The weather was very hot, but the weather was not very hot.

"Today is the 43rd year of Konoha, the end of January, the weather outside is very cloudy, but it is not snowing... Tsunade has returned from the front line, and it seems that there are many wounded soldiers on the front line, and the whole person is very haggard... Why do I feel that the big watermelon has become smaller? This is not good..."

"January 25th, the weather is fine. Tsunade, who just returned to Konoha to succeed the fourth generation, is very busy, and all kinds of things are bothering her. She has been back for only a few days, and there have been thirteen big fires and twenty-eight small fires... The things at home have been replaced three times, so it is better not to provoke..."

"January 26th, the weather is cloudy. Today Tsunade has a rare I'm in a good mood. I finally tasted the taste of a big watermelon after a long time... But Tsunade refused to wear black and white silk stockings, so annoying! "

"January 27, snowy. It finally snowed today, and Tsunade didn't continue her good mood yesterday... Strange, she was obviously very happy last night, I don't know what made her angry again..."

"January 28, sunny. After the heavy snow, the sky was sunny again, with no clouds in the sky. What a mess... These are Tsunade's original words. It seems that she is still a little resistant to the things I bought. Well... I have to find a way to change her mind. "

"January 29th, it seems that she didn't notice the weather... After my soft and hard persuasion, Tsunade finally put on black stockings. Hiss, hehehe... Why do I seem to be moving towards the direction of a pervert? However, Tsunade wearing black stockings is so annoying... so annoying!"

"January 30th, the first time is the second time, and today I don't need to say much, Tsunade consciously put on white stockings, but Tsunade is still very resistant to those two small items, it seems that I have to spend more effort."

"January 31st, after last night's unremitting efforts, there was finally a breakthrough! Tsunade finally agreed to wear the fluffy little tail... It's just as I thought Same, that look is very beautiful. But Tsunade seems a little shy..."

"February 1, fluffy."

"February 2, fluffy."

"February 3, Ye Ning, Ye Ning, as the son of a daimyo, how can you not think about national affairs, but think about your tail all day? You can't degenerate any further!"

"February 4, fluffy."



After a hearty battle, Tsunade got out from under the quilt with a ruddy face, trying to make her face look more serious:

"During the time I was away from Konoha, what trouble did you cause?"

It's no wonder Tsunade is so worried.

Ye Ning is just a street kid!

Who knows if this guy will come up with a sudden whim and cause some trouble.

For example, chasing away the dogs of the Inuzuka clan... or burning the insects of the Aburame clan?

Although this matter is not something that a son of a daimyo can do, it is really hard to guarantee for Ye Ning's lawless personality.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm not that ignorant."

Ye Ning waved his hands, and leaned on the pillow with his hands behind his head with a satisfied look.

The taste of a big watermelon is indeed...too cool!

Thinking carefully about what he had done in recent times, Ye Ning suddenly became uncertain about what he had just said.

What he had done recently seemed to be really outrageous...

Ye Ning coughed twice, and turned his eyes away with a normal look:

"In fact, I didn't do anything, I just got Danzo out and threw him to Scorpion to make him a human puppet."


Danzo is gone?

Tsunade took a breath of cold air instantly.

No wonder she heard the two elders say a few days ago that Danzo was able to defect from the heavily guarded Konoha prison. It turned out that it was Ye Ning's trick!

But after understanding, Tsunade nodded gently.

It's just a Danzo, it's really not worth making a fuss about.

If the teacher is still alive, when he returns from the battlefield and abdicates to enjoy his old age, it may be more troublesome to explain. Now not many people care whether Danzo is dead or alive.

"Is there anything else?"

"Oh, by the way, Danzo transplanted a pair of Sharingan."


Tsunade couldn't help it. As a descendant of the Senju clan, she certainly knew the importance of Sharingan to the Uchiha clan.

How important it is.

If a pair of Sharingan falls into the hands of an outsider, won't the Uchiha clan be in chaos?

Could Ye Ning have hidden the eyes?

Noticing Tsunade's expression, Ye Ning waved her hand, signaling her to calm down:

"Don't worry, don't worry, the pair of Sharingan belongs to Uchiha Kagami, and the people of the Uchiha clan don't know that the eyes are on Danzo."

Tsunade stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyebrows, finally digesting this information:

"Okay, is there anything else?"

"Well... I helped Scorpion kill the Third Kazekage, and brought back a female ninja with a Scorch Release Bloodline Genkai from the Sand Village."

Tsunade's mouth opened slightly, and her whole body was numb.

Look, what you said is human language?

What do you mean by helping Scorpion kill the Third Kazekage?

Before receiving the news of the Third Kazekage's disappearance at the front line, they also guessed who did it. It turned out to be you?

Isn't Scorpion the grandson of Chiyo?

Why did he kill the Third Kazekage?

Seeing Tsunade so surprised, Ye Ning had to spend some more time to explain the matter:

"Basically, the situation is like this. That Burning Release Ye Cang became a political victim and the 'murderer' who killed the Third Kazekage. I just wanted to know the fusion method of Burning Release Bloodline Limit from her, so I kept her."


Tsunade was no longer able to complain.

It seems that the things she imagined were really child's play for Ye Ning.

They have already started to kill the shadow of the neighboring village, so is the next step to go to the moon for a stroll?

Forget it, anyway, the matter has been properly resolved.

Tsunade's focus soon fell on another matter:

"That female ninja... is she beautiful?"

? ? ?

Tsunade, a dignified person, actually pays attention to this kind of problem?

Is she afraid that she has a beautiful woman in her golden house?

Ye Ning curled her lips and said unhappily:

"What are you thinking? She's not pretty at all. Compared to you, she's a far cry from you. Comparing her to you is disrespectful to you! What's more..."

Ye Ning opened her palm and gently squeezed the big watermelon.

Although Tsunade knew that Ye Ning's words might just be to make her happy, she was very happy!

Tsunade rolled her eyes at Ye Ning with a bit of tenderness, and her body moved down again...

ps: I deleted and revised most of the chapter. If you want to read the original version, please join the group. I will post it in the group.

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