"Earth escape: Rockfall!"

Just as Aizen Shinnosuke stood up to help his companions, a huge rock suddenly hit him.

Aizen Shinnosuke quickly jumped away to avoid the huge rock falling from above.

""Little boy, are you very strong? Let me test you!"

As he said that, a huge man rushed directly in front of Aizen Shinnosuke. Aizen Shinnosuke suddenly widened his eyes and subconsciously protected himself with his arms.

""Dui Zi·Black Glaze!"

Aizen Shinnosuke defended in time, but the opponent still punched Aizen Shinnosuke's arm directly, and the powerful force sent Aizen Shinnosuke flying. Suddenly, Aizen Shinnosuke felt a sharp pain in his arms, and even his abdomen was a little painful.

"Damn......What kind of male Tsunade is this?"

Aizen Shinnosuke was surprised. In this world, there is actually a guy with the same strength as Tsunade?

Aizen Shinnosuke looked up with difficulty, and saw that the strong man's arm was actually wrapped in a layer of rock. He didn't see it just now.

However, after seeing the other party's method. Aizen Shinnosuke breathed a sigh of relief and grinned.

"I thought it was super strength, but it turned out to be Rock Fist!"

Aizen Shinnosuke held on, waved his right hand in the air, took out the Peach Card, and hit himself directly. Instantly, all the injuries caused by the opponent just now were healed.

Seeing this scene, the ninja of Iwagakure frowned. Not only did this young kid block his full-strength attack. Just now, the kid seemed to have taken out something like a card, and then the wounds on his body were healed?

""I don't care who you are! I don't believe I can't kill you!"

The Iwagakure ninja roared, then stomped his feet hard, and rushed towards Aizen Shinnosuke like a cannonball.

"You, BYD, are you done yet?......I am not easy to bully!"

Aizen Shinnosuke's eyes burst with murderous intent, and he took out another card.

"I want to see, without chakra, what kind of big shot are you pretending to be! Cut off from food and supplies!"

Aizen Shinnosuke swung the card in his hand and went straight to the Iwagakure ninja.

The speed of the Iwagakure ninja rushing over was too fast, and in just a blink of an eye, the card thrown by Aizen Shinnosuke came to him. There was no way, the Iwagakure ninja could only raise his arm wrapped in rock to block.

However, the imagined damage did not appear.

The Iwagakure stopped in surprise and looked carefully at the place where he was hit just now.

""Little brat? What are you playing with me here?"

After carefully checking a few times and confirming that he was really not hurt, the Iwagakure ninja suddenly showed a cruel smile on his face, clenched his fists, and once again tried to rush towards Aizen Shinnosuke.

However, this time, as soon as he moved, the rock that was originally wrapped around his arm began to fall off.


The Iwagakure ninja paused, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes. Then, the Iwagakure ninja's face became even uglier.

"My Chakra......What, kid! What on earth did you do?"

No matter how the Iwagakure ninja tried to mobilize the chakra in his body, he felt that his chakra was sealed by something and could not be mobilized at all!

"What did I do? Of course I did......It's good for me!"

Aizen Shinnosuke raised his hands, and a fireball appeared in his palms. Then, Aizen Shinnosuke threw the fireball directly at the opponent.

"Li Zi·Fire Meteor!"

""It's bad!"

The Iwagakure ninja looked at the fireball rushing towards him with a look of despair on his face.

"Earth escape technique: Earth flow wall!"

At this critical moment, a thick earth wall rose up in front of the Iwagakure ninja.


Aizen Shinnosuke subconsciously turned his head and saw a guy with a still huge body standing on a high place. Looking down at Aizen Shinnosuke

"Ikegawa! Are you okay?"

Another Iwagakure ninja blocked Aizen Shinnosuke's attack and immediately asked about the situation of the Iwagakure ninja who had fought against Aizen Shinnosuke before.

"It's you, I'm fine! But you have to be careful, this guy's methods are a bit strange!"

The Iwagakure ninja named Ikegawa looked at Aizen Shinnosuke. His vigilance against Aizen Shinnosuke has reached its peak at this moment.

After all, if it weren't for the help of his teammates just now. At this moment, he has said goodbye to this world.

"Ninja of Iwagakure......"

Unlike the two Iwagakure who were still in the mood to chat, Aizen Shinnosuke was very anxious at the moment.

Because he looked around, Konoha had completely fallen into a disadvantage. If this continued, they would be left here sooner or later.

However, Orochimaru and his men were entangled by the Iwagakure jonin again.

"Damn it!"

""Little brat! Damn you!"

Just as Aizen Shinnosuke was thinking about how to break the deadlock, the ninja who had helped Ikegawa before had already rushed in front of Aizen Shinnosuke.

The opponent, like Ikegawa, rushed directly in front of Aizen Shinnosuke and wanted to use a rock punch.

But this time, Aizen Shinnosuke would not be hit again.


He threw out the Dodge Card, and at the moment when the opponent's attack missed, Aizen Shinnosuke jumped back several times and retreated to a safe position.


"What happened to Yushu?"

Chihe ran to Yushu and saw him staring at his fist, thinking something had happened.

"It's okay!"

Yushu shook his head and looked up at Aizen Shinnosuke with a puzzled look.

"My fist just now actually went through his body.���He was hit!"

"Is this really the case?"

Ikegawa looked up at Aizen Shinnosuke, and his vigilance towards him could not help but rise to a higher level.

"It seems that this kid's methods are indeed extraordinary, and his strength should not be underestimated!"

While Ikegawa and Yuki were talking, Aizen Shinnosuke was not just watching. Aizen Shinnosuke first took out a card of"Creation Out of Nothingness" and after his chakra was fully restored, he took out two cards.

""Ninjas of Konoha! Retreat behind me!"

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke shouted loudly.

The ninjas of Konoha, who were about to give up, seemed to come alive again after hearing the order to retreat. They quickly got rid of the attacks of Iwagakure and ran behind Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Don't even think about it! Stop them!"

However, the Iwagakure ninjas would never let the Konoha ninjas leave like this. Some Iwagakure jonins even gave orders to rush towards the retreating Konoha ninjas.

"Don't even think about it!"

Seeing this, Aizen Shinnosuke quickly threw out the two cards in his hand.

""The Southern Barbarian Invasion!"

Both cards are about the Southern Barbarian Invasion, under the control of Aizen Shinnosuke. Twenty huge African elephants immediately rushed towards the Iwagakure ninjas.

Looking at the elephants running at high speed, even the jonins dared not underestimate them. Looking at the Konoha ninjas who just ran away, the Iwagakure ninjas were filled with resentment.

At the same time, they also thoroughly remembered the kid who could summon elephants!

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