After learning about the entrance to the Ryuchi Cave from Orochimaru, Mizuki did not enter immediately.

Instead, he first found the entrance to Myoboku Mountain and planned to sneak in to see whether Gamamaru was dead or alive.

But when he arrived, he found that Myoboku Mountain had closed the entrance.

The underwater passage leading to Myoboku Mountain has lost its function.

"It seems that if you want to enter Myoboku Mountain, you can only go to a remote uninhabited area and forcefully break through the secret realm to enter."

Having almost died in Myoboku Mountain several times, Mizuki hated the Toad Clan deeply.

He would not be satisfied if Myoboku Mountain was not destroyed.

But now that he cannot enter Myoboku Mountain, he can only suppress this hatred in his heart and wait for the opportunity to explode.

"Since we can't get into Myoboku Mountain, let's go to Ryuchi Cave first!"

"Let's kill Sasuke, the ungrateful bastard, first."

It is said that only madmen who seek power can enter Ryuchi Cave.

According to the address given by Orochimaru, Mizuki found the entrance to Ryuchi Cave in an underground river somewhere in the Land of Fields.

"Such a remote place can only be found by a guy like Orochimaru who likes to dig underground caves."

The dark cave in front exudes a gloomy atmosphere.

There is a fishy smell in the air.

There are hissing sounds of snakes everywhere, they crawl silently, and their cold eyes stare at Mizuki, the foreign intruder.

There are all kinds of snakes, poisonous, non-poisonous, thick, thin, long and short.

All the snakes that can be seen in the outside world, whether common or rare, are here.

Mizuki ignored these ordinary snakes, but walked towards the depths of the cave.

He could feel the strong spatial fluctuations in front of him.

Obviously, the entrance to the Longdi Cave is also a space passage.

Through here, you can directly cross a long distance and directly reach the secret realm of Longdi Cave in the uninhabited area at the other end of the Ninja Realm.

At the same time, in the temple deep in Longdi Cave, the White Snake Immortal sat cross-legged on the throne, holding a slender pipe in his mouth, smoking from time to time.

Suddenly, it paused in smoking and narrowed its eyes slightly.

"Another human broke in. Haha, there are so many people pursuing power!"

"I just don't know what the obsession of this newcomer is."

It spit out a slender snake apricot from its mouth and sniffed in the air.

After sniffing for a while, the White Snake Immortal frowned.

It did not smell the desire for power, but only anger and murderous intent.

"You are not here to seek power, but to kill people? This killing intent is directed at the kid from the Uchiha clan."

"Such powerful chakra, such powerful life energy."

"Who is it? Uzumaki Naruto?"

The White Snake Immortal was so shocked that all the snake scales stood up.

Uzumaki Naruto beat Gamamaru to death and closed the Myoboku Mountain.

The White Snake Immortal knew about this at the first time, and Uzumaki Naruto was also listed as an existence that must not be provoked.

"No, we must not let him enter the Ryuchi Cave. If he attacks recklessly, I am afraid that I will end up like that stupid toad?"

"Ryuchi Cave is my lair. If it is destroyed, it will be over!"

Thinking of this, the White Snake Immortal dared not hesitate.

It has a way to check who the person is, but now is not the time, and it will take time to check.

It immediately called out, "Goddess, close the entrance and exit of the secret realm immediately, quickly!"

Somewhere in Longdi Cave, Tian Xin Goddess heard the call of the White Snake Immortal and immediately began to seal without thinking.

As the seal was completed, the space fluctuations at the entrance of Longdi Cave suddenly became violent.

In the cave, Shuimu, who was walking towards the depths, suddenly focused his eyes.

"The space channel is closing, hum, did you notice me coming and don't want me to go in?"

Hundreds of meters ahead, the space is distorting!

A circular space door appeared and shrank rapidly.

Once this space door completely shrank and disappeared, Shuimu would not be able to enter Longdi Cave again.

The space door shrank very quickly. At this speed, it would be completely closed in less than 1 second.

And at a distance of hundreds of meters, even flying would be too late.

"Hmph, you want to stop me outside? No way!"

"Change your shape!"

Shuimu's figure disappeared on the spot, replaced by a small snake.

At this time, Shuimu had already reached the back of the space gate, and behind him was the space gate that was shrinking rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the space gate shrank to a point, and the entrance and exit of Longdi Cave and the outside world completely disappeared.

It's a pity that Shuimu has already entered!

A distance of hundreds of meters is nothing in front of the teleportation.

In the temple, the face of the White Snake Immortal, who was sitting cross-legged on a stone chair, suddenly changed.

"He came in!"

"Damn it, how did he get in? The entrance closed so quickly, even the fastest instant body technique should not be able to catch up."

The White Snake Immortal was a little panicked.

He was about the same strength as Gamamaru, how could he withstand a beating from Uzumaki Naruto?

"What should I do?"

"What if he really messes up... or, give up the Dragon Cave and run away directly?"

"As a snake, my life span is much longer than that of a toad. Even if I go to the outside world where the natural energy concentration is extremely low, I am not worried. At most, I will hibernate directly."

"But giving up the ancestral Dragon Cave, this..."

The more it thought about it, the more panicked it became!

At this moment, Tian Xin Shen Ji came to the temple.

"Grandfather, why did you suddenly ask me to close the entrance?"

The White Snake Immortal stopped smoking and said, "Shen Ji, I think we are finished today."

"Uzumaki Naruto has entered the Ryuchi Cave. We are finished. Otherwise, let's give up the Ryuchi Cave and live in the outside world!"

Tian Xin Shen Ji asked, "The Uzumaki Naruto who defeated the Toad Immortal of Myoboku Mountain?"

The White Snake Immortal nodded.

Tian Xin Shen Ji asked in confusion: "Uzumaki Naruto is indeed powerful, but why did he come to Longdi Cave? We have no grudge against him, he won't do anything to us, right?"

White Snake Immortal said worriedly: "He exudes murderous intent, targeting Uchiha Sasuke, which means that he came to Longdi Cave to kill Uchiha Sasuke."

"But what if he hates snakes?"

"What if one of the tribesmen offends him and he kills us?"

"What if he thinks we are protecting Uchiha Sasuke and kills us all?"

"What if he is in a bad mood and kills whoever he sees?"

Tian Xin Shen Ji: "..."

There are so many "what ifs", why don't you say "what if" you choke yourself to death by smoking?

"Ancestor, don't worry too much. Since the other party is here to kill Uchiha Sasuke, why don't we just hand Sasuke over?"

"Or, drive Uchiha Sasuke out of the Ryuchi Cave, and then tell Uzumaki Naruto, he will naturally leave and go after Sasuke."

The White Snake Immortal's eyes lit up.

Yes, why didn't I think of that.

"Well, then you go and meet him, tell him that we are willing to hand Sasuke over to him, and tell him not to mess around."

Tian Xin Shen Ji said: "Then Ancestor, where is the other party now?"

The White Snake Immortal said: "Don't worry, I'll take a look!"

It blew out a puff of smoke from its mouth, forming a smoke ring, and the picture immediately appeared in the circle.

"Hey, is this Uzumaki Naruto? If I remember correctly, Uzumaki Naruto should be a little ghost about the same age as Uchiha Sasuke. This person doesn't look like a human little ghost!"

The White Snake Immortal saw Shuimu in the picture and was immediately confused.

Tian Xin Shen Ji looked at the picture and rolled her eyes.

"My ancestor, this is not Uzumaki Naruto at all."

The White Snake Immortal was a little embarrassed. He was worried for a long time, but he was wrong?

Damn, this is embarrassing!

"Um, do you know this person?"

Tian Xin Shen Ji looked again and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this person should be the first generation of Phoenix Shadow Shuimu of Phoenix Village. He is also the teacher of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke."

"Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke's skills were all taught by this Shuimu."

The heart of the White Snake Immortal, which had just relaxed, was immediately lifted up again.

"What, Uzumaki Naruto's teacher?"

"It's over. The apprentice is so cruel. As a teacher, isn't he stronger?"

"What can I do? He even wants to kill his own disciples. Isn't my Longdidong Snake Clan completely finished this time?"

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