The battle was a stalemate.

"But... the Hidden Mist Village is not so easy to defeat. The Land of Water is located overseas. If they choose to fight a long-term war, I'm afraid it will cause us a lot of trouble. Once the war is dragged on, the Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Cloud Village will definitely not miss such an opportunity."

Mitomon Yan shook his head and expressed his concerns.

In his opinion, the idea of ​​the Third Hokage was too naive and too taken for granted.

Once the war was frustrated, Konoha would face three fronts of enemies!

Even if Konoha was strong and was not afraid of the three major ninja villages joining forces, the Third Hokage, who provoked the war, would still be questioned by the daimyo.

"What if we join forces with the Sand Village and declare war on the Mist Village?"

Utatane Koharu hesitated for a moment and made a suggestion.

The Fire Country and the Wind Country have become close allies, and the relationship between Konoha and the Sand Village has also become closer. If the Sand Village is asked to declare war on the Mist Village together with Konoha, the Sand Village should not refuse.

Even if it refuses, it is just that the bargaining chips are not attractive enough.

But the Third Hokage shook his head:

"The Sand Village finally got the financial allocation from the Daimyo of the Wind Country. Now is the best time to develop the ninja village. They hope that other ninja villages will fight so that they can take advantage of the opportunity. What's more, the Sand Village is located in the desert, far away from the Kirigakure Village. Even if they declare war, it is difficult to send many people."

"So, in order to ensure victory. I plan to let Orochimaru, Tsunade, Jiraiya, including Sakumo, mainly the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan, plus other ninjas form a coalition and rush to the battlefield together."

Hearing this, Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.


Sarutobi is so generous!

Sending these four to the battlefield together, plus the coalition mainly composed of Uchiha and Hyuga...

Let alone the Kirigakure Village, I'm afraid that any ninja village that comes will have to consider whether they are qualified enough, right?

At this moment, the Third Hokage was like a gambler who had lost everything, and was eager to secure his position as Hokage through a hearty victory.

Utatane Koharu and Mitomon En had become the roles of the Third Hokage. Seeing that the Third Hokage seemed to be going all out, Utatane Koharu thought for a moment before dissuading him:

"But Sarutobi, have you ever thought about it? If the four of them go to the battlefield together and make any more contributions..."

What should we do?

Except for Jiraiya, the prestige of the four of them is slightly lower, and the remaining three are not much lower than you, the Third Hokage.

If you let them make contributions again, will you, the Third Hokage, still have nothing to do?

The Third Hokage clenched his fists, and his eyes shone with a sharp light like a hawk:

"I will lead this battle personally."

Lead personally?

Go to the battlefield personally?

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado En were shocked and said subconsciously:


"As a Hokage, how can you go to the battlefield in person? If something happens... do you know how much of a blow this will cause to Konoha's morale? Sarutobi, you are too ridiculous!"

"That's right, have you ever considered the consequences? If there is any flaw in your identity, the entire front will be directly defeated!"

"The teacher at the time could go to the battlefield, the Raikage could go to the battlefield, and Ohnoki could go to the battlefield in person, why can't I? My bones are not rotten enough to go to the battlefield!"

The Third Hokage asked back, which made Utatane Koharu and Mitokado En speechless.

There was no way. The Third Hokage directly brought up their teacher. Could they refute the deceased teacher?

Seeing that his friend who grew up together fell silent, the Third Hokage breathed a sigh of relief and comforted them:

"Don't worry. With Tsunade, Orochimaru and Sakumo here, and the Uchiha, Hyuga and Ino-Shika-Chou clans, nothing will happen. If I win this battle, I will naturally be able to sit firmly on the position of Hokage."

The Third Hokage's eyes burst with strong confidence and sharpness, as if the man known as the 'Ninja Hero' has returned.

But what if he loses?

Looking at the confident expression of the Third Hokage, Utatane Koharu really wants to ask a question.

But since the Third Hokage has made a decision, she can only keep this sentence in her heart.



"The Third Hokage should take the initiative to announce to the Hidden Mist Village


Hearing the news from his father's mouth, Ye Ning was stunned.

It seems... it's a mess!

Ye Ning was still thinking about who would start the Third Ninja World War.

I thought it would be the Hidden Rock Village or the Hidden Cloud Village, but you told me that Konoha took the initiative to start it?

Declare war on the Hidden Mist Village...

Ye Ning had a headache.

Why choose the Hidden Mist Village when there are so many opponents?

If I remember correctly, Uchiha Madara... seems to be in the Hidden Mist Village?

This period...

It should be the first blood mist period that the Hidden Mist Village experienced.


Ye Ning suddenly realized a serious problem.

What did my father say just now?

The Third Hokage is going to personally lead the Ninja World War. The coalition of the three ninjas went to the battlefield?

He personally went to the battlefield, and brought the three ninjas and Sakumo, plus the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan, the Ino-Shika-Chou clan, and most of the elite of the Sarutobi clan...

Is the Third Hokage crazy?

Ye Ning could understand that he brought the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan, and the Ino-Shika-Chou clan.

After all, the Uchiha clan itself is a synonym for strength, and together with the Hyuga clan, they are the nemesis of the Mist Hidden Art of the Mist Hidden Village. The Ino-Shika-Chou clan has always been the think tank and the main force of the ninja army, but the Third Hokage was willing to send out even the Sarutobi clan this time...

With most of the elite troops out, isn't the Third Hokage afraid that they will all be defeated on the battlefield?

The daimyo tilted his head, as if he was a little puzzled by Ye Ning's reaction:

"Since the Third Hokage wants to fight, let him fight. It has nothing to do with us anyway, Xiao Ning, why do you have this expression? "


It seems that it really has nothing to do with him.

He won't go to the battlefield.

However, he always has an inexplicable premonition in his heart.

The desperate gamble of the Third Hokage does not seem to go as smoothly as he wishes.

In the original work, Konoha had a very difficult battle with the Hidden Mist Village. Although there were multiple enemies, the Hidden Mist Village itself was not a soft persimmon.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen, together with Yagura and other elite ninjas who came out of the blood mist policy, will make Konoha suffer.

If the Seven Ninja Swordsmen had not gathered together and were beaten into the Three Lucky Treasures by Might Guy alone, Konoha would not have been so easy to win.

What's more, Uchiha Madara is still in the Hidden Mist Village.

This guy, he wishes the ninja world would be more chaotic, and he would never let Konoha easily defeat the Hidden Mist Village.

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