The old man was very happy.

With sufficient vitality and chakra, the basic conditions for the reincarnation technique have been met.

It's time to prepare for the resurrection of Rope Tree and Kato Dan.

So, Mizuki sent Naruto to the capital of the Kingdom of Birds to call Tsunade back.

Naruto's Flying Thunder God Technique makes him very fast.

Look at him, throwing a kunai, and the kunai flew hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Naruto appeared next to the kunai through Flying Thunder God, stretched out his hand to grab the kunai, and threw it forward again.

After the kunai flew hundreds of meters, he moved to the side of the kunai again with Flying Thunder God...

The physique of a ninja is stronger than that of an ordinary person, and the speed of the kunai he threw is also very fast.

When the kunai is just thrown, the speed can reach hundreds of meters per second.

Due to air resistance, the speed of the kunai will decrease during the flight.

However, the streamlined design of the kunai will not reduce the speed much.

On average, it takes less than 1.5 seconds for the kunai to fly a hundred meters.

In addition to the time spent swinging the arm when throwing the kunai, in general, Naruto uses the Flying Thunder God Technique to move about 50 meters per second.

"Not fast enough!"

Naruto was still not satisfied, so he took out the second special kunai.

Two kunai, No. 1 and No. 2, were thrown out one after another, No. 1 in front and No. 2 in the back.

When the No. 1 kunai flew about a hundred meters, the No. 2 kunai flew fifty meters.

At this time, Naruto activated the Flying Thunder God, came to the No. 2 kunai, grabbed the No. 2 kunai and threw it forward.

Then he flew to the No. 1 kunai, grabbed the No. 1 kunai and threw it forward.

At this time, Kunai No. 2 flew forward again. Naruto dodged to Kunai No. 2 again, grabbed Kunai No. 2 and threw it forward...

In this way, after throwing Kunai No. 1, he threw Kunai No. 2, and after throwing Kunai No. 2, he threw Kunai No. 1, and Naruto moved forward at a high speed.

While throwing a Kunai, the other Kunai was still flying.

In this way, the time of swinging the arm was no longer wasted, and Naruto's moving speed reached the maximum value.

Every second, he moved forward about 70 meters.

It can be said that how fast the Kunai can fly is how fast he moves.

In the past, his father was the fastest man in the ninja world, and now this title belongs to him.

Of course, this method must be careful.

After all, when you dodge to the edge of a Kunai, another Kunai will fly from behind, and it will be funny if you don't pay attention to it and pierce yourself.

In addition, this way of moving forward is very laborious, and it is easy to be disabled if you use it too much!

It must be said that Naruto's brain is very flexible at times.

After flashing for a while, Naruto was not satisfied again. He thought, could it be faster?

He stopped, thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"I have an idea!"


He looked around and found a bamboo forest. He went over and cut a bamboo and trimmed the branches.

Then he tied a special kunai to the top of the bamboo, and held the bottom of the bamboo in his hand.

He held the bamboo, which was about 5 meters long, and pointed it forward like a spear.

"The kunai is on the top of the bamboo, 5 meters away from me."

"As long as I use the Flying Thunder God Technique, I will teleport to the position of the kunai."

"The kunai is tied to the bamboo, and the bamboo is held in my hand. If I move forward 5 meters, the bamboo and the kunai will also move forward 5 meters."

"In this way, I can use Flying Thunder God to move forward continuously. Although it only moves forward 5 meters each time, Flying Thunder God is instantaneous."

"I have tried it before, and I can flash 30 times in 1 second, which means that I can move forward 150 meters in 1 second."

After calculating the forward speed, Naruto was overjoyed.

In the future, I can change to a longer bamboo, and the forward speed will be faster.

Naruto clenched the bamboo in his hand, and the next moment, Flying Thunder God was activated.

The next moment, he appeared at the position of the special kunai, and the bamboo in his hand also moved forward 5 meters.

"Yeah, it works!"

Naruto was very happy, but the next moment, he saw something strange.

The kunai tied to the top of the bamboo was flashing wildly between its original position and its current position.

The more it flashed, the lighter the color of the kunai became, until finally, the kunai completely disappeared.

"How could this happen?" Naruto's eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

He didn't know Sister Li.

So, he took out a new kunai and used the same trick again.

Then the same scene appeared again, the kunai flashed continuously until it finally disappeared.

"Once is a coincidence, twice, there must be other problems."

"But this

Why is that?"

He was puzzled and could only put it aside temporarily, planning to ask Mizuki after returning to the village.

Inside Naruto's body, the Nine-Tailed Fox opened its eyes.

"This kid has more weird ideas than Kushina and Minato. I really don't know what's wrong with his brain."

The Nine-Tailed Fox was shocked by Naruto's bizarre ideas.

Having lived for thousands of years, it has seen all kinds of weird things, but Naruto's weird behavior just now was something it could never have imagined.

Naruto relied on two kunai to reach the capital of the Kingdom of Birds at the fastest speed and found Tsunade in the casino.

"Naruto, why are you here?" Shizune asked.

Naruto said, "Master Mizuki is back and called Grandma Tsunade back to the village."

"Oh, by the way, Master also brought back a red-haired girl named Uzumaki Karin. She has the same last name as me. She is a girl who is very timid and a little crazy about flowers."

Shizune asked curiously, "Why do you say she is crazy about flowers? ”

Naruto pouted: "Tsk, she kept peeking at Sasuke, her face was red, she is not a fangirl, Sakura never looked at Sasuke like that before."

Shizune: "She was peeking at Sasuke, how did you find out? Were you peeking at her?"

Naruto said loudly: "I didn't, I was looking at her openly."

At this time, Tsunade slammed the table and shouted: "Shut up, you are so noisy, interrupting my train of thought."

Naruto pouted: "Tsk, it doesn't matter whether you have a train of thought or not, you will lose anyway. Okay, Tsunade, stop playing, and go back to the village quickly."

Tsunade said irritably: "Wait a minute, I'll finish this game first."

Soon, Tsunade lost, but she was still not satisfied and wanted to play another game.

Shizune said: "Tsunade-sama, Fengying-sama must have asked you for that matter, let's go back first."

Tsunade's face changed and said: "Okay, then let's go back. ”

The three of them and the pig left the casino and returned to Phoenix Village.

Halfway through the journey, Naruto said, "Grandma Tsunade, I think you should learn to smoke."

Tsunade raised her eyebrows and said, "Why?"

Naruto: "Look, when gambling, one foot is on the table, and a cigarette is dangling from the corner of the mouth. Just thinking about it is domineering."

Shizune on the side automatically imagined that scene, and then the whole person was not good.

"Hey!" The little piglet was also speechless.

Tsunade's eyes lit up and said, "Yeah, why didn't I think of it before?"

Naruto said happily, "My suggestion is not bad, the domineering shape will definitely scare other gamblers away, and even their luck will be scared away. At that time, others will lose everything and you will win everything."

The more Naruto spoke, the brighter Tsunade's eyes became.

"Shizune, turn back immediately and buy me a pack of cigarettes. Don't forget the lighter."

"From today on, I will learn to smoke. ”

Shizune: …

“Tsunade-sama, smoking is harmful to health and has a great impact on the trachea and lungs. I think it’s better not to do it.”

Tsunade: “It’s okay. I’m a medical ninja. I don’t have to worry about my health.”

“Tsunade-sama, smoking will turn your teeth yellow, which will affect your beauty.”

Feeling: “It’s okay. I’m a medical ninja. I can prepare funny toothpaste, so I’m not afraid of yellow teeth.”

“Tsunade-sama, smoking is prohibited in the casino.”

Tsunade: “I will discuss with the boss tomorrow and change the rules.”


Tsunade said angrily: “Are you done yet? Do as I say.”

Naruto said: “Let me go. I’m fast.” "


In Fengying Building, when Shuimu saw Tsunade walking into the office with a cigarette in her mouth, puffing out smoke, his eyes twitched.

What happened? How did Tsunade become a heavy smoker?

"Ahem, smoking will cause bad breath. Aren't you afraid that Kato Dan will despise you after resurrection?" Shuimu couldn't help it and said.

Tsunade paused in smoking, and then continued, not taking Shuimu's words to heart at all.

"I am a medical ninja, I can make medicine to clear bad breath."

Shuimu: "..."

He didn't care.

"The basic conditions for resurrecting Nawase and Kato Dan have been met. Next, we need to go to Konoha and bring back their life substances, so that they can be resurrected. "

Although the Samsara Technique can revive the dead, it cannot revive people out of thin air.

Nagato can revive Konoha's people because he does not choose a single person to revive, but rather the entire Konoha Village, and resurrects all the people who have just died.

Black Zetsu can revive Madara with the Samsara Technique because he knows Madara, knows Madara's special features, and knows Madara's location.

Mizuki does not know Rope Tree and Kato Dan, and cannot revive people just by using two names.

Therefore, Mizuki needs the life substance of Rope Tree and Dan, that is, a part of their bodies, so that he can revive the two.


Tell me where they are buried, and I'll go get them. I'm fast."

Tsunade nodded and told Shuimu the burial locations of Rope Tree and Duan in detail.

At this time, Naruto interrupted.

"Master, can you revive my father and mother as well?"

"They were so young when they died."

Shuimu nodded and said, "That's fine!"

So, Shuimu, who had just returned to the village, set off again!

Looking at Shuimu flying away in the air, Tsunade, Shizune, and Naruto were all full of expectations.

They were looking forward to the resurrection of their loved ones.

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