The battle was won, and the battle was won.

Wind Country, Sand Village.

In the meeting room, the daimyo of Wind Country had a gloomy face.

"You bunch of rubbish, I asked you to send people to destroy the Great Wall of Bird Country, you can't even do such a small thing, what's the use of you?"

"I spend so much money to support you every year, and this is how you serve me?"

The Sand Ninja sent to destroy the Great Wall was no match for Rope Tree. There were eight ninjas in the two teams, six Chunin died, and only two Jonin escaped.

The destroyed Great Wall was also repaired by Rope Tree.

"I don't care. You must destroy the Great Wall at all costs."

"Otherwise, how can the warriors of my Wind Country invade the Bird Country?"

Grandma Chiyo said apologetically: "Dai Ming, please forgive us. We will immediately send stronger ninjas to destroy the Great Wall."

"This time, we will definitely destroy the Great Wall so that our warriors can march straight into the Bird Country and conquer the Bird Country in one fell swoop."

The Dai Ming nodded, and the anger on his face faded a little.

"In that case, I'll wait for your good news."


When Chiyo heard the word "but", her heart skipped a beat and she had a bad feeling.

As expected, the next moment she heard the daimyo say: "The Great Wall was not destroyed in time this time, which resulted in the 50,000 samurai army being unable to attack. The delay was a small matter, but countless food and fresh water were consumed."

"The daily consumption of 50,000 troops is an astronomical figure, and these are all money."

The daimyo's sarcastic voice made the Sand Ninja executives in the conference room frown.

"This is all your fault for not doing a good job!"

"So the responsibility should be borne by your Sand Ninja Village, Financial Officer, let's settle the accounts!"

The faces of the Sand Ninja executives instantly became extremely ugly.

They were still curious before, the daimyo came to the Sand Ninja Village, and he brought the financial officer with him when he was besieging and killing, and they thought he was here to get a raise.

Who knew that he was here to settle the accounts.

The financial officer counted for a while, and the result came out soon.

"Daimyo-sama, the 50,000-man army consumes about 50 million taels of food, grass, fresh water and other supplies every day."

"Because the ninjas sent by the Sand Village failed to destroy the Great Wall of the Land of Birds in time, the army was delayed for at least ten days. In total, at least 500 million taels were consumed."

Chiyo couldn't sit still anymore, and stood up and said loudly: "This is impossible!"

"On average, one person consumes one thousand taels a day, which is absolutely impossible. When ninjas go to war, they consume less than one hundred taels a day."

She pointed at the financial officer and said: "You must have calculated it wrong."

The financial officer smiled and said: "Don't worry, Chiyo-chan, one thousand taels per person is not much, this is still a conservative estimate."

"Warriors are not like you ninjas, they They have no chakra, and their movements are purely physical. In addition, they wear thick armor, so they eat a lot, and they have to eat well to ensure their physical strength and combat effectiveness. "

"They don't know how to use the instant body technique, so they can't travel fast. They will be very tired after a long journey in the desert, and their legs are easily injured. They need to consume medicinal herbs every day to soak their feet to relieve fatigue."

"The desert is extremely hot, and warriors often suffer from heatstroke, which consumes more medicinal herbs."

"On a comprehensive basis, one thousand taels per person per day is really not much."

Chiyo wanted to say something, but the daimyo said directly: "Grandma Chiyo, you don't think that the financial officer of this daimyo deliberately miscalculated the account, right?"

Chiyo snorted coldly and sat down.

Seeing this, the daimyo sneered in his heart and said: "The account has been calculated. Five hundred million taels, this is all caused by the mistakes of the Sand Village, and the responsibility should also be borne by the Sand Village."

As soon as this was said, the high-level Sand Ninjas present immediately objected.

"No, this is absolutely not possible!"

"Daimyo, the economy of the Sand Village is already tight, and we can't come up with 500 million taels."

"500 million taels is too much, a little less!"


Everyone was praying to the daimyo, only Chiyo, who sat there without saying a word, leaning back on the chair, and closed her eyes.

Ebizo turned his head and looked at his sister, as if he realized something.

The daimyo didn't care about everyone's prayers, and said: "The Wind Country is located in the desert, the economy is backward, and this daimyo's money is not blown by the wind."

"I won't pay for your mistakes."

"I have made up my mind, there is no need to say more about this matter."

Everyone was desperate.

500 million taels, if they took it out, how would the Sand Village live?

At this time, the daimyo said: "Of course, I am not a heartless person, and I will not let the Sand Village come up with 500 million taels at once.

Come on, this is really difficult for you, let's do this..."

As soon as these words came out, hope immediately rose in everyone's eyes.

The daimyo thought for a moment, turned around and asked the financial officer: "What is the annual budget of the Sand Village now?"

The financial officer said: "Replying to the daimyo, the annual budget of the Sand Village is 120 million taels."

The daimyo nodded and said to the high-level Sand Shinobi: "In this way, you will not be allowed to take out the money, but I will not pay for the 500 million taels."

"In the next five years, I will only give 20 million taels of the 120 million taels of funding each year, and the remaining 100 million taels will be regarded as compensation for the loss of the 500 million taels."

"After five years, the funding will return to the normal 120 million taels. "

The Sand Ninja leaders looked at each other in bewilderment.

Five years, only 20 million taels a year?

Are you sending away beggars?

In the underground gold exchange, the bounty of any S-rank rebel ninja can reach 20 million taels.

"Daimyo, this... this is not appropriate..."

"With 20 million taels a year, how can the Sand Ninja Village develop? We can't even afford to eat."

"Daimyo, you can't do this. If you continue like this, the Sand Ninja Village will completely decline and even fall out of the top five ninja villages."

"The Sand Ninja Village is an important foundation for ensuring national security. If it declines, once other countries attack, the Wind Country will be at risk of being destroyed. "

The village's top leaders were completely panicked.

If the annual budget is really only 20 million taels, then the Sand Village will be completely ruined.

Compared to the panic of the crowd, Chiyo still closed her eyes and did not react at all.

No matter what these people said, the daimyo would not change his mind, until the daimyo got annoyed and just got up and left.

There was a lot of noise in the meeting room.

Everyone was blaming each other, shirking responsibility, and it was a mess.

"Enough! "

When Chiyo's scolding sounded, everyone immediately quieted down and turned to look at her.

Chiyo sat on the chair and glanced at everyone. Those who were swept by her glance bowed their heads.

At this time, Chiyo did not look like a kind old woman in the past, and her eyes were full of majesty.

Chiyo's eyes swept around and said lightly: "Sand Village was founded by my husband Reito and me. The purpose of building Sand Village is to emulate Konoha Village, and each family will gather together to keep warm and strengthen their strength in order to gain a foothold in the ninja world. "

"Sand Village was built in the Kingdom of Wind, and the leader was called Wind Shadow, but at the beginning of the village, the relationship between the village and the Kingdom of Wind was cooperation. "

"Sand Village uses military force to protect the security of the Kingdom of Wind, and the Kingdom of Wind provides funds to ensure the development of Sand Village. "

"The two are mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation! "

Everyone listened to Chiyo quietly, and no one dared to interrupt.

Chiyo glanced at everyone again, then slapped the table and shouted: "But look at what the village has become now?"

"We have a cooperative relationship with the Wind Country, not a subordinate relationship, let alone a master-servant relationship!"

"The way you just wagged your tails and begged for mercy in front of the Daimyo was really ugly."

Everyone's face became ugly.

There is no need to say such harsh words!

We are not dogs...

Chiyo continued: "You must remember that our Sand Village and the Daimyo of the Wind Country are only in a cooperative relationship. The Daimyo pays, and we work hard."

"And now, the Daimyo doesn't pay, so what do you think we should do?"

Everyone was silent.

After a while, someone said: "If the Daimyo doesn't pay, we won't work hard, but..."

Chiyo sneered: "But what? But in this way, we will offend the Daimyo and won't even get 20 million taels a year, right? ”

The man shut up in embarrassment.

"What can 20 million taels a year do?"

"Now I have decided to change the rules in the future. I will no longer accept financial support from the Daimyo of Wind Country, and I will no longer provide any free military support to the Daimyo of Wind Country."

"If the Daimyo needs ninjas, then spend money."

"Send a Genin, and each person will receive 5,000 taels of mission gold per day."

"Send a Chunin, and each person will receive 50,000 taels of mission gold per day."

"Send a Jonin, and each person will receive 500,000 taels of mission gold per day."

"This is the most basic fee. In addition, it depends on the mission level. The higher the level, the higher the mission gold."

At this point, Chiyo was silent for half a minute, and then stood up.

"My opinion, who among you objects? "

In fact, everyone is against it.

The daimyo actually has little need for ninjas. Ninjas are only used when war breaks out.

After all, in the ninja world, the daimyo's status is very noble, and few people will assassinate the daimyo.

It is enough to have warriors to protect the daimyo's safety.

So don't think that the mission Chiyo said is too expensive.

, this money is definitely hard to earn.

But even if you object, the first bird to stick its head out will be shot. Chiyo is so aggressive, who dares to say that he opposes now?

"Well, since no one objects, then this matter is decided. After discussing the details, notify the daimyo directly."

Some people immediately couldn't sit still.

"Chiyo, this won't work. Unless the war breaks out, the daimyo will never spend money on us."

Chiyo laughed and said, "Hasn't the war already broken out?"

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