"You forced me to do this!"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked fierce and quickly ran to the side.

"Don't waste your energy! You can't run out of the range of this ninjutsu!"

The Rain Hidden Man was obviously sure that Aizen Shinnosuke had been defeated, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

However, under his gaze, Aizen Shinnosuke stopped after running a short distance, and then Aizen Shinnosuke stepped on the ground twice with his left foot.

"Oh? Have you given up?"

The Rain Ninja thought that Aizen Shinnosuke had given up, and the smile on his face became more and more proud.

But Aizen Shinnosuke made a seal with his right hand, and then shouted

"Xunzi! Xiangtan Merit!"

Instantly, a large amount of wood rushed out of the ground, supporting Yuyin's earth escape ninjutsu while lifting Aizen Shinnosuke into the air.

"What? Wood Release?"

The Rain Village ninja was so frightened when he saw the wood released by Aizen Shinnosuke that he fell to the ground.

The commotion here was so loud that it naturally attracted the attention of others.

When the Konoha ninjas found out that it was Aizen Shinnosuke who performed the ninjutsu. And the ninjutsu he performed was the Wood Release of the First Hokage, they were all boiling with excitement!

One by one, they screamed and rushed towards the enemy closest to them.

"What? Wood Release?"

On the other side, Hanzo of the Salamander also noticed Aizen Shinnosuke.

He was so scared when he saw Aizen Shinnosuke performing Wood Release that he almost couldn't hold the chain in his hand.

Orochimaru and the others heard Hanzo of the Salamander and looked back subconsciously. As a result, they saw Aizen Shinnosuke standing in the air, and what he was standing on was Wood Release.

"Tsunade? What's going on? Could it be that Aizen Shinnosuke is really from your family?"

Jiraiya looked at Tsunade curiously, but Tsunade had no idea. Now, no one was more confused than her.

"Even if it's Wood Release, so what? He can't be the second Senju Hashirama!"

Hanzo the Salamander roared, then jumped and headed straight for Aizen Shinnosuke.

He wouldn't allow it, and the entire ninja world wouldn't allow it. In this world, there is a second Senju Hashirama.

"Don't even think about it!"

Orochimaru noticed the movements of the Salamander Hanzo and hurriedly followed, trying to stop the Salamander Hanzo

""Summoning Technique! Salamander!"

Salamander Hanzo looked at Orochimaru who was chasing him from behind, and formed a seal with one hand. Then, a huge Salamander broke out of the ground, and a large amount of purple poisonous mist spewed out of its mouth.

"Go to hell!"

As for Hanzo himself, he took this opportunity to run straight to Aizen Shinnosuke, throwing the chain in his hand towards Aizen Shinnosuke.

""Xun! Wind rope!"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Hanzo rushing towards him and used the Xun spell again. The rope made of wind directly tied up Hanzo.

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke thought he could tie up Hanzo, Hanzo broke free from the wind rope. He didn't care about the wounds left on his body by the strong wind, and still rushed towards Aizen Shinnosuke waving the chain.

"You are crazy!"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at the Salamander Hanzo and shook his head

"Swordsmanship: Flash!"

Hanzo Salamander stared at Aizen Shinnosuke, swung the sickle in his hand, and rushed straight towards Aizen Shinnosuke.


Facing the attack of Hanzo, Aizen Shinnosuke directly used a flash to avoid his sword technique, Flash.

"Didn't hit it?"

The sickle pierced through Aizen Shinnosuke's body, but Hanzo didn't feel like he hit it. He looked back at Aizen Shinnosuke and found that he was still standing there.

For a moment, Hanzo was a little confused.

""Hanzo! Go to hell!"

Just as Hanzo was about to attack Aizen Shinnosuke again, Tsunade suddenly rushed out with a pair of iron fists.

Hanzo saw that it was hopeless and could only bend his arms to block. However, how could he resist Tsunade's strange power? He was hit by Tsunade and flew backwards.

"Shinnosuke, everyone is poisoned! Help quickly!"

After beating up Hanzo, Tsunade said to Aizen Shinnosuke without even turning her head.

Aizen Shinnosuke looked down and saw that the battlefield was filled with thick poisonous fog. All the people from Konoha and Amegakure fell down. Aizen Shinnosuke nodded to

Tsunade and then jumped down.

""Xunzi! Wind roar!"

Shinnosuke Aizen blew out a wind cannon from his mouth, and the fierce wind directly blew away the poisonous fog on the battlefield. Shinnosuke Aizen came to Nawaki first and threw a peach on him.

Nawaki, who was in great pain just now, felt as if he had recovered. He sat up in disbelief, and then moved several times. Finally, he was sure that he was really fine.

"Shinnosuke, thank you!"

Rope Tree waved to Aizen Shinnosuke, but Aizen Shinnosuke didn't have time to pay attention to him. Looking at the large number of companions lying on the ground, Aizen Shinnosuke found that it was too slow to save them one by one.


"System! Exchange new cards for me!"

Aizen Shinnosuke used the Peach Card to save his companions first, and at the same time he started to exchange new cards. He now has three chances. If a Peach Garden Oath comes,......

【Congratulations on getting: Invulnerable! Cut off the supply of food! Ancient Ingot Knife!】

"Damn it!"

Aizome Shinnosuke's eyes darkened. Sure enough, the probability was too low. It was impossible to get the cards he wanted at will!

For a moment, the screams of his companions around him were so harsh in Aizen Shinnosuke's ears.

"I can't save you......There's no way he could be saved......."

Aizen Shinnosuke clenched his fists, but when he turned his head, he saw the Rain Ninja who was also poisoned. Suddenly, a light appeared in Aizen Shinnosuke's eyes.

"right......There is still hope! There is still hope!"

Aizome Shinnosuke did not forget that Hanzo had an antidote on him. Otherwise, he would never dare to release the poison of the salamander on his own people.

""Salamander Hanzo!"

Aizen Shinnosuke roared and rushed towards the salamander Hanzo. Nawaki looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, and it was not clear whether to follow or not. In the end, he stayed where he was and helped his companions as much as possible with his existing medical level.

When Aizen Shinnosuke rushed over, Jiraiya was helping Tsunade up from the ground. Tsunade

's abdomen was cut open and bleeding at this moment.

""Salamander Hanzo!"

Aizen Shinnosuke jumped directly in front of the Salamander Hanzo.

"Oh? You didn't run away?"

Hanzo looked at Aizen Shinnosuke who appeared again. He originally thought that this guy had run away a long time ago. But he thought that he had actually run back.

"Stop the bullshit! Hand over the antidote!"

"So, is it for the antidote? I do have it, but why should I give it to you?"

The Salamander Hanzo pointed his sickle at Aizen Shinnosuke, then turned to Tsunade and said

"How about this, you kill her and I'll give you the antidote. I'll give you as much as you want!"

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