The chakra of the tailed beast is composed of the blue chakra of the Yang attribute and the purple-black chakra of the Yin attribute.

The tailed beast changes its chakra form to the extreme, and mixes and compresses it into a super-dense ball in the mouth with a ratio of 2:8 of Yin and Yang, and then releases it in one breath.

This is the Tailed Beast Ball.

The Tailed Beast Ball not only carries huge kinetic energy, which can destroy all obstacles on the way, but also contains super strong internal energy. Once it explodes, the damage caused is absolutely terrifying.

During the fourth level of the Ninja World War, the Tailed Beast Ball released by the Ten Tails could not be stopped by the coalition forces at all.

If it were not for the appearance of Minato Namikaze at the critical moment and the transfer of the Tailed Beast Ball to the sea with the Flying Thunder God Technique, the coalition forces would have been blown to death.

The battle site was at least tens of kilometers away from the coast, but the aftermath of the Tailed Beast Ball explosion still caused a gust of wind on the battlefield.

Don't forget that the Ten-Tails was not a complete form at that time, lacking the chakra of the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails.

Moreover, it was inherently deficient.

Compared with Mizuki's Ten-Tails, it was far inferior.

On the Ten-Tails side, the Tailed Beast Ball took shape.

The next moment, the huge Tailed Beast Ball was ejected directly, aiming directly at Susanoo.

The speed was so fast that it exceeded the speed of sound.

Mizuki did not dodge, and he had no intention of dodge at all.

He was going to test Susanoo's strength today.

"Come on!"

Susanoo had six arms, one of which was raised, holding a samurai sword in its hand.

The Tailed Beast Ball came in front of him in an instant, and was greeted by a vertical slash from the samurai sword!

The knife flashed, and the Tailed Beast Ball was cut into two pieces from top to bottom, accompanied by the instant release of energy.

The blinding light was ten thousand times brighter than the sun.

The horrible explosion caused the entire Shenwei space to tremble violently and almost completely collapse.

The strong light enveloped hundreds of miles in radius, and nothing else could be seen except the light.

The Ten-Tails was also pushed by the aftermath of the explosion, and its body kept sliding backwards. At the same time, its eyes had to be closed because of the strong light.

"Roar!" It roared, with some worry on its face.

But in his heart, he thought: Don't blame me if you die, who told you to die!

When the light dissipated, the Ten-Tails immediately opened his eyes and looked forward. When he saw that Susanoo was still intact, he seemed to be relieved.

At this time, Shuimu's Susanoo had retreated tens of thousands of meters from where it was originally standing.

Two hands stood in front of him, one holding a knife and the other holding a round shield.

The energy of the explosion was perfectly blocked by the round shield.

The entire Susanoo was intact!

Mizuki was all smiles. This Susanoo was strong enough to even be able to resist the Ten-tailed Beast Ball of this strength.

But the next moment, his expression changed. He saw that Susanoo began to disintegrate rapidly, from the outside to the inside, like melting ice and snow.

Mizuki tried to control it, but he was helpless.

Even when he forcibly controlled his pupil power, he felt a stomachache in his left eye.

"Damn! How can it not last so soon?"

Originally, it could last for three minutes, but after the action, the pupil power was consumed, so the time of dissipation was advanced.

In a blink of an eye, Susanoo completely dissipated, and Mizuki floated in the air, with a helpless look on his face.

"The strength and hardness are enough, but it's not durable enough!"

It wilted before even a minute, which is really a bit bad!

"Roar!" The Ten-tailed screamed from a distance.

Mizuki waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. Okay, you stay here and sleep. I'm leaving."

As expected of the perfect Ten-Tails, it is very intelligent.

It just can't speak yet, so it has to learn this slowly.

"Jigen was hit by Kotoamatsukami and is devoted to protecting Konoha. Isshiki Otsutsuki's spirit was severely damaged and temporarily dormant in Jigen's body. It seems that the search for the treasure 'Plow' will have to be postponed for a while."

Urashiki is dead, and Kaguya has not been resurrected yet. To find the treasure "Plow", for the time being, we can only rely on Isshiki Otsutsuki.

But Isshiki's spirit was severely damaged. According to Itachi, he will not wake up for at least a month.

So Mizuki is useless in a hurry.

"Then go and destroy Myoboku Mountain first, and then come back to practice fairy arts."

The village was fine, Mizuki found Tsunade and said something, and then left.

He flew in the air, all the way east, at a very fast speed.

He flew out of the Land of Birds, crossed the Land of Rain and the Land of Fire, and came to the sea.

He did not choose to continue flying, but planned to rent a boat to go out to sea.

"This trip is a good opportunity to travel around. I have not seen many scenes in the ninja world. This is an opportunity."

It's not easy to get out of here.

Things are done, it's time to relax.

Since he came to the world of Naruto, Shuimu's heart has been tense, and he has never spent a day in peace.

Now that the threat is gone, the rhythm of life must be changed.

He has seen a lot of scenery in the Bird Country, Rain Country and Fire Country, and there is nothing new, so he flew here directly.

But the scenery on the sea has a different flavor, and he must rent a boat to appreciate it slowly.

It's not too late to fly again when he gets tired of it.

"First stop, Water Country!"

As a result, many boatmen refused when they heard that Shuimu wanted to rent a boat to Water Country.

Water Country is a closed country that does not accept foreign tourists. After the cruise ship goes there, it will be chased away before it docks.

So Shuimu directly used his big move.

He took out a thick stack of money and said loudly: "Whoever sends me to Water Country, this money belongs to him."

This stack is at least 300,000 taels, and many boatmen can't earn this much money even if they work hard for a year.

It only takes ten days at most to go back and forth to the Land of Water.

Shuimu took out so much money, and someone was immediately tempted.

"I, my boat will take you there!"

"My boat is new, and my boat driving skills are the best around here. I'll take you to the Land of Water!"

"My sister will be with me, and she is very beautiful. My lord, please choose me..."

"My sister came back from the Land of Hot Springs after studying there, and her massage skills are first-class. The explosion will make you feel comfortable..."


Many people scrambled for it.

Shuimu didn't care, and randomly chose a young man who looked pretty good, and paid to board the ship directly.

This is a long-distance passenger ship, which usually travels back and forth between the Land of Fire, the Land of Waves, the Land of the Sea, the Land of Craftsmen and other countries.

The captain is a young man named Haibo.

"My lord, what would you like to eat for lunch?"

Shuimu stood on the deck, feeling the sea breeze and looking at the sparkling sea, which was quite interesting.

A beautiful girl in a sailor uniform came behind him and asked respectfully.

Her name is Hai Yezi, and she is Hai Bo's sister.

She is also the cook on the ship!

In addition to the two brothers and sisters, there are several young sailors on the ship, and Shui Mu is not interested in getting to know them one by one.

Shui Mu said: "I want to eat salmon sashimi at noon, and it would be better if there is wasabi."

Hai Yezi asked curiously: "Does the adults like sashimi too? I thought people who live on land like adults don't like to eat sashimi."

Shui Mu smiled and said: "Because it tastes good, I like it!"

"By the way, in addition to salmon sashimi, some cold seaweed and charcoal grilled lobster, well, that's all for now!"

After that, he took out a stack of money and handed it over.

"This is the food allowance!"

Hai Yezi's eyes were full of light.

Of course, the way she looked at Shui Mu was full of admiration and expectation.

But she didn't take the money, but said:

"Sir, you gave me enough money before, the food expenses are already included, no need to pay extra."

Shuimu said: "That little money is just for travel expenses. I have high requirements for food. You must be attentive when cooking."

"From raw materials to color, fragrance and taste, it must be the best."

"So you must take this money, otherwise I will think you are perfunctory to me."

It doesn't matter how much you spend, but the food must be good.

With a lot of money, you can be willful!

Hai Yezi could only take the money and promised: "My Lord, please rest assured. I will definitely give you my 100% attention and make the most delicious food for you."

Shui Mu nodded: "Well, I'll leave it to you!"

In the kitchen, Hai Bo asked Hai Yezi: "How is it, does that Lord have any thoughts about you?"

Hai Yezi frowned and said: "He didn't even look at me carefully, but he gave me so much money, so I don't understand what he means."

Hai Bo smiled and said: "It's normal. Big shots don't look down on people like us who are from ordinary families."

"But he gave money, which means he has thoughts about you."

"Not emotional thoughts, but physical thoughts."

Hai Yezi was immediately unhappy when she heard it.

"No, I will never agree!"

"I would rather marry Yamu than sleep with others for money."

"Unless he is willing to marry me!"

Yamu is a cleaner on the ship, specializing in cleaning the deck and cabin. He is not very smart and does not look good.

Haibo immediately said: "Hey sister, listen to me first."

"We are from the common people, the lowest level of society, it is impossible to join the nobility."

"But as a woman, you are not without opportunities to improve your social status."

Haiyako asked: "If he doesn't marry me, how can I improve my social status?"

Haibo explained in a low voice: "If you give birth to a child of a noble, then the officials in your hometown will come to Ba

I will marry you. By then, your status will be different. "

"Look at this gentleman, he has outstanding temperament, handsome appearance, generous spending, noble words, and he is obviously the young master of a noble family."

"He went out alone, without even a woman to serve him. The ship has been drifting on the sea for so long, he must be lonely."

"You serve him with your heart, and it would be best if you can get pregnant. The children you give birth to will definitely be the same as this gentleman. Others will know that he is a noble heir at a glance, and as a mother, your status will immediately be different."

"At worst, if you accompany him, he will also give you a large sum of money, so that you will not have to worry about anything in the future."

"Don't you think so?"

Hai Bo's words made Hai Yezi's heart move.

"Then, I'll try it at night?"

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