Tsunade thought about it for a while, but she finally shook her head and rejected the proposal of Orochimaru and Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Sister Tsunade, this is not a difficult task at all. No matter how strong the Sandaime is, he can't force others to obey him, right? We just need to awaken other people's dissatisfaction with him!

Just like what happened today, the Sandaime sometimes only cares about his small group. In this way, there will always be people who are dissatisfied with him. Then, as long as the entire Konoha is dissatisfied with him as the Hokage, then even if he wants to continue to sit in the position of Hokage, the other villagers will not allow it!

Moreover, in this way, we can also eliminate Utane Koharu, Mitokado En and that Shimura Danzo together!"

Aizen Shinnosuke smiled like a cunning little fox. On the other side, Tsunade looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with confusion.

"What happened today? Do you really think that the old man and his small group are all idiots? Once the matter involved is too big, they will not take the initiative to intervene. Moreover, even if he really takes the blame at that time, the old man will make those people grateful to him."

Tsunade really couldn't think of how to do what Aizen Shinnosuke said. But it doesn't matter, Aizen Shinnosuke actually has a plan in mind for this matter.

"It doesn't matter, just wait for a while. I think someone will take the initiative to help us soon!"

The four of them said this all the way, and at this moment, they just returned home.

As for Aizen Shinnosuke's forehead protector, Nawaki helped him get it. When Aizen Shinnosuke returned home, Nawaki also handed him the forehead protector that belonged to Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Shinnosuke......The Third Generation Master didn’t say anything, right?"

"No, don't worry! Everything is fine!"

Aizen Shinnosuke patted Nawase's shoulder and comforted the others.

"So, Shinnosuke, do you know who ordered that guy to attack you?"

Inside the room, Uzumaki Mito had been waiting for a long time.

When Nawaki and the others came back, Nawaki and Kushina had already told Uzumaki Mito everything about the ninja school.

When Uzumaki Mito heard that someone had actually attacked Shinnosuke, she was also very angry.

""Grandma Mito, we have understood everything about this matter, and we will handle it ourselves. Please don't be angry anymore, it's not good for your health!"

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't say much to Uzumaki Mito about this matter. Although Aizen Shinnosuke guessed that Uzumaki Mito already knew who had done the thing to her, he still didn't want Uzumaki Mito to make a big fuss about this matter.

After all, Uzumaki Mito is already very old now.

"Oh, whatever. Just make your own plans!"

Uzumaki Mito stared at Aizen Shinnosuke for a long time, and finally shook his head and sighed helplessly.

On the other side, Orochimaru took Jiraiya and Tsunade to other rooms and began to discuss whether what Aizen Shinnosuke had just said was appropriate.

At Aizen Shinnosuke's signal, Nawaki took Minato and Kushina away, so Aizen Shinnosuke and Uzumaki Mito were the only ones left in the living room.

"What's wrong? Shinnosuke, do you have anything else to say?" Aizen

Shinnosuke nodded to Uzumaki Mito, and then told Uzumaki Mito everything he had just said to Tsunade on the road about replacing Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"I can't believe that Monkey and his men have become like this. They control the entire Konoha......."

Uzumaki Mito closed his eyes and shook his head, his thoughts going back to the time when he first met Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others.

At that time, they were about the same age as Aizen Shinnosuke is now. Their faces were full of vitality, and their hearts were filled with beautiful expectations for the future.

"So......What are you going to do?"

After a long time, Uzumaki Mito opened his eyes again, and there was no nostalgia for the past in his eyes.

"We are going to overthrow Sarutobi Hiruzen and let Tsunade become the Fourth Hokage!"

"Xiao Gang......she......Is it okay?"

Uzumaki Mito knows her granddaughter better than anyone else. With her personality, Uzumaki Mito really can't imagine what Tsunade will look like after becoming Hokage.

"Don't worry, Mito-san! Sister Tsunade has Orochimaru and Jiraiya to help her. No matter what, the three of them are better than the current Sandaime, right?"

"Well, you just need to take care of it! I'm old, and time is running out!"

At this moment, Uzumaki Mito is already very old. She can clearly feel that time is constantly passing by her every day.

So, without Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others knowing, a plan against them was launched.


"Ninja Technique: Hidden Shadow Snake Hand! Nawaki! Minato! You are still too weak!"

In the training ground of Konoha, Aizen Shinnosuke is currently fighting Nawaki and Namikaze Minato one on two.

"You think I'm too weak? It's obviously Shinnosuke who's cheating! We agreed that this is a fight between the three of us, why did you take ninjutsu from teacher Orochimaru?"

Rope Tree looked at the hateful face of Shinnosuke Aizen and asked him sternly.

It's like this every time, he just said that this is a fight between the three of them. But every time, every time!!! Shinnosuke Aizen would take ninjutsu from Orochimaru to deal with them.

And Orochimaru didn't even stop Shinnosuke Aizen's actions, he just stood aside with his arms folded and watched with a smile every time.��

"What is cheating? If you can't beat the enemy on the battlefield, do you say that the enemy is cheating? I tell you, on the battlefield, as long as you can kill the enemy! As long as you can survive! Forget about cheating, you can do anything!"

Aizen Shinnosuke came to the rope tree tied by the snake, and hit him on the forehead several times without hesitation, and then Aizen Shinnosuke let go of the snake that controlled Rope Tree and Minato.

"Really......Minato is also trapped, why do you only hit me and not him?"

Rope Tree rubbed his forehead which was shattered by Aizen Shinnosuke's bullet, and muttered in dissatisfaction.

""Teacher Orochimaru, please teach me some powerful ninjutsu! I will definitely beat this guy Aizen Shinnosuke to pieces!"

Seeing the smiling Orochimaru, Nawaki ran to his side quickly. Then he hugged Orochimaru like a spoiled child and said,

"You should learn the ninjutsu I taught you first, I saw it all just now. When you were fighting Aizen Shinnosuke, you were still using the ninjutsu I taught you last time! Moreover, you were not proficient enough! You made the wrong hand seals several times!"

Seeing that his coquetry had no effect, Nawaki could only reluctantly let go of his arms holding Orochimaru. Then he walked aside and began to practice ninjutsu with Minato.

"In that case, Mr. Orochimaru, I have something to do later, can I go first?"

After Rope Tree released Orochimaru, Aizen Shinnosuke walked to Orochimaru and asked

"Okay, be safe!"

"I got it!"

Orochimaru didn't ask what Aizen Shinnosuke wanted to do later, and Aizen Shinnosuke didn't say much.

Picking up his coat, Aizen Shinnosuke left the training ground in the complaining eyes of Nawaki and Namikaze Minato.

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke came directly to the street.

He went straight to a restaurant, ordered some snacks, and then sat by the window, waiting for someone there.

After a long time, a team appeared. When he saw them, Aizen Shinnosuke's eyes lit up, the person he was waiting for was finally here!

""Go, go, go! Get out of here! No things are allowed here!"

On the street, several guys with table tennis rackets embroidered on the back of their clothes rushed out from the other side of the street, and then directly drove away the guys who set up stalls on the street.

Because of this, the people around were full of dissatisfaction with the actions of this group of"table tennis racket" family members. The words were mostly radical, and even the two sides began to conflict.

""What are you doing?!"

Just as the conflict was getting more intense, a stern voice suddenly came from the crowd. Then, Aizen Shinnosuke saw that the teenage Uchiha Fugaku stood up.

Although Uchiha Fugaku was not very old, when his fierce eyes swept over the villagers of Konoha and his own clansmen, everyone subconsciously lowered their heads and dared not look at him.

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