Shimura Danzo was speechless after hearing what Sarutobi Hiruzen said. This matter was a dead end. No matter how he explained, he could only have done it.

Unless, at this time, they really found the murderer. Moreover, the murderer's identity was more credible than Shimura Danzo's identity.

"Damn it!"

Shimura Danzo was furious. He could think that this must have been done by Aizen Shinnosuke, who was still in the Hidden Rain Village, or Orochimaru.

However, the reality was that Sarutobi Hiruzen was right. People would not believe that this was done by a teenager. Not to mention that the child had only graduated for less than half a year.

"Now, you should stay at home. I will tell others that I have imprisoned you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was tired. He didn't want to waste any more energy on this matter.

"Humph, monkey, you will regret it in the end. This matter is definitely related to Aizen Shinnosuke and the others!"

At this point, there is no better way. But before leaving, Shimura Danzo still reluctantly said to Sarutobi Hiruzen

"You don't have to worry about that matter! I'm the Hokage, I will take care of everything!"

After looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen for the last time, Danzo Shimura slammed the door and left.

So far, the Hokage's office has finally become quiet.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat back in the position of Hokage, took out his pipe, took two deep puffs, and looked worried.

After two days of traveling, Aizen Shinnosuke and Orochimaru returned to the Hidden Rain Village.

However, as soon as they returned to the village, Orochimaru beside Aizen Shinnosuke disappeared into smoke with a"bang".

At this moment, Orochimaru, who was in the office, also received the memory sent back by his shadow clone. He looked up at Jiraiya and Tsunade beside him and said

"Aizen Shinnosuke is back!"

During this period, the news that the Daimyo of the Land of Rain had been killed had spread. Jiraiya and Tsunade naturally knew that Aizen Shinnosuke had succeeded.

At the same time, they were both a little shocked. Unexpectedly, Aizen Shinnosuke actually did it.

"I'm back!"

Aizen Shinnosuke opened the door of the office and appeared in front of Orochimaru and the other two.

"Shinnosuke is not injured, right?"

Tsunade came to Aizen Shinnosuke's side and grabbed him to check everywhere.

"Don't worry, those people are not worthy of hurting me!"


"I told you you're fat, but you're still panting, right?"

Looking at the smug Aizen Shinnosuke, Tsunade punched him on the head in anger.

"Oh no, Lord Orochimaru, the Iwagakure has launched an attack on us!"

Just as Tsunade and Aizen Shinnosuke were playing, a Hyuga ninja broke in and said to Orochimaru


The four people in the office, Orochimaru, immediately focused their attention on the Hyuga ninja. Being watched by three leaders at once, the Hyuga ninja felt a little nervous for a moment.

However, he quickly told the news.

"The Iwagakure ninjas are rushing towards the Hidden Rain Village, and there are a lot of them!"

After hearing the news from the Hyuga ninjas again, Orochimaru and his companions quickly climbed out of the office and came to a high place.

Orochimaru and his companions looked into the distance, and sure enough, in the distance, a large number of figures were rushing towards the Hidden Rain Village where they were.

"What should Orochimaru do now?"

Tsunade turned her head to look at Orochimaru and asked

"Retreat! Anyway, the teacher has already sent us a message to leave, so just leave!"

"No way!"

Orochimaru just opened his mouth to say retreat, but Jiraiya raised his hand to stop Orochimaru.

"If we withdraw directly, the ninjas of Iwagakure might think we have some tricks. What if they attack other people in the Hidden Rain Village?"

After hearing Jiraiya's words, Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Jiraiya with a strange expression.......It's not Konoha, why is Jiraiya so excited?

However, thinking that Jiraiya in the original work is a guy who cares about the world, Aizen Shinnosuke has some understanding of this.

"So......Organize a defense!"

Although Orochimaru didn't know Jiraiya's future deeds like Aizen Shinnosuke. However, as a playmate who grew up with Jiraiya, Orochimaru still knew his childhood friend very well.

Soon, Konoha's ninjas gathered. Seeing this, the civilians of Yuegakure thought that Konoha's people could not help but take action, and they were scared to death.

But when they saw that Konoha's ninjas actually rushed out of the village, some brave guys followed behind. Then, they saw Iwagakure rushing towards Yuegakure.

For a moment, the guy from Yuegakure who followed secretly became even more excited. He quickly ran back and told everyone in Yuegakure what he saw.

On the other side, the people of Konoha and Iwagakure finally met.

"Earth escape·Tulong spear!"

"Earth escape·Earth dragon bomb!"

"Earth escape·Tuling dumpling!"


As soon as they met, the Iwagakure ninjas raised their hands and performed ninjutsu. For a moment, the earth shook, and many earth-style ninjutsu came directly to Konoha.

On Konoha's side, a hundred flowers bloomed, and every ninja used his own ninjutsu to block the Iwagakure ninjutsu. However, there were some people on both sides who did not perform ninjutsu, but directly collided their weapons with each other.

Among these people, Aizen Shinnosuke was one of them.

He held the ancient ingot sword tightly in his right hand, and collided with a guy using a katana. However, before they had fought for two moves, Aizen Shinnosuke was beaten back again and again.

After all, from beginning to end, Aizen Shinnosuke had never learned how to use any weapons, so he was naturally no match for those who had practiced.

"Huh? You? With a knife? Kid......Go back and practice for a few more years!"

The Iwagakure ninja could see that the kid in front of him was just a layman in the way he used weapons. So, the Iwagakure ninja immediately mocked Aizen Shinnosuke.

Seeing that the weapon was not working, Aizen Shinnosuke put it away and threw out two cards.

"Cards? Kid, did you just come out of the casino?"

Looking at Aizen Shinnosuke's attack method, the Iwagakure ninja found it even more funny. Then, the Iwagakure ninja swung his sword and chopped it.

As a result, the two cards actually exploded.

The Iwagakure ninja was not careful for a moment and was directly blown up. The Iwagakure ninja was directly blown to the ground, and Aizen Shinnosuke came directly in front of him

"Obviously, I, who just came out of the casino, seem to have won!"

As he said that, Aizen Shinnosuke picked up his weapon and then stabbed it into the chest of the Iwagakure without hesitation.

Aizen Shinnosuke wiped the blood off his face and looked around. He found that Konoha was already at a disadvantage because of the number of people.

If this continued, many people would definitely die here.

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