Naruto: The Ero Ninja

Chapter 17 - 15.2

Kutsuzawa could hear Koyuki moving about in the room below his perch on the roof. He scowled at hearing another of his squads calling for back-up to deal with the women blocking the hallway to the princess. Dropping to the balcony below, he could see Koyuki staring at the door of her room worried. Although her back was to him and he could probably enter the room quietly. He wanted the bitch to know he was there so kicked the balcony doors open.

Koyuki spun around saying, "Kutsuzawa, what's going on."

"The end of the Kazahana," he replied stepping into the room slowly pulling a kunai.

Koyuki backed up saying, "I-I trusted you."

Kutsuzawa smiled amused before replying, "If it makes any difference know that the real Tessai Kutsuzawa was a loyal servant your highness. But he should have been just as concerned with his own security as he was with yours."


"Indeed," the fake Kutsuzawa said taking another step forward as Koyuki backed into a wall.

He was about to move in to finish her off when a shout of, "Nadare," caused him to turn. He caught sight of Fubuki wearing her old outfit and chakra armor that she had liberated from the prison storage. Flying into the room she tackled him around the waist but Nadare rolled backwards and grabbing the wings of her armor kicked her in the stomach. She flew through the air but managed to land on her feet frowning as she noticed the henged Nadare Roga holding the wings his kick had pulled free.

"Fubuki, how nice of you to join us, I guess it was too much to hope Mizore would be able to handle you." Tossing the wings away, Nadare dropped his henge revealing he was also wearing chakra armor although unlike Fubuki's his was charged and working.

"Princess, get out of here. I'll handle him." Fubuki frowned when Koyuki didn't budge but was forced to focus back on Roga as he shifted his stance.

"Will you now," Nadare said amused, "Still trying to find atonement for betraying her father, are you? How pathetic, we were destined for so much more than to serve a weak fool such as that."

"Shut up," Fubuki yelled. "You and Doto lied to me. Lord Sōsetsu wasn't squandering our village's money. He was trying to save our country."

Pulling the strange kunai she had found Fubuki prepared to charge at Nadare saying, "When wolves move to attack the sheep it's the shepherds job to protect them. I will not allow you to throw my home into chaos again." Running forward she stabbed the blade into the armor and was surprised when she was violently repelled backwards by an electric shock.

"How do you like the modifications I've made? It's a little something I had our engineers work on to remove the flaw Kakashi pointed out to me." Fubuki tried to get back to her feet but a kick from Nadare to the jaw sent her to the floor landing on her back. Kneeling he pressed his knee against her throat saying, "Not so tough now are you little shepherd?"

"How…how…" Fubuki struggled to say as she was finding it difficult to breathe.

"How did I recover from my injury at Kakashi's hands? Well, I had a little help with that I admit. Thanks to Sōsetsu's inventions this country's loaded with resources just waiting to be exploited. One of the many people interested in getting their hands on them sent someone to heal me. Oh I spent some time pretending to still be paralyzed, civilian doctors are so easy to fool you know, setting things up for our grand prison break. After I killed Tessai, it was just a matter of switching his men with mine. I planned to carry all this out months ago till I learned Koyuki had invited Kakashi and his team here. I was a little disappointed he didn't show, but figured killing his student would almost be worse for him than his own death at my hands."

The sound of Koyuki making a break for the door pulled Nadare's attention from the struggling kunoichi. Pulling a kunai he said, "Oh, no you don't," before letting it fly. He smiled wickedly as the blade buried itself in her back. However his joy was short lived as she burst into smoke, seconds later a red flash appeared where she had been standing.

Nadare's eyes grew wide as Naruto without breaking stride closed the distance between them holding a red Rasengan in one hand. Slamming it into Nadare's c.h.e.s.t it easily overloaded the chakra power crystal and destroyed the plastic armor beneath. Nadare smashed into a wall before sliding down it slowly and from the blood trail where his head had hit the wall it was apparent he hadn't survived the attack.

Naruto cursed wanting to question him about who had healed him but knew against Chakra Armor anything less than full strength would have left him open to attack. Sighing at the missed opportunity and worried one of the other Kages or even Orochimaru may have been behind it, hoped the failure of Nadare's scheme would cause them to think twice before meddling in Spring Country again.

He turned to the coughing kunoichi who was rubbing her throat as she attempted to stand. As soon as she got her feet beneath her she asked anxiously, "The princess…"

"Is safe," Naruto answered calmly, "She hasn't been here since the bombing. I've been using a shadow clone in hopes of drawing out whoever was behind this. Sorry, I didn't arrive sooner. The clone was supposed to get killed by Nadare to alert me that he was out in the open. Since he felt like running his mouth it sat back to learn as much as possible, before attracting his attention."

"Safe," Naruto said, "I'll retrieve her once all the escaped Snow-nin are accounted for."

"There are a few held up in the armory," the captain said, "We'll go root them out immediately." The captain motioned to two of his men who pointed their spears at Fubuki. "We'll also secure the prisoner," he added almost challenging Naruto to say otherwise.

Naruto nodded but said, "She came here to defend Koyuki. If I hear she's been mistreated along the way. Whoever's behind it will answer to me."

The captain swallowed heavily but with a small head motion to his men led them from the room. Hana stepped up to Naruto saying, "If she came here to help how can you let them lead her away in chains?"

"Because she did it for the right reason," Naruto said picking up Nadare's corpse to deliver it to Tsunade in hopes there was a way to learn something of value from it, before retrieving Koyuki.

"Which is?"

"She didn't expect a reward," Naruto said disappearing in a flash of red.


Fubuki was being escorted to the palace in the red prison jumpsuit she had been given upon her return to her cell. Although she may have been imagining it she could almost feel a small measure of respect coming from them. As she tried to figure out why Koyuki was summoning her so late at night, her group was met by the two Leaf kunoichi that had become something of local celebrities. Nodding to the men, Anko said, "We'll take it from here boys. The princess still isn't feeling well due to all the stress what with the bombing and would be rebellion."

Both kunoichi took up guard positions on the sides of the door so Fubuki entered and was surprised to find herself in a spare bedroom. However as she focused on the princess, who was wearing only a nightgown that covered up to mid-t.h.i.g.h and was see-thru although the material darkened around her b.r.e.a.s.ts and pelvis, that if she was that stunning when she wasn't feeling good then she couldn't imagine how beautiful she'd be if she was.

"Welcome," Koyuki said smiling at her, "I never got the chance to thank you for coming to my defense."

"Your thanks are not necessary Princess and I'm not worthy of them."

Koyuki moved to a high backed chair that resembled a throne. Sitting in it regally, she crossed her legs and Fubuki blushed as she could see that the Princess wasn't wearing any p.a.n.t.i.e.s. Looking away, she missed Koyuki's smile as she stood back up to walk towards the woman. "Tell me, what reward would you like for your services?"

Fubuki kept her eyes averted, for a moment she considered asking for more time off her sentence. However remembering what Naruto had said about doing the right thing without reward said, "I do not require anything princess."

"You were right," Koyuki said suddenly talking to towards the chair she had sat in.

Coming from around it was a shirtless Naruto who sat down saying, "I told you. I had my doubts when she left the prison during the riot, but coming here to rescue you. Well, I'd be lying if I said I saw that coming."

Koyuki moved to the chair and sitting in his l.a.p she kissed him passionately. By the time the kiss ended Fubuki was blushing madly guessing for the two days that the princess was supposedly under the weather after dealing with the fallout and; she had been otherwise engaged with the blond man. Koyuki got up from his l.a.p and walking towards the former Snow-nin said, "I am in need of a bodyguard. Someone who I can count on to watch over me at all times and knows how to keep a secret. Can you think of someone who may want such a job?"

Fubuki looked up before quickly looking away saying, "I'm sorry I cannot, at least nobody worthy."

Fubuki looked up shocked, but said, "I-I'm unworthy of such an honor Princess."

"Perhaps," Koyuki admitted, "However, you saw how I was as short a time as three years ago. I don't think anyone would have thought me worthy to lead back then." Looking over her shoulder she continued, "But, due to a manager who believed in me and a shinobi who never gives up. I stand before as the Princess of Spring Country."

Closing the distance between them Koyuki said, "Naruto believes in you. So I too will believe in you."

Her face continued to close with Fubuki who leaned back slightly to ask, her cheeks flushed with color, "What…what are you doing?"

"I told you, I need a bodyguard. One that can watch over me at All times," Koyuki said stretching out the word all before pressing her lips to Fubuki's.

The woman stiffened at first; however she soon tentatively began to respond to the kiss. From Naruto's vantage point he could see the nubs of Fubuki's b.r.e.a.s.t harden as they began to press against the thin material of her prison jumpsuit. Koyuki pulled away slightly enjoying the hooded l.u.s.t filled eyes of the pink-haired kunoichi. Sounding breathless she asked, "Do you accept?"

"Yes," Fubuki said and as soon as Koyuki lips pressed against hers, she opened her mouth to meet the princess's tongue with her own. Naruto smiled as he watched, Koyuki bring her hand up to grope the kunoichi's tit. She played with the n.i.p.p.l.e for a moment before moving on to grasp the jumpsuits zipper. She pulled it down slowly for Naruto's benefit and when it was all the way down he could just see the thin strip of pink hair that rested above Fubuki p.u.s.s.y.

Koyuki then reached into the jumpsuit, her fingers quickly seeking out and finding Fubuki's slick opening. "P-princess," Fubuki m.o.a.n.e.d as two of Koyuki's fingers filled her passage.

Working them in and out furiously, Koyuki said, "Please…call me Koyuki."

Holding it around her waist she led Fubuki to her bed and she gently lowered the woman down where she sat with her legs hanging over the side. She then took up a kneeling position between her legs and began pulling the jumpsuit the rest of the way off. Once it cleared her feet, Koyuki kissed one foot before doing the same to the other. Working her way up Fubuki's legs she placed a kiss on her inner t.h.i.g.h causing the kunoichi to m.o.a.n.

Her arousal spiking, Koyuki grabbed Fubuki's legs and pushing the wider apart dived into her p.u.s.s.y. Having had several female lovers in her wilder days before Sandayu entered her life to somewhat calm her down, it didn't take long for the actress's skilled tongue to have the receiver of her oral techniques m.o.a.ning, "K-koyuki…oh…oh how'd…did …you become so good at this…"

Pulling back and showing her lower face was covered in the kunoichi's essence, Koyuki said, "The same way you get to Grand Opera House practice, practice, practice." She then pressed her mouth over Fubuki's exposed c.l.i.t and s.u.c.k.e.d sending the woman over the edge.

Fubuki caught her breath m.o.a.ning contently as Koyuki lapped up what she had released. She became aware of the woman climbing onto the bed and placing her own snatch over the woman's face said, "Please, do me too."

Fubuki paused having never done anything like that before with a woman. But hearing Koyuki say, "Please," caused her to reach a hand tentatively towards her leader's snatch. Rubbing it she found her to already be quite wet. Pulling her hand back she noticed some s.e.m.e.n had begun leaking from Koyuki's p.u.s.s.y as well. Realizing that Naruto had already been there before her caused Fubuki's l.u.s.t to run wild and she planted her mouth against the glistening snatch.

"F-f.u.c.k…" Koyuki m.o.a.n.e.d surprised at the zeal with which Fubuki's tongue was probing her. Running her fingers along the kunoichi snatch the princess said, "My, Fubuki you just keep leaking…. I…I just can't drink it all. I-I…mmmm…I think this hole needs a plug how about you."

Understanding what she was implying but unwilling to stop her tongue f.u.c.k.i.n.g of the princess, Fubuki simply m.o.a.n.e.d her approval of the idea.

Koyuki gave her c.u.n.t one last lick before pulling Fubuki's legs up and spreading them into a V. Leaning back on Fubuki's face she said, "Naruto, she's nice and ready for you."

Naruto had long since lost his pants and had slowly been fisting his c.o.c.k in preparation of the moment. Getting up from the chair, he walked slowly towards the bed. Standing between Fubuki's spread legs, he g.r.o.a.n.e.d as Koyuki leaned forward to taste his c.o.c.k. Pulling it away from her mouth and lining himself up with Fubuki's c.u.n.t, he pushed in slowly causing the kunoichi to stop her l.i.c.k.i.n.g long enough to say, "Oh f.u.c.k, he's f.u.c.k.i.n.g huge…I've….I've never had one so big."

Naruto set about making Koyuki's words a reality as he slowly built up to a pace that soon had Fubuki screaming in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. As she continued to eat out Koyuki, she arched her back up when the princess roughly grabbed her b.r.e.a.s.t as she kissed Naruto.

Wanting to get her m.o.a.ning princess off as she neared her o.r.g.a.s.m Fubuki added a finger to aid her tongue in its work. When Koyuki broke her kiss with Naruto to m.o.a.n, "I'm…I'm going to c.u.m…" Fubuki added her own voice saying, "M…Me too…"

Naruto nearing his own limit moved his head to Koyuki's b.r.e.a.s.ts where he gently bit down on her n.i.p.p.l.e as he slammed his c.o.c.k fully into Fubuki sending both women over the edge as they simultaneously shouted, "Cuuummmmiiiiinnnngggg!" Releasing his seed into the woman, Naruto sagged forward holding himself up with his arms as his c.o.c.k softened sliding out of the warm and wet place it had been buried.

Koyuki swayed and fell to the side after her o.r.g.a.s.m, while Fubuki simply enjoyed the warm feeling spreading through her as she panted. Leaning up onto her forearms Koyuki watched as Naruto's c.u.m began leaking from her new bodyguard and she was sure confidant. Smiling, she said, "I think we're going to need to redo this scene from the beginning. Climbing between, Fubuki's legs once more in a sixty-nine she said, "Places everybody, and…action," and began once more s.u.c.k.i.n.g Fubuki's p.u.s.s.y.

Naruto moved back to the chair to watch and wait for his cue as the actress and kunoichi practiced on getting the take just right. Something all three would dedicate the rest of the night to achieving.


Tsunade was reading over some papers as she waited for an opportunity to finish the autopsy on Nadare. She was doing it in secret in the old tunnels Orochimaru had used to run his experiments. The paper she was currently reading detailed the failure of her team to seal the Sanbi, due to the interference of a Crystal Element User and the young boy she was in the company of. Sadly, the boy had died as a result of a medical overdose brought on in an effort to increase his power. From the preliminary report she was holding it seemed the boy had done so in an effort to save the Crystal User.

Kakashi and his team had managed to secure the boy's body, but due to his teams relative condition he had requested permission to retreat. Having already sent the Anbu, they'd relieve Kakashi's team before taking over the task of watching the Chakra Beast.

She had just put the paper down when her door burst open and Yurika the brunet kunoichi that had decode the message that had alerted Konoha of Gaara's abduction stepped in saying, "Forgive me my lady, but I've just decoded a message from the Anbu along the Suna border. It seems a large contingent of Suna-nin have slipped past the border and are heading here. The Anbu believe they plan to attack, and it appears the Kazekage is among them."

Tsunade stood abruptly but the smile on her face confused the kunoichi which was only added to when the Hokage said, "Excellent." Walking past the woman she said, "Let's go meet them shall we." Having no clue as to why her leader was so happy at the prospect of invasion, Yurika simply followed along behind to help as best she could.

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