The two of them were in a state of panic.

"Mizuki refused to come to see me and attacked you with illusion?"

Danzo asked calmly, without much reaction.

"In that case, I will go to see him in person."

His right eye had long been thirsty.

In Danzo's view, Kotoamatsukami is a power that can cause war, and he regards it as a treasure and will not use it easily.

At the beginning, Shisui had planned to use Kotoamatsukami to modify the will of the Uchiha clan's high-level officials and let the Uchiha clan give up the coup.

At that time, Danzo said, "You actually want to use such precious power to stop a mere coup?"

In Danzo's eyes, a mere coup is not worth mentioning, and Kotoamatsukami is not needed at all.

But now, Kotoamatsukami can help him become the Fifth Hokage, that's another matter.

Control Mizuki and kill the Third Hokage during the Chunin Exam.

Or wait until the Third Hokage is killed by Orochimaru, and then let Mizuki wreak havoc on Konoha.

In short, first make Mizuki a person who is extremely evil and extremely hated by the villagers.

Then he will appear on the scene, kill Mizuki, and save the village from danger.

By then, with great merit and prestige, the Fifth Hokage will belong to him.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Danzo's always serious face.

"Huruzen, don't blame me!"

"Only under my leadership can the village grow stronger."

He left the Root Base with several men and headed for the eighth training ground.

But before he could reach the entrance of the eighth training ground, he was blocked by the Third Hokage.

"Danzo, I told you not to act on your own."

The third generation only thought that Danzo was trying to kill Mizuki with his men, so he came to stop them immediately after he found out.

He felt that Danzo's strength was not enough to kill Mizuki.

Even if he killed him, all kinds of rumors would appear in the village, which would be detrimental to management.

At this time of the Chunin Exam, when the plan to collapse Konoha is approaching, the village needs to be stable and no chaos can occur.

The most important thing is that the third generation already has a safer plan, so what needs to be done now is to stabilize Mizuki, otherwise the plan will fail before it even starts.

"Hiruzen, I am not going to use force when I meet Mizuki, so you don't have to stop me." Danzo explained.

The third generation of course didn't believe it, and asked: "What do you want to see him for?"

Danzo of course didn't tell the truth, but lied: "I want to apologize to him for what happened at the meeting that day, and see if I can make amends."

"I am sincere, maybe I can make him give up his hatred for Konoha, and if I give him a generous gift, he will definitely return to his heart."

"He is quite powerful. If he can make amends, it will be a great thing for the village."

The third generation sneered in his heart.

Make amends?

If this is said by someone else, it may be true.

But I don't believe a word of it from your mouth, Danzo.

"Okay, even if you apologize and make amends, it is me, the Hokage, who will do it. It's not appropriate for you to go."

"Turn around immediately. Without my permission, you are not allowed to communicate with Mizuki without authorization."

Danzo's face was gloomy, and he wanted to use Kotoamatsukami on the third generation.

But he couldn't do that.

Did he not dare?

Of course not!

Danzo could even assassinate the Third Hokage. There was nothing he dared not do.

So, it was not that he did not dare, but that he could not do it.

Kotoamatsukami was very powerful and was known as the "strongest illusion".

It could directly invade the opponent's brain and modify the opponent's will without being discovered by the opponent.

Itachi transplanted Shisui's Sharingan into the Crow's Eye. With just one glance, it covered the Impure World Reincarnation with Kotoamatsukami, allowing Itachi to break free from the control of Kabuto Yakushi.

Only in the hands of Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi, Kotoamatsukami could be called the "strongest illusion". In Danzo's hands, it was so weak.

Danzo did not have Uchiha blood, and he had not been able to use Shisui's eyes until now.

A sword held in the hands of a baby has no power to kill the enemy;

A pearl dropped into a pigpen and flowed with feces and urine.

This is why, for so many years, Danzo has never used Kotoamatsukami against the Third Hokage to seize the position of Hokage.

Itachi used Kotoamatsukami, and it worked just by looking at each other.

It would not be so easy for Danzo.

First, he had to remove the bandage, and then he had to keep his right eye on the third generation, and it would take a few seconds for it to work.

Unless the third generation was a fool, he would have noticed Danzo's intention at the first time.

After all, the third generation knew Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan.

Trying to control the Hokage with illusion, this crime was enough to kill Danzo several times.

Then ask

Now comes the question. Can we use it on the Third Generation without removing the bandage?


The effect of Kotoamatsukami is greatly reduced through the gauze.

In the anime, when the Five Kage met, Danzo used Kotoamatsukami on the Iron Country leader Mifune through the gauze, trying to control Mifune to support him as the leader.

As a result, he was discovered and exposed by Aoki's Byakugan, and Danzo was forced to stop.

As soon as Danzo stopped, Mifune immediately returned to normal.

This shows that Kotoamatsukami at that time only temporarily modified Mifune's will and could not take effect permanently.

Therefore, on the whole, Danzo's attempt to use Kotoamatsukami to control the Third Generation will definitely fail.

"Huruzen, everything I do is for Konoha."

"You stopped me today, I hope you won't regret it in the future."

Danzo knew that since the Third Generation had come, it would be useless for him to insist, and it would expose Kotoamatsukami.

So, he could only turn around and leave.

Of course, it was only a temporary departure.

Giving up is impossible. How could he miss such a good opportunity?

Watching Danzo leave, the third generation breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I noticed it in time and came to stop it, otherwise my plan would be ruined."

But he didn't know that after Danzo left, he quickly used the transformation technique to change his body and appearance, and made one of his subordinates become his appearance to confuse people.

In the eighth training ground, Mizuki's Naraku-seeing technique became more and more proficient.

The effect of the illusion was getting stronger and stronger.

"If that root ninja hadn't left, he would have been my sparring partner here."

"With my current level of illusion, I will never let him break free in 1 second, and I can control him for at least 3 seconds."

At this moment, the first little squirrel that was in a coma due to the illusion finally woke up.

Then, seeing the pine cones piled up around it, it screamed and fainted again.

"Hey, I haven't used my technique yet, why did it faint?" Mizuki was puzzled.

Could it be that his illusion has already reached the level of making anyone faint at will?

"Forget it, let's find another small animal!"

Just then, footsteps sounded behind him.

Mizuki turned around and found that it was a strange ninja. He didn't care much at first, but the other party's eyes made him feel disgusted.

Mizuki felt a little familiar with this look!

It seemed that he had seen it somewhere.

Suddenly, the other party's right eye changed, the pupil turned blood red, and a black four-cornered windmill appeared in the pupil.

Mizuki couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This is Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan!"

"No, Kotoamatsukami!"

Combined with the familiar eyes, Mizuki has determined that the person in front of him is Danzo.

Danzo was also shocked when he heard it!

How did Mizuki know Shisui's Sharingan? How did he know Kotoamatsukami?

But no matter how shocked he was, Kotoamatsukami's release did not stop.

Invisible spiritual power rushed towards Shuimu, trying to change Shuimu's mind.

Shuimu moved quickly, and the storage ring on his finger flashed, and the bottle of Liushen Flower Water returned by the system appeared.

He opened the lid and applied it under his nose in one go.

His nostrils expanded and he took a deep breath. In an instant, he felt that his whole brain was ventilated.

His mind became extremely clear, and his brain turned very fast. Many things that he didn't understand about the Naraku-jian technique were easily understood at this moment.

The spiritual power increased by 6 times, this is no joke.

Shuimu's spiritual power was originally twice as strong as others, and now it has increased by six times. In total, it is equivalent to 14 times that of others.

An invisible whirlwind blew around him, which was a storm of spirit.

Shuimu closed his eyes, and the magical thing was that he could actually see the objects around him.

Not with the naked eye, but with the spiritual eye.

Although the range was small, he did see it, and it was clearer and more subtle than what the naked eye saw.

Even dust and bacteria that are invisible to the naked eye can be seen clearly by his spiritual eyes.

At this time, Shuimu clearly "saw" a black force rushing towards him.

"Is this the power of Kotoamatsukami?"

The black force was blocked by the whirlwind of mental power and could not advance an inch.

"Kotoamatsukami, Danzo is willing to use Kotoamatsukami on me. Fortunately, I have the Six Gods Flower Water, otherwise today would be over."

Being controlled by Kotoamatsukami and becoming Danzo's puppet is more painful than death.

He opened his eyes and looked at Danzo.

The effect of the Six Gods Flower Water is only 10 seconds. In these 10 seconds, he can either escape from here or fight back to make Danzo stop using Kotoamatsukami.

It is impossible to escape. Danzo alone is not enough to let Shuimu escape.

So, fight back!

"You want to use Kotoamatsukami to control me, you are looking for death!"

Shuimu shouted, and moved behind Danzo, and the kunai directly pierced into Danzo's back.

Killed in one move, but Shuimu did not relax.

As expected, the next moment, Danzo's body turned into bubbles and disappeared.

Not far from Shuimu, Danzo appeared intact.

His right eye was still staring at Shuimu, and the power of Kotoamatsukami was still continuing.

Izanami, one of the ultimate eye techniques of the Uchiha clan, can turn things that are unfavorable to oneself within a period of time into bubbles, and only choose things that are beneficial to oneself to become reality.

"I don't believe that I can't kill you!"

He changed his shape again and appeared behind Danzo, and the kunai pierced Danzo's heart again.

It was Izanami again, and Danzo was still intact.

The duration of the Six Gods Flower Water has consumed 3 seconds.

At this time, Danzo could no longer hold on. Blood and tears flowed from his right eye, and his face became painful.

"Rubbish, you can't hold on for only 3 seconds!" Shuimu sneered in his heart.

The third time he moved behind Danzo, he used up his third Sharingan again with another Kunai.

Danzo, who appeared again, had closed his right eye, tears and blood flowing down from the corner of his eye.

He looked at Mizuki with his left eye, his face full of doubts, and he had begun to doubt his life.

"Why? Why didn't it work?"

Mizuki didn't care about his expression, he moved behind Danzo again, and pierced Danzo's heart.

Danzo died again, and when he appeared again, he immediately used the Earth Escape and Rock Hidden Technique to escape underground and fled far away.

Mizuki didn't chase him, even if he wanted to chase him, he couldn't.

"Fortunately, I have the Six Gods Flower Dew."

Originally it was to prevent Uchiha Itachi's Tsukuyomi, who knew that Tsukuyomi didn't meet it first, but met the more powerful Kotoamatsukami first.

"It's a pity that Danzo is not easy to kill, otherwise I would have killed him today."

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