The ceremony was held in the morning, and the two sides held a grand ceremony.

Uchiha Fugaku stood outside the Uchiha clan's territory, and the smile on his face showed his inner joy.

Because Konoha was about to declare war on the Hidden Mist Village, his succession ceremony as clan leader had to be brought forward.

However, everything needed for the celebration ceremony had been prepared, and there was no big difference.

"Fugaku, congratulations."

Nara Shikaku came with Akimichi Choza and Yamanaka Inoichi and presented a gift.

It was a happy day, and the guests were invited by him personally, so Uchiha Fugaku naturally greeted them with a smile, and welcomed the three of Ino, Shika and Chou in with a happy face.

Generally speaking, the job of welcoming guests at the door is not the turn of Uchiha Fugaku, who is about to succeed the clan leader.

But today, it is not just his succession ceremony, but also the first step for Uchiha to integrate into Konoha.

In the past, when the Uchiha clan held activities like the succession of the clan leader, they rarely invited other ninja clans, and always closed the door to celebrate their own.

Firstly, the arrogant Uchiha clan looked down on other ninja clans; secondly, even if they took the initiative to hand in the invitation, other ninja clans might not give them this face.

Although they are all members of Konoha, the prejudice of other clans against the Uchiha clan is really serious. In addition, Danzo has been committed to separating the Uchiha clan from Konoha, which has led to many ninja clans in Konoha being at odds with the Uchiha clan.

But this time is completely different.

Once the invitation of the Uchiha clan is sent out, even if other ninja clans don’t want to come, they have to come.

Because the Uchiha clan not only invited them, but also invited the son of the daimyo, Ye Ning.

A son of a daimyo may not allow them to be present in person, but if Tsunade is added, it will be completely different.

In the minds of these bigwigs, since the last time the daimyo publicly stated, the position of the Third Hokage will not last long. And the next candidate for the Hokage is most likely Tsunade.

Even for the future Fourth Hokage, they must be present.

Because Tsunade's attitude towards the Uchiha clan will largely affect their attitude towards the Uchiha clan in the future.

It can be said that today's succession ceremony is the key bridge for the Uchiha clan to reconnect with other ninja clans.

"Hey, Fugaku, you are dressed very energetic today!"

Tsunade walked over slowly with empty hands and greeted the Uchiha Fugaku who was entertaining guests.

Ye Ning behind him was somewhat helpless, carrying the gift prepared by Tsunade, and walked over with Scorpion and Tokika.

Ye Ning was a little angry when talking about the gift prepared by Tsunade.

Whose gift is two bottles of wine?

If this wine was some expensive wine, it would be fine, but it was just a slightly more expensive wine in Konoha, which was completely incomparable to the wine his father usually drank.

The dignified Konoha Sannin, the Princess of the Land of Fire, the future Fourth Hokage, the gift was so shabby...


Fortunately, Fugaku is one of us. If it was another Uchiha who was arrogant, he would think that you were mocking and insulting them.

Although he was disgusted in his heart, Ye Ning still handed the wine in his hand to the clan member behind Uchiha Fugaku who was responsible for collecting gifts.

Forget it, it's shabby.

At least, his gift alone is enough.

"Lady Tsunade, His Highness Ye Ning, you are here."

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes lit up instantly, and he hurriedly went to meet him. His movements and demeanor did not look like a person who would soon become the head of the clan, but rather like a servant.

Of course, this attitude is also reasonable.

Today's Uchiha clan succession ceremony can be so lively and grand, all for the sake of Ye Ning and Tsunade. Especially Ye Ning, this is the father of the Uchiha clan!

This attitude is not shameful at all!

Although the scene looks funny, Uchiha Fugaku looks proud.

Didn't you see that the cold face of Hinata Hiashi is full of envy?

"Your Highness Ye Ning, Lady Tsunade, please come in. I have arranged a seat for you."

Ye Ning came close to Uchiha Fugaku and smiled softly:

"Fugaku, my gift will be here soon. You, don't be scared when the time comes."

Speaking of this, Ye Ning no longer paid attention to Uchiha Fugaku's stunned expression, and pulled Tsunade into the Uchiha clan's clan territory.


"Fugaku, congratulations."

Hinata Hiashi tried to make his face look less rigid and squeezed out a smile, but anyone could tell that this sentence was squeezed out from between his teeth.

Hinata Hiashi, who was behind his brother, smiled helplessly and handed over the gift he had prepared in advance.

Hinata Hiashi really couldn't understand why Lord Ye Ning and the Daimyo would be interested in the arrogant Uchiha clan.

Recently, some of the big ninja clans in Konoha basically knew that the Daimyo's lineage valued the Uchiha clan. The Daimyo even married Lord Ye Ning's sister to that guy called Uchiha Ryu...

Hinata Hiashi was so angry!

He really couldn't figure out why.

Could it be that it was because the Uchiha clan's ninjas were strong?

Are the Uchiha clan better at guarding than our Hyuga clan!

The Byakugan of my Hyuga clan can immediately detect the enemy in the dark, and can't let the enemy get close at all! Can his Uchiha clan do that?

If the Hyuga clan can get the support of the daimyo... this first family of Konoha will sooner or later be in the hands of the Hyuga clan!

Looking at Uchiha Fugaku's happy face, Hyuga Hiashi was a little angry.

However, the next scene made Hyuga Hiashi completely jealous.


Uchiha Fugaku was about to chat with Hyuga Hiashi when he noticed the arrival of the daimyo. He didn't care about the two brothers Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi at the moment, and left them behind and hurried to meet them.

Uchiha Fugaku finally understood what His Highness Ye Ning said just now.

His Highness Ye Ning's gift actually invited His Highness the daimyo!

The dignified daimyo came to participate in the succession ceremony of the patriarch of a family...

The Uchiha clan is about to rise again!

Hinata Hiashi twitched twice, and almost couldn't catch his breath, and his face became a little ugly.

As both eye-jutsu families and both families in Konoha, the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan are in a competitive relationship. The two families have been fighting for the title of the first family in Konoha for so many years, and the Uchiha clan has finally shown a downward trend in recent years...

Fugaku, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually has a relationship with the daimyo!

How come this good thing doesn't belong to the Hyuga clan?

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