After the Iwagakure people dodged the Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet released by Aizen Shinnosuke, they noticed that Aizen Shinnosuke took out another card.

The leader of the Iwagakure people frowned and pointed at Aizen Shinnosuke, and said to his companions:

"Watch out for that guy! The cards in his hand will release ninjutsu! Get rid of him first!"

As he said this, the other Iwagakure started to cast hand seals, trying to get rid of Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Kill me? Do you think I'm so easy to bully? The Southern Barbarians are invading!"

Aizen Shinnosuke waved his hand and threw the cards in his hand. Then, ten huge elephants rushed out and rushed straight to Iwagakure.


Looking at the ten huge elephants rushing towards them, the people of Iwagakure were stunned for a moment. Almost subconsciously, the people of Iwagakure spread out in all directions, trying to avoid the impact of these elephants.

However, if they spread out, the elephants would also spread out.

"What's wrong with this guy? Why is his ninjutsu so strange?"

The leader of the Iwagakure team looked at the elephant chasing him relentlessly, and his molars were about to break. That kid looked harmless, but he could actually summon such a 'killer weapon'.’

"Shinnosuke, is this your summoned beast?"

On the other side, Master Dongguchi Gu San was stunned. He just saw Aizen Shinnosuke throw a card, and then ten elephants rushed out.

"Ah, how is it? Is it okay?"

Aizen Shinnosuke took out the chakra from nothingness and restored his chakra. At the same time, he asked Dongguchi Gusan

"Yes! That's great! Come on, let's take this opportunity to leave! Otherwise, when they get rid of those elephants, we won't be able to leave!"

With that, Higashiguchi Kozo and Aizen Shinnosuke turned and ran.

Don't think that in the world of ninjas, you will fight to the death as long as you meet. Under normal circumstances. If there is no strong request, ninjas will generally focus on saving their lives.

Because, ninjas fight for information gaps. Unless your strength is so strong that you are not afraid of any means, like Uchiha Madara or Senju Hashirama.

Moreover, they are just a patrol team. The most important thing now is to go back and stop the ninjas who are rushing here.

Aizen Shinnosuke turned his head while running and looked at the Iwagakure who were still avoiding the elephant. To be honest, he was very unwilling. After coming to this world, he did not kill everyone like other time travelers.

Every time he met ninjas from other countries, he could only run away.

This was the case with the last Kumogakure ninja, and this time it was the same for the Iwagakure ninja. His only two effective kill records, one was Danzo's root ninja, and the other was the previous Yugakure Chunin!

"Damn it! Am I so weak?"

Aizen Shinnosuke turned his head unwillingly, and then looked at his system. The exchange points there had reached 1025.

After killing the Rain Ninja last time, Aizen Shinnosuke's exchange points were enough for him to draw again. But Aizen Shinnosuke always wanted to wait until the important time to draw, maybe there would be some good things.


"System! Give me a shot!"

【Congratulations on obtaining: Bagua Formation!】

"Bagua formation?"

Aizen Shinnosuke's eyes were the same, and he could actually draw out a defensive card. This was something Aizen Shinnosuke had not expected. He then looked at the effect of the Bagua formation.

【After installation, you can use Wu Hou Qimen!】


"What happened to Shinnosuke?"

The fleeing Higashiguchi Kozo was startled by Aizen Shinnosuke's shout and almost fell off the tree. He looked back, but didn't see the Iwagakure ninjas rushing towards him? What was Aizen Shinnosuke shouting about?

"It’s okay, Toguchi Jonin, I just achieved a breakthrough in one of my ninjutsu, so I shouted excitedly!"

"Ninjutsu breakthrough? Can ninjutsu be broken through?"

Higashiguchi Kozo looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with some doubts, and finally stopped worrying about these things. Maybe the world of geniuses is different from that of ordinary people like them!

Not long after running, Higashiguchi Kozo and Aizen Shinnosuke ran into Zhou Ben Shinichi and his group. At this moment, they were rushing over here with another team. Higashiguchi Kozo and Aizen Shinnosuke hurried to the front of that team.

"East Exit? Are you guys okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay! Thanks to Shinnosuke, otherwise I would still be entangled with those Iwagakure!"

Higashiguchi Kozo patted Aizen Shinnosuke's shoulder and said to the jonin opposite with a smile

"That's good! Let's go! Lord Orochimaru has also received the news that the people from Iwagakure have broken in, and he is waiting now!"

With that, the jonin turned and left. Seeing this, Toguchi Kozo hurried to follow.

Zhou Benzhen wanted to ask Aizen Shinnosuke how they got out, but the current situation was obviously not a good time to ask.

So, Zhou Benzhen could only suppress the confusion in his heart, followed behind Toguchi Kozo, and ran towards the camp.

On the other side, Aizen Shinnosuke had also broken away from the excitement just now, and with it came a head full of doubts.

First of all, the world he is in is the world of Naruto. Secondly, isn't Three Kingdoms Kill a board game card game?

Then why, the Bagua formation is a defensive card. Its effect is not the judgment flash in Three Kingdoms Kill, but it suddenly became the Wuhou Qimen in the Guoman Under One Person?

"What's going on with the system? Why has the effect of the Bagua formation changed?"

【All the rights of interpretation belong to this system! 】

Very good, his system has a bad temper, and the right of interpretation belongs to him, but he just won't explain!

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at the words of the system and shrugged his shoulders.

Who cares? It's not him who suffers anyway. Aizen Shinnosuke was so happy that he had an extra method inexplicably.

The reason why he wanted to ask was mainly to find out whether other weapon cards and the like had other awesome effects.

Soon, Aizen Shinnosuke and the others returned to the Konoha camp.

"Aizen Shinnosuke! Are you all right?"

As soon as they returned to the camp, Nawaki, who had been waiting for a long time, jumped out from the side. He pulled Aizen Shinnosuke over and nervously checked him up and down, fearing that Aizen Shinnosuke was really injured.

On the other side, Orochimaru and Tsunade found Higashiguchi Kozo and asked him about what happened.

Higashiguchi Kozo looked at Aizen Shinnosuke who was being pulled by Nawaki and couldn't get away, and then told Orochimaru and the other two about their encounter with Iwagakure, from the beginning of the encounter to the end when Aizen Shinnosuke released the summoning technique to cover their escape.

"Really? An elephant......."

Orochimaru looked back at Aizen Shinnosuke who was struggling with Rope Tree. This student of his really gave him a little surprise every once in a while.

Now, he even used the Soul Connection Technique.

"An elephant? It's a pretty good summoning beast! I just don't know how strong it is."

Orochimaru thought to himself as he looked at Aizen Shinnosuke.

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