The old man was very angry.

Walking on the street, Shuimu looked normal.

But he was already furious.

"Even such a despicable method was used."

It was not worth noting that Acorus mistakenly ordered vinegar and soy sauce. He just called out a few words, and other customers in the store didn't care at all.

As long as you are a person, you will make mistakes.

Others didn't notice the abnormality, who would have thought that someone would murder him in his own village?

But Shuimu was different. He was a time traveler, and the three generations had always wanted to kill him, which made him very vigilant.

He would not ignore any disturbance, nor dare to ignore it.

Because if there was a slight mistake, he would probably die.

After noticing something was wrong, Shuimu did not make a big fuss, but quietly performed Tai Chi. Just then, a mouse passed by the beam above his head and was knocked down by the punch, falling right into the bowl.

Then, Shuimu used echolocation to "watch" the mouse.

After the mouse escaped outside the house and ran into the sewer, it began to stagger when walking, and then it bled from its mouth and nose and died.

It took less than 10 seconds, so you can imagine how poisonous the noodles were.

"It's so damn vicious!"

Shuimu was filled with fear when he thought about it.

It was almost the end.

"Brother Rat, go with peace of mind. I will avenge you myself." A cold murderous intent flashed in Shuimu's eyes.

He had made up his mind to kill the third generation himself.

In the following days, Shuimu was more cautious, eating and drinking carefully, and echolocation was always on.

He even dared not sleep deeply, fearing that he would lie on the bed the night before and lie on the board the next morning.

It was very torturous, but there was no way, he would be poisoned if he was not careful.

He had encountered poisoned food and soup several times. Those guys disguised themselves in various ways, sneaked into the kitchen, and poisoned the dishes during the intervals.

If Mizuki's echolocation had not been turned on, he would not know how many times he had been poisoned to death.

Seeing that eating out was too risky, he simply cooked at home.

As a result, the seasoning was also poisonous, and the tap water from the faucet was also poisonous.

In the Hokage's office, the face of the third generation was very gloomy.

He had confirmed that Mizuki had really noticed it.

"In the past few days, Danzo's people have poisoned five times, but they all failed due to various coincidences."

A rat fell into the noodle bowl, the waiter who served the dishes suddenly slipped, the poison pills fell to the ground, the kitchen caught fire and all the seasonings were burned, and the tap was broken.

It would be fine if it happened once or twice, but it happened every time. It's obvious that it's not a coincidence.

"Danzo is a loser, and the people he sent are also losers."

"He can't even act a calamus well, and he can even confuse vinegar and soy sauce, which directly let Mizuki see the flaw."

The third generation also admired Mizuki's vigilance, and he could notice such a small thing.


With a sigh, the third generation summoned an Anbu.

"Go call Danzo, I'll meet him on the roof."

After giving the order, the third generation went to the roof, with his hands behind his back, looking up at the statues of the successive Hokage on the Hokage Rock.

Soon, Danzo came.

There were only two of them on the roof.

"Danzo, stop for now. The Chunin Exam is about to begin. I've received news that ninjas from various villages are arriving to take the exam."

"Orochimaru's plan to collapse Konoha must be prepared. So I will directly dispatch the Root's personnel for the time being, and you don't have to worry about Mizuki for now."

Danzo was furious when he heard this. You want to take away the last bit of power from me if you directly dispatch the Root.

"Hiruzen, I'm going to lead the Root to the border to monitor the movements of the Sand Village."

"You just stay in Konoha, and leave the Sand Village to me."

The third generation narrowed his eyes and said, "Danzo, I'm not discussing this with you."

"On the night of the Nine-Tails twelve years ago, you withdrew the power of the Root and did not participate in the attack on the Nine-Tails. I don't blame you."

"This time, I won't let you do whatever you want."

Danzo was angry, but he had no choice.

Who said he wasn't the Hokage?

"What about Mizuki? How can you kill him? What if Mizuki survives when Orochimaru attacks and turns against us..."

Sandai: "It's because of the Root's mistake that Mizuki has become more vigilant. He was dead that night at Ichiraku Ramen."

Danzo snorted coldly and stopped talking.

He knew he was in the wrong, and in his heart he was cursing the Root ninja who transformed into Ayame.

"I will take care of Mizuki myself, so don't worry about it."

"During this period, until

After the Chunin Exam, you stay at home and don't go out casually. "

The third generation turned around, his eyes were cold.

"Danzo, I know you still have a connection with Orochimaru, but this time it concerns the survival of Konoha, I hope you don't make mistakes."

Danzo said: "Hiruzen, what do you mean by this? Isn't it for Konoha that I have done so much?"

The third generation sneered and turned away.

When he reached the stairs, the third generation paused.

"Danzo, when you go back, notify all the root members to gather at the Hokage Building tomorrow morning and obey my orders."

"In addition, you are not suitable to be Hokage! "

After saying that, the Third Generation went downstairs.

Danzo looked at the Third Generation's disappearing back, his heart filled with anger.

I am not suitable to be Hokage? Hiruzen, you still have the nerve to say this?

Look at how weak Konoha has become under your incompetent leadership over the years?

Even to kill a Mizuki, he was timid. Such a person is not suitable to be Hokage at all?

"I am the most suitable person to be Hokage. Only I can lead the village back to the top. Only I am the hope of the Land of Fire." Danzo's ambition, stimulated by the Third Generation, expanded even more.

Leaving the Hokage Building and walking on the way back to the Root Base, Danzo was full of reluctance.

When he returned to the base, he had already made a decision.

"Mizuki has no loyalty to Konoha. The key is that his strength is not weak, and he has surpassed half of the Jonin. "

"Such a person, keeping it will cause too much harm to Konoha. ”

“The Chunin Exam is coming, and we have to deal with Orochimaru's plan to collapse Konoha. Hiruzen may have given up on killing Mizuki. At most, he will send Mizuki out of the village to perform a long-term mission before the Chunin Exam.”

“But this is not safe!”

A gleam of light flashed in Danzo's eyes.

“Since we can't kill him, there is only one way, to control him.”

“After the Chunin Exam, Hiruzen is killed by Orochimaru, and I can control Mizuki to continue to destroy Konoha, and then I will kill him myself.”

“In that case, my reputation in the village will reach its peak, and my succession to the throne of the Fifth Hokage will be a foregone conclusion.”

He raised his hand to cover his bandaged right eye, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This eye is finally going to be of great use.

He waved his hand to call a Root Ninja and ordered: “Go, ask Mizuki to come here to see me!”

“Yes! "The Root Ninja left instantly.

At the same time, in the Hokage's office building, the Third Hokage walked into the mission hall and ordered: "Bring me the latest mission commission."

Iruka immediately brought the commission, and the Third Hokage flipped through it and locked a mission.

Protect the caravan to the Tea Country, mission level C.

"Iruka, this mission is left to Mizuki, notify him to come and pick it up, and set off early tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Lord Third Hokage! "Iruka responded, and watching the back of the third generation leaving, Iruka's heart was full of worries.

He guessed that this was another plan of the third generation against Mizuki.

Unfortunately, he was just an ordinary Chunin, without any say, and he could only watch the life and death of his friend.

The third generation returned to the office, wrote a note, rolled it up, put it in a thin bamboo tube, and plugged the bamboo tube tightly with a stopper.

Holding the bamboo tube, he walked to the window sill.

On the windowsill, a crow looked at the third generation sideways.

The third generation tied the bamboo tube to the crow's leg and said, "Go! "

The crow croaked twice, flapped its wings and flew away.

At this time, Shuimu was practicing magic. Naraku-ken no Jutsu.

The object of practice was a little squirrel on the tree.

The poor squirrel was pulling a pine cone, trying to dig out the pine nuts to eat.

Suddenly, there was a trance in front of his eyes, and the pine cone turned into a snake, instantly entangled the squirrel, and the tighter and tighter it was, the tighter it was.

The squirrel struggled frantically and screamed, but it was no use.

It only felt that its body was getting tighter and tighter, and it was almost suffocated.

Suddenly, the scene changed, the snake was gone, and the pine cone was still a pine cone.

But the little squirrel had a dull look in his eyes, and he couldn't stand steadily, and fell to the ground with a "thump".

It was frightened by Shuimu's illusion and fainted.

"Ami hair, little squirrel, I'm sorry! "

Shui Mu said he felt guilty and sorry for the little squirrel.

It was innocent!

"As compensation, I decided to give you lots of delicious food!"

Shui Mu jumped up the tree, picked a bunch of pine cones, and piled them around the little squirrel.

When Shui Mu thought of the little squirrel waking up and seeing so many pine cones around him, he was so happy that he couldn't help himself, and the guilt in his heart immediately dissipated a lot.

"Still not proficient enough, then find the next practice target!"

He looked around and quickly locked onto another not far away.

A squirrel.

As their eyes locked, the little squirrel also looked at Shuimu, with resistance and fear in his eyes.

Don't come over here!

"Hehe, don't worry, I'll be gentle!"

Just as he was about to take action, suddenly, a masked ninja appeared and jumped in front of Shuimu in a few steps.

"Root Ninja?" Shuimu frowned, wondering what this Root Ninja wanted to do by standing in front of him.

"Shuimu, Lord Danzo wants to invite you, come with me!"

Shuimu curled his lips and said, "I don't have time!"

The Root Ninja was stunned and said, "Lord Danzo is looking for you, how dare you refuse?"

Shuimu scratched his ears with his fingers and taunted, "I'm not a Root Ninja, why should I listen to Danzo?"

"Okay, I'm annoyed when I see you Root Ninjas, get out of here quickly, don't disturb my practice."

The Root Ninja was very angry, but he didn't dare to take action.

"Does it have to be that Danzo-sama comes to you in person?" The Root Ninja began to threaten.

Mizuki said coldly: "I told you to get out, you don't understand what I'm saying, right!"

The next moment, he stared at the Root Ninja with his eyes, and the Naraku-Knowing Technique was activated.

In an instant, the Root Ninja fell into fear, his eyes widened, and his body stiffened.

But after only 1 second, the Root Ninja got rid of the control of the illusion.

"Mizuki, you dare to use illusions to attack the ninjas in the village, do you know what this is?"

Mizuki laughed: "I just sparred with you, and I didn't hurt you, what's the point of shouting?"

"Of course, if you continue to stay here and talk nonsense, then I don't mind letting you experience the surprise of being killed by yourself."

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