Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 556: Cooperation secret

In the battle between ninjas, if the strength gap is not too big, and the intelligence advantage can be fully utilized, it will be difficult for the opponent to turn the tables. Especially when someone like Shuimu occupies the right place and the right place, and is still thinking of secretly plotting against someone, it is even more difficult to escape.

"The premise is of course that there is a means to target the fusion, and the battle must be resolved quickly, and it must not be delayed. There are too many variables in a protracted battle. 』

Not good at water escape is the biggest shortcoming of Mizuki. Among the ninjas who are familiar with each other, Mizudun uses it well, and at the same time has the specialty of having a large amount of chakra, and can use a wide range of ninjutsu continuously, then there is no one.

However, although there is no water escape, there is a **** boundary—ice escape by my side, and the owner of the **** boundary is reassuring enough that there will be basically no leakage of secrets.

"Looks like a decision needs to be made! 』

In the previous covert operations, Mizuki never brought Xiao Chun with him. The most important reason was that he couldn't help, and he didn't want her to take risks.

But this time, it seems that Tsubaki's help is really needed. In the face of the threat of Rong Dun, it is very important to obtain the four-tailed chakra without harming Lao Zi too much. Ice Dun, which is also the limit of blood, is very important. No matter what tactics, if you want to limit Lao Zi's power, Rong Dun It is an unavoidable problem.

Shuimu carefully sorted out the heat-insulating gloves that had just been repaired. This thing is difficult to make and even more troublesome to repair. It took a lot of time to restore it to its original state. Now it seems that the left glove has more scratches and vicissitudes than the right glove. .

How useful it can be, Shuimu is not sure, it will be burned by Qian Zhengling, and it is estimated that it will not be much better in the face of Rong Dun.

The strength has improved too fast, and many ninja tools that I thought were not bad are gradually becoming unusable now.

"Talk is better than nothing! 』

With Mizuki's fighting method, the help of weapons to Mizuki will become smaller and smaller, unless it is a magical weapon like Kusanagi sword and Uchiha fan, otherwise, it is too easy to break.

During this time, Shuimu has been waiting for news from the clone in charge of the investigation. Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that the mysterious character is Lao Zi, and there are more and more signs that the day when he is found Not too far.

From determining the situation to setting up the battlefield and traps, it does not take a long time. The general method, Shuimu already has a spectrum.

Outside the study, Xiao Meixing woke up. After she was full, she was still in good spirits, but her hands and feet were weak and she couldn't do much movement, so she couldn't do anything about many things she was interested in, and Xiao Meixing, who couldn't satisfy her curiosity, grinned. began to cry.

"Shui Mu, quickly take out the master of Haifang!"

"Got it, come right away!"

Well, this majestic sea monster in the sea has now completely turned into a toy to amuse children.

Putting down the things at hand, Shuimu walked out of the study with a smile, came to the crying Xiao Meiyue, stretched out his palm and turned it over, and the chubby little water ball-like Master Haifang appeared in Shuimu's palm.

The water monster, who has been completely terrified, seems to have gradually accepted his new identity as a children's toy. Without Shuimu worrying too much, he transforms himself into various funny shapes, and then simulates exaggerated shapes on the head. The facial features, changing tricks to make Xiao Meiyuki happy.

"This thing is not low in intelligence, and it already knows what to do when it sees someone."

Xiao Chun stretched out his hand and grabbed the owner of Haifang to observe it, and then shook it in front of Xiao Meixing. Xiao Meixing, who was crying, turned into a smile after a while.

"It's really a luxury to use such a strange psychic beast as a pet to coax children."

It is really useless to Shuimu. In fact, if this thing is well tuned, it is not useless, and there may be unexpected gains.

However, Shuimu thought about it and let it go. The master of Haifang basically has no growth potential, and he does not have too powerful tricks. Shuimu has so many topics that need to be studied urgently, so he will not find another trouble.

"What were you doing in the study just now?"

"Think of something!"

In order to think about tactics to deal with Lao Zi, this time really consumed a lot of brain cells,

"I need your help with something!"

"I've stopped talking for a few days, just to talk about this?"

Tsubaki said with a slight dissatisfaction,

"Didn't I say it long ago, if there is any trouble, we have to face it together!"

"I'm over-hearted."

If I was stronger and used Shui Dun a little more neatly, I wouldn't need Xiao Chun to take risks. In the final analysis, I still wasn't strong enough.

"The matter itself is not difficult, if there is an ice escape, it will be more certain!"

"Who are you going to deal with?"

"Don't worry, I'm not trying to do heinous things, the opponent is a traitor, and I'm not trying to kill him!"


As long as you don't do bad things behind the village's back, it doesn't matter.


"It will probably take a while, we discuss the tactics, and Bing Dun will also practice..."

At this moment, Xiao Meiyuki in Xiao Tsubaki's arms began to restlessly again, as if Mizuki and Xiao Tsubaki were patronizing and talking, leaving this little guy with super strong self-awareness in the cold.

"I really can't stand loneliness for a moment, it will be more difficult to serve in the future!"

Mizuki doesn't like to be the center of attention very much. Xiao Chun is also a very reserved woman. I didn't expect her daughter to be a very outgoing guy.

"Children of the same age will be bullied badly in the future."

"Who knows what it will be like in the future? Girls grow up and change a lot!"

Yes, but no matter how it changes, as long as it is not the type that is prone to nympho. With such a wise and powerful father, he should not be casually attracted by those potato-like boys!

In the country of stone, there are really few places more remote than this in the ninja world.

Even if it is sandwiched between two feuds—the country of wind and the country of earth, it is rarely a battlefield for the two sides to fight.

The land is barren, unproductive, and sparsely populated. Except for a small amount of evergreen vegetation, there are Gobi rapids and gravel hills everywhere. There are only a few small towns that are quite popular.

The pace of life of the residents here is very slow, the sense of crisis is not very strong, and the Ninja World War rarely affects this place. Old Zi, disguised as a wandering wandering monk, stayed here for a long time. Only recently, I always felt an inexplicable sense of urgency, which also gave Lao Zi the idea of ​​leaving here.

Lao Zi, who believes in fatalism, trusts these vague hunch very much. In the past, he has avoided crisis after crisis by relying on this intuition. This time, Lao Zi will naturally not be negligent.

Unfortunately, Lao Zi still underestimated the difficulty of the enemy this time...

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