The sun was shining brightly, and the sun was shining brightly.

In the lounge of the Sand Village.

Little Shizune was still suffering from the sequelae of heat stroke, and the whole person was confused:

"We are now... in the Sand Village? Will there be any danger?"

Although her mind was not very clear, Shizune also knew that in the Second Shinobi World War that just ended, the Sand Village and Konoha were in a hostile relationship. They came to the Sand Village so swaggeringly... Is it really okay?

Tsunade ate the small cakes sent by Karura and said nonchalantly:

"Don't worry, what's the problem?"

Tsunade glanced at Ye Ning and said with envy: "With Ye Ning's identity, he will be treated with courtesy wherever he goes."

The identity of the son of the daimyo is a pass. Wherever he goes in the ninja world, as long as the people there are not sick, they will never dare to have any improper thoughts about Ye Ning.

Courtesy is an understatement. If he goes to a small country, he may be treated as his own father!

After all, there is a gap between daimyo and daimyo.

"However, I was a little surprised that the Third Kazekage was so polite. It seems that the rumor seems to be true."

"Rumor? What rumor?"

Tsunade swallowed a bite of pastry and said with some gloating:

"I heard that after the defeat of Sand Village in the Second Ninja World War, the daimyo of Wind Country was dissatisfied, so they began to cut the funding of Sand Village, causing the entire Sand Village's finances to collapse directly... I thought this statement was false, but today it seems that it may be true?"

Why do you think the Third Kazekage ran to the desert in such a hot sun today?

Isn't it still hoping to find some sand iron from the desert and export it to other countries to make some money?

Ye Ning stretched:

"I plan to go out for a walk, do you two want to come with me?"

At this time, Shizune is far from the capable and knowledgeable person who will follow Tsunade to travel around the ninja world in the future. At this moment, she is just a little loli who is only six years old. Coming to the "hostile" ninja village suddenly, it is inevitable that some unfamiliarity will arise. In addition, she just had a heat stroke and was feeling unwell, so she shook her head decisively.

Tsunade was also a little too lazy to move.

Although the Sand Village is located in an oasis in the desert, it is surrounded by the desert and the climate is naturally not much better.

She didn't want to go out in the wind and sun.

With this time, it is better to have a beauty sleep.

"I won't go. When you come back, remember to bring me two bottles of wine so that I can taste the specialties of the Sand Village."


Drink, drink, drink, just drink!

Ye Ning glared at Tsunade, the scumbag woman, and had to walk around the Sand Village alone.

Because of his special identity, Ye Ning did not notice any surveillance where they lived. Even if he walked on the street, no one came to question him, which saved a lot of trouble.

But there are also disadvantages-

He got lost again.

He who could get lost in Konoha came to the Sand Village. It would be a miracle if he didn't get lost.

Looking at the buildings with similar decoration styles around him, Ye Ning fell into deep confusion.

Where... is this?

Why are all the buildings in the Sand Village the same!

Ye Ning rubbed his eyebrows with a headache, regretting that he didn't find a guide when he went out.

If he had known earlier, he would have asked Karura to be a guide. At least he spoke in a friendly manner and always had a smile on his face, which made it difficult for people to feel disgusted.

Fortunately, Ye Ning just planned to stroll around casually, so he simply found a direction and walked aimlessly.

Soon, a house with a completely different style appeared in front of Ye Ning.

Although both were built of sand, there were thick black graffiti on the building in front of him. These graffiti were ugly and weird puppets, which looked particularly abrupt and obvious among the ordinary buildings.

Is this... the puppeteer's house?

Ye Ning looked around and found that there was indeed only such a strange house around. He immediately became curious and couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

Under Ye Ning's gaze, the eyes of one of the puppets graffiti shook twice strangely.

Then, the shaking eyeball disappeared, leaving only two empty eye sockets.

This discovery made Ye Ning subconsciously take two steps back, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart.


No wonder Konoha encountered the puppets of the Sand Ninja

The puppeteer army will give you a headache. Who wouldn't be nervous when encountering such a gloomy and weird thing!

After a brief surprise, Ye Ning carefully observed it and found that the two empty eye sockets were actually hollowed out. In fact, they were just two small holes. If you stick them on, you can even see the scene inside the house.

So, these two small holes are the "telescopes" used by the puppeteer inside to observe the outside world?

The corners of Ye Ning's mouth twitched twice, and he had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

Use those two small holes to observe the outside world...

Is the puppeteer living in this house socially anxious?

Or is there some secret in the house that he doesn't want to be discovered, so he dug two small holes to observe the outside world?

Just as Ye Ning was secretly guessing, the door of the house opened.

A red-haired boy came out from inside. He had a handsome face and a pale complexion. He seemed to be about the same age as Ye Ning, but he was much shorter. It seemed that he had not left the room for a long time. When he was exposed to the sunlight outside, Ye Ning could clearly see that the boy frowned and his face was full of rejection.

Looks like... a socially anxious boy?

Or a problem boy who plays with puppets.

Ye Ning added in his mind and suddenly realized a problem.

This image... seems a little familiar!

The red-haired boy who plays with puppets... Isn't this the Scorpion of the Red Sand?

Ye Ning couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Turtle, this is a tough guy!

This guy's obsession with puppetry is definitely not worse than Orochimaru's obsession with immortality. After all, this is a tough guy who transformed himself into a human puppet. Even the Third Ninja World War has a direct relationship with this guy.

On the eve of the Third Ninja World War, the major ninja villages were dissatisfied with the results of the Second Ninja World War, and with a certain period of buffer time, they tightened the strings called war in their hearts.

It was also because of the Red Sand Scorpion that killed the Third Kazekage and defected that the shaky string was completely broken. The Sand Village believed that it was Konoha who did it. Of course, it is also possible that they used this as an excuse to declare war on Konoha, completely opening the curtain of the Third Ninja World War.

Although the Third Ninja World War is an inevitable trend, it cannot be denied that the red-haired boy in front of him is the fuse of the beginning of this war!

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