Haibo said, "I hope you can figure it out." He said earnestly, "Sister, don't blame me for not caring about your innocence. I am doing this for your own good." "My parents are dead, and all they left us is this old, dilapidated boat. I am a man and can spend my whole life guarding the boat, but you are my sister, and I can't let you drift on the boat all your life." "We have no money, and we have so many sailors to support us, so we can't afford too much dowry. Although you are beautiful, you can only marry a poor man in the end, and then live a life of poverty and destitution." "But this is an opportunity. If you serve this master well, at worst you can get a lot of money. With money, you will have a generous dowry, and you can marry a good family, and then you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life." As he said this, his face suddenly became melancholy. "My brother is making a living on the sea, and he might die at any time. The only person I am worried about is you."

Hai Yezi's eyes were red.

"Brother, you are so good to me."

"But, but I have no experience, and I don't know how to ask that adult."

Hai Bo said: "Don't worry, sister, I will arrange everything."


This passenger ship is very simple, and it can be seen that it is very old, and the displacement is also very small.

It is far inferior to the ship that Naruto and his friends took when they went to the Cloud Village.

Shui Mu didn't dislike it.

It was calm all the way, and there was not even a strong wind.

Shui Mu had dinner on the deck. Shui Mu moved the table and chairs to the deck and arranged them steadily.

The cook Hai Yezi brought the prepared dishes, including salmon sashimi, charcoal grilled lobster tails, boiled conch, steamed crab, various sushi, vegetable salad...

The table was almost full, and several sailors looked over here not far away, swallowing their saliva as they watched.

They had no interest in seafood. After all, they were at sea all year round, and they could eat all kinds of fish, shrimp, snails and crabs until they vomited.

In their eyes, there was only vegetable salad.

These foods that were only available on land were rarely eaten by them.

They could only eat more every time the ship docked, but their stomachs were so big that they could not eat enough.

Once they went out to sea, vegetables became a luxury again.

Shuimu ate by himself, enjoying the scenery of the sea while eating in the sea breeze.

Hai Yezi brought up another plate of fruits, which included watermelon, grapes, bananas, etc., and a coconut with its mouth opened and inserted.

"Sir Shuimu, do these dishes suit your taste?" Hai Yezi asked nervously.

Shuimu nodded: "Yes, these are all original, I like them very much. Especially the salmon, it is so fresh."

After hearing this, Hai Yezi laughed and said: "This is freshly caught, and it is processed after being caught, so it is the freshest."

"On land, you can't eat such fresh salmon sashimi anyway."

"The other ingredients are also fresh. Since you like it, enjoy it."

Shuimu really enjoyed it.

The Bird Country is located inland and there is no seafood at all.

The neighboring Rain Country does have a sea, but it is fresh water, and the area is not as large as the real ocean. It is more accurate to call it a lake.

So the fish, shrimp and crabs in the Rain Country are all freshwater products, not real seafood.

Shuimu ate his fill and asked Haibo to move a recliner. He lay down and looked up at the starry sky.

The starry sky here is completely different from the one on Earth in his previous life.

Shuimu sighed in his heart, not knowing whether he could return to Earth in his lifetime.

As he thought about it, he sighed and couldn't help but mutter in words that the people on the boat couldn't understand: "The moon is bright and the stars are sparse. The magpies fly south and circle the tree three times. Which branch can they rely on?"

He took out a bottle of wine from the storage ring and drank it in big gulps.

The night was getting late, and Haibo came over.

"Sir, the sea is windy at night. It's easy to get sick if you stay on the deck for a long time. It's better to go back to the room and rest early."

"Your room has been cleaned. Hai Yezi cleaned it very carefully. She also prepared hot water for you. If you need it, she can help you wash."

"Even if you have other needs, it's okay."

"Don't worry, my sister has never been touched by a man. She is absolutely clean."

This is very straightforward.

Although Shuimu drank wine, he was not drunk.

Although he is not an ascetic, he is not willing to be liked by any woman.

It's just a boat ride, there's no need.

"No, I'm not interested."

After saying that, he took out a wad of money and said, "Take this money, and then, don't bother me."

Hai Bo was disappointed, but still took the money.

But the way he looked at Shuimu became strange.

Shuimu asked speechlessly: "What are you looking at?"

This look is too much!

"Is there anything else? If not, go away, don't disturb me."

Shuimu and the people on the boat didn't have much in common, nor did they seem to have any in common.

Haibo said hurriedly: "No, I didn't see anything, I'm leaving now."

After saying that, he turned around and left, but after a few steps, he sighed and shook his head.

Shuimu didn't care.

Haibo walked into the cabin, and Hai Yezi immediately asked: "Brother, how is it?"

Haibo shook his head and said: "Sister, give up, this adult, he is not interested in women."

Hai Yezi looked disappointed.

She sighed: "Such a handsome adult, actually likes men, hey!"

On the deck, Shuimu's mouth twitched.

Haibo said, "In my opinion, no, there are so many men on the boat, but I didn't see the adults look at any of them."

"I guess he is not good at that."

"Sister, I warn you, you must not get close to such a man, no matter how much money he offers, you will not be happy."

Haiyako seemed to understand: "Oh!"

On the deck, Shuimu spit out a mouthful of wine.


"I just said I'm not interested, and you said I'm not good at that?"

"What kind of logic is this!"

Shuimu wanted to prove himself immediately, but after thinking about it, he decided not to care about the opinions of strangers who met by chance.

He continued to drink and gradually became a little drunk.

Unconsciously, he fell asleep on the recliner and snored.

It seemed that he hadn't slept so well for a long time.

Haiiyako heard the noise and found that Shuimu was asleep, so he took the quilt and covered Shuimu.

"Oh, what a good man, so handsome and rich..."

"What a pity!"

But at this moment, she suddenly found something strange on the sea.

Looking carefully, she saw several dark shadows approaching on the sea in the distance.

The face of the sea coconut changed drastically, and she immediately shouted: "Pirates are coming, pirates are coming!"

This shout woke up all the sleeping people on the boat, and those who were not asleep also changed their faces.

The boat immediately became chaotic.

As the captain, Haibo immediately took command.

"Don't panic!"

"Right full rudder, there is a familiar reef thirty miles to the right front. Only when we get there can we get rid of the pirates' attack."

The pirates' ship was too fast, and it was unrealistic to get rid of it by speed.

But Haibo had been making a living on the sea with his parents since he was a child, and he was very familiar with the nearby waters, so he immediately thought of a way.

The ship quickly drove towards the reef, and the pirate ships behind were also there. After all, there were three in total, with larger size and deeper draft.

Haibo estimated the speed of both sides and the distance, and felt relieved.

"Don't worry, we are fine, the other side can't stop us."

The sailors were relieved after hearing this, and the tense atmosphere relaxed a little.

Shuimu, on the other hand, was still sleeping on the deck and snoring.

The sound of waves hitting rocks in front of him sounded, and Haibo smiled, and the reef was coming.

He was very familiar with this place, and knew the only safe waterway through the reef belt. If he passed through the waterway, he could get rid of the pirate ship.

Because the pirate ship was bigger and couldn't pass through the narrow waterway.

But at this moment, several ships turned out from behind a reef and blocked the way of Haibo's ship.

Haibo's face changed drastically.

"Turn, turn left quickly, the road ahead is blocked."

But it was too late.

Soon, Haibo's ship was forced to stop by two pirate ships, and the three pirate ships behind followed and surrounded Haibo's ship.

At this time, Shuimu was still sleeping!

Haibo told Hai Yezi: "Go wake up Master Shuimu quickly and take him to hide in the utility room on the bottom floor. Don't make any noise."

"I can see clearly that the other party is the Straw Hat Pirates. They usually only rob property and don't kill people."

Hai Yezi immediately went to call Shuimu.

In a daze, Shuimu was awakened.

Although surrounded by pirates, these pirates did not pose a threat at all, so they could not arouse Shuimu's subconscious vigilance.

"What's wrong?"

Hai Yezi said anxiously: "Master, hide with me quickly, we are surrounded by the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Straw Hat Pirates?" Shuimu was shocked.

"Isn't it that I have traveled to One Piece again?"

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