The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two were in a state of panic.

Ye Ning brought Scorpion and Tokigashi to Orochimaru's experimental base.

With Danzo in prison, Orochimaru naturally couldn't be in cahoots with him anymore.

Without Danzo's urging, Orochimaru was undoubtedly much more honest, and he was no longer in a hurry to conduct those frightening experiments.

However, few people came to his experimental base.

Orochimaru's temperament was inherently cold, and there were often pythons around his experimental base. In short, he was very unpleasant. The ninjas of Konoha Village wanted to stay away from him, so naturally no one would come to disturb him.

Ye Ning might be one of the few exceptions.

For Ye Ning, although people like Orochimaru are crazy, and sometimes it is difficult for you to understand his brain circuits, as long as you find a way to get along with him and build a good relationship with him, he is actually quite easy to get along with.

At least, this guy's humanity has not been extinguished.

Moreover, his ability will never let you down.


As soon as Ye Ning and others approached, a small white snake stood up and called to Ye Ning twice.

Then, the little snake "whooshed" and rushed into the jungle and disappeared.

Soon, Orochimaru walked out of a very hidden cave that was difficult to be discovered.

Because of Ye Ning's sudden visit, Orochimaru was even wearing a white coat when doing experiments.

After seeing Ye Ning, Orochimaru spread his hands, and a smile appeared on his cold and pale face:

"I was wondering who it was, it turned out to be Ye Ning-kun, it's been a long time since we last met."

Noticing Scorpion and Tokigashi following behind Ye Ning, Orochimaru grinned and made a joke:

"Did Ye Ning-kun come to deliver the experimental materials to me personally? It's such an honor!"

In the past three years, all of Orochimaru's experimental funds and materials were sent by Ye Ning.

As for what Orochimaru did with the money, he didn't ask.

This is the quality of a qualified sponsor.

"Orochimaru, these two are not your experimental materials. One of them is Scorpion, the genius puppeteer of Sand Village, and the other is Tokigashika, the owner of the Crystal Style Bloodline Genkai. Because there is no place to put them, they are placed here with you."

Ye Ning blinked and said softly as if to induce: "I think that if you communicate with Scorpion, you may have a different understanding of immortality."

Speaking of immortality, Orochimaru's snake pupils suddenly shrank.

Soon, Orochimaru smiled, although this smile was not very comfortable.

"So it's Scorpion! I'm really honored."

As he said, Orochimaru unconsciously stretched out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth.

Shi Lu, who was standing by, grabbed Scorpion's arm and looked at Orochimaru with a vigilant look:

"Scorpion, you have to be careful, this guy doesn't look like a good person!"

"Well, I'm not a good person, but I'm not a bad person, right?"

Orochimaru was not annoyed by Shi Lu's evaluation, but instead smiled faintly.

Since Ye Ning said that Scorpion would provide him with another insight into immortality, he would naturally not be stingy with his patience.

What's more, he was also curious about the unknown crystal escape.

After following Orochimaru into his underground research institute, Orochimaru took the initiative to say:

"Ye Ning, I have already obtained the results of the things you asked me to study."

Hearing this, Ye Ning's eyes suddenly lit up and his breathing became a little faster.

Of course, he would not forget what he asked Orochimaru to help him study.

Bloody elimination!

At present, all his chakra attributes have been fused in pairs, forming four bloodline limits, and only three chakras have not been fused together at the same time.

Orochimaru's research has come to a conclusion, which means that he is about to master a new ability that is superior to the bloodline limit!

You know, even the famous Wood Release in the ninja world is just a blood limit.

In the entire ninja world, only Ohnoki has the ability of Blood Elimination Dust Release.

If he can complete it, he will immediately become the second in the ninja world.

Orochimaru smiled slightly, turned around and handed a piece of white paper to Ye Ning.

"On it, all the chakra ratios may be fused into the results of blood elimination. There are five types in total. I believe that if Ye Ning tries it himself, he will soon be able to show me a new ability."

Orochimaru was inexplicably proud.

This is the second blood elimination in the ninja world, which will be in his research

Born from the!

Orochimaru licked his lips, and his curiosity could not be suppressed.

Although he had found the fusion ratio of the five three-attribute chakras through research, he did not dare to try it easily.

Because once the fusion failed, it would be fatal.

If it was really that easy to merge successfully, there would not be only a few blood limit owners in the entire ninja world.

Therefore, why Ye Ning could merge successfully so easily became a mystery that Orochimaru wanted to solve.

Noticing that Scorpion and Tokika were still choosing rooms, Ye Ning smiled slightly:

"Orochimaru, I know you are full of curiosity about me. But compared to me, don't you think what the essence of this chakra is, which is more worthy of your attention?"

Orochimaru was really interested, and waited for Ye Ning to continue with interest.

But Ye Ning obviously would not give Orochimaru an answer.

He wanted to arouse Orochimaru's interest in this way, arouse his curiosity, and prompt him to continue working for him like this.

For this kind of scientist, besides using force to coerce and threaten, only science can arouse his interest.

Threats and coercion also worry that he will betray you at any time, but science can make him follow you willingly.

"I have recently discovered some interesting secrets about the Sharingan, the Byakugan, the Samsara Eye, and even the nature of Chakra. But I think that instead of telling you directly, it is better to let you study it yourself. I believe that the results of the research will excite you more than what I tell you."

Ye Ning spread his hands and whispered a little guidance to Orochimaru.

As Ye Ning spoke, Orochimaru's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his eyes looking at Ye Ning became more and more fiery.

"Is everything you said true?"

"Of course it's true, I don't have to lie to you."

Orochimaru was silent for a while, his expression gradually became serious:

"I understand. My research results in recent years will be completely handed over to Tsunade after she succeeds to the throne of Hokage."

What Ye Ning said just now not only dispelled his thoughts of becoming Hokage, but also made him interested in and concerned about another thing besides immortality.

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth, and a thought-provoking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If it is really as Ye Ning said, then this ninja world will be much more interesting than he imagined!

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