The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.

"This is impossible!"

Hashirama refused outright, and looked at Mizuki in shock.

Unify the ninja world and establish absolute peace? What kind of crazy idea is this?

Hashirama stared at Mizuki and said word by word: "Peace achieved by strong military suppression is just a false peace."

"Where there are people, there is struggle. Relying on military suppression will only result in the accumulation of hatred. When hatred accumulates to the extreme, it will definitely explode."

"By then, the ninja world will be destroyed and devastated."

"You are very powerful, and your idea of ​​unifying the ninja world may really come true. But there will always be a day when you die, and when you die, the ninja world will immediately be in chaos."

Mizuk sneered.

"First Hokage, you ended the chaotic Warring States Period and established the Ninja Village Era of one country and one village."

"You thought that the Ninja World would be peaceful in this way, but in fact, there are still constant wars between countries and villages, and the scale of the wars is even larger."

"Facts have proved that the path of one country and one village is wrong."

"Because each country has its own interests, and the daimyo of each country and the high-level officials of each village also have their own ambitions."

"For their own ambitions, they use conspiracies, create tragedies, instigate wars, and regard human lives as worthless, such as Danzo."

"To achieve true peace, the only way to achieve true peace is to unify the Ninja World."

"If the entire Ninja World can have only one voice and everyone in the Ninja World has a common pursuit, then wars will no longer occur."

"Even if there are ambitious people who want to make trouble secretly, they will not have any chance."

"As long as everyone is well fed, well dressed, lives a happy life, has someone to rely on and is well cared for in old age, then peace is just around the corner."

Mizuki's words made Hashirama fall into deep thought.

But soon he said: "You are too naive. The ninja world is so big that it is impossible to have only one voice. Ambitious people can still accumulate strength in secret and find ways to create chaos."

"There will be various contradictions inside, just like the Uchiha clan."

"You are very strong, but some contradictions cannot be solved by strong force alone."

Shui Mu shook his head.

He knew that it was not so easy to convince Hashirama, and he did not expect these few words to make Hashirama support his plan.

"But you have to admit that the unification of the ninja world is definitely stronger than the current one country and one village model."

"In addition, there are stronger enemies outside the ninja world. If the ninja world is not unified and the power is not concentrated, the losses will be very heavy when facing external threats in the future."

Hashirama frowned.

"What is the stronger enemy outside the Ninja World you are talking about?"

Mizuki shook his head and just said, "You won't believe me even if I tell you, but their spies will appear soon, and then you will understand."

"They are more powerful than you can imagine. Even if I am now, I may not be their opponent."

Hashirama asked, "Are you talking about the Otsutsuki clan?"

Mizuki didn't expect that Hashirama knew about the Otsutsuki clan. It was probably the news from Mount Myōboku.

"The Otsutsuki clan is just one of them. There are more powerful races in the universe than just the Otsutsuki clan."

"The Toad Clan of Mount Myōboku, the Dragon Cave Snake Clan, and the Slug Sage of the Wet Bone Forest all originally came from the universe."

"There may be countless powerful races like them in the universe."

"If the Ninja World continues to consume itself, it will be destroyed sooner or later."

Mizuki's words made Hashirama fall into deep thought.

He felt that Mizuki was exaggerating and sensationalizing. After all, the Ninja World has existed for thousands of years.

But when he thought of the Otsutsuki clan, he became worried again.

What if the enemy really comes?

Just because they haven't come for thousands of years doesn't mean they won't come in the future.

Orochimaru is ready. Mizuki uses the Flying Thunder God Technique to take him to the Uzumaki clan's Namen Hall.

Hashirama stood on the rooftop for a long time, but couldn't figure it out.

"Alas, my wisdom is not good at thinking about these things. Let's find a smart person for reference."

Hashirama left the Hokage Building and came to the Nara family.

"Shikaku, you said that the one-village system and the unified system of the ninja world, which one is more conducive to peace?"

Hashirama asked without saying anything.

Nara Shikaku: "..."

Why did you use a big move right away? Is this something I can think of?

I'm just a small staff officer in Konoha. I usually think about the affairs of the village. When the war comes, it's enough to help the Hokage with the battle force layout.


Asking me to think about the peace of the ninja world is beyond my ability.

"Master Hashirama, you should ask the daimyo about this question!"

"I, I don't know!"

Hashirama said: "The daimyo is too far away, and I urgently need to know the answer now."

"Hurry up and weigh it, and then tell me."

Shikaku pondered, analyzing and comparing from various angles.

Finally, he had the answer.

"From the perspective of peace, the unification of the ninja world is more peaceful than one country and one village."

"At least, there will be no external conflicts after unification, and internal conflicts do not necessarily have to be resolved through force and war."

"Of course, this is just my prediction, and I don't know the specific direction, because the ninja world has never been unified."

Since Kaguya Otsutsuki, the Six Paths Sage has passed down chakra, and the number of ninjas in the ninja world has begun to increase.

The two sons of the Six Paths Sage, Ashura and Indra, fought endlessly, so that the ninja world entered a long Warring States period.

Countries fought against countries, families fought against families, and there was never unification.

Therefore, Nara Shikaku had no reference and could only rely on his imagination to predict.

Hashirama nodded, but then shook his head.

"Although unification is more conducive to peace, the process of unification will cause a lot of killing, and there will definitely be a lot of opponents for a period of time after unification."

Shikaku said: "This... it's better to suffer a short pain than a long pain. If you want to have long-term peace, some sacrifices are always inevitable."

Hashirama had nothing to say.

When the Warring States period ended and the one-country-one-village system was established, many sacrifices were also experienced.

So he deeply understands it.

Peace is always so hard-won.

At this time, Hashirama asked a new question: "What if there are other more powerful enemies outside the ninja world attacking the ninja world? For example, the legendary Otsutsuki clan."

Shikaku's face became serious.

"If there is a strong foreign enemy attacking the ninja world, then unification is the best choice."

"Even if there is no unification, the ninja world must unite and cannot have any internal friction, otherwise, mankind will be close to extinction."

After speaking, Shikaku asked: "Shodai-sama, is there really an invasion from foreign enemies?"

He had to worry.

Hashirama said: "Don't worry, I'm just assuming that there has been no foreign invasion from the ninja world for thousands of years, how could it suddenly appear..."

But before he finished speaking, Hashirama suddenly looked up at the sky.

A person appeared in the sky above Konoha at some point.

This person had pale skin, light blue hair, white eyes, no eyebrows, a high ponytail, and a pair of horns on his forehead in the shape of a forehead protector.

He was dressed in white, holding a fishing rod and carrying a fish basket.

Both the fishing rod and the fish basket were emitting red light, and they were not ordinary at first glance.

"Is this the Konoha Village of 20 years ago? Then, where is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki in his youth?"

Below, Hashirama frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

Hashirama could feel the powerful chakra in this person's body.

Shikaku reminded him, "Master Hashirama, this person has Byakugan, can fly, and has a horn-like object on his forehead, which is very similar to the legendary Otsutsuki clan."

"Hehe, you actually know the Otsutsuki clan, which is quite knowledgeable."

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Otsutsuki Urashiki. I come from the future 20 years later. This time, I traveled through time and space with the help of the Otsutsuki clan's treasure 'Plow' to seize the Nine-Tails Chakra in the body of the young Uzumaki Naruto."

"So, can you tell me where Uzumaki Naruto is?"

"Don't worry, I don't like killing people. I only need the Nine-Tails."

Urashiki spoke politely, but he didn't hide his arrogance at all.

He looked like I looked down on you and didn't want to dirty my hands.

Hashirama and Shikaku looked at each other in shock.

We just said that foreign enemies were invading, and now they are here?

"Could it be that the unification of the ninja world that Mizuki said is the only correct path for the ninja world to take?" Hashirama began to waver in his heart.

At this time, Shikaku said loudly: "Uzumaki Naruto has defected from Konoha and is now in Phoenix Village in the Land of Birds."

Urashiki frowned.

"Uzumaki Naruto defected? How come I don't know this history?"

"Didn't he always live in Konoha and eventually become the seventh generation Hokage of Konoha?"

Urashiki immediately realized that something was wrong.

"You lied to me!"

"Humph, I treated you with courtesy, but you actually lied to me, trying to lead me away and then hide Uzumaki Naruto, right!"

"Since you don't know what's good for you, then don't blame me for being rude!"

As he said that, Urashiki broke into the barrier directly and waved the fishing rod in his hand at Shikaku.

The fishhook was connected to the fishing line and flew towards Shikaku.

Hashirama reacted very quickly and clasped his hands together.

"Senjutsu. Myojinmon!"

Myojinmon descended from the sky, and Urashiki was instantly suppressed below.


In the Namen Hall of the Uzumaki Clan.

Mizuki took down the Death Mask from the wall and handed it to Orochimaru.

The unconscious Sasuke was also taken out of the Kamui Space by Mizuki.

"Orochimaru, let's start!"

"Sasuke's body is given to you."

"Don't worry, you won't die. Even if you die due to an operational error, I can revive you."

Since everyone was here, Orochimaru had no objection.

So, he put on the Death Mask in a moment.

With a few gloomy and terrifying laughs, the Death Shadow appeared behind Orochimaru.

Orochimaru glanced at the unconscious Sasuke on the ground, and without hesitation, he held a ninja sword and directly cut his belly.

The Death behind him also took out the knife in his mouth and cut his belly.

The next moment, two soul lights emerged from the Death's belly.

Then, Mizuki flashed in front of Orochimaru, and the six-god flower water had been opened and handed under Orochimaru's nose.

With his mental power instantly strengthened, Orochimaru immediately used the corpse-free reincarnation, and a white phosphorus snake came out of his mouth, rushing towards Sasuke at a very fast speed, and drilled into Sasuke's mouth.

Mizuki ignored Orochimaru, but looked at the two soul lights under his control.

One was the third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the other was the fourth-generation Hokage Namikaze Minato.

"Geido. Samsara Rebirth Technique!"

The green light enveloped Minato's soul. As for the third-generation Hokage, Mizuki was annoyed just looking at him and ignored him at all.

The soul of the third generation, who was ignored, gradually faded and entered the pure land.

Soon, the Samsara Rebirth Technique was completed.

When the green light dissipated, the fourth-generation Hokage Namikaze Minato made a brilliant appearance.

The fastest man in the ninja world has been resurrected!

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