The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

Outside Konoha Village, Mizuki was suspended in the air, looking at the repaired Hokage Rock from afar.

After falling to the ground, he did not enter the village immediately.

He took out a corpse from the storage ring, which was Tsubaki's corpse.

"Outer Path. Reincarnation Natural Art!"

The corpse was surrounded by green light, the dead air dissipated, the vitality reappeared, and the cold corpse became warm.

The green light dissipated, and Tsubaki opened her eyes.

She was resurrected!

Mizuki smiled and asked, "Tsubaki, how do you feel?"

Tsubaki asked in confusion, "This is not the Pure Land. How could I be here? I'm obviously dead!"

Mizuki explained, "You are indeed dead. I used ninjutsu to revive you."

Tsubaki did not show happiness, but looked at Mizuki and asked, "Who are you?"

Mizuki frowned, thinking, did she lose her memory?

"I am Mizuki, don't you remember me?"

Tsubaki shook her head and said, "You are not Mizuki, or rather, you are not the real Mizuki. The real Mizuki is dead."

Mizuki sighed.

She had indeed seen the dead Mizuki in the Pure Land, and knew that the real Mizuki was dead, and the living one was just a fake Mizuki.

Mizuki had expected all of this.

That's why he did not choose to revive Tsubaki in Phoenix Village.

Because Mizuki knew that after Tsubaki was resurrected, she would know that she was not the real Mizuki, and would probably choose not to stay in Phoenix Village.

"Now that you know, what are your plans?"

"Go back to Konoha and expose my identity? Or go back to the Pure Land?"

When he first came here, Shuimu was afraid that his identity would be exposed. At that time, he was too weak and could die if he was not careful.

But now, he is not afraid.

Besides, Chun only knows that he is a fake Shuimu, but does not know his identity as a time traveler, so there is no need to worry.

Tsubaki glanced at Mizuki's forehead, but didn't see the forehead protector, so he asked, "Have you defected from Konoha?"

Mizuki nodded and said, "I have established a new ninja village in the Land of Birds."

Tsubaki said, "Returning to the Pure Land is impossible. The world of the living is more exciting after all. I finally resurrected, how can I take the initiative to go back?"

"As for Konoha, I won't do that either. The Root leader Danzo used me to kill you, and I am completely disappointed with Konoha."

Mizuki asked, "So, are you going to go back to Phoenix Village with me?"


"I love the real Mizuki, not you."

"You killed Mizuki and took over Mizuki's appearance. I don't know how to get along with you."

"I want to kill you, but I know I can't."

In Tsubaki's eyes, Mizuki felt murderous intent and powerlessness. If she hadn't been weak, she would have probably launched an attack.

Mizuki said lightly, "In that case, do as you please."

At this point, there is nothing to say.

As she said, she killed the real Mizuki, although the root cause was time travel.

It was natural for her to want to kill the fake Mizuki in front of her.

And Mizuki would not keep someone who wanted to kill him at this moment around him.

Although he knew that she could not kill him, it would not be good for anyone to keep someone who hated him around.

After thinking about it, he took out a sealing scroll and threw it over.

"You would have lived a good life in Konoha, but it was me who caused you to reach this point today. This sealing scroll contains some things as compensation for you."


After Mizuki finished speaking, he changed his form and left without staying for a moment.

There was a lot of money in the sealing scroll, enough for Tsubaki to live in anonymity and live a rich life. There were also some ninjutsu training scrolls, so if she wanted to establish a ninja family, it would be fine.

After this separation, the two had nothing to do with each other.

Tsubaki took the sealing scroll, jumped onto the tree, glanced at the Konoha Village in the distance, and resolutely turned and left.

To Konoha, she was already a dead person. As long as she didn't make a big show, Konoha wouldn't notice her, nor would they want her as a traitor.

Go to a small country, keep a low profile, and she can live a comfortable life.

Mizuki came to the entrance of Konoha Village, and walked into the gate with a swagger, just like last time.

It was dusk, and the ninja guarding the gate was trapped in illusions the whole time, and had no idea that someone had broken in.

Mizuki used the transformation technique to change his body shape and appearance, went to Ichiraku Ramen to eat a bowl, and after dark, he went to the Konoha Cemetery.

"I am the leader of a village, and in order to strengthen Phoenix Village, I even did tomb robbing."

"There is no other dedicated village chief in the world who cares about the village like me."

In the past, the cemetery

There is no one guarding the graves in the cemetery, because the bodies of ninjas are processed, and even if they are stolen, no useful information can be obtained.

Moreover, there are no burial objects after the death of ninjas, and no one is stupid enough to steal these poor graves.

But since the third generation knew that Orochimaru would be reborn, he arranged gravekeepers. Until now, there are people guarding the graves. They hide in the dark and monitor everything in the cemetery.

Easily let these gravekeepers fall into illusions, and Mizuki walked into the cemetery.

Shadow Clone Technique!


Dozens of shadow clones appeared.

"Go find the tombs of Nawaki, Kato Dan, the fourth generation couple, and Uchiha Tomokoshi and his wife, and take out some of the bones from them."

"You can also take the bones of other people, such as Hatake Sakumo, Rin, Iruka's parents, Hyuga Hizashi... Anyway, take some of them if you think they are useful."

Since you are here, take them all at once.

No matter whether it can be used or not, take it first, maybe it will come in handy someday.

The shadow clones dispersed, and after finding the right person, they did not need to dig the grave, but directly activated the secret technique Tianyuan Yu, drilled into the grave along the soil, and collected some bones.

It doesn't need to be much, even a hair will do.

Soon, the bones were collected, and each person's bones were stored separately, and labeled with their identities to avoid mistakes.

When the shadow clones were removed, Shuimu received a lot of memory information, and for a while, his mind was full of rotten bones.

The huge memory impact made him frown.

"I don't know how Naruto managed to survive after thousands of shadow clones were removed."

It must be said that the physique of the Uzumaki clan is indeed strong.

Very durable!

After the discomfort, Shuimu found some abnormalities in the memories of these shadow clones.

Many people's tombs were opened not long ago, and their bones were also moved.

"Orochimaru must have done this. He is very dependent on the Impure World Reincarnation."

Mizuki didn't care and turned to walk out of the cemetery.

Just then, someone walked into the cemetery, walked to a tombstone with ease, and stood quietly in front of the tombstone.

Mizuki saw clearly from the side that the person was Hyuga Neji.

The tomb in front of him was where his father, Hyuga Hizashi, was buried.

"Father, I accompanied Miss Hinata in training today, and I couldn't help but have murderous intentions."

"The clan leader noticed it immediately and made me feel miserable through the caged bird."

"Although I read the letter you left for me and knew that you were willing to die in place of the clan leader, I still can't forgive you."

"I know that you want to use death to get rid of the caged bird curse."

"I also want to get rid of the caged bird, but I don't want to die, because I want revenge, I want to change Hyuga, change Konoha, and change the entire ninja world."

"I believe that I can get rid of the control of the caged bird, and I will work hard for this throughout my life."

Without Naruto's Kototen Sin, Neji is still the rebellious boy.

And this is what Mizuki really wants to see.

"Boy, if you want to get rid of the caged bird, I can help you."

"Who?" Neji was shocked and immediately opened his Byakugan, but he didn't see anyone.

He was shocked. The voice was clearly in his ear, why was there no one.

Is there a ghost?

The next moment, a pool of water gushed out from the ground, quickly rising up and turning into a person.

"It's you!"

Ningji immediately recognized Mizuki.

Neji was not afraid of the S-rank traitor in front of him who killed the Third Hokage and the Fourth Kazekage.

Because he had no sense of belonging to Konoha, and hated the Third Hokage even more, because it was the Third Hokage's cowardice that led to his father's death, so he had no hatred for Mizuki, the traitor.

"I heard what you said, but I'm sorry to tell you that you can never get rid of the caged bird by yourself."

Ningji asked: "You said you can help me, how can you help?"

Mizuki's right eye turned into the Rinnegan, and said: "The Rinnegan has a pupil technique called the Rinnegan, which can revive the dead."

"The caged bird seal on the forehead of the Hyuga branch will be activated at the moment of death, destroying the Byakugan, and then the caged bird will be ineffective."

"I can revive the dead Hyuga branch, so that I can get rid of the control of the caged bird."

Ningji asked again: "Why should I believe you?"

While speaking, his eyes glanced at the tombstone of Hizashi.

Mizuki saw his little thoughts and smiled faintly: "I can revive your father, but I won't help you unconditionally."

"As long as you can revive my father and help me get rid of the caged bird, I am willing to give you everything."

"Give everything? It's not that serious."

"I value your qualifications, my conditions

There is only one thing, you betray Konoha, join Phoenix Village, and become my disciple. "

Ningji frowned: "Is it that simple?"

Shui Mu said: "It's that simple!"

Ningji said without hesitation: "I promise you, no matter what your purpose is, I promise you."

Shui Mu took out Hizashi's life substance, a hair, and put it on the ground.

"Geido. Samsara Natural Technique!"

The hair was covered with a rich green light.

The light was dazzling, even with Neji's white eyes, he couldn't see what was happening in the green light.

But when the green light dissipated, Neji saw the figure of that attribute in his memory.


Hinata Hizashi looked at Neji with sadness and said: "I didn't expect that you came to the Pure Land at such a young age."

Shui Mu: "This is not the Pure Land, you have been resurrected by me."

"Not the Pure Land? I was resurrected? How is this possible? "Hizashi hurriedly looked around, and then he realized that he was really resurrected.

But Ningci saw that the caged bird curse seal was still on Hizashi's forehead.

"Didn't you say that death can remove the caged bird? Why is the caged bird on father's forehead still there?"

Before Mizuki spoke, Hizashi explained: "Ningci, this caged bird is no longer effective."

"The moment I died, the caged bird was removed."

After speaking, he turned to look at Mizuki and said: "I don't know why you resurrected me, but if you want to use this to deal with the Hyuga clan, I will never agree. "

Mizuki: "..."

Don't know the kindness of others!

If it weren't for Neji, I would be blind to resurrect you.

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