"We really need to pay close attention to this matter, Hiruzen. Danzo has just gone to the front line and this happened. If this is slander, wouldn't it chill his heart?"

Opposite Utane Koharu, Mito Kado En, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke up and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen

"Slander? That guy, do we need to slander him? Moreover, even the Hokage admitted that it was the seal of eradicating the tongue. Or are you questioning my grandmother?"

Hearing what Utatane Koharu and Mitokado En said, Tsunade's temper suddenly rushed up. She rolled up her sleeves and was about to cause trouble for Utatane Koharu and the others, but was stopped by Jiraiya.

"Enough! Stop messing around!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen glared at Tsunade who was making a fuss, and then heaved a heavy breath again.

"Let's just leave it at that for now. Aizen Shinnosuke should get his own forehead protector first!" Sarutobi

Hiruzen waved his hand. He didn't want to dwell on this matter anymore. Although he couldn't figure out why Danzo wanted to attack Shinnosuke, Danzo was still the commander of the front line and couldn't move for the time being.

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude, although everyone still had complaints about this matter, they had to swallow the bitter fruit under the threat of Sarutobi Hiruzen. With Sarutobi Hiruzen's support

, Utane Koharu looked like a winner and looked at Tsunade and others with disdain.

""Hmph! Damn old man!"

Since the matter was over, they naturally left.

However, when leaving the Hokage's office, in order to vent her dissatisfaction, Tsunade did not choose to go through the main door, but took another way and used her fist to open a new"door" on the wall beside her.

Looking at his apprentice, Sarutobi Hiruzen was also quite helpless.

"The way the teacher handled this matter was really weird!"

After leaving, Orochimaru frowned and said

"What do you mean by weird? That old guy is clearly protecting his friends, Shimura Danzo and Utane Koharu! None of these guys are good!"

Tsunade snorted coldly, expressing her dissatisfaction with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"So, in fact, all the Hokage elders are made up of the Sandaime-sama's friends, right?"

Aizen Shinnosuke interrupted at the right time and joined Tsunade's group's discussion.

"Yes! Speaking of which, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Utatane Koharu, Mito Kado En and Shimura Danzo are all my second grandfather's personal guards!"

Tsunade nodded and responded to Aizen Shinnosuke's question.

"However, since the Elders Council is the Elders Council of Konoha, shouldn't everyone in Konoha elect the best candidates? Why are the positions occupied by the Third Hokage's friends?

If everyone in Konoha participated in the Elders Council, then this matter might not have ended like this."

Aizen Shinnosuke continued to speak, further deepening Tsunade's and the other two's dissatisfaction with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Hearing Aizen Shinnosuke's voice, Orochimaru lowered his head and glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke. As a result, he met Aizen Shinnosuke's eyes, and Orochimaru's mouth curled up slightly, and he didn't say anything.

"Yeah! That old guy......"

Tsunade, who was standing by, hadn't noticed that her emotions were being controlled by someone else. She was gritting her teeth and staring at the big head of Sarutobi Hiruzen on the Hokage Rock.

"Okay, stop talking. After all, they are all elders, and the minimum respect should be shown. Besides, Shinnosuke, you can't say that the Sandaime's friends are just taking up positions and doing nothing.

Elder Koharu is not only an elder of the Elders' Council, but he is also the director of the Konoha Hospital. So is Senior En, he is the leader of the civilian ninjas, and Danzo and the teacher are still not to be mentioned.

One is the leader of the Anbu training organization, and the other is the Hokage. What everyone does is still very important."

Jiraiya spoke to defend Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others.

In response, Aizen Shinnosuke nodded, and then continued

"Well, in this case, it means that all the important institutions in Konoha are already in the hands of the Third Generation?!"


Aizen Shinnosuke's question made Jiraiya suddenly stop and was speechless for a moment.

"The third generation is from the Sarutobi clan. He is not only the Hokage but also the head of the Sarutobi clan. Other clans are led by him. Senior Mitokado En is the leader of the common people. Now, both the noble families and the common people are under their control.

Konoha Hospital is also in the hands of Elder Utatane Koharu. Konoha's most powerful organization, the Anbu, was also cultivated by Shimura Danzo......."

As Aizen Shinnosuke counted out Sarutobi Hiruzen's positions one by one, Tsunade and Jiraiya were stunned.

"These words......Who taught you that?"

Orochimaru saw this and asked Aizen Shinnosuke directly.

"Grandma Mito! She also said that Konoha was originally established to protect the peace of the villagers, but now in the hands of the third generation, it has gradually become their private property!"

Aizome Shinnosuke reacted quickly and directly threw the matter on Uzumaki Mito's head.

Yes, in the whole Konoha, except for the wife of the first generation Hokage, no one else has the qualifications to judge Sarutobi Hiruzen and others.

"These damned worms!"

Tsunade was so angry that her back teeth were about to break. When she thought about the village that her grandfather had worked so hard to build, and how it was turned into her own property by her teachers, she wanted to rush into the Hokage building and kill them one by one.

"Tsunade! Don't be impulsive! You heard what Shinnosuke said. Now the entire Konoha is under their control. Your every move may be known by the teacher!"

Jiraiya was also a little resentful at this moment, but he was still rational and stopped the impulsive Tsunade.

"What? Am I just going to watch him burn my grandfather's hard work? He is my teacher and my second grandfather's disciple!"

Tsunade clenched her fists, her body trembling with anger.

Seeing this scene, Aizen Shinnosuke smiled in his heart. What he was going to do has already begun.

That old guy Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't really think that the attack on him would be so easy to get away with, right?

Dare to attack him, Aizen Shinnosuke? He really doesn't know how awesome the previous Aizen was, right?

Orochimaru has been watching Aizen Shinnosuke's reaction from the side. He just watched silently, with a smile in his eyes gradually increasing.

"Sister Tsunade, you don't have to worry.......Everything has just begun!"

Aizen Shinnosuke said to Tsunade with a smile.

Orochimaru licked his lips with great interest, thinking to himself

"It's started, it's started......"

"What do you mean by just beginning?"

Tsunade looked at Aizen Shinnosuke in confusion and asked.

Aizen Shinnosuke continued

"Since the Third Hokage wants to make the village built by the First Hokage his own, why can't you take it back? As the granddaughter of the First Hokage, you are more legitimate than the Third Hokage in terms of identity or any other aspects in the entire Konoha!"

After listening to what Aizen Shinnosuke said, Orochimaru showed an expression of"I see" on his face

"Shinnosuke is right, Tsunade, why don't you be the Hokage!"

Orochimaru helped Aizen Shinnosuke speak and said to Tsunade

"No, no! Let’s not talk about whether I am suitable to be Hokage or not. Let’s talk about now. The whole Konoha is in the hands of the old man and his people. How can we let him step down as Hokage? Besides, the villagers now will not agree to it!"

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