The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

"Hiashi, go back first!" Orochimaru ordered.

Hiashi said anxiously: "Hokage-sama, no!"

Orochimaru waved his hand and said: "I have my own ideas about this matter. Don't worry, it won't cause unrest in the village."

Hinata Hiashi had no choice but to leave.

In the office, only Orochimaru and Danzo were left.

"Orochimaru, what are your plans for this matter?" Danzo asked.

Orochimaru said, "No hurry, I'm waiting for a message."

Soon, an Anbu appeared and reported, "Five-generation Hokage, the cemetery has been checked. The surface of the graves is intact, but there are 12 graves where the bodies have been moved, and the traces are very fresh."

"Which 12?"

The Anbu said, "In addition to Hizashi Hizashi, there are Senju Nawaki, Kato Dan, the fourth-generation Hokage Minato, the fourth-generation wife Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Izumi, Uchiha Izuna, Hatake Sakumo, Rin, Yakushi Nono, Umino Ikkaku, Umino Umi."

When Danzo heard these names, he cursed loudly, "Damn Mizuki!"

"Nawaki and Dan are Tsunade's closest relatives. The news says that Tsunade has joined the Phoenix Village. Mizuki must have planned to resurrect the two. code, to attract Tsunade to join. "

"Even Minato and Kushina are not spared, this is to completely tie the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki to him."

"Hatake Sakumo is also among them, he plans to let Kakashi defect as well."

"And the evil Uchiha clan, Orochimaru, it's time to make up your mind, otherwise Konoha will surely fall apart."

Orochimaru frowned and asked: "Uchiha Izumi and Uchiha Izuna, who are these two people? What's special about them?"

Danzo said: "Uchiha Izumi is Uchiha Itachi's lover, and was killed by Itachi himself on the night of the clan extermination. As for Uchiha Izuna, the name is somewhat familiar, but I can't think of who it is for a while. "

Hearing the four words "Uchiha Itachi", Orochimaru couldn't help but stick out his tongue and lick it.

He ordered the Anbu: "Go to the archives immediately and look for information about Uchiha Izuna."

"So many people from the Uchiha clan died, but Mizuki-kun chose only these two. Uchiha Izumi is related to Itachi, and Uchiha Izuna must not be an ordinary passerby."

Soon, the Anbu found news about Uchiha Izuna in the archives and reported it to Orochimaru as soon as possible.

"Uchiha Madara's younger brother? Died at the hands of the Second Hokage?"

"A person who has been dead for more than 60 years, is Mizuki-kun mistaken? Such a person is resurrected and worshipped as an antique?"

Orochimaru is not Li Jie.

Danzo frowned and thought to himself: "Is that news true? Madara is really not dead?"

But now is not the time to think about these things, Danzo urged again: "Orochimaru, don't hesitate any more."

Of course Orochimaru hesitated!

He looks young on the surface now, but in fact he is already old and dare not take big steps when walking.

He dare not show it, so he can only pretend to be calm.

It would be very difficult for him to perform the Impure World Reincarnation.

His body is seriously aged, which has greatly reduced the amount of chakra in his body. He is even less than Kakashi. It would be funny if he died of chakra during the Impure World Reincarnation.

"Except for Kato Dan, Hatake Sakumo, and Minato, the others are not strong. Even if they are resurrected by Mizuki, it is not a big deal."

"After all, the Impure World Reincarnation technique requires sacrifices. I am the Hokage now, and I must be cautious. This evil forbidden technique should be avoided as much as possible to avoid causing disgust among the villagers."

"Just choose Dan and Sakumo, summon their souls, and then seal them."

"Minato's soul is in the belly of the god of death, and cannot be summoned by the Impure World Reincarnation."

Danzo said: "No, absolutely not!"

"None can be left to Mizuki, all must be summoned, and then all sealed."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and said: "Danzo, I hope you understand that I am the Hokage."

"You..." Danzo was furious.

Orochimaru's words "I am the Hokage" reminded him of many not-so-good memories.

"Orochimaru, you will regret this." Danzo left angrily.

Watching Danzo's departing back, Orochimaru remained unmoved, and even snorted coldly: "Old thing, you still want to tell me what to do, do you think I will let you do whatever you want like the old man of the third generation?"

He ordered the Anbu, saying: "Go to the prison, pick two death row prisoners, and bring them to the basement of the Hokage building."

Let's talk about Mizuki and his group of three. Neji selected the important things that happened in the village and the Hyuga clan in recent years and told them to Hizashi.

Seeing that the father and son had finished their conversation and their family relationship had been further improved, Shuimu took off with them and rushed back at the fastest speed.

Halfway through, Shuimu checked the attribute table.

"Resurrecting Hiashi, my chakra consumed 10 cards, and my life span was reduced by 180 years."

"When I resurrected the old lady in the Land of Birds before, my chakra also consumed 10 cards, and my life span was reduced by 120 years."

The chakra consumption is 10 cards, but the consumption of vitality is different.

As for the law of vitality consumption, Shuimu also has some guesses.

"When I resurrected the old lady, I also gave her an extra 20 years of life, and the final consumption added up to 120 years. In other words, simply resurrecting her only requires 100 years of life."

"As for Hiashi, the time of death is about 8 years. Does it mean that for every extra year of death, resurrection requires an additional 10 years of life?"

These are just Shuimu's guesses. Whether it is true or not, it still needs to be verified later.

Of course, he had other doubts, for example, how did Nagato manage to resurrect all the villagers of Konoha when resurrecting the dead consumes so much vitality?

These doubts can only be verified later.

With two people, the flight speed was affected a little, but three hours later, they returned to Phoenix Village in Bird Country.

Introducing Hizashi and Neji to everyone, Neji took off the Konoha forehead protector, and the father and son put on the Phoenix Village forehead protector, and officially became people of Phoenix Village.

The population size of Phoenix Village has expanded again.

The pattern of the forehead protector of Phoenix Village is a simple yin and yang diagram, which is highly recognizable.

"Hizashi, Neji, Phoenix Village is just being built, and there are many empty houses. You can choose any house in the residential area."

"You can solve the problems of living, cleaning and eating by yourself, or you can hire people from Bird Country to solve them for you. All expenses will be reimbursed by me."

After the arrangements were made, Mizuki asked everyone to disperse, leaving Tsunade, Shizune, and Naruto behind.

"Master, can my father and mother really be resurrected?" Naruto was very nervous.

Mizuki said: "I am not sure whether your father Minato Namikaze can be resurrected, but your mother is fine."

"Let's start with your mother!"

Mizuki took out a red hair, which was the hair of Uzumaki Kushina.

"Outer Path. Samsara Natural Technique!"

The dazzling green light covered the hair, and even Tsunade could not see clearly what was inside the green light.

The vitality of Mizuki's body quickly dissipated.

Naruto's face was full of expectation, staring at the green light without blinking.

Finally, the green light disappeared, and a red-haired woman in a white dress and black skirt appeared in the field.

She looked around blankly, and when she saw Tsunade, she frowned, as if she realized something. When she saw Naruto, her eyes were fixed directly.

"You... is it you, Naruto... Naruto?"

Hearing this gentle voice, Naruto's tears could no longer be stopped.

Mizuki waved at Tsunade and Shizune and said, "Let's go out first and leave this place to the two of them."

The three walked out of this room and entered another room.

Mizuki checked the attribute table.

Chakra consumed another 10 Kakashi, and his life span was reduced by 220 years.

His guess seemed to be correct.

Reviving a person who just died consumes 100 years of life. And for every extra year of death of the resurrected person, the resurrection consumes 10 more years of life.

Kushina died when Naruto was born, 12 years ago. Reviving her, it consumes 120 more years of vitality.

Add the basic consumption of 100 years, exactly 220 years.

"Who do you choose first, Nawaki or Dan?" Mizuki asked.

Tsunade's voice trembled slightly, and she asked, "Can't they be resurrected together? I want to see them both appear in front of me at the same time."

Mizuki said, "I think we should do it one by one. If two of them appear together, who will you talk to first?"

Tsunade nodded and said, "Then, revive Duan first. After all, Duan is also Shizune's uncle."

Mizuki nodded, took out Duan's hair and put it on the ground.

The Reincarnation Technique was activated again.

But the result surprised all three people present.

The green light did not appear.

"How... could this happen?" Tsunade bit her lip and asked unwillingly.

Mizuki was full of doubts, because he felt that the chakra and vitality in his body were decreasing.

This shows that the Reincarnation Technique worked.

"What went wrong?"

At the same time, in Konoha Village, in the basement of the Hokage Building.

A human-shaped sealed object wrapped in bandages like a mummy, with sealing techniques all over its surface, suddenly glowed green.

When the green light faded, the seal was automatically lifted, the bandages were untied, and the person inside was revealed.

A living person.

Orochimaru standing by

, staring at Kato Dan who was revived with full blood.

"What kind of underworld ninjutsu is this? It can be revived even if it is sealed?"

At this time, Kato Dan asked: "Orochimaru, what are you doing? You summoned me to the world of the living with the Impure World Reincarnation, but sealed me, and now you let me out again, what the hell are you doing?"

"Quickly cancel the Impure World Reincarnation and let me return to the Pure Land."

Orochimaru said: "Kato-kun, don't you feel that your body is no longer the Impure World Reincarnation body?"

"The beating of the heart, the breathing of the nasal cavity, the flow of blood... I can clearly feel it."

"You have been resurrected!"

Unexpectedly, Kato Dan was resurrected in Konoha, which was something Mizuki didn't expect.

He is still wondering which link went wrong in the middle.

"Shui Mu, what's going on? Why didn't Duan come back to life?"

Shui Mu shook his head and said, "I don't know either. My reincarnation technique has taken effect. Chakra and vitality have been consumed. Logically, he should be resurrected."

"I don't want a "should", but a "certainty."

Shui Mu couldn't give an answer.

"Don't get excited. Kato Duan can't be resurrected, and there's still Rope Tree."

Although he said that, he was a little worried now.

Rope Tree wouldn't be able to be resurrected either.

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