The test bench was opened.

"What? The test bench?"

Mizuki felt something was wrong and asked, "Is he dead or alive?"

Orochimaru said, "The opponent is too strong. The first generation had difficulty killing him. It is even more difficult to control him while he is alive. If you are not careful, you will lose control and let him escape."

"I..." Mizuki wanted to spit out sweet words.

He is dead. How can we deal with this?

As soon as he heard the news that Urashiki was in Konoha, he rushed here as fast as possible.

The "Plow", the treasure of the Otsutsuki clan, is his hope to travel back to Earth.

He wanted to get information about the treasure "Plow" from Urashiki. Maybe the Otsutsuki clan has a way to sense the location of the "Plow".

In any case, this is an opportunity. Through Urashiki, maybe the "Plow" can be found.

But now Urashiki is dead, and the information is directly cut off.

It will be even more difficult to get the "Plow" again.

Otherwise, open the nine gates to revive Urashiki?

"Naruto failed to revive Sasuke because Sasuke was not dead at that time. The failure to revive Sakura may be due to the intervention of the Six Paths Sage."

"In other words, although the restrictions of the Pure Land can be broken after opening the nine gates, the Six Paths Sage controls the Pure Land and has other ways to prevent resurrection."

This made Mizuki realize that even if he opened the nine gates, he might not be able to revive Urashiki.

Even if Urashiki was resurrected, he might not be able to provide Mizuki with effective information.

But in any case, Mizuki had to try.

What if it succeeded!

"Orochimaru, I want to get some information from Urashiki, so I want to visit Konoha's laboratory."

Orochimaru immediately became interested and asked, "Does Mizuki-kun plan to revive Urashiki?"

"I really want to see the reincarnation technique!"

"However, Urashiki is too strong. Is Mizuki-kun sure to control him after reviving him?"

Orochimaru smiled and said, "After all, this is a very good experimental material. It would be a pity if it ran away."

Mizuki was full of confidence and said nonchalantly, "It's just a small matter. He can't run away. I'll kill him after questioning him."

Orochimaru took Mizuki to the laboratory.

As the two walked down the street, Mizuki suddenly asked, "By the way, I heard that Jiraiya defected?"

Orochimaru laughed dryly and said, "Haha, yes!"

"He has long been dissatisfied with the old man passing the position of Hokage to me. And because of the recent conspiracy scandal of the demise of the Uchiha clan in Konoha, he feels that Konoha has been completely corrupted."

"I'm sorry to make you laugh, Mizuki-kun!"

Mizuki smiled and said, "Actually, I still have a good impression of Konoha."

"I don't have any intention of killing Jiraiya. He joined forces with Gamamaru to harm me, but I know that he was just deceived by Gamamaru, so I don't blame him."

"I will not implicate Konoha because of him and take action against Konoha."

Jiraiya, Mizuki's favorite character.

Although when he was in the Rock Village, Jiraiya summoned the Rock Toad and brought Mizuki to Myoboku Mountain.

Later, he sneaked into Phoenix Village and summoned Gamamaru, almost destroying Phoenix Village.

But Mizuki knew that Jiraiya was being led by the nose.

Gamamaru identified Mizuki as a young Ten-Tails, saying that Mizuki would threaten the ninja world sooner or later. Jiraiya trusted Myoboku Mountain, so he stood on the opposite side of Mizuki.

The root of the problem was Gamamaru's fault.

Mizuki felt that even if the hero Jiraiya was going to die, he should not die in his hands.

No matter what, he had to let him die in a blazing and meaningful way.

"I actually have some research on Mizuki-kun's character." Orochimaru said.

"Although Mizuki-kun has attacked Konoha several times, it was not proactive. You don't hate Konoha, but the Third Generation and Danzo."

"I wonder if I'm right?"

Mizuki nodded.

Yes, Orochimaru is right. Mizuki really only hates the Third Generation and Danzo.

He didn't have much bad feelings towards the village of Konoha.

This was also influenced by the anime.

After watching a Naruto, although this village has conspiracy and darkness, it is undeniable that there is also passion and enthusiasm here, which makes people moved and even cry.

This beautiful, quiet and peaceful village is hard not to make people feel good about it.

The same goes for Mizuki!

The two of them soon arrived at the door of the experimental laboratory. Iruka happened to walk out of the hospital gate and saw the backs of the two.

"Is that Mizuki?" Although he didn't see his face, Iruka could tell from his back that he was Mizuki.

It was also easy to distinguish Mizuki's identity.

At this moment, Mizuki suddenly turned to look at Iruka, nodded and smiled, and then turned his head away.

Iruka looked at Mizuki's back with a complicated expression.

The laboratory was filled with the smell of hydrogen peroxide, and Orochimaru and Mizuki walked side by side in the corridor.

This was dozens of meters underground, very secretive.

Orochimaru attached great importance to this matter.

Urashiki's body was transferred to the underground, and various barriers were arranged around it, and there were also Anbu masters guarding around.

Such a precious thing must not have any accidents.

Whether it is the body material or the research results, it must not be leaked.

When the two walked to the end of the corridor and pushed open a door, Mizuki saw Urashiki's body on the experimental table.

Around the experimental table, several researchers in white coats were actively studying.

They exclaimed from time to time, as if they had made some extraordinary discoveries. Even Orochimaru and Mizuki walked in, but they failed to divert their attention.

Orochimaru smiled.

The more he found, the happier he was.

"Okay, stop what you are doing and go out!" Orochimaru ordered in a hoarse voice.

The researchers then realized that there were two more people in the room.

"Master Orochimaru, is this person the traitor Mizuki?"

When they saw Mizuki, their faces changed drastically.

One person even reacted very quickly and thought that Orochimaru was disguised by Mizuki through transformation, so he immediately pressed the alarm on the wall.

In an instant, the alarm sounded loudly.

Orochimaru: "..."

It is good for subordinates to be cautious, but if they are too cautious, it will be a bit annoying.

With the alarm, the masters of the Anbu rushed in. Soon Orochimaru's identity was confirmed, and it was also confirmed that Orochimaru was not controlled by the illusion, and the Anbu dispersed.

"Okay, you guys go and rest first!"

In order to prevent the news from leaking, these researchers cannot leave the laboratory at will.

They have a special room here for daily living.

Even if they go out, there will be Anbu monitoring them all the time. If there is any abnormality, the Anbu will kill them immediately.

Soon, Orochimaru and Mizuki were the only ones left in the room.

"The Impure World Reincarnation can no longer be used, which means that there is a barrier between the Pure Land and the mortal world, and the souls of the Pure Land can no longer enter the mortal world."

"I wonder if you, Mizuki, have any way to bring the soul up from the Pure Land?"

Orochimaru was very curious.

As a reformer of the Impure World Reincarnation technique, he knew clearly that the soul could no longer leave the Pure Land.

And to revive the dead, the target's soul must first be summoned back from the Pure Land.

Mizuki said: "I have my own way!"

"Nine Gates of Dunjia, the eighth Death Gate!"


Mizuk instantly opened eight gates, and the strong wind pressure spread to the surroundings. Orochimaru's body was pressed back, and his feet rubbed on the ground until he was pushed to the wall and stopped against the wall.

"What a terrifying aura!" Orochimaru was shocked by the powerful force in front of him.

But it's not over yet.

Mizuki shouted again:

"The ninth gate, the gate of God!"


Unlike the first eight gates, the ninth gate of God is not a gate in the flesh, but a gate entrusted to the soul!

Every time the first eight gates are opened, a chakra channel will be opened, allowing chakra to flow exponentially.

The opening of the ninth gate of God is like opening a channel at the spiritual level, allowing the mental power to be amplified.

The powerful aura on Mizuki's body instantly dissipated into nothingness.

But Orochimaru felt that the atmosphere was more oppressive, and even breathing was hindered.

At this time, Mizuki felt that his mental power was amplified hundreds or thousands of times.

Six Gods Flower Dew, a sip, can only amplify mental power by 6 times.

Compared with the ninth gate of God, it is weak!

At this time, Mizuki was like opening his spiritual consciousness, his senses were infinitely amplified, and everything around him became clear.

He seemed to have become the master, able to see everything clearly and control everything.

He could see the vibration waves of sound, the propagation of light, the collisions between molecules, the generation and annihilation of matter...

The range of vision was also extremely large.

He spread his mental power around, and his field of vision also expanded.

First it was Konoha Village, then the Land of Fire, then the five major countries, then expanded to the entire human settlement, and then continued to extend overseas.

The vast uninhabited area, the paradise of summoning beasts, Myoboku Mountain, Wet Bone Forest, and Ryuchi Cave.

Until finally, the entire planet was covered by his field of vision.

Then, he "looked" into outer space.

The field of vision became larger and larger, and soon, the moon was also seen clearly.

He also wanted to see the inside of the moon, but at this moment, he felt

I was exhausted, mentally exhausted.

"Is this the Ninth Divine Gate? It is indeed invincible!"

Shui Mu felt that at this moment, he was a god, an omniscient and omnipotent god.

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