The old man was killed, and the old man was killed.

Moreover, the fact that Scorpion of the Red Sand killed the Third Kazekage is also an unsolved mystery.

The Third Kazekage was known as the strongest Kazekage of all generations, and Scorpion of the Red Sand was only a dozen years old at that time, at most no more than sixteen years old.

Although the protagonists saved the world at the age of sixteen in the later period, this was the early period after all!

Killed the strongest Kazekage of all generations in the Sand Village, and successfully escaped...

This matter is weird no matter how you think about it, right?

The only possibility that Ye Ning could think of was poisoning.

As the grandson of Chiyo, Scorpion of the Red Sand must be able to inherit Chiyo's poison, and the Third Kazekage would not have any defensive psychology against Scorpion of the Red Sand, so it is not impossible.

Ye Ning smacked his lips, staring at the face of the Red Sand Scorpion, but did not speak first.

After the Red Sand Scorpion walked out of the door, he also stared at Ye Ning, and also had no intention of speaking.

The two people, one big and one small, one tall and one short, just stared at each other on the street.

The Red Sand Scorpion was stunned.

Although his grandmother was the elder of the Sand Village and was respected, he was actually the freak of the entire Sand Village.

Since the death of his father and mother, his personality has become completely withdrawn. Sometimes even Chiyo could hardly see him. He stayed at home all day to study puppetry and transformed the house into an extremely gloomy and weird appearance.

At first, there were some people of the same age who often came to see him, but most of them were yelled away by him. Over time, no one came to see him anymore.

His withdrawal was known to everyone in the entire Sand Village.

Therefore, when most people passed by his house, they left in a hurry, for fear of angering him.

Today, he found a strange guy.

He kept staring at his house and sighed from time to time.

This made Scorpion of the Red Sand unable to help but take a look through the small hole and couldn't help but walk out of the house.

He thought that this guy would first state his intentions, but he didn't expect that this guy didn't have this awareness at all. Instead, he kept looking at him with a very strange look, which made Scorpion of the Red Sand very uncomfortable.

He felt like he was a pet, being looked up and down by others.

Scorpion of the Red Sand, who had not negotiated with others for a long time, finally couldn't bear it anymore and said for the first time:

"Who are you?"

"When asking someone's name, do you have to report your own name first?"

Scorpion of the Red Sand was speechless.

After all, he is not the crazy artist who killed the Third Kazekage and defected and transformed himself into a human puppet. Now he is just a ten-year-old child.

He is a loner and rarely communicates with others, so naturally he can't deal with Ye Ning's words.

After holding it in for a long time, Scorpion finally gave his name:


"Ye Ning."

After exchanging names, the atmosphere became awkward again.

Scorpion, who had no idea how to talk to people, couldn't say a word for a long time, and Ye Ning was confused.

No, buddy, why don't you say something?

You scared me by showing your eyes, and then you walked out of your house, just to stare at me?

Seeing that the sweat on Scorpion's forehead was getting more and more, Ye Ning spread his hands helplessly:

"Okay, Scorpion, if you don't say it, I'll ask you, right?"

"Are you a puppeteer?"

Scorpion hesitated for a moment and nodded gently.

Although he had never seen Ye Ning in the village, Scorpion felt that Ye Ning was somewhat kind in his heart. At least his eyes were weird, but there was no pity or fear.

When thinking of those pitying eyes, Scorpion of the Red Sand could not suppress his anger.

He does not need your pity at all!

"So, can you show me your puppet?"

Ye Ning smiled and made an expression that he thought was very kind.

Unfortunately, Ye Ning was not the third generation, so he could not naturally show a kind expression, which made his face a little stiff.

However, Scorpion of the Red Sand did not care.

This feeling of talking to people made him feel very novel.

In addition, Ye Ning was the only person in the village who looked at him without pity and pitiful eyes, and Scorpion of the Red Sand was very happy to let him see his masterpiece.

Scorpion of the Red Sand, who hated waiting for others, did not let Ye Ning wait too long, and soon came out with two puppets.

And these two puppets were surprisingly the 'father' and 'mother'


From the appearance of these two puppets, we can see how much effort Scorpion put into making these two puppets.

Even though it can be seen at a glance that these are puppets, not real people, the expressions of these two puppets are still accurate, and all the parts of their bodies are lifelike.

Surrounded by the two puppets of "father" and "mother", Scorpion, who has lacked a sense of security since childhood, will obviously relax a lot, his body is no longer so stiff, and he even talks a lot more.

"This is the puppet I made, what do you think?"

There is still a bit of caution in the words, but there is more expectation in the eyes.

Ye Ning naturally would not refuse Scorpion's intention, and immediately praised:

"It's a good work. And, judging from their appearance, you made them very carefully. I guess they are two people who are very important to you?"

Scorpion's eyes dimmed a lot in an instant.

The whole person seemed to have returned to the fragility and helplessness of losing his parents in childhood.

"Yes. They are my parents."

For the first time, Scorpion of the Red Sand opened his heart to an outsider:

"When I was young, my parents died on the battlefield of the Ninja War. At that time, I lost both my parents and was in pain and confusion. Helplessly, I made these two puppets, imagining that my parents were still by my side, accompanying me as I grew up."

"But I know that my parents are no longer here. Puppets are just puppets after all. Puppets are an art. An art that can be preserved for a long time, an art that will never decay."

"Compared to the fragile life, puppets are more interesting, aren't they?"

Ye Ning sighed deeply.

At the age of ten, Scorpion of the Red Sand already had the idea of ​​a human puppet, and even began to explore it gradually.

Such a path seems to be contrary to human ethics and is wrong.

But Ye Ning did not intend to correct him.

First, he was not qualified to dissuade him;

Second, he had no need to stop him.

Because of this, the character of Scorpion has his own unique charm, right?

He did not intend to stop Scorpion from pursuing eternity, but he wanted to change his ending.

How about... kidnapping Scorpion?

Ye Ning's breathing suddenly became rapid, and a burning look gradually rose in his eyes.

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