After returning to Konoha, Tsunade was much busier.

Most of them were related to the medical department, which was not pushed to Tsunade by the Sandaime.

The medical department was originally established by Tsunade alone. Now is an extraordinary period, so it naturally needs the leadership of the founder.

So... where should we go today?

Ye Ning fell into deep thought.

Tsunade took Shizune to work on the medical department, Scorpion was immersed in the experiment of making human puppets, and Tokigashi was only around Scorpion all day, leaving him alone.

Ye Ning thought carefully and found that he really didn't have many acquaintances in Konoha.

In addition to Fugaku, there was only Sakumo left.

How about going to Sakumo's house today?

Thinking of this, Ye Ning finally got interested.


"Your Highness Ye Ning? Why are you here?"

Sakumo looked Ye Ning up and down, with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

After three years, Ye Ning's appearance has not changed much. He is still as handsome as you readers, but Sakumo feels that Ye Ning seems to be different from three years ago.

But if he were to say what the specific changes are, he couldn't say.

"Why, Senior Sakumo doesn't welcome me? It's okay, can't I come and sit for a while?"

"Your Highness Ye Ning is joking. If you want to come, you can come anytime."

Sakumo smiled slightly and welcomed Ye Ning into the courtyard.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Ye Ning saw Kakashi.

Kakashi, who was about to turn nine, had obviously grown taller, but with messy white hair and a mask that only revealed a pair of dead fish eyes, Kakashi looked a little haggard.

To be precise, he looked like he hadn't woken up yet.

As soon as he saw Ye Ning, Kakashi paused in swinging the dagger in his hand, and his dead fish eyes, which had always been calm, also widened.

Ye Ning could even hear the creaking sound of Kakashi's teeth clenched under the mask.

Ye Ning was startled.

What happened?

He looked so bitter and vengeful... I didn't seem to have done anything to him, did I?

As for the expression he gave me?

Ye Ning looked up and down at himself, feeling a little puzzled.

But the next second, Kakashi put away the dagger, quickly ran to Ye Ning, and said angrily:

"Ye Ning, you lied to me!"

Kakashi wanted to cry but had no tears.

Three years ago, an unscrupulous guy lied to him and said that if he practiced swordsmanship seriously, he would teach him the ninjutsu Chidori that attracted him.

He didn't like swordsmanship at all!

But he was deceived by this sentence for so long and studied swordsmanship for so long!

The point is, when Kakashi finally got his father's approval in swordsmanship and wanted to find Ye Ning to learn Chidori, he found that this guy was no longer in Konoha and disappeared!

So, Ye Ning now is no different from a liar.

Ye Ning looked weird.

Is it because he opened it the wrong way? ?

Why does it feel that Kakashi...his personality now seems to be different from the Kakashi in his impression!

Is it because Sakumo did not choose to commit suicide, so Kakashi's personality has also changed?

Ye Ning was thoughtful, and knew what was going on, but a smile appeared on his face:

"When did I lie to you?"

"You clearly said you would teach me Chidori! I studied swordsmanship for so long!"

Do you know how much I suffered because of your words!

"Oh? Then when did I say I wouldn't teach you?"


A piercing chirping sound resounded through the courtyard, and the dazzling electric light suddenly filled Kakashi's eyes, and in just a moment, Kakashi swallowed all the words he wanted to say.

This is...


Kakashi's eyes burst into a fiery look.

The first time he saw this ninjutsu, Kakashi fell in love with it from the bottom of his heart.

Although there was a piercing chirping sound when performing the technique, the abundant electric light and the dizzying brilliance still fascinated Kakashi.

He practices swordplay from morning till night every day, all for this ninjutsu!

"Want to learn?"

Kakashi nodded without any hesitation.

You know what, Kakashi with a different personality is really cute.

"I was thinking of coming back to teach you before, but now, I suddenly don't want to teach you anymore."



Because someone just said something bad about me! I'm in a bad mood, how can I teach you?"

Ye Ning suppressed her smile and took advantage of Kakashi's young age to ravage him crazily:

"By the way, what should you call me? Hiss... Why did I hear someone calling me by my name just now! "

Hatake Sakumo on the side coughed twice to hide the laughter that was about to come out.

This is his own son... Can't laugh!

Hatake Sakumo really didn't expect that his son, who usually practiced swords and ninjutsu and never went out of the house, would actually have such an urgent moment.

But then again, the Chidori ninjutsu...

It's really strong!

With Sakumo's vision, he can naturally see the obvious advantages and disadvantages of the Chidori ninjutsu.

The advantage is that it gathers the lightning chakra in the hand, which has extremely strong penetration and destructive power, and is a well-deserved A-level ninjutsu. But the disadvantage is also obvious, the noise is too loud, which is not conducive to the battle between ninjas.

But overall, it is still a powerful ninjutsu with more merits than flaws.

Since His Highness Ye Ning is willing to This ninjutsu was taught to Kakashi, and he spent so much effort to polish Kakashi's mind...

Your Highness Ye Ning, you are such a good person!

Kakashi's face flushed red, and it was obvious that he was embarrassed.

When he was five years old, he was still a child, ignorant, and called out such a shameful name for a ninjutsu. But now, he has grown up!

Today, he will never say those two words out loud!

Never surrender!

Seeing Kakashi struggle for a moment and then close his mouth, Ye Ning laughed in his heart, but did not show it. Instead, he let the chakra in his palm slowly dissipate - the lightning formed by the Chidori gradually dimmed.

Ye Ning showed a trace of regret on his face:

"In this case, then Kakashi, you can only have no fate with the Chidori! But let's make it clear in advance, this time, you took the initiative to give up and don't learn it. Don't come to me again if you regret it in the future. "


Kakashi hesitated.

The temptation of Chidori was too great for him.

If it was really because of his face, he would never be able to learn ninjutsu like Chidori again...

What's the use of his face?

Besides, there was no one else here. Even if he called out, no one else would know except Ye Ning and his father...

Kakashi gritted his teeth and took advantage of the last second before Chidori completely disappeared, and shouted loudly:

"Uncle Ye Ning!"

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