The village is getting more and more lively since the opening of the Ninja School.

Mizuki was walking on the street, and the scene behind him became lively. He turned around and saw a group of people coming towards him aggressively.

The leader was Tsunade!

She walked with big strides, and the two mountains on her chest were very oppressive, but no one dared to look directly at the men on the street.

Afraid of being beaten!

That fist could easily send people to the hospital, the kind that would lie in the ward for three months without getting out of bed.

Behind Tsunade, in addition to Shizune, there were several other ferocious guys.

They were all pushing carts, and they were all filled with gambling.

Cards, dice, etc.

"Tsunade, what are you doing... the casino is closed? Are you going to have a wild fight outside?"

Tsunade was very upset.

Are you polite to say this in front of a woman in her fifties?

If she hadn't been defeated, she would have just started fighting.

"No, I'm going to school for class, and these things are classroom supplies."

"This class teaches students how to gamble."

The ninja school is seriously short of teachers, so Mizuki can only call on everyone to participate actively.

It doesn't matter what you teach.

So, Tsunade taught gambling, Minato taught cooking, Zabuza taught swimming, and so on. It was not for the students to learn anything, but just to let them have more time to relax in their boring study life.

As for the ninjutsu course, Kakashi was still in charge.

Mizuki hurriedly said, "Oh, then I won't bother you anymore. Go quickly, the class bell has already rung."

Tsunade led people to the school in a hurry.

Shizune deliberately fell behind a few steps, stood beside Mizuki, and whispered: "Mizuki-sama, is this really okay?"

Mizuki smiled and said: "What's wrong with it? Gambling can also exercise the brain. Ninja training and fighting all require brains."

Shizune: "That's not what I mean. What I mean is, is it really okay to let Tsunade-sama teach gambling?"

"After all, Tsunade-sama's gambling skills are famous in the ninja world..."

At this time, Tsunade turned back and shouted: "Shizune, what are you still hesitating about? Hurry up and catch up."

"Hmph, don't think I don't know what you are talking about. I just have bad luck, but my gambling skills are not bad at all."

Shizune glanced at Mizuki helplessly and followed him.

The village was thriving, and Mizuki was quite satisfied.

At the beginning, Mizuki created the village just to have a place to live, but now, he will use this village as the center to realize his ambition to unify the ninja world.

Leaving the downtown, Mizuki found Naruto and gave him a glass of hero water.

[Ding! 】

【The host grants his disciple Uzumaki Naruto a cup of Hero Water, triggering a 5000-fold return. 】

【Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the enhanced version of Hero Water. 】

【Enhanced version of Hero Water: Drink a cup, the chakra capacity will be permanently increased, the minimum increase is 15 times, the maximum is 100 times. The more chakra you have, the smaller the increase. 】

【Hint: No side effects. 】

【Note: It is invalid after the host uses it. 】

"Enhanced version? This should be enough!"

This cup of enhanced Hero Water is prepared for Nobita.

Although Nobita has eaten chakra noodles several times and his chakra capacity has been increased, that little chakra is still not enough to become a Jinchūriki.

With the Hero Water, Mizuki went to find Nobita.

A training ground in the south of the village.

Nobita is training in physical skills here, and Xigua is his sparring partner. While fighting, Xigua is guiding.

Mizuki stood at a distance and watched for a while, and found that Nobita's physical skills had improved a lot.

Any random movement was faster than before.

He was calm and relaxed when attacking, and each punch and kick seemed random, but they were just right.

No matter how Xigua attacked, Nobita could respond flexibly. Although his reaction and speed could not keep up with Xigua, it was already very good to be able to do this.

Mizuki was very surprised.

After not seeing him for a while, Nobita's physical skills improved very quickly!

Last time at the lake, Nobita's physical skills were no worse than those of ordinary physical skills-type Chunin.

Before the Chunin Exam, Xiao Li, without opening the Eight Gates, could only fight Nobita on equal terms at most.

But today, Nobita's physical skills have improved a lot, whether it is strength, reaction, or speed, he is completely different from before.

Relying on physical skills alone, he can serve as a special Jonin.

"Does Nobita have good aptitude in physical skills?"

Among all his disciples, Nobita's aptitude is the worst, only C-level. When he was in Konoha Orphanage, he didn't even enter the Ninja School.

He didn't even have the qualifications to attend the school.

If it weren't for Shuimu's support, he would never have thought of becoming a ninja in his life.

But this stupid disciple now showed his strengths.

Shuimu watched for a while and nodded continuously.

When the man and the cat stopped to rest, Shuimu walked over.

"Nobita, your physical skills have improved a lot!" Shuimu praised with a smile.

Nobita scratched his head and said, "Thanks to the watermelon."

Shuimu smiled and said, "It's indeed thanks to the watermelon. I, as a master, have failed in my duty in cultivation."

He took out the cup of the water of the hero and said, "Drink this, it can increase the amount of chakra."

Nobita took it and drank it directly without any doubt.

Then, the chakra in his body began to increase, and a strong momentum emanated from his body, and the chakra overflowed from his body uncontrollably.

This made the watermelon on the side widen his eyes.

"How many times is this increase?"

Shui Mu said: "For this potion, the less chakra a person drinks, the higher the increase multiple."

"It can reach up to 100 times."

Xigua couldn't help asking: "This... is this a permanent increase, or a temporary one?"

Shui Mu: "Of course it's permanent, what's the use of a temporary one."

Xigua opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say for a while.

The chakra in Nobita's body continued to increase, and when the increase reached 80 times, the effect of the Water of the Tyrant ended.

Nobita at this time was obviously different from before.

The strong chakra fluctuations made him full of momentum, and a large amount of blue chakra overflowed from his body, forming a blue halo on his body surface.

This is a manifestation of too much chakra and loss of control.

"Thank you, Master!"

Shui Mu smiled and nodded, saying: "Hurry up and meditate to control the chakra, otherwise if you walk in the village like this, you will be watched by everyone."

Nobita immediately sat on the ground, closed his eyes and concentrated on controlling the chakra.

At this time, Xigua suddenly asked: "Shuimu, do you still have this potion that increases chakra?"

Shuimu said: "Yes, I do, but it's very precious. Why, do you want it?"

Xigua nodded and said: "Of course I want this kind of thing. We, the extraordinary ninja cat clan, mainly rely on physical skills to fight, and our chakra is not naturally abundant."

"But if you are gifted and have sufficient chakra in your body, you can also use ninjutsu."

"Compared to using physical skills to fight head-on, the lethality, destructive range and safety factor of ninjutsu fighting are obviously higher."

"I was born with little chakra, so I can only practice physical skills, but if I drink this potion, my chakra will increase greatly, so I can practice ninjutsu."

"You have both ninjutsu and physical skills, and you have a bright future. You are qualified to become a duke or even a prince."

Shuimu said, "I still have the potion, but it is very precious. If you want it, you need to exchange it for something."

Then he added, "I don't like ordinary things. I have to have good things."

"For example, the physical skills inherited from Meow Star, or something similar to stalactites."

Shuimu would certainly not give it away for free.

Every portion of the Hero's Water, whether it is a low-quality version or a strengthened version, can increase the amount of chakra.

If you sell any of it, it is definitely worth dozens or hundreds of times more than Asuma.

These Hero's Waters were all exchanged for the Hero's Water he gave to his apprentice. The bottle of Hero's Water is used up a little bit, and the quantity is limited.

So it is very precious.

Watermelon nodded and said, "It's my duty. I have no shame to ask for such a precious thing in vain."

"I'll think about what to exchange."

It lowered its head and pondered, with a struggle flashing on its face occasionally.

It seemed that there was something that it was reluctant to give up.

Shuimu was not in a hurry, let it think about it slowly, anyway, he didn't care.

It would be best if it could be exchanged for something good, but if it couldn't be exchanged, it wouldn't force it, because it didn't lack anything.

The chakra around Nobita gradually faded, and he had gradually controlled it.

Watermelon seemed to have thought it through.

"Shuimu, I have thought of something to exchange with you, but before that, let's have a physical duel first!"

"After the fight, you will know that the thing I want to exchange with you is very precious."

Shuimu was confused. If it's just to exchange things, what's the point of fighting first?

But he still agreed.

"Then come on!"

The two went to an open space on the side without disturbing Nobita.

The next moment, Xigua made a move. It jumped towards Shuimu at an extremely fast speed.

Its afterimage was left behind.

With a flash of its figure, Xigua arrived in front of Shuimu and slapped Shuimu's left shoulder. At the same time, its tail swept towards Shuimu's waist like a steel whip.


Shuimu was surprised.

When Watermelon was summoned, the two had a physical duel. At that time, Shuimu was no match for Watermelon in physical skills, and he won by illusion.

Later, Shuimu's right eye evolved into a golden samsara eye, and his strength, speed, and reaction were all improved by a thousand times, so he was able to steadily suppress Watermelon in physical skills.

But today, Watermelon's performance was completely beyond Shuimu's expectations.

Shuimu guessed that Watermelon had become stronger, but he was surprised to be so strong.

He roughly estimated that Watermelon's speed and reaction had improved by at least three or four times compared to before.

It was completely unreasonable to improve so much in a short period of time.

Of course, although Watermelon had improved, it was still not good enough for Shuimu.

Facing the attack, Shuimu easily avoided it and counterattacked at will.

In his eyes, Watermelon's every move was still in slow motion, and such an attack was meaningless to him.

The attack failed, and Watermelon's eyes became astonished. It stared at Shuimu blankly and asked, "How did you improve so much again?"

Watermelon was a little numb!

When it first met Shuimu, it could easily beat him with physical skills.

In the second battle, it was no match for Shuimu.

I thought that after two enhancements, I would definitely be able to defeat Shuimu this time, but I didn't expect that I was still no match.

Shuimu smiled and said, "Do you think you are the only one who can become stronger?"

Watermelon looked lonely and said, "You have improved more than me. It seems that you definitely don't like my things. Forget it, I am not blessed with chakra potion."

Shuimu said, "Your things should be related to physical enhancement. I really don't need them."

Compared to the increase in strength from the fruit of the sacred tree, Shuimu really doesn't like other things.

Even if the Hero's Water is returned ten thousand times, and the Super Hero's Water is obtained, which can increase chakra ten thousand times, Shuimu doesn't need it.

The amount of chakra he has now is no longer something that can be enhanced by such things.

"But, although I don't need it, the people in the village do!"

"Tell me what it is, I'll decide whether to exchange it."

Xigua said: "What I can take out is the formula of the physical enhancement potion. The physical enhancement potion I made can double the physical strength every time it is used, and it can be used indefinitely."

"Infinitely stacked?" Shuimu asked in surprise.

Xigua nodded: "Not bad!"

"According to the basic physical fitness, the first use will increase it by 2 times, the second use will increase it by 4 times, the third use will increase it by 8 times, and the fourth time will increase it by 16 times."

"I used it twice, so my physical fitness increased by 4 times, including strength, speed, reaction, endurance... all 4 times."

This is an exponential explosion!

The improvement will be astronomical later.

Shuimu said hurriedly: "Okay, I want this thing!"

Xigua said: "Don't worry, I'll tell you the shortcomings first, and you can decide later."

It said: "The raw material of the physical enhancement potion is stalactite. The first use requires 100 drops of stalactite to prepare, the second use requires 200 drops, the third use requires 400 drops, and so on."

"So although the enhancement effect is very strong, the consumption is also multiplied."

"And in the entire Cat Star, only my Xigua Island can produce stalactites, and there are only a pitiful 11 ​​drops per year, so no one will use stalactites to prepare physical enhancement potions, even the Cat King is reluctant to do so."

"You can copy at a ratio of one to twenty, so I only got more than 300 drops, prepared the potion twice, and the physical fitness increased twice."

Shuimu remained calm, but was overjoyed in his heart.

What one to twenty, I just lied to you.

He still has more than 10,000 drops of stalactite in his hand, all returned by the system.

The key is that there are 31 drops of stalactite, which are the original ones given by Xigua.

If all these 31 drops are given to the apprentice, even if the average return is 1,000 times, it can return more than 30,000.

"I don't need it myself, but I can use it to train the ninjas in the village, including the students in the school."

It takes 100 drops of stalactite to strengthen a single person once. The return of the 10,000 drops in my hand alone can strengthen 100 people.

"In this way, the grassroots strength of Phoenix Village will be rapidly improved."

He can't rely on him alone to conquer the world.

He hurriedly said to Xigua: "Okay, you give me the formula, and I will exchange it with you for chakra potion."

"Let your chakra increase at least 100 times, how about it?"

Xigua was surprised: "Really 100 times?"

Shuimu said: "Since I said it, it will be at least 100 times, and I will never let you suffer a loss."

Xigua agreed of course, and immediately gave his admiration to Shuimu.


Mu found Naruto again and gave him a cup of Hero Water. This time the system returned 6,000 times the amount of Hero Water, which was more effective and could increase the chakra by 120 times.

Xigua happily took it and drank it directly.

Shuimu was going to wait for Nobita to finish his training before sending him the tailed beast, but after getting the formula, he hurried back to prepare the physical enhancement potion.

On the other side of the sea, the continent where the three holy places are located.

It was night here at this time.

The boundless starry sky was shining brightly, and suddenly a beam of starlight shot straight down.

This beam of light looked very thin from a distance, but when it fell to the ground, it was as thick as ten meters.

After the starlight fell, a "person" also fell to the ground along with the starlight.

This "person" was emitting starlight all over his body, as dazzling as a star, and his specific appearance could not be seen clearly.

But his height was five meters.

"Is it that the seal on this planet has been destroyed?"

"It's so boring to come all the way to this remote place."

"When we find the person who destroyed the seal, we must punish him severely!"

He looked into the distance, where the ruins of Myoboku Mountain were located.

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