After a few days of absurd but happy life, the Hokage succession ceremony was held as scheduled.

In recent times, the entire Konoha has been devoted to the work related to the Hokage succession ceremony.

The energy displayed by such a large organization when all of them are mobilized is also extremely terrifying.

At least, a few days ago, the Hokage Rock statue was only a quarter of the face, and a few days later, the Hokage Rock was completely completed.

Next to Sarutobi Hiruzen's Hokage Rock, there is a statue of Tsunade.

Although the construction period is very tight, Tsunade's statue is unexpectedly good.

At least, Ye Ning doesn't think it looks abstract.

Moreover, the most important point is that the Hokage Building did not issue any notice about rushing the construction period.

The Hokage Rock was built so quickly because of the spontaneous actions of the villagers.

It seems that Tsunade used to be in charge of the Konoha Hospital, repeatedly practicing medicine and saving lives, and the title of the Princess of the Fire Country, which has long made her reputation deeply rooted in the hearts of every Konoha villager.

Looking at Tsunade wearing a well-fitting Hokage Royal God Robe, Ye Ning's heart actually gave rise to some different emotions.

By the way, can this dress be used as a battle robe at night?

It should be able to increase the attack speed a lot, right?

Tsunade, who was admiring herself in front of the mirror, did not notice Ye Ning's evil thoughts at all. She fiddled with it left and right, fearing that she would make a fool of herself at the Hokage succession ceremony later.

Noticing Tsunade's actions, Ye Ning couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly:

"Why, you're going to succeed the Hokage soon, are you nervous?"

Tsunade glanced at Ye Ning, and naturally would not admit that she was nervous, and immediately argued:

"I'm too excited, okay! Who wouldn't be excited when succeeding the Hokage!"


Ye Ning really thought of someone.


This guy knows in his heart that his succession to the Sixth Hokage is completely a transitional role. His duty is to handle government affairs smoothly and then hand Konoha over to Naruto.

The divine robe belongs to someone else, and the succession ceremony is simple, so Kakashi should not be excited.

However, it's hard to say.

After all, Kakashi's dead fish eyes, even if he is excited, it is probably not visible.

Ye Ning smiled, but did not expose Tsunade's stubbornness. He picked up a handkerchief beside him and wiped Tsunade's hand:

"You sweat so much, be careful not to make a fool of yourself later."

Although he did not expose her, his actual actions told Tsunade:

Don't pretend, I know everything!

After so many days of training, Tsunade, who was thick-skinned, has become indestructible. She completely ignored the connotation of Ye Ning's actions and let him wipe the sweat from her palms:

"By the way, who is the host of today's Hokage ceremony?"

According to common sense, the successor of the Hokage ceremony is basically the previous Hokage.

First, it is for a smooth handover, and second, it is to let the villagers know that the next Hokage to succeed is the successor carefully selected by him!

But now that the Third Hokage is dead, who should be the host?

If it is not hosted by the Hokage, then the host must choose a respected elder to host it.

If Tsunade's grandmother, Mito, was still alive, she would be a very good candidate.

But right now, there seems to be no respected elders in Konoha Village.

Utatane Koharu and Mito Kado En can barely be called elders, but it seems a bit inappropriate to put them in a high position of respect.

Even if they want to preside over the ceremony, Ye Ning will never agree.

They should just do their job properly in the future.

If they dare to cause trouble again or make Tsunade unhappy, Ye Ning believes that Scorpion will not mind having two more puppets.

"Don't worry, I have invited my father to preside over the ceremony for you. Although it is a war period now, there are not many familiar faces to attend your succession ceremony, but with your father here, this succession ceremony will not be wronged for you."

The daimyo of the Land of Fire came to personally preside over the Hokage succession ceremony?

Tsunade was surprised, and the whole person was obviously more nervous.

"Relax, your father is here to congratulate you, there's no need to be nervous."

Ye Ning straightened Tsunade's collar, listened to the noisy cheers outside, and chuckled:

"Although Orochimaru, Saku

Shigeru, Fugaku and Jiraiya are far away at the front line and can't come back to attend your succession ceremony, but they have sent people to send gifts back. You can open them after the succession ceremony. I also prepared a gift for you, you can look forward to it. "

Hearing this, Tsunade's nervous mood eased a lot and rolled her eyes.

What gift will Ye Ning give her... She can guess it with her toes!

Although she was indeed very happy and happy after wearing those things, the happiest one is definitely this guy!

"Your Highness Ye Ning, Lord Hokage, the ceremony is about to begin. "

An Uchiha ninja appeared at the door at the right time and bowed his head respectfully.

For this Hokage ceremony, Ye Ning and Tsunade did not choose to use the Anbu for guarding, but chose to let the remaining Uchiha clan members act as guards.

Although this is also one of the tasks of the Konoha Security Department, the Uchiha clan has not attended such a large-scale event for a long time.

This decision is also a signal.

A signal that the Uchiha clan will be reused and will no longer be excluded by the village.

Tsunade took a deep breath, and the whole person suddenly tensed up, and strode to the high platform venue outside.

Ye Ning stayed where he was, quietly waiting for Tsunade. The moment of the glorious 'crown' of the hand.

The daimyo read a long string of words as usual, most of which were about introducing the future Fourth Hokage, and then handed the bamboo hat symbolizing the Hokage to Tsunade.

Facing the enthusiastic cheers from the audience, Tsunade suddenly curled her lips.

It turns out that the previous nervousness was not necessary at all!

Grandpa, Second Grandpa, today, I will also become a Hokage!

Nawaki, your dream will be fulfilled for you!

Tsunade slowly put on her bamboo hat, waved her divine robe very casually, and faced the villagers under the high platform:

"From today on, I will govern Konoha Village... I am the Fourth Hokage!"

The audience instantly erupted with amazing cheers.

Although Tsunade had hesitated, regretted, and thought about escaping.

But today, this sentence was said very firmly.

In fact, it is not difficult.

In the future, she will be the Fourth Hokage of Konoha!

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