"The Iwagakure ninjas have all come over here. It seems that the front line of Iwagakure, Hanzo, has given up!"

In the meeting room, Orochimaru looked at the ninjas sitting below and said

"Lord Orochimaru, should we launch an attack? If this continues, the entire Rain Country will be occupied by the Hidden Rock Village."

As the ninja from the Hyuga clan asked below, Aizen Shinnosuke's eyes fell on Orochimaru. He had already run away several times, and this time, he didn't want to run again! Apart from anything else, at least he couldn't lose face as a time traveler, right? Twice!

"That's right! We have wasted too much time here! Let's just push forward!"

Orochimaru nodded and agreed to the order to attack with all his strength.

The ninjas in the Konoha camp immediately began to move, and everyone was packing up their things. Then, under the leadership of Orochimaru and his team, they launched an attack on the Hidden Rain Village.

""Nongshu! Don't leave Shinnosuke!"

Before leaving, Tsunade found Yongshu and warned him again and again.

This time, the attack of Yuyin could no longer easily stop the footsteps of the Konoha army.

The ninjas of Konoha attacked with all their strength, and there were almost no casualties. They fought not far from Yuyin Village. Just when Orochimaru and his men were about to attack Yuyin Village in one go, Hanzo suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Salamander Hanzo?"

Orochimaru looked at the guy standing on the salamander, wearing a respirator, and holding a strange-looking weapon in his hand - a chain.

All these things clearly showed the identity of the person. He was the current leader of the Hidden Rain Village, the Salamander Hanzo who was called the demigod of the ninja world!

""You bastards from Konoha!"

Hanzo didn't expect that he had just retreated from the front line of Iwagakure. He hadn't rested for long. But Konoha attacked again!

"Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!"

Hanzo Salamander began to form seals with his hands, and immediately launched a fire style ninjutsu in the direction of the Konoha ninjas.

For a moment, some Konoha ninjas were unable to avoid it and were directly swallowed by the powerful fire style ninjutsu performed by Hanzo Salamander.

"Retreat! You are no match for him!"

Seeing this, Orochimaru and the other two stood directly in front of Hanzo and stopped Hanzo who was still trying to attack the Konoha ninja.


Hanzo waved his hand at the ninjas of Konoha, and a large number of rain ninjas rushed out, waving their weapons and killing Aizen Shinnosuke and the others.

Tsunade wanted to come back to help her own ninjas, but Hanzo was not a pushover. With a wave of the chain in his hand, he blocked Tsunade's actions one step ahead.


Tsunade bit her back teeth and looked at the salamander Hanzo

"Heh, you three should be Sarutobi Hiruzen's disciples, right? You are really young and promising! You are so young, but you have become the commander of the front line! What about that guy named Shimura Danzo? Did he run away in disgrace after being injured by me?"

The purpose of Hanzo is to hold back Tsunade and the other two. He has already discovered that other than Tsunade and the other two, the other Konoha ninjas are not a big threat.

His own ninjas are also capable of dealing with them.

""Stop talking nonsense!"

Looking at the chattering Salamander Hanzo, Tsunade didn't have the time to talk nonsense with him.

Tsunade gathered strength in her right hand, and then jumped towards Salamander Hanzo.

Chakra gathered on Tsunade's fist and wrapped it. Then, Tsunade slammed the ground hard, and the ground cracked immediately.

However, Salamander Hanzo had already noticed Tsunade's intention, so he jumped up casually and avoided Tsunade's attack directly.

""Hunting Shadows, Many Snakes!"

However, Hanzo of the Salamander faced more than just Tsunade. The moment Hanzo of the Salamander dodged Tsunade's attack, Orochimaru's attack followed.

Countless snakes rushed out of Orochimaru's sleeves and rushed straight to Hanzo of the Salamander.

While Orochimaru and his three men were fighting fiercely with Hanzo of the Salamander, on the battlefield behind, Aizen Shinnosuke finally opened his own unparalleled power.

""Leave! Red Refining!"

Aizen Shinnosuke stepped on the center palace, and the flames in his left hand shot out. The ninjas of Yuyin were unable to dodge and were burned directly by the flames.

"Damn! Shinnosuke, when did you learn ninjutsu?"

Behind Aizen Shinnosuke, Rope Tree dodged the kunai shot by Rain Ninja. Then he took the time to ask Aizen Shinnosuke. Aizen Shinnosuke glanced at him and pointed at the ninja attacking him.

"You should take care of yourself first!"

Said, Aizen Shinnosuke casually played a flash card. With the activation of the flash card, he just happened to avoid the ninjutsu attack of the Rain Hidden Ninja.


The Rain Ninja obviously didn't expect this result, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"It's my turn!"

Aizen Shinnosuke continued to step on the center palace, with lightning flashing in his hand.


Thunder surrounded Shinnosuke Aizen, and all the ninjas touched by the thunder fell to the ground with a scream.

This move of Shinnosuke Aizen greatly shocked the ninjas of Yugakure.

"Get rid of him!"

The people of Yuyin would not let Aizen Shinnosuke go on like this, and under the command of one of them, the jonin of Yuyin immediately rushed towards Aizen Shinnosuke, but several of them were stopped by the jonin of Konoha.

After all, it was not only the people of Yuyin who noticed Aizen Shinnosuke. The people of Konoha also noticed him, especially those powerful ninjas. How could they not recognize this guy who followed Tsunade every day to treat his companions.

But they did not���What I found is that this kid is not only very skilled in medical ninjutsu, but also quite capable.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet!"


At the moment when the water dragon rushed towards him, the ground under Aizen Shinnosuke's feet rushed out under his control. It directly smashed the opponent's water dragon bullet, and then Aizen Shinnosuke controlled the Tuheche and directly submerged the rain ninja.

【Exchange Points: 2657]

It had only been a short while since the fight started, but Aizen Shinnosuke had already earned a lot of exchange points.

After using a card of"Creating Something Out of Nothing" to replenish the consumed chakra, Aizen Shinnosuke continued to rush into the crowd.

While running, he occasionally threw out a few killing cards.

""Little brat! Don't get carried away! Earth escape: Earth land return!"

Suddenly, the ground beneath Aizen Shinnosuke's feet shook violently. Aizen Shinnosuke subconsciously turned his head and saw a Rain Hide with a firm look in his eyes and his hands on the ground.

""A fool?"

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't understand what that guy was thinking. He actually launched such a large-scale earth escape ninjutsu just to deal with him.

However, the current situation is not optimistic. The range of the earth escape ninjutsu is too large. If Aizen Shinnosuke can't escape, he will definitely be crushed to death by this ninjutsu. Even if he casts a flash card, he can't avoid this ninjutsu. After all, the flash card only has a momentary effect.

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