't defeat him even if I open eight gates."

"In that case, I can only open the ninth gate!"

"Although I can only hit him once, I have to fight!"

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