The cat was so cute that it was almost dead.

Shuimu grabbed the cat by the scruff of the neck.

Behave now!

The group continued to head west and disappeared into the night.

After a while, a python as thick as a bowl emerged from the grass by the roadside. It was the unlucky snake that had just been bullied by the cat.

It glanced at the direction Shuimu and the others left, then turned and swam towards Konoha.

When it arrived outside Konoha Village, the python stopped and opened its mouth.

A dry hand stretched out, followed by an arm, a head, and a body.

This was a toothless old woman in her seventies or eighties, but her pupils were vertical like snakes, and she looked very cold-blooded.

"Finally I'm back!" The hoarse voice was highly recognizable.

Anyone who has heard this voice will never forget it.


He encountered Mizuki in the Kusagakure Village and was drained of his vitality, leaving him with only 3 hours to live.

At that time, he was not in a hurry, he just needed to wait for a destined person to take over his body.

But he waited and waited, but no one came.

Just when 3 hours were about to pass and his life was about to end, an old woman finally entered the house.

It's better to live a miserable life than to die!

Although Orochimaru was a little disgusted with the old woman because she was too old, in order not to die, he could only use the Reincarnation Technique on the old woman.

At least he could still survive for a few more years.

He only needed to wait for 3 years for the Reincarnation Technique to cool down, and then he could find a young body again.

So, he became what he is now.

He glanced westward and murmured:

"Shuimu actually came to Konoha and took away Hyuga Neji, the genius of the Hyuga family. Doesn't he know that the Hyuga family has a caged bird curse seal?"

"And the man who covered his face, I seemed to hear Hyuga Neji calling him father."

"Didn't Hyuga Hizashi die a few years ago?"

"Could it be that Shuimu also mastered the technique of Impure World Reincarnation? But why did I sense the heat of living people on that person?"

Snakes are extremely sensitive to heat and will not make mistakes.

This also led to Orochimaru being unable to figure it out.

He was familiar with Impure World Reincarnation. People who were reborn from the Impure World Reincarnation were still dead and their bodies were cold.

"Hyuga Neji recognized his godfather? Hyuga Hizashi is not dead? Or, Hyuga Hizashi came back to life?"

Orochimaru had all kinds of guesses in his mind, but they were only guesses.

He didn't know what the truth was.

"We must investigate it thoroughly. It's still not too late to send people back to the village."

He walked towards the entrance of the village, while reaching his hand to his face, grabbing his skin and pulling it down, revealing the pale skin underneath.

After just a few steps, he changed from a hunched old woman to the young Orochimaru again.

Of course, he only looked young on the outside. In fact, his body was still that of an old woman, old and decayed, and he dared not walk fast.

He walked back to Konoha leisurely and entered the Hokage's office.

Danzo came to him immediately.

"Orochimaru, as the fifth Hokage, you are not in charge of the village, but you left the village alone without saying a word. Do you have a sense of responsibility?"

"What if something happens to you outside, what will Konoha do?"

Orochimaru said coldly: "Danzo, you don't need to ask what I do."

Danzo was speechless, and then changed the subject, accusing: "Do you know that Konoha has a big problem during your absence. Fortunately, it didn't cause a big mistake, otherwise you would be the sinner of Konoha."

Orochimaru said lightly: "Since it didn't cause a big mistake, it's not a big deal."

"You..." Danzo opened his mouth, nothing to say.

"Okay, if you have something to say, just say it. If you don't, get out of here."

Danzo: "Mizuki entered the village and took Hyuga Neji away. You immediately ordered Hyuga Hiashi to kill Hyuga Neji with the caged bird."

"In addition, Mizuki also took away an unknown person. We need to conduct a village-wide investigation to find out the identity of that person."

Orochimaru glanced at Danzo and said, "Mizuki-kun is not a stupid person. Since he took Hyuga Neji away, it means that he has a way to restrain the caged bird."

"As a genius of the Hyuga family, Hyuga Neji dared to openly follow Mizuki and leave. He must have the confidence."

"So I think that even if Hizashi activates the caged bird, it may not kill Hyuga Neji."

It must be said that Orochimaru reacted quickly.

Based on Mizuki's actions, he immediately had a guess.

"What, restrain the bird in the cage?" Danzo was shocked and said, "No, this is absolutely not allowed. If Mizuki really has a way to restrain the bird in the cage, wouldn't the Hyuga branch all surrender to him?


Orochimaru's face was also full of worry.

"Compared to the Hyuga branch, I care more about another thing."

"Just now on the way back to the village, I met Mizuki and three people. In addition to Mizuki and Hyuga Neji, there was another person wearing a hat and his face could not be seen clearly."

"But I heard that Hyuga Neji called him father."

Hearing this, Danzo's eyes suddenly widened.

"No, Mizuki has also mastered the technique of Impure World Reincarnation. How did he learn it so quickly?"

"He came to Konoha and must have entered the cemetery to steal corpses."

"Quick, Orochimaru, summon all the dead strong men in the village with Impure World Reincarnation, one step ahead of Mizuki, so that his conspiracy will not succeed."

Then he said: "I will provide the offerings for Impure World Reincarnation."

Orochimaru shook his head and said: "I suspect it is not Impure World Reincarnation. "

Danzo frowned and said, "If it's not the Impure World Reincarnation, what is it?"

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and then Hyuga Hiashi walked into the office.

"Hokage-sama, what do you want to see me about?"

Hiashi looked unhappy. He felt that Orochimaru must have come to him to order him to kill Neci with a caged bird.

Ningci was his nephew, how could he do it?

"Hiashi, there is something that you need to go and confirm in person."

Hiashi was stunned. It was not to kill Neci?

"Hokage-sama, please tell me."

Orochimaru said, "You should know that Mizuki took Hyuga Neji away. There was also an unidentified person with them. I suspect he was Hyuga Hiashi."

"This is impossible! "Hiashi shouted immediately.

But then he thought of something and couldn't help cursing: "Damn Mizuki, he actually played with the dead..."

He shut up halfway through his words, glanced at Orochimaru, and said: "Sorry, I lost my mind."

Orochimaru: "..."

"Whether it is the Impure World Reincarnation or not, it still needs to be confirmed. You go there in person, and I will send the Anbu to protect you."

"Remember, you can only watch from a distance, and you must not get close."

"I must know whether Hyuga Hiashi is the body of the Impure World Reincarnation, or is he really resurrected."

Hyuga Hiashi set off immediately, with 3 Anbu accompanying him for protection.

The four of them took out the fastest speed, ran west after leaving the village, and Hiashi had opened his Byakugan.

Soon, Hiashi saw three people one kilometer away, two of whom were Mizuki and Neji, and the other was wearing a bamboo hat.

"Brother, is it really you? "

Hiashi was somewhat expectant and a little nervous, but no matter what, he wanted to find out the truth.

So, his Byakugan vision penetrated the bamboo hat and saw the face under the mask clearly.

Hiashi trembled all over, and his body stopped moving immediately.

"It's really him, and he's alive, but... how is this possible?"

"Hiashi, sir, what happened?" The three Anbu stopped and asked Hiashi.

Hiashi couldn't calm down for a long time, and his face was full of disbelief.

He repeatedly confirmed with his Byakugan, and the result was that the man was a living Hizashi Hinata.

The heart was beating, the blood was circulating in the body, and the eyes were not as black as the Impure World Reincarnation.

He sighed and said, "Go back to see the fifth generation, the mission has been completed! "

One kilometer away, Mizuki held a cat in his arms and glanced back inconspicuously.

The Rinnegan has a perceptual attribute. Although Mizuki did not deliberately train his perceptual ability, he still felt the gaze from behind.

"The action is quite fast, but it doesn't matter."

Even if Konoha knew that he could revive the dead, what could he do?

Here, Hyuga Hiashi and three Anbu returned to Konoha as quickly as possible to meet Orochimaru.

"Hokage-sama, I have confirmed that the man is my younger brother Hyuga Hiashi."

He took a deep breath and then said, "He is alive!"

Hearing this news, Orochimaru's eyes suddenly shone brightly.

The long tongue couldn't help but stick out of his lips, stirring in the air, and washing his face by the way.

"Mr. Mizuki, he actually mastered the art of resurrecting the dead, worthy of being someone I admire."

Danzo couldn't sit still and said, "Orochimaru, it's already this time, what are you still admiring? Mizuki can revive the dead, which is not a good thing for Konoha. "

"He resurrected Hizashi today and took Neji away. Tomorrow he can revive the relatives of other ninjas and use this as a favor or a threat to make more people defect to Konoha."

"He can even revive your parents as a threat to you, so that you will obey him. You are the Hokage of Konoha, and you must not be manipulated by others."

Orochimaru glanced at Danzo and said, "With Mizuki-kun's strength, do you still need to use these to threaten others?"

Danzo said anxiously: "We must prepare for the worst."

He had a grudge against Mizuki, so he didn't want to see the Phoenix Village built by Mizuki grow stronger.

Whatever Mizuki wanted to do, he wanted to trip him up.

But Orochimaru said: "It's useless, we can't stop him."

"The only thing we can do now is to completely block the news that Mizuki can revive the dead, and never let other villagers know."

"Otherwise, the ninjas in the village will take the initiative to defect and go to the Phoenix Village. By then, Konoha will collapse from the inside."

Danzo didn't give up, and said: "You can use the Impure World Reincarnation to summon the dead strong, and then seal their souls to prevent Mizuki from reviving them."

"Absolutely not!" Hyuga Hiashi immediately objected.

But Orochimaru fell into deep thought.

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