Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 555: selfish

While Mizuki was feeling happy about his recent good luck, Shimura Danzo was not in a good mood.

Sending people to try to secretly capture the Nan-Tails Zhuli, it doesn't matter if it doesn't succeed. The trouble is, there are some bad changes in the follow-up, which makes his opponents, especially Mizuki, more and more prestige.

For some time now, Danzo's efforts to improve his presence in the village do not seem to be very effective. After a series of actions were implemented, there was little response.

If you can get the support of the public, it will naturally be the best result; even if you don't, as long as you can improve your popularity, it will be considered a success; if it is opposed by many people, it will be a very bad result.

The actual result was worse than Danzo had expected. Konoha villagers, including most of the ninjas, were indifferent to the frequent appearances and actions of Danzo and "Root" members.

For an aspiring politician, there is no situation more helpless than being ignored. Even if someone blatantly jumped out and fought against Danzo, it would be much better than the current embarrassing situation. At least he still has the opportunity to show his talent, force or courage. As long as he shows his political ideas, then there will be people who have the same aspirations. Sooner or later, they will gather under their command.

Being ambitious, unscrupulous, and advocating force is not a big problem for a politician. The problem is that your ideas are not supported or even understood at all. This is the most desperate thing.

Danzo, who had already realized that he had missed his best performance, was not discouraged. He had waited so long, and he didn't care if he waited a few more years.

Many people think they are getting old, but Danzo knows that his body can last a long time.

Although Tsunade looks very young, she is actually an old woman who is over fifty years old. Among ninjas whose average lifespan is not very long, she is definitely not young. No matter how old he looks, he can't hold the position of Hokage for too long. At that time, he will have a chance.

And the ninja world seems to be more and more unstable. If a big accident occurs, it is a perfect opportunity.

As for the big clans such as Inoka Butterfly, Hyuga, and Oil Maiden, they do not have the stamina to aspire to the position of Hokage; the younger Kakashi Hatake, Asma Sarutobi, Mizuki and others are not to be taken seriously. , being strong is one thing, but Hokage is not just something that can be coveted by strength. As far as Danzo could see, he could not see the possibility that these budding juniors could threaten his status.

There is another unfortunate thing, the transaction with Orochimaru seems to have become less enthusiastic for some reason. Originally thought it would impress Orochimaru's chips, but the other party didn't seem to be very interested.

Of course, Danzo is already quite satisfied with the results of the current cooperation. The biggest gain is that this ninja in front of Konoha Anbu's standard battle suit, except for his black hair, can't see any features, the mask covers the whole face, only a pair of blood red three can be seen through the eye holes. Gouyu write round eye.

"I thought I could harvest a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels, but it still doesn't work!"

The most ideal situation did not appear. The fighting ability of Mudun and Sangouyu is not bad. In addition, the Mudun ninjutsu collected by Danzo over the years, as well as the secret art of scribing that was captured from the Uchiha family. Positive. The combat power has surpassed most of Konoha's shinobi. The brutal training in the past few months has completely turned this life out of nothing into a killing machine that only knows how to obey orders.

"Now there is a task, you have to complete it immediately!"

"Please order!"

The conditioned reflexes formed in countless trainings made this young ninja who did not even know common sense and was full of obedience to kneel on one knee and wait for the order.

"The Land of Wind, Sandyin Village, the assassination of the monk Fa Yi, this is the map where the mission objective is!"


After receiving the information from Danzo, the resolute "root" ninja used the Shunshu technique to disappear in place.

"Don't let me down, A!"

A, used to be the code name of Tenzo, who had high hopes by Danzo, when he was in the "root" organization. In that era of war, Danzang had not yet obtained the power of Mudun and Sharinyan. The only user of Mudun in the village, Tianzang, was Danzang's hope of realizing his ideals, so he was given this code name.

And now, this code name, which symbolizes the original "A", once again has a successor.

As for the monk Fayi of Sandyin Village, he was a disciple of Zhuli, a monk who was a respected and respected monk. Although he was not very capable in frontal combat, as long as he was allowed to set up his positions, his own existence would A fortress that is difficult to break, even the strength of people and pillars will be suppressed. At the same time, Fa Yi also has an extremely clever seal technique, which can directly strip the tailed beast from the human Zhuli body and seal it on his body.

This monk Fayi is not like his teacher, a recluse who is not born and has nothing to do with the world, but is an opponent who is extremely dissatisfied with the current one-tailed person Zhuri Gaara and intends to replace him.

More than ten years ago, the fourth generation of Kazekage, Luosha, took advantage of the rights as Kazekage and the special blood lineage that his youngest son, Gaara, inherited from his mother, Kaura, and forcibly designated Gaara as the one-tailed person Zhuri. .

Luo Sha's behavior once made many people in Shayin Village dissatisfied. Later, a series of accidents caused by Gaara and the indiscriminate killing of innocent people caused public anger. This is also the reason why many people now look at Gaara. The mistakes and killings that have been made will not be eliminated, and the people who have been killed will not be resurrected because of Gaara's remorse. Resentment is not so simple and easy to dissolve.

The leaders of the opposition, Fu Yi and the monk Fayi, intend to replace Ren Zhuli. Although there are not many supporters, they have been taking action and trying to win over more supporters.

"I originally thought that Shuimu and Tianzang would go to Shayin Village to solve this problem easily. Tsunade, you are so disappointing, you are even more indecisive than the third generation."

Not interfering in the internal affairs of allies? It's just a joke, the defeated will act recklessly, aren't they afraid of Konoha's dissatisfaction? What's the hesitation to support someone who is more beneficial to you to take charge of Shayin Village?

In Shimura Danzo's eyes, Konoha's interests are unshakable. As for the feelings and fears of allies, they need to use swords to test each other and find their own position. Although Tsunade's long-sleeved good dance has eased the situation of Konoha Village a lot, it is still not a qualified Hokage in Danzo's view.

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