Naruto: The Ero Ninja

Chapter 16 - 15

Target: Koyuki and a Bonus

Koharu was sweating heavily, but it wasn't for the reason she had gotten used to lately. That reason generally being her on the receiving end of a good hard f.u.c.k.i.n.g from her lover. No, the reason Koharu was sweating now was due to her hanging around a lava pit at whose center sat the Leaf Maximum Security Prison. She was dressed in a skin tight bodysuit which was separated around the midsection. Covering her head was a shinobi mask that also kept her hair in check and covered.

It had taken her most of the day slowly moving along the rock face that surrounded the prison. Her hopes were to get inside of it, but to do that had required her reaching her current position undetected by nightfall. That being right underneath the portion of the drawbridge that hung over the rim of the crater and was the only way in and out of the prison. Having achieved her goal, she was simply waiting for them to lower the bridge to let out the civilian administrators for the night. Above her, the elder and deaged member of Naruto's harem could hear the sound of the chunin guards as they walked the edge of the crater.

Although the actual guards were all shinobi, many of whom were stationed in the prison for months at a time. It was civilians that handled many of the lesser and often bureaucratic tasks such as the office work. As such it provided a small window of opportunity to gain access to the prison. One she had been aware of for years and had even tried to shut down demanding the civilians stay on the site like the shinobi. However, now she was glad Sarutobi had told her no while claiming there was no need to subject civilians to such a harsh working environment for such extended periods. Still she took a perverse sense of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e from knowing she was right.

Hearing the sound of gears beginning to turn as the bridge began to lower down towards the prison, she amended her thoughts to admit that she wasn't in the prison yet. Once lowered into place, she sprung from her hiding spot running along beneath the drawbridge upside down as the outgoing civilians left the facility. She reached the end and waited for the much slower civilians to complete their own journeys. While she waited she heard the front gate of the prison slam shut and then the drawbridge began to rise into place once more. Riding it up she waited until she could see the top of the wall that surrounded the prison before leaping from the bridge to it. Landing smoothly on the walkway, she ducked into a nearby shadow cast by a guard tower to plan her next moves.

Due to the time there were plenty of shadows for her to make her way closer to the central building where the prisoners were kept. From her vantage point she could see the prisoners assigned to hard labor entering the facility that housed their cells.

Off to the side of the prison sat a large mansion that was where the warden as well as many of the off duty shinobi guards stayed. Directing her gaze back to the building that was her target she found the square looking building to be quite imposing. It was also located almost at the exact center away from the wall that surrounded it and from where she was currently staring at it from.

She ran a quick sweep along the wall to make sure none of the guards pacing the top of it were a threat. From the lazy way they walked, she knew it would be a while before they made their way towards her. She also reasoned it was near a shift change for them and contemplated waiting until then to make her move. However, she couldn't be sure how long that would be since the warden didn't send such information to the village. Partly as a security measure, but Koharu also had a sense that some other reason was behind it.

The warden, a man named Iwana Akame, had taken over the prison sometime after the breakout engineered by Mizuki. He had been recommended by Danzou to which both she and Homura had quickly supported. Tsunade had been against the man's appointment. At the time Koharu had suspected it was due to his well doc.u.mented dislike of Naruto, as he had been one of the men assigned to track the boy down when he had been tricked into taking the scroll of sealing. If she had to guess, he had also been one of the men that Sarutobi had felt the need to mention that the boy was to be brought back unharmed.

Despite her hesitance to give the man the position, Tsunade had been forced to admit he took to the job quite well. Upon accepting the position he had instituted many procedural changes to the prison. One of which had been to stop sending shift reports back to Konoha since he felt that the prison should be its own self-contained little world. So that enemy spies couldn't analyze the reports for weaknesses in its defenses. It was as she was planning her little operation that Koharu began to think something else may be going on in the prison. Her concerns stemmed from her noticing that most of the chunin who were assigned as guards had been serving for almost the entire three years. That in itself was odd as before most chunin only did prison duty for the single required term, despite it paying slightly higher. Still since chunin were only required to do the tasks that there rank entailed only once before being allowed to fall into their own niches, such as teachers, it could have just been a number of chunin found themselves attracted to guard duty.

However, what threw up a red flag for her was that only certain chunin were allowed to stay on past the first term. Although some had reapplied to the position, no doubt for the hazard pay, they found themselves blocked by poor performance reviews written by Akame. Most of the chunin who were rejected in such a manner had exceptional records in the other tasks they had performed. While it could just mean that they had butted heads with Akame. She had a less innocent theory on the matter. That being that Akame wanted to surround himself with people that would answer to him over the Hokage or he could intimidate into obeying him. In either case it meant that something of note was happening in the prison.

Koharu waited until the Anbu ducked back down after completing his scan to make her move. Although an Anbu presence made her mission more dangerous, the answers she wanted may lie with the woman she was there to see.

Dropping down from her hiding spot at the top of the wall she landed quietly and quickly moved along the ground using the few spots of available cover. Reaching the base of the prison she breathed a little easier as no alarms went off. Looking up, she guessed she was right near where the Anbu had poked his head out. She silently scaled the wall and although the Anbu was well trained she could hear the movements of a guard sitting in one position to long. Reaching into her pouch and pulled several senbon. She waited until the Anbu's movements became those of someone shifting to once more glance over the courtyard to make her move. Leaping the final section of wall she grabbed the Anbu by the mask and allowed gravity to pull them down. As they fell she jammed a senbon into the man's neck rendering him unconscious.

As she expected there was an Anbu at the opposite end of the roof, who was just beginning to react to her presence. Throwing another senbon it hit the Anbu in the neck as well causing the masked figure to slump to the floor. Staring down at the one closest to her, she frowned recognizing the mask as one of the two Anbu who had been with Danzou in her home. Suspecting the other one was the kunoichi she made her way to the prone figure and as expected found Komachi there. Kneeling next to the woman she placed her hand on her shoulder and channeled chakra to the spot. A moment later an X surrounded by a circle appeared before disappearing.

Having marked the woman with the seal that Tayuya had asked Kyuubi to design for her, Koharu moved to the roof access hatch. Opening it, she spared a moment to look at the two unconscious Anbu. Although leaving them alive was a risk, primarily since even with the senbon forcing a death like paralysis on them, the effects would fade with time. However, she wasn't willing to kill Leaf Shinobi in order to complete her mission, nor did she suspect Naruto would allow it. Realizing she was wasting time she dropped into the prison.

Moving silently, to the lower levels of the prison she hoped that was where they were keeping her target. Unfortunately since Mikoto was listed as dead, she didn't turn up in the registry. All she was known by was a number, but even that wasn't listed. However, she suspected that the woman would be kept in the same area as some of the most dangerous, mainly since it would limit the number of Konoha personnel she'd run into. Plus all the guards there were permanently assigned to the task by Akame.

As she moved she tried to figure out why Danzou was assigning Anbu to the prison and she had little doubt that they worked for Danzou now. Although, Komachi and Towa answered to Yuugao, who had assigned them as one of the rotating teams guarding the elder. It was readily apparent that Danzou had turned them at some point. If they hadn't always been his that was.

Reaching the first floor with prisoners, Koharu stuck to the shadows, but frowned since due to the time the occupants of the cells should have been locked up. Instead she found all the cell doors wide open. Despite that, most of the prisoners were sleeping but there were a few moving about still. Confused, she considered grabbing one of the wandering prisoners to extract some answers but could almost feel the clock running out.

She reached the hall that would lead her to her destination wondering where all the guards were. Focusing on the mission, she marked the camera and was waiting for it to turn to create the small blind spot she would exploit. The camera reached the point and she was about to run the length of the hall but stopped and flipped back as the camera panned towards her. Frowning she wondered why her instincts had screamed at her not to run. Scanning the hallway even closer she didn't spot anything amiss until her third time. Narrowing her eyes at the small fire alarm at the center of the hall she realized that in all her run down of the blueprints of the prison there was no mention of one. Koharu knew that even if the warden had decided to update the fire system that it should have generated some sort of paper trail. For example the money to pay for such things as fire alarms. Since it wasn't the cheap kind that usually hung on a screw or nail but was hardwired into the building she knew it had cost considerable money to install. But Koharu was also willing to bet that it wasn't a fire alarm at all, but a disguised camera.

Coming to that conclusion Koharu began to back-up since it was possible that she had been on camera ever since entering the prison. That an alarm hadn't been raised simply meant Akame wasn't stupid and had allowed her to make it this far to learn who she was there to meet. Not willing to chance contacting Mikoto under such circ.u.mstances, she began heading back noting several more disguised cameras. Apparently Akame realized she was onto his extra security as suddenly the alarm began blaring.

"What the hell is he playing at," Koharu thought as she raced through a cell block. But before she made it completely out of it a large man landed in front of her from the platform above. He attempted to hit her with a punch to the stomach but Koharu managed to avoid it easily. Her counter attack was a kick that connected with the man's ribs sending him smashing into the metal bars to her right. But with her forward momentum effectively killed more and more prisoners were able to crowd around her.

Reaching into her pouch she pulled a handful of shuriken and threw them at the men in front of her. To her surprise many of them were batted away by kunai that the prisoners held. The prisoners then prepared to throw said kunai in retaliation. She contemplated using several jutsu to protect herself but feeling a hand grab for her from behind, grabbed it and pulled the man in front of her using him as a shield. The kunai buried themselves in the man's body. Koharu was forced to leap up then as several prisoners behind her threw some as well.

Leaping to the catwalk above her, she made it several feet before a prisoner almost tackled her from his cell. She stopped suddenly though to avoid him and used his momentum to throw him over the railing. She slapped an exploding tag to him and after he smashed into the ground it exploded taking several of his fellows with him.

Reaching the end of the catwalk she leapt down, landing in front of the exit. However blocking her path was a prisoner that filled her with a vague sense of recognition. The young man had silver hair and dark eyes. His prisoner shirt had its sleeves removed to reveal heavily muscled arms, the way the man smirked at her filled Koharu with anger as if he was dismissing the threat she posed.

"Hm," the man said eyeing her body," Maybe Akame will reward me with a new plaything."

Koharu merely narrowed her eyes not rising to the bait since she didn't know if she was being recorded and although her voice was different now due to her younger age, not so much that she might not be recognized if she was careless.

Her opponent didn't seem to care merely saying, "Feisty, I'm sure we'll have loads of fun."

The man took a step towards her and as he did so black strips appeared on his body and his c.h.e.s.t seemed to broaden. Next his face began to take on animal characteristics as fur grew from his body. When his transformation finished the prisoner looked like a combination between a tiger and a man. Understanding she was facing off against Mizuki, Koharu wondered just what the hell was going on. As although Tsunade had been able to reverse the aging side-effect the Animal Cursed Seal had inflicted on the former chunin instructor. She had been sure to remove his ability to change.

Guessing that Akame and probably Danzou were behind it she charged hoping to get by him quickly. She attempted to kick him in the side of the head but Mizuki caught the kick easily and then tossed her into the metal bars of a cell. Landing on the floor, she had to roll out of his way as he racked his claws across the ground. Leaping to her feet she flashed through several hand signs and fired a giant fireball at him that enveloped most of the narrow cell block. It hit the back end of the block melting the bars of it and leaving an exit for her. She attempted to run for it but was forced to flip backwards as Mizuki smashed into the ground from the ceiling.

Koharu struggled to get back to her feet so Mizuki took his sweet time closing with her saying, "I'll admit you are making me work for it more than I thought you'd be capable of. Have somebody sweet back home that you want to get back too. Don't worry I won't be too rough on you, but I doubt you'll want to leave by the time I'm finished with you."

"Mizuki stop playing around," Akame's voice said angrily.

"Hey, Akame go f.u.c.k yourself," Mizuki said looking up to a disguised camera, "Just because I agreed to be a soldier in your rebellion doesn't mean I'm your bitch. I'll send this whore to you when I'm damn good and ready."

Koharu hearing that felt a sudden rage and anguish. Not that Mizuki was threatening to **** her, but that Akame was planning to use the prisoners as soldiers to attack Konoha. Since, she was sure Akame wasn't the brains behind the scheme she believed that there could only be one man who was. A man that if people had asked her about as short a time ago as several months her response would have been filled with praise.

Although her pride wanted to do nothing more than school Mizuki in how foolish he was to give her time to recover. She could hear more prisoners heading her way and knew her primary mission was to warn Naruto and Tsunade now. She waited until Mizuki was right above her and when he reached down to grab her rolled to her side. She then grabbed ahold of his arm with her legs and bent his wrist with her hand. Rolling again she pulled the man off his feet and pulled dislocating his arm. Getting back to her feet she leapt through the exit as the man screamed in anger and pain.

Now out of the cell block, the hallway opened up and she came across a small broom closet. Dashing into it she locked the door hearing several impacts as prisoners, that had been watching Mizuki and her fight and had given chase as soon as she made it out of the cell block, threw weapons the impacted the door. Making a quick sweep of the room she made sure there were no hidden cameras and then channeled chakra into the fox mark located on the back of her left t.h.i.g.h just below her b.u.t.t. A moment later Naruto appeared wearing only a pair of pants. Shaking her head at his recklessness she clamped a hand over his mouth before he could talk and said, "Flash me to my safe house." Nodding as the door began to give way the two disappeared in a red flash.

Appearing in her living room, Koharu broke away and began venting after pulling her mask off, "God damn him, that stupid selfish bastard."

"Koharu," Naruto said worriedly reaching out for her, "What's wrong?"

Koharu closed her eyes to calm herself saying, "What's wrong is a man I once thought highly of is plotting treason." She explained what she had learned that night and could see Naruto was already thinking of ways to stop it. However, she knew that if they suddenly confronted Danzou with their knowledge or attempted to shut down the prison, which could now be thought of as an enemy fort mere hours from the village, it was likely that soon the village would be facing a civil war.

Koharu nodded and knew that even though Mizuki had let the cat out of the bag. That Danzou knew the enemy villages she could have been aligned with would be sure not to move too obviously in part to let the rebellion happen and to not point out which village it had been behind the incursion. She also knew that Danzou would know this and although it would delay him a little once he was sure he had planned for it. He would continue on with his scheme.

Feeling like a fool for ignoring all the times that Sarutobi had warned her of Danzou's extreme methods for what he saw as protecting Konoha, she said, "I don't see how we can stop him without going to war. The prison might be the bulk of his forces, but he may have sleeper agents among Konoha's forces. He certainly does among the Anbu."

Naruto nodded and walked to Koharu before wrapping her in a hug from behind. Pulling her tight he said, "Right now the goal is to get him to lay low so that we can ferret out whatever agents he has."

"I know, but how do we do that without alerting him to the fact it's us that is aware of his impending rebellion and not one of the other villages."

She could hear the smile in Naruto's response when he said, "By turning to our friends." Confused as to how he could make it sound so simple but at the same time sound so positive she turned in his arms to stare into his eyes and simply gave him a questioning look.


Although learning of Danzou's impending rebellion had certainly added a tension to the morning. Naruto was determined not to let the fear of things to come interfere too much with his life. It did though give him a taste of what it must have been like to be Hokage and had only increased his respect of the men and woman that had held the title. Just how many threats had the previous Hokage known about while the rest of the village got to go on about their business blissfully unaware of the threats that the village leaders knew of. Still it proved that luck was on his and his harem's side.

Naruto nodded as he walked past Anko and a team of chunin from the Interrogation Department as they left from performing a surprise listening device sweep in the Hokage's Mansion. Naturally, the first place they had just so happened to check had been Tsunade's office. Although everyone had doubted there would be any there it never hurt to be too cautious. To that effect Anko had given Naruto's apartment a private sweep as well.

As he made his way up to Tsunade's office, Naruto allowed his mind to wander briefly to Shizune. He felt bad that her entrance to the Harem had been marred by Danzou's scheming. However, she took it as the selfless woman he knew her to be. She had then thrown herself right into helping think of ways to blunt Danzou's plan after he had returned from setting his own in motion. Of course the fact she and Tsunade hadn't bothered to dress had a distracting effect on Naruto, but the situation had prevented him from giving into his libido.

Looking up he noticed she had stopped in front of the door to Tsunade's office and was looking over her shoulder giving him a sultry look. Pushing the door open she walked in and shut it behind her. Knowing an invitation when he saw one he followed sticking her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r in his pocket. He entered the office aware that Tsunade wasn't inside, but handing out missions to the genin and chunin of the village.

His eyes settled on Shizune who was standing in front of Tsunade's desk with her back towards him. She placed the folders she was carrying down and then began pulling up the hem of her kimono. Naruto watched transfixed as first Shizune's legs appeared followed quickly by her shapely rear. Shizune then bunched her kimono around her waist before leaning over, placing her hands on the desk, and spreading her legs wider. Able to see just how wet and turned on she was Naruto closed the distance between them pulling his fly down to free his c.o.c.k. Grabbing her h.i.p.s, he buried his d.i.c.k in her and closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of her tight, wet c.u.n.t.

"Mmmm," Shizune m.o.a.n.e.d as she was filled once more. Looking over her shoulder she said, "I've wanted this all morning."

Naruto leaned forward kissing her hungrily and after ending it said, "Me too. Sorry I wasn't there this morning but well you know."

Shizune nodded and had to fight back a m.o.a.n as he began moving. Facing forward again, she could see her reflection in the window behind Tsunade's desk. For a moment she had a hard time recognizing herself due to the l.u.s.t and contentment clearly visible on her face. Her attention was pulled away by Naruto's rough grasps as he pulled the top of her kimono open exposing her t.i.t.s. Naruto grabbed one of them roughly, pinching her n.i.p.p.l.e causing the m.o.a.ning woman to arch her back and to m.o.a.n louder. Naruto silenced it by turning her head with his other hand and kissed her hungrily. Shizune met Naruto's tongue swirling it around and against his, but broke the kiss when a particularly hard thrust of his d.i.c.k poked at her cervix.

Her arms collapsed which her head fell on as she m.o.a.n.e.d, "Kami….your d.i.c.k is hitting my w.o.m.b. Oh shit…Naruto…more…harder…f.u.c.k." Naruto stopped causing his newest lover to whimper. But before she could give voice to her d.e.s.i.r.e for him to continue, he had grabbed her left ankle and began lifting it up and over his head. Shizune got the hint allowing Naruto to spin her till she was on her back and then putting her legs on his shoulders picked up where he had left off. Shizune's m.o.a.ns quickly returned to their previous volume which he attempted to mute by kissing her. As their tongues once more rolled against each other his right hand was busy groping her tit.

Several stacks of papers that both he and Shizune had brought into the office as Tsunade handed out missions on the floor below, wobbled on the desk due to Naruto's assault on Shizune's quim. He broke the kiss to run his tongue from her jaw to her b.r.e.a.s.t where he licked then s.u.c.k.e.d her n.i.p.p.l.e into his mouth. Shizune's hands which had been rubbing along his back moved to his hair where she pulled him deeper into her c.h.e.s.t.

However instead of continuing his n.i.p.p.l.e play, Naruto stopped feeling Ino and Tsunade's presence approaching so pulled back looking over his shoulder. He could practically feel Tsunade's disapproval not because of what they were doing but the timing of it. Naruto realized that the mission briefing that both he and Shizune were supposed to attend was due to start and start in the office they were currently f.u.c.k.i.n.g in, so he attempted to pull out.

Shizune had other ideas though and moving her legs from his shoulders clamped them around his waist, locking her ankles. "Shizune," Naruto said feeling a slight panic, "We have to stop. Tsunade's on her way here with Ino and some of my friends to explain the mission."

Knowing Shizune was close and wanting to get off as well, he redoubled his efforts to satisfy his lover before Tsunade arrived.


Tsunade kept the scowl from her face as she walked with the shinobi she planned to send out to back up Kakashi. Practically able to sense the activity happening in her office she had attempted to walk as slowly as possible after leaving the room where she handed out the missions that helped fund the village when Ino, Sakura, Fu, Rock Lee and Tenten had met her there. The pace was currently driving a certain Rock Lee mad.

"Let us hurry with the fires of youth," the mini Guy said for the hundredth time.

Luckily Ino guessed as to why they weren't rushing and said, "There's no hurry, Lee. For all we know this mission is going to be nothing but trouble."

Unfortunately that was exactly the wrong thing to say as the green wearing boy said, "Yosh, which is why I can't wait. I'll be the first one there or I'll run five hundred l.a.p.s around the village."

Tsunade was about to tell him to settle down when a familiar scream of, "Aaaiiiiieeeeee," filled the air.

Rock Lee's eyes went wide as did Tsunade's except for different reasons. "Do not fear Shizune. I'll save you." Before Tsunade could stop him the boy was already down the hall and with a leaping kick knocked one of her doors off its hinges.

Fearing the scandal about to unfold, Tsunade took off running as well expecting to see Lee gaping at a n.a.k.e.d Naruto and Shizune. Instead she found the genin apologizing for startling the pair as they picked up papers from the floor. "What the hell is going on here?" Tsunade barked feeling as if she had just aged fifty years.

"Sorry," Shizune said blushing in embarrassment or possibly from what Tsunade was sure had been going on before their entry into the office, "I opened the window and a gust of wind blew over all the papers on your desk."

As if to prove what Shizune said was true another gust blew through the office disturbing the papers strewn about the room. Tsunade nodded, moving around to sit behind her desk as the other chunin entered the office. "Leave them be for now," Tsunade said as the others were about to help pick them up, which proved unnecessary as Naruto created several clones to handle the mess. "Why I've called several of you all here is to assign you a mission to help back up Team Kurenai which is being headed up by Kakashi at the moment."

As Tsunade expected Naruto's eyes lit up at the idea of a real mission again. Stomping down on it she said, "Naruto, I'm afraid you will not be going. Instead Team Kakashi was assigned a mission to attend a movie premier in the Land of Spring."

Tsunade fought back a wince as Sakura shot a look to Naruto that screamed to her the kunoichi's hopes that if they were on a mission together she'd be able to close some of the distance Naruto had opened between them. It was a look not wasted on Naruto as he picked up some of the desperation her eyes held. Knowing there was no way to be gentle about it Tsunade said, "Sakura, I'm afraid you won't be going."

Sakura's head whipped around and she looked like she had suffered a punch from Tsunade. Before she could ask why, Naruto said, "Maybe it would be best if I didn't go to Spring right now and helped with the other mission."

Tsunade folded her hands in front of her face resting her elbows on the desk. She studied Naruto for a moment before saying, "I've considered that. However the nature of what Kakashi has discovered makes that impossible. It's also why Fu will be staying in Konoha."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked confused.

"What started as a mission to locate Orochimaru's base has uncovered the Three-Tailed turtle. As we speak Kakashi's group is engaged in a battle with several Sound Shinobi who seem to be interested in it as well." Focusing on Sakura, Tsunade said sympathetically, "That's why I can't send you to Spring." Sakura nodded although still sad so Tsunade continued saying, "My plan is to exile the Three-tails to another dimension using the Four-Corner Sealing Barrier. I need those with excellent chakra control in order to use it. That's why Shizune will be leading a team composed of Sakura, Ino, and Hinata, who is already in the field. Tenten and Lee you'll be assisting Kakashi in whatever way he decides. I've also assigned Yamato to the team; he'll meet you at the gates."

Naruto wasn't sure how Kyuubi would react to the plan but not willing to take it easy while his friends were in danger said, "Still why not allow Fu and me to go."

Fu nodded her head, so Tsunade said, "Naruto, Fu, I know you want to help. However your presence on the mission may make it several times harder." She could see Naruto about to disagree so she cut him off saying, "Naruto, you're both jinchuriki and what we have already on this mission is a Bijuu…"

"Which is why we should be there…"

"Wrong, it's exactly why you shouldn't. For all we know Akatsuki will target the creature once word reaches them of its appearance. If they don't know of its location already. Now if I send you and Fu that's three targets they want in one place."

"We can take them though," Naruto said.

"Maybe, or maybe not," Tsunade said but held up her hand to stop his reply, "While we know they attack in pairs. With three of the Bijuu in one place they may break from that pattern. But even if they don't and send a pair for each Bijuu that will be six S-class shinobi in one place. I know you want to be there for your friends, but your presence may in fact put them in more danger."

Naruto gritted his teeth, but nodded saying, "Okay, I understand."

"Good," Tsunade said before focusing on Fu adding, "Fu, I'll be assigning you to act as my assistant for the time being. We'll also spend some time training as well." After Fu nodded, Tsunade once again focused on Naruto saying, "I've also assigned you a team to escort you to and from Spring Country. They'll meet you at the gate tonight."

Naruto nodded, but didn't ask figuring whoever was assigned was probably a part of his harem. Upset at missing out on the mission but understanding Tsunade's reasons Naruto left to complete a little training with Kyuubi and to make sure she was alright with the Hokage's plan for her fellow Bijuu.


Yugito sat in the back of a bar watching her fellow Kumo-nin engaging in the ancient art of getting sloshed. Nursing her own drink, she had to admit it was a little hard getting back into the mix of normal activity after enjoying a week of marathon like s.e.x. Still she supposed it just gave her more incentive to tear down the walls that separated Kumo and Konoha. Naruto had visited her once explaining he was on a boat heading to Spring Country at the moment.

Yugito looked at a poster of the movie actress and princess hanging against one of the walls advertising her new movie. The two-tailed jinchuriki still couldn't believe all that she had heard about Naruto's first visit to the country back when it had been known as Snow Country. Although she knew that he hadn't been boasting as she remembered seeing the Doc.u.mentary slash Adventure film about Koyuki's regaining her thrown. Taking a sip of her drink she felt a little foolish for not immediately recognizing the genin that had defeated Koyuki's uncle. She admitted hearing the young Naruto spouting stuff similar to the grown one did fill Yugito with a sense that he wouldn't suddenly change. A good thing considering that she was bound to him.

Looking up from her drink she looked around the room to see which of her fellow kunoichi could benefit from a little Naruto time. Her eyes immediately landed on the voluptuous blonde sitting by herself at the bar. Although Samui's teammates of Karui, a hot-tempered woman who probably could use a good f.u.c.k.i.n.g, and Omoi were also present arguing over some stupid thing or another. She preferred to sit alone. Using some of the skills Tayuya had taught her about watching potential targets, Yugito could see why she possessed such a cold personality.

As Samui looked up to scan the room probably sensing Yugito's stare, the jinchuriki returned her gaze to her drink. She knew many men considered Samui, a frigid woman, but she doubted that many considered their own contribution to the reason behind it. Mainly, their fascination with her amazing bust. If she had a ryo for every time a man had tried talking to her only for their eyes to drift downwards today alone she'd probably be able to pay for everyone's drinks. From what Yugito could see it left Samui with a distinct loathing of her b.r.e.a.s.ts. Yugito smiled to herself as she knew that a night with Naruto would probably change her mind on the matter forever.

Still she was getting ahead of herself, since first Naruto would need to seduce Mabui. Sighing at her inability to help in the matter still not entirely comfortable with betraying her village, despite her sizing up potential targets, she decided to head home. Heading to her small single room apartment she entered and frowned at the small unmade bed. Stripping to just her bra and p.a.n.t.i.e.s she climbed into it in order to get some sleep and dreamed of the night when she could walk through the streets of her village or Konoha hand in hand with her lover.


Nibi waited until she felt her host go to sleep. Leaping from the cat tower it concentrated and the room changed into a large dirt filled room surrounded by large rock walls covered with cave openings. Changing shape from the small cat into its true form, the Bijuu made its way to one of the caverns were it had been sealed originally before coming to terms with Yugito. Walking to the back a body sat slumped against the wall. Nibi smiled as it stared at the vessel it was creating for itself. It had done so secretly ever since Kyuubi had put the idea in its head. Not wanting to tell Yugito just yet so that its host wouldn't be able to critique and influence Nibi's sense of what its human body should look like.

Nibi had thought long and hard on what traits its human body should incorporate. It had decided to use the dark skin that was a trademark of many Kumo-nin. The long purple hair was done up in a pony-tail and when Nibi transferred its consciousness into it and opened its eyes would look on the world with golden irises. Happy with its new form Nibi concentrated and allowed its will to move into the human body.

Opening her golden eyes, Nibi stood shakily and nude made her way from the cavern. Running her hands along her body she felt similar sensations to what she had when Yugito had made love to Naruto. Pulling her hands away she concentrated and a black sleeveless shirt with no back appeared. After putting it on she made herself some black pants. Deciding on a little color and one she knew the man she was hoping to introduce her to a world of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e liked, she created an orange long sleeve shirt she wore over the other one. Confident she appeared quite stunning; Nibi began stretching since if she was going to learn to make love like a human decided she would also learn how to fight as one.


Naruto sat cross-legged on his bed in the recreation of his apartment the seal had become. He was practicing in calling on Kyuubi's chakra to strengthen his normal jutsu much as he did when he fought Sasuke at the Valley of the End. Which was where he had created the Vermillion Rasengan although it had been a by-product of being in his one-tailed state. Still he figured that if he could use Kyuubi's chakra to strengthen the Rasengan then he could for other jutsu as well. The trick was finding the right mix between his and Kyuubi's. Sadly, since in the real world they were on a boat heading to Spring Country at the moment it was all just theory. He doubted the captain would be too happy if one of his jutsu got away from him and damaged the ship. Still, he believed that he could feel when he was getting the right mixtures so that when it came time to put his theory to the test, he'd be pleased with the results.

Uncrossing his legs he put his feet on the floor and stood guessing the reason he didn't feel the usual stiffness sitting in one position generally brought about was because he was in the seal. He focused on Kyuubi, who was sitting at his kitchen table drawing on a piece of paper. He knew better than to approach as Kyuubi would quickly hide it from him. Commenting on her behavior he asked, "If you don't want me to see what you're working on, why do it in front of me?"

Kyuubi flipped the sheet of paper over before responding, "So you wouldn't think I'm working on something dastardly behind your back."

Naruto nodded before joking, "Are you saying it is, but you're playing mind games with me."

Despite his light tone, Kyuubi frowned before looking away. Afraid he offended her, he moved towards her asking, "What's wrong? I was only joking."

"I know," Kyuubi said still unable to meet his eyes.

Naruto knelt next to her and gently turned her face towards his before asking, "Then what's wrong?"

"D-do you think I've changed?"

Confused, Naruto asked, "What do you mean?"

Sighing Kyuubi said, "I met with Nibi on the last day we spent in Spring Country. I attempted to blackmail Nibi into telling me about any weaknesses in Kumo that could be exploited. Nibi refused, and when I threatened to return the seal to normal, asked if I'd so easily betray you because all I care about is my own p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e."

Nodding in understanding Naruto said, "And you weren't sure of your answer."

"I…" Kyuubi began to say worriedly but was quieted by Naruto.

"Don't worry I'm not angry. Although, I'll need to tell Yugito about what happened. Since she's made no mention of it, Nibi probably hasn't said anything but its best to be honest."

"I'm sorry," Kyuubi said feeling like she disappointed her host.

"Its fine," Naruto said standing. "You're still new to certain emotions so your confusion is understandable. After all, people usually learn about emotions as they grow from children to a.d.u.l.ts. Trust me though, you're going to find that the confusion you feel about your emotions is something that persists even when you believe you got it all sorted out. All it will take is learning something new to make you reevaluate everything you believed up until that point."

Kyuubi nodded, so seeing that she appeared to feel better he leaned down and kissed her about to take his leave of the seal. "Now are you sure you're okay with Tsunade's plan?" Naruto asked although he was quite sure she was by this point.

"Yes, we Bijuu aren't friends Naruto. While Nibi was easy to convince and Nanabi I'm sure will come around it's because they are tied to people. If Sanbi is free then I doubt it will listen to reason. Plus if Madara's goal is to reunite us into one being it's for the best."

"Okay, as long as you're sure," Naruto said before disappearing from her sight.

Awakening n.a.k.e.d from his cross-legged position on the bed of his cabin, Naruto stood and stretched feeling the familiar aches his sitting like that usually left after remaining in it for so long. Hearing the shower running, Naruto smiled knowing one of his escorts to Spring was cleaning themselves from their activities before he had entered the seal. Guessing it to be Anko since Hana would probably be in the other cabin attending to her nin-dogs. Naruto had found it strange when he learned she had booked a second room, but was glad for her foresight since the idea of having s.e.x in front of the intelligent animals didn't exactly put him in the mood.

Looking out the small circular window of the cabin, he could see the shore approaching so decided a shower was an excellent idea. Opening the bathroom door, he could make out Anko behind the glass. Sliding it to the side he stepped in behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Aw," Anko w.h.i.n.ed, "Here I was hoping to wake you from the seal with a blowjob."

Naruto chuckled saying, "I doubt it'd stop there though."

Anko turned in his arms saying, "True, but then I'd need to get clean again. Obviously you would to and…"

"We'd simply move to the shower to get clean, no s.e.x right."

Anko looked horrified at such a possibility saying, "You're talking crazy. You'd be n.a.k.e.d with a hot babe of course we'd end up f.u.c.k.i.n.g." As she spoke, her hand grabbed his c.o.c.k and she began stroking it. Once fully erect Anko stepped back and raised her leg placing her foot on the lip of the shower where her cleaning products rested saying, "Of course if you just want to clean up I won't stop you."

With a grand view of her p.u.s.s.y whose wetness wasn't entirely attributed to the shower, Naruto closed the distance between them pressing her up against the shower. With a violent thrust he buried himself inside her. Anko wrapped her arms around his neck saying, "See, the idea of you and me in a shower and not f.u.c.k.i.n.g was pure crazy talk." Naruto chuckled and was forced to admit she had a point.


Koyuki was dressed in some of her finest regalia, but to be honest she would had preferred to be wearing something simple as she waited at the dock for Naruto's ship. Looking around she could see the many attendants, bodyguards and even a band that seemed to follow her everywhere now and days. The only time they weren't present when she was out was when she was on a movie set acting or in her palace, although the guards were always around. As she listened to the band warming up a part of her feared that Naruto upon seeing the huge fuss her simply wanting to meet him here had brought about. That he'd immediately turn tail and jump back on the ship telling it to set course for the Land of Fire.

"This is a waste of time," her head of security Tessai Kutsuzawa said from behind her. "You should make him meet you at the palace."

Koyuki hid her scowl before looking over her shoulder at the tall man whose right eye was covered by a black bandage like cloth. "Mr. Kutsuzawa, I know you aren't pleased by my coming here to welcome Naruto. However, you were the one that insisted on all this. I would have been happy to show up by myself."

"Yes, as you've made perfectly clear. But do try to remember you are the ruler of Spring Country. You have an image to uphold, certain movies notwithstanding."

Koyuki smiled to herself as she watched the ship close with the dock amused at Kutsuzawa's bringing up the Icha Icha movie that she had stared in. "I used a body double for the risqué scenes," she said not bothering to hid the amus.e.m.e.nt her voice held.

"I'm sure that really matters to the many perverts who flocked to theaters."

Koyuki shrugged sighing at how difficult it was due to the heavy robes she wore. Truth be told, she was rather pleased with her involvement in the project and was even considering signing on for the sequel. Although she'd have a double film her nude scenes, she didn't doubt her many fans would flock to it thereby paying for another year of the heat generators use which were proving to be so beneficial to her country. Still there were several projects she was already committed to and was even considering producing her own movie if she could find the right script.

The band firing up pulled Koyuki from her thoughts and her eyes went to the top of the ramp where Naruto was descending from the ship. She was about to run to him waving, despite Kutsuzawa's insisting that she act the part of the regal princess she was supposed to be, however she froze upon noticing the two women following him down. Allowing Naruto, whose face showed the surprise at the fanfare he was receiving, to close the distance with her instead, Koyuki tried not to scowl at the two women, who almost seemed aware of the effect their being with Naruto was having on the princess.

Upon reaching her, Naruto stopped saying embarrassedly, "Um, I'm not sure if there's some sort of formal greeting I should give you."

"How about, it's good to see you," Koyuki supplied giving him a dazzling smile that had enchanted the hearts of millions.

"That goes without saying," Naruto said and was surprised when Koyuki hugged him.

As Koyuki hugged her hero, she shot a look to the two women to see if they had responded to it. However, she was surprised when it appeared that their smiles had grown even larger. Kutsuzawa coughing into his hand made Koyuki break the hug remembering that there were plenty of gossip rags out there looking for a juicy story on her. Although she wouldn't mind it if one of the headlines read, "Spring Country Princess caught in scandalous affair with future Hokage."

Stepping back she introduced her party with Naruto quickly following suit and was about to inform the Konoha-nin of the arrangements she had made. Although she made a mental note to make sure the women's room was as far from Naruto's as possible. It proved unnecessary when Anko said, "Well we've completed our mission. We'll catch up with you when it's time to go back Naruto. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"What exactly is that supposed to exclude," Naruto teased causing Hana to laugh as Anko glared at the young man before breaking out into a smile.

Koyuki half-heartedly told the women they could stay at her palace but was glad when the two insisted they were fine taking in the sights themselves. Linking her arm with Naruto's, she said, "I can't wait to tell you all that's happened over the years. I suspect you have a few tales for me as well."

Naruto smiled saying, "Oh yeah, I've got a lot to share with you."

"I can't wait."

"Me neither." Naruto said, but looking around at the retinue of guards wondered how he could arrange a little alone time with the princess without drawing attention to it.


"Get some sleep Sakura. I'll take over," Kakashi said taking over her watch. She was sure Yamato was doing the same for Kiba on the opposite side of the camp they had established. With a weary nod she stood heading back to the camp.

After arriving at the lake, Kakashi had split the teams into three with her being on the sealing team led by Shizune. He had then split the other two into a team tasked with defending the sealing team with the other assigned to hunting the Crystal Style User. Still despite their preparations the woman had still managed to disrupt their attempt at sealing the Sanbi. Wondering what Orochimaru wanted with the creature since she doubted he wanted to create a jinchuriki as it would take years until a child could properly harness its power. She gave up quickly though, figuring that maybe the Snake Sannin just wanted to stick it to Akatsuki.

Reaching the camp, she smiled at the house Yamato had created using his Kekkei Genkai. Admitting it was nice to camp in such luxury, she slid the door open heading upstairs to the room the kunoichi were occupying. Walking slowly, she allowed her mind to wander to Naruto and hoped he was enjoying himself. She wasn't bitter about not being allowed to go as well due to the fact that if the mission to seal the Sanbi was a success then it may very well eliminate the threat of Akatsuki to Naruto.

However, what was bothering her were the other kunoichi on the team, except for Tenten for some reason. It wasn't that she disliked them all of the sudden, but she felt excluded when they were around. They acted for the most part like they always did when she was nearby, however when Shizune, Ino, and Hinata were alone they acted far closer. Often she'd enter a room they were occupying and she'd get the feeling they had just been whispering to each other. Whatever they were talking about always left them with smiles that they just didn't seem able to wipe from their faces.

Strangely, Sakura took some small comfort in Tenten's exclusion as well, although Team Guy's kunoichi didn't seem to be aware of it. What confused Sakura was Shizune's sudden change. As the medic-nin hadn't seemed any different at the beginning of the week, but now suddenly appeared to be glowing all the time. Sakura wondered if Shizune had found out what was making Tsunade so happy and had partaken of it herself.

Opening the door to the room, she was confronted by a sight that truly made her wonder what was going on with the many kunoichi she knew. Lying pressed against Hinata was a sleeping Ino whose head was using the Hyuuga's c.h.e.s.t as a pillow. While strange despite it being apparent that Ino had rolled into the sleeping Hyuuga from her own sleeping roll, it was the way the Hyuuga's arm was cradling the blonde's head that made the scene stand out. It was a gesture that Sakura could only assume was bred from familiarity and the idea that Hinata, a girl who wore baggy clothes to hide her natural endowments was familiar with them being used as pillows was almost laughable. Except Sakura wasn't laughing due to her realizing that the jacket that the Hyuuga often wore was missing revealing she wore a skintight mesh shirt underneath.

Ino began moving and raised her leg, which had been resting on Hinata's above the Hyuuga's covers. It pulled Sakura's attention to the fact that Ino was only wearing her purple top and p.a.n.t.i.e.s. She wondered if Hinata was dressed similarly before shaking such thoughts off. Moving to her own sleeping role she noted that Tenten was sleeping in a corner by herself and Shizune, who was sleeping on the other side of Ino, seemed to still be dressed in her jounin outfit.

Confident that Ino and Hinata's strange behavior was due to Naruto somehow, she tried to ignore the content light snoring of her blonde friend. Most likely due to the warmth she was feeling, as Sakura tried to shake off the old chill that gripped her, which wasn't due entirely to the temperature.


Koyuki looked at herself in the mirror. Although dressed in a stunning gown for the movie premier she felt a case of depression settling upon her. The main reason being that in the three days since Naruto's arrival and despite taking him to many of the amazing sites of her country. She had done so with her full retinue of bodyguards. Tonight would be the only night where she'd truly be left alone with him but it would only be for the short walk through a crystal hallway to her exclusive box seats at the Sandayu Theater.

She had commissioned the building of the theater shortly after retaking her thrown and named it after her manager and the man that had believed in her so passionately. She had spared no expense and it was now one of the most sought after locations to open a new movie. Naturally all of her films opened there, and for those occasions a crystal hallway had been built connecting her palace to the theater. The hall was also one of the most secure locations and the only place she was allowed to travel without a bodyguard when outside of her home lately. It had also become something of a small media frenzy to guess at who she would allow to escort her to the movie down the hall. This time it would be Naruto and although she had taken the walk several times this one would mean so much more to her. She just wished it could last forever.

She sighed and gasped when Naruto's voice said, "Why so sad. From what I've heard this is going to be one of the greatest Princess Gale movies ever."

Koyuki smiled although she didn't feel like it saying, "I'm not worried about it performing well. It's just your visit has been nothing like what I wanted it to be." Naruto arched an eyebrow so she elaborated looking at herself in the mirror saying, "It's just sometimes I miss being Yukie Fujikaze a simple actress who could do as she pleased." Turning to face him she added, "We would still have done everything the same, but just the two of us."

"I understand," Naruto replied, "That Kutsuzawa guy does tend to put a damper on things."

Naruto's mentioning of her head of security caused Koyuki to realize the blond shouldn't have been in her room, at least as far as Kutsuzawa was concerned. "How…"

Naruto smiled before saying, "I'm the greatest ninja you've ever known remember. Slipping past some guards is just one of my many talents. Now, how about we blow off this event for something a little more personal?"

"I…I can't, I have obligations."

"Trust me Koyuki," Naruto said his smile growing and causing one to appear on her face, "I've taken care of everything." Motioning his head towards her bed he said, "First though, we need to have you wear something a little less presentable."

Noticing the bag resting there Koyuki moved towards it and looking inside said, "You can't be serious."

"Absolutely, unless you really want to go to the big movie premier instead, that is?"

Koyuki took the bag and moving behind a changing screen she began stripping out of her dress. As she did so she made sure a light was shining on her to cast a shadow of her actions for the jinchuriki's enjoyment.


Kutsuzawa stepped up to Koyuki's door nodding to his men standing guard before knocking. "Yes," Koyuki replied.

"Milady, it's time and your date for the evening is waiting at the hall's entrance."

"Excellent," Koyuki said stepping out of her room. "Although I'm sure we could find our way there by ourselves, Kutsuzawa."

"Milady, I'm merely doing my duty. Better to be overly cautious then not enough."

"You do realize I'm attending the premier with the very ninja that defeated my uncle," Koyuki replied, she did a double take as she noticed a quick twitch appear on her security head's face. But by the time she looked back it was gone.

She guessed she had imagined it because there was no hint of emotion in the man's voice as he said, "Perfectly aware, Milady. But he is here on a glorified vacation, don't ask me to believe he's aware of all the threats you face."

"They can't be that bad," Koyuki replied allowing Kutsuzawa to lead her to the Crystal Hall.

"Milady, we've been over this. Those Snow-nin that escaped from prison are no doubt interested in gaining revenge against you. Please just allow me to do my job."

Koyuki eyes widened but keeping her voice calm she said, "Right…sorry. Well it's ShowTime." Quickly moving to Naruto, she hooked her arm with his and began the walk down the hall as many tourists and Snow citizens looked on.

Watching the princess, Kutsuzawa narrowed his eyes wondering what it was that was bothering him about her. Shrugging he guessed it didn't matter and knew she'd have the night of her very short life.


"Wow, she's so pretty," a girl perched on her father's shoulders said loud enough for Koyuki to hear.

"She certainly is," Naruto said from beside her causing Koyuki to blush as she watched herself be led to the movie theater by a dressed up copy of the man beside her.

Looking over she had a hard time not laughing at the blond wearing a white shirt that read, "I love Snow Country." The word love was represented by a giant heart instead of being written out in the vein of many such shirts tourists often bought. Her own shirt read similarly except said, "I love Spring Country."

Both of them were wearing matching jeans and to complete her outfit she had put on a hat. Naruto placed an arm around her saying, "Well where to first?"

"Let's get something to eat," Koyuki suggested allowing Naruto to lead her away. As they walked Koyuki couldn't help but enjoy the first real breath of fresh air without her oppressive security detail. Reaching a street filled with restaurants, they entered a small stand to enjoy the grilled eel that it sold.

As they ate the two talked about the many things that were happening in their lives. Naruto didn't hold back about being targeted by Akatsuki. Koyuki bit her lip, appearing nervous but changed the subject to Spring County's booming economy. Naruto noticed her sudden nervousness, but was going to let the matter slip drop until he suddenly stiffened.

"What's wrong?" Koyuki asked concerned.

"When were you going to tell me about the escaped Snow-nin?"


"Your security head mentioned it to the clone of you. It created another one and dispelled it to alert me."

Koyuki looked away saying, "I didn't mention it because it happened over a year ago. Mizore Fuyukuma staged an escape with several dozen Snow-nin. Shortly after that my studio assigned Kutsuzawa as a security chief since they couldn't chance my being killed midway through filming. He was so good I hired him fulltime, but recently he's become convinced they are preparing to come after me."

"Mizore was the guy with the metal arm right?" Koyuki nodded so Naruto said, "He didn't strike me as much of a thinker. What happened to the guy Kakashi-sensei piledrove into the ground?"

"He died in a hospital fire during the prison escape. He was paralyzed so couldn't escape."

Naruto nodded but didn't look convinced. Letting it drop he said, "You should have mentioned it. I thought we were close."

"I didn't want you to think I invited you here to solve my problem."

"Hey," Naruto said cupping her cheek as she tried to look away, "If I knew you were in danger nothing could keep me away."

Koyuki brought her hand up and placed it on the one cupping her face saying, "Naruto…" her voice tight with emotion. Smiling and changing the subject he asked, "What now?"

Getting a delicious idea, Koyuki said, "You know, I've never been to a movie without it being some fancy premier."

"Well lead and I shall follow my princess," Naruto said standing and leaving enough money behind to cover the bill.

Approaching a theater in a rundown part of town, Naruto could see that it featured all of Koyuki's old movies from the billing above it. Looking at his date he asked, "Are you sure you wouldn't want to see something a little newer."

Koyuki shook her head replying, "I've seen all my movies but one and would like to watch it with you."

"Sounds fun, so which one is it."

Koyuki smiled and stepping up to the booth said, "Two for Icha, Icha Paradise please."

The old man eyed her a moment before shrugging. Handing her the two tickets, he said, "Enjoy the show."

Entering the theater the two made their way to the room the tickets indicated. Koyuki wasn't surprised to find the theater empty since the movie had been out for over three years. However, the old theater after her return had dedicated itself to showing all her old movies at least once a day. Obviously the one they were about to watch was often shown at night. Just before the lights dimmed a man entered alone and sat all the way in front. That suited Koyuki just fine although she would have preferred to have the theater to themselves. Leaning her head on her date's shoulder she sat back and watched herself be seduced by a handsome man who could never hold a candle to the one she was with.


About an hour into the movie Naruto had to refrain from adjusting himself obviously. How he could have called Jiraiya's books boring he didn't know. However, he guessed it was from viewing the one he had read from the eyes of a boy still naïve to the joys of s.e.x. What he hadn't picked up in the word form of what was the masterpiece known as Icha Icha. The movie version showed him in glorious detail, and although he had known that it wasn't Koyuki's body that had appeared in the several hotspring scenes the movie featured as she lamented the clumsy seductions of the main character. He was quite sure the scene of her masturbating had really featured Koyuki's voice. Hearing the music of Koyuki in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e had Naruto sporting an erection that could dent steel.

It was something that was not lost on the woman resting her head on the jinchuriki's shoulder as she would have had to be blind not to notice the tent sticking up from his pants. Koyuki was no v.i.r.g.i.n as she had been a troubled young actress in a business filled with people willing to take advantage. She had been a willing partner, but each encounter had left her hollow afterwards as the men and even on occasion women would often leave as soon as the act was done. It wouldn't be until Sandayu had become her manager that she would stop allowing herself to be seduced by her fellow actors due to his nurturing nature. But seeing the large bulge straining against his jeans filled Koyuki with a hunger she had never truly known, yet how best to satisfy it.

L.i.c.k.i.n.g her lips she focused on the lone man in front and seeing him engrossed in the movie decided to throw caution to the wind. Placing her hand on it she whispered, "Has hearing me m.o.a.n like a whore woken little Naruto?"

Naruto g.r.o.a.n.e.d as she rubbed his package whispering, "I knew it was you. How could it not have an effect on me?"

Kissing his ear she said, "You should know that when they gave me the recorder. I fingered my hot hole thinking of you. If you want to know the real reason I asked you to come it had nothing to do with those shinobi. But so you could fulfill my fantasy of being f.u.c.k.e.d by the greatest shinobi in the world."

Koyuki nibbled his earlobe as her hand freed Naruto's c.o.c.k from its confines. Allowing his ear to slip from between her teeth she lowered her head to his l.a.p where she quickly swallowed several inches of his c.o.c.k. Koyuki expected Naruto to freak out slightly and to mention how they were in public. However, when he placed his hand on the back of her head to aid in her s.u.c.k.i.n.g like it was the most natural thing in the world she felt her p.a.n.t.i.e.s grow damper.

Naruto kept from groaning despite how skilled Koyuki's tongue was proving to be. He wasn't sure how long she worked at trying to get him to blow his load but he sensed her jaw was getting tired. Plus the movie was nearing the final love scene so he decided to switch things up. Pulling her head away from his l.a.p he loved the way she stared hungrily at it as if she had been denied a meal. Kissing her, he pulled her into his l.a.p and stuck his hand down her pants. Finding her soaking, he buried two fingers in her snatch causing her to almost m.o.a.n loudly while the main character was confessing his love.

"D-don't Naruto," she whispered although she leaned back into his c.h.e.s.t and spread her legs further apart.

"Why afraid your fan will get to see the real Koyuki?" Naruto said indicating the man in front. "I think he'd enjoy it," Naruto added increasing the pace of his fingers trying to get her to m.o.a.n.

Following Naruto's gaze and to her surprise, she believe that from the way the man's shoulder was moving that he was pleasuring himself to the final scene in the movie. To her mortification, and unable to stop herself, her p.u.s.s.y clenched Naruto's fingers tightly as her essence coated them. Naruto pulled them from her causing her to whimper before l.i.c.k.i.n.g them clean after spreading them to show her just how wet she had grown as he said, "Does that idea excite you princess?"

"N-no," Koyuki said although it was hard to deny the evidence.

Smirking Naruto asked, "Then should we stop?"

Koyuki remained silent for several minutes it seemed as Koyuki's character on the big screen succ.u.mbed to her feelings and l.u.s.ts. Following suit, Koyuki said her voice barely above a whisper "N-no I want it." Reaching between her legs she began stroking Naruto's c.o.c.k saying, "I've dreamed of this for so long. P-please give it to me."

Naruto helped her stand and pulled her pants down to her ankles followed quickly by her p.a.n.t.i.e.s. Pulling her back against him, he turned her face towards his kissing her deeply and said, "As you wish." Lifting her once more he lined his c.o.c.k with her slit and pulled her down on it.

Koyuki bit her lip to keep from screaming, but found it difficult not to join her big-screen counterpart in letting her lover know just how much she was enjoying his actions. Out of the corner of her eye she could see that the man in front was still pleasuring himself to her image on the screen. Naruto noticed her gaze regardless whispering, "Poor guy. Comes here to see a false image of your beauty personified on the big screen only to be a few feet away as the real one experiences much the same thing."

Naruto grabbed her shirt lifting it up and over her c.h.e.s.t causing her to gasp, "Naruto…"

"Shh," he said groping her t.i.t.s, "or else you'll be giving your fan a show he'll never forget." He then increased the speed and strength of his thrusts making it that much harder on the princess to keep her voice to herself.

Koyuki leaned back placing her hand behind Naruto's head to pull him into a kiss. As the sound of their rhythmic thrusts filled her ears, Koyuki couldn't believe the man hadn't noticed the two of them yet. The idea of being caught almost made her c.u.m right then. She was aware that her character in the movie was nearing her own climax as well but still she fought to keep her voice down. Naruto's hands grabbed both her b.r.e.a.s.ts and he rolled her as he moved them about. Whispering into her ear he said, "Let it out, Koyuki. Let out that beautiful voice."

Koyuki shook her head, but Naruto moved his right hand between her legs where he rolled her c.l.i.t between his fingers causing her to c.u.m just as the movie version of her did as well. "Oh…F.u.c.k! I'm c.u.m.m.i.n.g…" Koyuki said remembering her lines from the movie and synching up with her character on the screen. As Naruto's seed filled her w.o.m.b, she was vaguely aware of the fan tensing as his release no doubt coated his hand.

Naruto pulled her shirt down as the credits began to roll in the still darkened theater. The man in front quickly stood making his way out of the theater going out of his way not to look anywhere but straight ahead. Still dazed by her o.r.g.a.s.m, she allowed Naruto to pull her pants back up and lead her out of the theater. Getting her senses about her, she was glad that they were walking hand in hand so asked, "What does this mean for us?"

"It means that there is a lot more that I have to share with you," Naruto said and began telling her everything about his dream and her place in it.


Clone Naruto, and Cloned Koyuki, who was just another henged Clone Naruto, walked back from the theater using the Crystal Hall. As expected, there were still lots of tourists hoping to catch a glimpse of the ruler of Spring Country. "So what did you think?" Cloned Koyuki asked.

"Aw don't be like that," Cloned Koyuki teased, "I'm upset that her old guardian died too. But they introduced that cool new masked shinobi character and I bet I know who they modeled him after."

"You have such a massive ego."

"Hey, so do you." Koyuki's clone countered as they reached the halfway point between the theater and palace.

Before Cloned Naruto could reply the entire walkway exploded filling the hallway with fire and collapsing it on top of them. As the dust settled, Clone Naruto shook his head surprised at not being dispelled but could feel himself losing cohesion and guessed it was due to Naruto mixing Kyuubi's chakra with his when he had created them. He looked around for his fellow clone and found it still henged as Koyuki but to his shock instead of disappearing it appeared to be dead. Seeing Koyuki's lifeless eyes staring at him, he guessed it was a side effect of trying to create a more durable clone, but it also filled the clone with anger that it knew the real Naruto would use to hunt down the bastards that had tried to kill Koyuki. F.o.r.c.i.b.l.y dispelling its fellow clone, it allowed itself to fade as well wishing its creator luck.


Koyuki couldn't believe the words as they left Naruto mouth but still was forced to admit a certain truth to them. Especially since it was obvious Naruto hadn't been a v.i.r.g.i.n as she had expected. "Wow," she said, "I…wow."

Naruto nodded saying, "I know it's a lot to take in. But with your help we'll be one step closer to putting a stop to the wars between the Elemental Countries."

Sitting on a park bench, Koyuki asked, "Is that the only reason you slept with me?"

Kneeling in front of her Naruto said, "No, I care for you and now that you're mine I won't let anything hurt you. If you told me to get lost and refused to help, I'd still protect you with my last breath."

Koyuki smiled hearing that so said, "You still haven't changed. You can still spout those lines that belong in a movie and make me believe them."

"That's because I do," Naruto said full of sincerity which shown in his eyes.

"Then I will be glad to offer what help I can," Koyuki said regally.

Standing Naruto offered her his arm saying, "Milady, shall I get you back home before the ball ends."

"Afraid I'll turn into a pumpkin," Koyuki said locking her arms with his.

"Actually I was thinking we could have some more fun before…"


As the floor and windows shook, Naruto turned towards the palace a few seconds later he stiffened as he received the information of what happened from his clone. Seeing, and experiencing the Clone Koyuki's death caused Naruto's fists to clench until blood began leaking from them.

"Naruto, what is it?" Koyuki asked worriedly.

"It appears Kutsuzawa was right. Someone just tried to kill you." Pulling her close he Hiraishined to the seal he had placed in Koyuki's room. Letting her go he said, "Get dressed in your gown. I'll go inform Kutsuzawa that you are alright."

Koyuki nodded shaken by her learning if not for a whim she'd most likely be dead. Naruto sensed her fear and tilted her face towards his. Kissing her tenderly he said, "Nothing will get by me, Koyuki. I promise." Creating half a dozen clones, he left them with her as he henged his clothes to look like the suit he was supposed to be wearing.

He found Kutsuzawa, barking orders to his men to clear the rubble. When the man's eye landed on him, Naruto could see the man was shocked. He recovered quickly and ran up to him asking, "Princess Koyuki? Is she safe?"

"Yes," Naruto said, "She's being guarded by several of my clones and is under my protection."

Kutsuzawa nodded and said, "Good, I'll send some guards to…"

"No," Naruto said cutting the man off rudely, "She's under my protection now. If you want to help her find the bastards responsible."

"Now see here…"

"This isn't a debate," Naruto said not in the mood for an argument over the matter so asked, "Did your guards make sure the hall was secure?"

"Yes, as they always do when she uses it," Kutsuzawa replied defensively,

"Then start with them. Somewhere along the way your security has been breached. She'll be safest with me."

Before Kutsuzawa could counter the jinchuriki, two shouts of, "Naruto," cut him off.

Naruto turned to the voices and could see the worry in his lovers' eyes. Leaving the security head behind, he closed with them and whispered, "I'm fine. We weren't in the tunnel when the exploding tags went off."

Both women nodded in relief, getting to business Naruto said, "Anko, I left some clones with Koyuki in her room. Can you help them protect her? I'll be along shortly to help."

"Is she…you know."

Naruto nodded, "I had just finished explaining my ambition to her when this happened."

"Really, where were you?"

Blushing slightly he scratched his cheek saying, "Leaving a movie theater."

"That's pretty kinky, I can't wait to hear the details" Anko said before disappearing in a swirl of leaves.

"What about me?" Hana asked stepping up to him.

Looking over his shoulder at the man in charge of the cleanup Naruto said, "There's someone I want you to look into."

Getting the hint, Hana said, "Right," before also disappearing.

Naruto walked to Koyuki's room frowning at the guards that appeared to block his path. Giving them his best glare they wisely chose not to push the issue stepping to the sides of the hall. Knocking he said, "I'm coming in."

Naruto expected Koyuki to still be shaken up not to hear her laugh as Anko said, "Now Naruto didn't anyone ever tell you to wait for permission to enter. We could have been indecent."

"When are you not," Naruto joked causing Koyuki to snort.

"Hey," Anko pouted.

"Feeling better," Naruto asked getting a small nod from Koyuki.

"Yes," Koyuki said standing to move closer to Naruto. "As Anko has told me, near misses are just proof that Kami still has a plan for us. I guess I know what mine is now."

Naruto nodded and pulled her into a hug. Despite her words he could still feel her shaking. Still he knew that near misses when it came to attacks of this nature just meant they'd try harder the next time. With that in mind he asked, "Koyuki, during that jail break last year. Did your men manage to capture any of them?"

Koyuki shook her head against his c.h.e.s.t saying, "I'm afraid not. Although, one of my uncle's lieutenants did chose not to join her fellow shinobi in escaping. When we retook the prison she was still in her cell even though the door was wide open."

"If she stayed behind and they didn't kill her it's unlikely she knows anything, Naruto," Anko said guessing where he was going with his question.

"I know," Naruto replied stroking Koyuki's hair, "But she may know more then they realize. Or have some idea of what to expect next."


"Get in there traitor," the guard said as he roughly pushed the prisoner into the interrogating room.

Fubuki Kakuyoku didn't bother to turn towards the man aware that his worse attitude was no doubt due to the attempt on the princess that had happened the night before. She moved to the table at the center of the room and pulled out one of the seats. Sitting she waited knowing that she was about to be grilled over any knowledge she may have on the perpetrators.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror she knew her would be interrogators were staring at her from it so she made a point of studying herself. Running a hand through her pink hair she decided that once this was over she'd head to the prison barber for a haircut as her hair was growing rather unruly. Her green eyes returned to the table as she began counting the time in her head. She knew that they'd make her wait in order to work on her nerves and to anger her. But she doubted the interrogator would understand just why it was his tactic wouldn't work, which was simply time was all she had. The more time wasted here was just less wasted in her cell and with a little patience as well as some good-behavior mixed in then she'd be free in five short years. Considering her original sentence had been thirty years she was well on her way she figured.

An hour after being pushed into the cell the door opened and a young man stepped in that seemed rather familiar. She kept quiet as he sat across from dropping what she assumed was her file on the table. He smiled at her warmly so she guessed she was in for the good interrogator, bad interrogator technique, where the two would tag-team her. Guessing the one in front of her was the good one she was waiting for the bad one to make his entrance. Therefore she was surprised when the young man said, "Sorry about the wait. I was reading your file. I didn't want to come in here unprepared."

"Shouldn't we wait for your partner," Fubuki said.

"I'm not an interrogator by trade. I simply want to ask you a few things."

Fubuki crossed her arms as she sat back saying skeptically, "Sure you do." Still finding him to be familiar she asked, "Have we met before?"

"Sort of," blond said surprising her with his openness, "I was part of the Konoha team that killed Doto and landed you in here. My name's Naruto Uzumaki."

Fubuki's eyes ran over the young man finding the years had been kind to him; she tried to not let the good looking blond get to her. Deciding to head the coming questions off she said, "I know why you're here and I had nothing to do with the bombing last night."

"Oh, I know that," Naruto said again surprising the woman. "Still the people behind it were your fellow shinobi. I was hoping maybe you could give us a little insight."

"What's in it for me?" Fubuki asked expecting maybe to be offered a year or two off her sentence.

However the blond surprised her again when he replied, "Nothing. You can help because it the right thing to do, or not."

"Apparently you are new to the interrogation game," Fubuki said dismissively, "That's not how it works. Doing the right thing isn't what landed me in here."

"You got me there," Naruto replied with a smile, "Although it is how you knocked twenty-years off your sentence. I mean if you were interested in being free by any means necessary, you could have participated in that jail break last year."

Fubuki looked away saying, "And be hunted the rest of my life."

Naruto began patting her file saying, "That's a rather weak excuse for remaining in your cell. Let's face it; Spring Country doesn't have the manpower to hunt down escaped ex-shinobi. You want to know what I think. I think that the kunoichi that once saved her Daimyo's life from a plot that may have been a first assassination attempt orc.h.e.s.trated by the Daimyo's shinobi brother was trying to regain her honor. She did receive Snow Country's highest medal as a result of her actions and if the plot was Doto's she couldn't have been one of his men then."

"She wasn't" Fubuki said still looking away. "But then she learned that the man whose life she had saved was hiding away Snow Country's treasure and planned to bankrupt her shinobi village."

"Is that what Doto told you?"

"What does it matter? He's dead, and I'm in here. So the treasure didn't exist instead Lord Sōsetsu wasted the resources of my village to build his daughter a heat generator so she could enjoy spring."

"That's not exactly the truth of the matter."

"I saw that movie and the recording he left his daughter so don't lie to me," Fubuki snapped her green eyes glaring at him.

"What you saw was his message to his daughter, but not the reason he built the generators. Are you aware how good Spring's economy is doing right now, and its owed all to those generators. You see Lord Sōsetsu understood something important which was that Snow Country was spiraling into a massive debt that would see it swallowed by a larger Country." Naruto paused and could see Fubuki's eyes soften as she sat back willing to listen so he continued, "Snow needed to import almost all of its food, which other countries were all too willing to supply at massive mark-ups to what it should have cost. Due to the never ending winter the ground never thawed enough to let you plant your own crops or explore other natural resources. He designed the generators to combat that problem. Now Spring is self-sufficient and also finds itself in the unique position of being courted for alliances by all the Five Great Elemental Nations due to the massive coal and oil resources the melting snow has revealed."

"I…they told me…damn it…" Fubuki said feeling hundreds of emotions swirling inside her.

Naruto nodded saying, "I'm sorry. You allowed lies to sway you from honoring the vow you swore to protect your lord. Help me now to protect his daughter."

Fubuki looked down at the table saying weakly, "I'm afraid I don't know anything."

Naruto nodded disappointed before getting up and collecting her file. He placed a hand on her shoulder as he walked by which she quickly shrugged off. Having read the many good deeds that she had committed before Doto's rebellion, Naruto stopped at the door before opening it and said, "I know the mistake you made eats away at you. It's easy to see, but the only way to make up for it is to dedicate yourself to making sure it doesn't happen again by insuring the people of this Country don't need to suffer through another rebellion."

Stepping into the hall he watched as Kutsuzawa was the first to leave the observation room. The man sent him a look that screamed smugness that he had been right about talking to Fubuki being a waste of time. As the man walked away Naruto allowed the frown he felt to show. Anko and Koyuki left next and made their way towards him.

The head guard of the prison entered the room pulling Fubuki out forcefully. Upon setting her eyes on Spring's ruler they widened in surprise before she quickly looked away. The guard pushed her roughly to get her moving causing Koyuki to say, "There is no need to treat her like that. She's been a model prisoner."

"With all due respect ma'am, she's sc.u.m and the second you forget that she'll make you regret it," Fubuki looked hurt by the man's description but also like she couldn't fault him for it. The guard pushed her again and Fubuki was surprised when she heard a body hit the floor.

She turned to see Naruto holding the prone man's arm up and behind him. With his foot placed firmly in the middle of the guard's back he said, "Your princess told you not to treat her roughly. I find it highly suspicious that a mere guard feels so brazen that he can ignore what he is told by the ruler of his country. Trust me, right now you do not want me feeling suspicious towards you."

"S-sorry," the guard stammered between clenched teeth, "I-it's just I deal with these sc.u.m all day. It's hard not to lump them all together."

Naruto growled under his breath but let go of the man's arm. Scampering to his feet the man collected Fubuki being sure not to antagonize Naruto further by mishandling her. She passed the jinchuriki and moved her lips but no sound followed as she made sure the guard couldn't see. But to those that could read lips it was clear as day what she said, "Trust no one."


Hana had followed Kutsuzawa since the bombing and on the surface he appeared to be an extremely loyal and efficient servant. However, she noticed that not once had he returned to the home listed in his file which she had managed to lift after Naruto had assigned her to watch him. Deciding to give it a look over while her nin-dogs watched him, she found several disguised seals placed on the windows and door. From the looks of them Kutsuzawa definitely didn't want anyone getting inside.

It took near an hour, but she eventually was able to disable one of the ones on a window. Quickly picking the lock, she stepped inside and almost immediately knew something was wrong as death hung in the air. Holding her hand over her mouth and nose she made her way to where the smell was coming from. Pushing a door open, she almost gagged as she stepped into the bathroom. It became immediately apparent where the smell was coming from although she couldn't see the reason as a black bag was covering the top of the bathtub having been taped over the top.

Prepping herself as best she could, she pulled the bag away and still nearly vomited from the smell. But seeing what lay beneath, she cursed as a badly decomposed Kutsuzawa lay in front of her. Backtracking out of the room to warn Naruto she reached the window she entered from and just stepped outside when alarms began sounding throughout the city. Knowing the alarm meant that the prison was under attack, like Naruto had guessed would happen; she hoped that Naruto was truly a few steps ahead of the enemy.


Koyuki stood looking out of a window onto a happy seeming village while sipping a glass of wine. Watching some kids run by she smiled as she watched a young girl pretending to be Princess Gale defeat a boy who was playing the main villain of the movie series. She was about to take another sip but realized the glass was empty. The woman watching her noticed asking, "Would you like some more?"

Koyuki shook her head saying, "No thank you. I feel guilty sitting here, all the while if Naruto is right my throne is in danger of being stolen."

Koharu stood, and reaching for the bottle walked over to pour some more into Koyuki's cup. She smiled at the princess saying, "We all have our roles. Yours is to stay here in my safehouse, safely tucked away in Konoha. While Naruto's is to make sure you have a kingdom to return to."

Koyuki nodded saying, "He's so different, but at the same time almost exactly as I remember. To be honest I have a hard time imagining Naruto being so capable of reading the situation."

Koharu agreed saying, "He is full of surprises. But I suppose nothing breeds competence like adversity. He's always had a knack for finding a winning strategy in the heat of battle. He's just using those skills beforehand to make sure the battles go his way without the desperation."

"I suppose I'm worrying for nothing then," Koyuki said trying to convince herself. Changing the subject, she made some small talk saying, "So you're also one of Naruto's lovers. How'd he get you to join his grand ambition?"

Koharu smiled saying, "Well believe it or not I was a seventy-year old woman a few months ago and…"


Fubuki could hear the sounds of battle echoing through the prison as she sat on her cot. As she expected and had tried to warn Naruto, some of the guards were actually her fellow Snow Shinobi in disguise. She had noticed an unusual amount of new faces appearing in the prison over the past several months. At first she had thought nothing of it, but overtime she began to suspect Nadare's hand in it as she knew he hadn't died during the prison break and had suspect he was behind it.

As the sounds of battle faded between the fake and real guards she wondered what her fate would be. If Nadare's forces won out she doubted it would be good for her. Remembering the day she cut ties with her old colleagues, she could almost hear Mizore as he had said opening her cell, "Come on Fubuki we're free."

"Mizore, how…" she had begun to ask surprised especially since his mechanical arm had been returned to him somehow.

However, he cut her off saying, "I'll explain everything later. Now hurry."

He was about to take off assuming she'd be behind him but stopped as she said, "I'm not going."


"I said I'm staying. I'm going to serve out my sentence and… well I don't know what but I've made up my mind."

"So you're betraying us, you're fellow shinobi."

Fubuki had looked away replying, "We deserve our fates as prisoners. I've made my choice."

"It's one you'll regret," Mizore had said taking off as the sound of guards approached.

The sound of her cell opening pulled Fubuki's attention to the head guard that had pushed her around as he led her to the interrogation room to met Naruto. "Here to see me safely transferred to a secure location?"

"Nope, here to tie up some loose ends," the guard said stepping into the cell. After pulling a large knife, he burst into a cloud of smoke revealing Mizore. Smiling wickedly the man said, "I told you that you'd regret your decision traitor."

Standing she prepared for his thrust and wasn't disappointed. Pivoting to the side, she pushed the blade past her and spinning smashed her elbow into his nose. Mizore stumbled back several feet holding his broken nose mumbling, "You f.u.c.k.i.n.g c.u.n.t. I'm going to take my time killing you."

Fubuki didn't give him the time to recover launching a kick that knocked him out of the cell into the metal railing behind him. As she was on the seventh floor of the prison she tried to kick him over it, but he caught her foot with his metal arm. Pulling her off balance, he threw her over the railing. Grabbing onto it she hung on for dear life as the Snow-nin slowly turned to face her.

Smiling mercilessly, he said, "Maybe I should cut your fingers off one by one see how many it takes till you let go. Yeah that sounds like fun."

Standing near the rail, he was about to slowly press the knife to her index finger when the sound of a kunai hitting the floor behind him attracted his attention. Fubuki's vision was blocked by the large man but she could see a red flash appear around his edges. Mizore surprised at what he saw said, "How…" but the rest of his sentence was gargled by the kunai that was plunged into his throat.

The red flash happened again and Mizore's body tipped backwards over the metal guard falling to the prison floor below. Pulling herself up over the railing, Fubuki looked around for who had saved her but instead only saw dead Snow-nin littering the various catwalks. Looking at her feet she saw a strange tri-prong kunai with a seal around it. Picking it up, she put it into her prison jumpsuit and looked at her cell for a moment torn. Instead of entering it though she took off down the catwalk at a dead sprint heading to where prisoners' possessions were stored.

Naruto watched disappointed as Fubuki took off running from his vantage point. But since he had placed a seal on her when he had grabbed her shoulder during the interrogation and she was now carrying one of his kunai decided capturing her could wait. Glad he had guessed right in knowing that something was wrong at the prison, he hoped the ring leader behind this ordeal would be stupid enough to take the bait he had left dangling in front of him.


Anko dodged backwards as one of the palace guards tried to remove her head with his sword. It missed her throat barely but as soon as it passed by her she was moving forward into the man's guard. Burying a kunai in his gut, she spun around behind him and raising her arm made several snakes appear from her sleeve. The serpents wrapped around the wounded man tightly and with a grunt of effort she pulled tossing him into several of his compatriots.

The remaining men eyed her warily, afraid to join the pile of corpses that had already tried to get by her. Anko smiled dangerously as well as in amus.e.m.e.nt at just how well Naruto had guessed the situation. When Fubuki had told him not to trust anyone, he had taken that as confirmation his doubts about Kutsuzawa had some merit. He had believed that Fubuki had noticed something off in the prison and after some meditation had begun to guess at what the Snow-nin had planned. Which was to create a situation where the people of Spring would turn to the man in charge of its security if Koyuki was killed, Kutsuzawa. It was obvious that the plan had suffered a setback when Naruto and Koyuki had survived the assassination attempt at the premier. So now they were staging another prison riot in order to distract the loyal guards while Snow-nin killed Koyuki. Anko was positive that when the bodies of the men she had already killed were identified that they would all be the escaped prisoners from last year's breakout.

She noticed several of the men nod at each other and braced herself for the men to attack her all at once. However before they could take a single step forward four spinning vortex's tore into their ranks sending the disguised guards flying in all directions. The vortex's came to a rest in front of her revealing Hana and her three nin-dogs.

"Kutsuzawa?" Anko asked pulling another kunai from her pouch as she heard another wave of guards approaching."

"Dead," Hana answered and then adding, "From the looks of it, for quite some time."

"The fake then?"

"Sorry, he managed to lose my triplets," Hana said as her animal partners hanged their heads.

"It's not a big deal," Anko said preparing to charge the enemy, "We planned for such an occasion."

The guards stopped upon arriving in the hall that led to Koyuki room their eyes going wide at the fact two women had put so many of their fellows down. When the squad's leader met her eyes his own questioning Anko shrugged saying, "What do you expect from second class shinobi?"

As the disguised Snow-nin bristled before charging Hana said, "You had to push their buttons didn't you."

"They were coming whether we wanted them to or not. You can't expect me to not make it a little fun," Anko said tossing the blade she held and caught the leader in the forehead before pulling another one. Laughing, she jumped into the charging enemies'' midst. Hana sighed guessing she had a point and quickly followed suit.


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